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From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Manhunt (2004)

Manhunt is the first game in of Rockstar's more controversial franchises. James Earl Cash, a death row prisoner, is forced to participate in a series of snuff films for an underground director, former film producer Lionel Starkweather (voiced by Brian Cox).

Manhunt has been banned in several countries and implicated by the British media in a UK murder shortly after its release (to be exact, implicated by the victim's mother; as it turned out, she was so familiar with the game because it was the victim who owned a copy of Manhunt, not his killer).

The sequel was released in 2007.

The following weapons can be seen in the game:


Smith & Wesson Model 586

The Smith & Wesson Model 586 is used by many of the game's characters, and is referred to in-game simply as the "Revolver" (though it is named the ".38 Revolver" in the game's manual). It is often the only handgun available for much of the game. It holds 6 rounds and is reloaded round-by-round rather quickly by in-game characters, which is surprising given that none of them are seen to use speedloaders or similar devices to reload this weapon.

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Smith & Wesson Model 586 - produced in .357 Magnum and .38 Special
The ".38 Revolver"
Another view of the ".38 Revolver"

Glock 23

Called a "Light Handgun" or "GS Model 23" in the game, the Glock 23 is used in the game by a few gangs (most notably the "Smileys") and by Lionel Starkweather's (the "director" who tells you what to do and where to go in the game) personal henchmen. The gun itself is almost a carbon copy of the Glock, with only slight differences in the name and model. For example, the seven slide grooves are now at the front where as the real steel version has them at the back. It is even correctly referred to being chambered in .40 caliber.

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Glock 23 - .40 S&W
The "GS Model 23".

IMI/Magnum Desert Eagle Mark I

The Desert Eagle appears as the 'Heavy Handgun' or the more decorative 'Avenger Force .50 AE GS' in the game. It is used in the latter stages of the game by Carcer City SWAT officers and the Cerberus assault team. Like the Glock, the gun is almost an exact replica of the .50 caliber monster. Subtle differences that can be spotted is that the gun, whilst being chambered in .50 Action Express, holds 9 rounds which is what the .357 version of the Desert Eagle holds.

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A satin nickel Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 Magnum
The Desert Eagle in-game
Cash with his "Heavy Handgun".


Double Barreled Sawed-Off Shotgun

Powerful up close, the Double Barreled Sawed-Off Shotgun is used and seen in many areas of the game. The make and model are unclear. It fires two 12 gauge cartridges, although it is depicted in-game with huge barrels, implying that this is a very large-caliber gun.

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Stevens 311R (sawed-off) - 12 gauge
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For comparison: SK 1878 shotgun (non-firing version for loading scenes) from Appaloosa - 8 Gauge
The sawed off shotgun in the hands of some dangerous people.
More shotgun, more dangerous people.
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Cash with his "Sawed-Off Shotgun" in "Mouth of Madness".

Franchi SPAS-12

The Franchi SPAS-12 appears as "Sap 12" or "12-Gauge" in the game. Variants of this gun are carried by the CCPD/SWAT team as well as Cerberus with flashlights attached. This is the same model of SPAS-12 which was used in the early version of GTA: Vice City.

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SPAS-12 - 12 gauge
The SPAS-12 on Cash's back.

Sniper Rifles

Enfield Enforcer

Used in only a few missions, the Enfield Enforcer fires 7.62mm ammunition with an incorrect six shot capacity, as opposed to the correct 10. The gun appears to be bolt-action and very accurate. Its in-game name is simply "Sniper Rifle", but the manual's name for it is "IDK Type 2 Sniper." It should be noted that its HUD icon displays the PSG-1, which gives a hint that it was originally used instead of the Enfield.

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Enfield Enforcer with Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO
The sniper rifle being aimed by Cash.

Automatic Weapons

"Submachine Gun"

A mash-up of a Uzi and a MAC-10 (although it looks more like the Uzi), this fictional weapon has good range and fair accuracy, as well as a high rate of fire and is fed by 30-round magazines. It is referred to simply as "Sub-Machine Gun" in-game, as well as the "Spaz Mark 1" in the game's manual. The in-game HUD icon for the SMG appears to be a proper Uzi however. This SMG is primarily carried by CCPD officers and SWAT personnel in the game, and it is also seen in the hands of "The Skinz" as shown in the promotional picture below.

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IMI Uzi with stock removed - 9x19mm Parabellum
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Ingram MAC-10 - 9x19mm Parabellum
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The "Carcer City SWAT" fire their SMGs in "Wrong Side of the Tracks".

M16A2 (mockup)

The M16A2 rifle is called the "Defender Mark 1", and can be fired in semi or fully automatic. The original textures of the weapon are based on the M933, and modified to resemble an M16A2. The carry handle texture is chopped in such a way as to have the thumb nuts removed, the collapsible stock reshaped into a fixed one and the handguard is elongated. The game manual also states that the weapon has 990mm total length and 533mm barrel length which is in line with M16 parameters. However, the shorter in game barrel appears to be due to recycling the barrel directly from the original texture which is actually an 11.5" barrel as can be seen in Manhunt 2 where the unmodified original texture is used. The gun also holds 30 rounds, despite being fitted with a 20-round STANAG magazine. This gun is quite powerful; 2-3 shots to the body will kill, whereas a shot to the head will remove most of it entirely. It is only seen in the last few levels of the game in the hands of Cerberus agents.

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Colt M16A2 - 5.56x45mm
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Colt Model 933 with bayonet lug deleted and thinner A1-profile barrel - 5.56x45mm. This is essentially the configuration of the original unmodified textures.
A Cerberus team member holds a "Defender Mark 1".
A "Cerberus Militia" member with the M16A2.


Tranquillizer Gun

A Tranquilizer Rifle, reminiscent of a Ruger 10/22 fitted with a suppressor. While technically not a firearm, it is the most non-violent way to subdue an enemy. It is used in only a few missions. The gun fires .50 caliber Ketamine shots, enough of a dosage to make Mike Tyson fall asleep. Unrealistically, given this caliber, the tranquilizer rifle holds 10 rounds in a single magazine, which appears to be extremely thin on the in-game model.

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A Ruger 10/22 suppressed - .22 LR
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The world model of the Ruger 10/22-based rifle.
The rifle carried by Cash.
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a "Wardogs Militia" aim his Ruger 10/22.

Cut Weapons

Heckler & Koch PSG-1

The PSG-1 was to appear as a second (or, more likely, the initial) sniper rifle, but was removed before the final release.

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Heckler & Koch PSG-1 - 7.62x51mm NATO
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The render of the removed PSG-1
a "Wardogs Militia" Artwork shows the cut Heckler & Koch PSG-1 Model.

Heckler & Koch MP5K

The MP5K is an another cut weapon. As with several other Manhunt weapons, for some mysterious reason it can be found in the GTA: San Andreas game files. It may have been the original in-game submachine gun, later replaced by the mutant Uzi.

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Heckler & Koch MP5K with 15-round magazine - 9x19mm