This article is about the video game series, and covers weapons appearing in the released titles Doom, Doom 2, The Ultimate Doom, Final Doom and Doom 64. For the 2005 live-action adaptation, see Doom.
Doom is a 1993 videogame released for the PC and later for a variety of other systems by id Software. A spiritual successor to the earlier Wolfenstein 3D, it represented a radical leap forward in technology, with an advanced engine which could handle non-orthagonal walls and pseudo-3D effects such as stairs and elevators.
The following weapons appear in the video games of the classic Doom franchise:
Doom was followed by a series of sequels/modifications using the same set of weapons; Doom 2 in 1994 was a major engine update and as well as featuring new monsters featured a new weapon, the "Super Shotgun." This was followed by The Ultimate Doom in 1995 (a simple expansion of the original title) and Final Doom in 1996. In 1997 Doom 64 was released as the last entry in the original franchise as an exclusive title for the Nintendo 64 (Although it would later receive an official port in 2020 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC), featuring an entirely new campaign, overhauled graphics and art assets, and both new and modified weapons and enemies. Finally, in that same year, Hacx was released as an officially licensed and commercially marketed addon that served as a total conversion for Doom II (as opposed to it being a stand-alone game).
Given that the majority of these titles feature the same graphics, and that the latter two feature little in the way of firearms in general this article will all such be all of the games that can be considered to be a part of the classic Doom library.
As a note, Doom used a process of photographic digitization to create the sprites used in the game itself; monsters were created from latex, while the weapons were toy guns and cap-firing replicas bought from the local Toys "R" Us. In many ways this is would be similar to later games using photographs of either real or replica firearms to texture 3D modeled weapons. If the toy or replica is known, then that will likely be referenced. However, given the number of weapons in the Doom games that aren't even meant to be firearms, this page will for the most part layout only the weapons tha are actually firearms in-universe. For weapons such as the Plasma Rifle or BFG9000 see the talk page for information.
Beretta 92FS
The "Pistol" in the first three Doom titles is a Beretta 92FS, as evident from the general shape of the top of the gun. According to game designer John Romero, the pistol was created from photographs of a bright orange water pistol that was modeled after a Beretta and that was then painted black before it was photographed. The pistol is one of the weakest of the game's weapons, and isn't very useful after obtaining virtually any other weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92FS - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingDoom Guy (as he's usually referred too, although Doom II simply calls the character Our Hero. Moreover, nearly all text just simply calls him You) holds his Beretta 92FS on E1M1 "Hangar," hoping that the digitization process has turned the water pistol into a functioning firearm. Note the distinctly Beretta-esque front of the slide. Although it's hard to tell exactly what details were lost from the prop, the hammer appears to be rather clearly just molded onto the toy without much ado.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Beretta in mid-recoil. Note that the barrel can be seen protruding past the slide here. Meanwhile, it appears that the separation between the barrel and the gun's slide has largely been edited out, givnig the top of the gun a very smooth look.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe full extent of the digitization is revealed in the full recoil graphic. The front of the gun still looks rather Beretta-ish, but many details have been washed away. As it happens, this graphic, which removes the protruding barrel from the last one, is not actually in any of the final games as it was cut from the animation before release. The graphic, however, remained in the game's files so it could be restored with mods such as this one (Smooth Doom).
Desert Eagle Mark I
Doom 64 swapped out the Beretta styled pistol for a Desert Eagle of some kind, likely a Mark I model, and is mostly identifiable from the shape of the back of the slide and the hammer, the shape of the rear sight, and the contours of the barrel. Although the digital pixelation makes it hard to pick out details for a specific make, most notably the safety, while visible, is not altogether identifiable, making an accurate classification difficult.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMagnum Research Desert Eagle Mark I - .357 MagnumError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Desert Eagle in Doom 64 is held at the ready. Note the distinctive shape and contours of the rear of the slide and the shape of the sights (although the notch in the rear sight has been filled for some reason) and angles on the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe barrel shape is clearer when the gun recoils. Of course, the hammer stays down throughout the entire animation.
"Shotgun" (Tootsie-Toy "Dakota" cap gun)
One of the earliest available weapons in any Doom title is its famous pump-action shotgun. However, rather than being based on a real firearm design, the gun is made up of photographs of a Tootsie-Toy "Dakota" cap gun, a popular type of toy gun that was made from the 1980s to the 1990s and is not based on any particular real-world firearm. Doom 64 introduced new sprites for the shotgun, seemingly based on an entirely different gun. However, the exact model, if it is indeed based on anything specific, isn't very clear from the sprites themselves. Unfortunately, due to spacial limitations with the Nintendo 64's game cartridges, the shotgun does not feature a pump animation, leaving the player with no profile view of the weapon. The pickup sprite for the gun, however, still seems to resemble the "Dakota" cap gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTootsietoy Dakota cap shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoom Guy holds his Dakota cap gun at the ready, certainly pleased that it's capable of firing buckshot instead of cap smoke. As it happens, a bit more of the gun graphics can be seen when the player HUD is removed, although, without removing it, this how the gun appears with the game in it's standard field of view.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter firing a round, Doom Guy brings the weapon up to pump it. Note the end of the barrel, which is clearly the Dakota cap gun. In the game's early Alpha, more of the front sight was visible on the graphic, but for the final release it was shortened. As to whether or not the orange tip of the gun was spray painted before being photographed or if was colored black digitally, the truth is unknown.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoom Guy pumps the action fully in a different part of the same level.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe pickup sprite for the shotgun is very clearly not based on the "Dakota" cap gun, and seems to have been drawn by hand. Most notably it has a shorter tube under the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe splashscreen for The Ultimate Doom (A redux version of the original Doom that added nine new levels) shows the Doom Guy blasting away with a space gun while holding the Tootsie-Toy "Dakota" cap gun in his other hand. Although the subject of this image is a digital render of the game's box art, the shotgun was not originally present. Compared to the hand drawn elements, the shotgun is clearly a photograph, giving us the most uninterrupted in-game look at the weapon. However, it appears the trigger and trigger guard have been erased from the photo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Shotgun Guy in Doom II totes a generic pump-action shotgun of his own.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shotgun from Doom 64 appears to be an entirely different weapon. However, due to memory limitations on the game cartridge, a pumping aniamtion was not included, offering no further angles. Note the pickup sprite, which in this game is the same for both the Shotgun and Super Shotgun. The pickup sprite appears to be a sawed off shotgun with exposed hammers, although there also seems to be a mag tube under the barrel.
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
The only new weapon to appear in Doom II was the "Super Shotgun," a sawed-off break open 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun that proved to be extremely popular in multiplayer circles. The weapon has since appeared in every Doom title since, save for Doom 3, which didn't introduce the weapon until its expansion pack Resurrection of Evil. The gun always fires both barrels at the same time and is instantly reloaded upon doing so, making it the only weapon in the classic Doom game to do so up until Hacx introduced a reloading Uzi. A slightly more detailed looking sawed-off appears in Doom 64, although due to a lack of memory space on the game cartridge, the gun's lengthy reload animation was cut. However, it still makes the necessary sounds.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingDominion Arms Outlaw Sawed Off shotgun - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Super Shotgun" as seen in the final level of Doom II: Icon of Sin. It's a pretty run-of-the-mill sawed-off double barreled shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe double barreled shotgun at the ready. It's not known if these graphics were photographed from a real gun, fake gun, or if they are hand drawn (and, if the latter, whether it was based on anything that existed).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe gun in recoil, showing off a rather large wood handguard. The reflections on the barrel are notably duller than on the pump shotgun, which was rather obviously made of plastic. If photographed, it's possible that a blued double barreled shotgun was actually used. Of course, lets hope they didn't commit any felonies to get a short-barrel shotgun. By the way, note that the hand visible is the left hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoom Guy reloads the shotgun, also with his left hand. For some reason, though perhaps due to the angle of the barrels, the fact that Doom Guy uses his left hand to put shells in has led some fans to think that this animation was mistakenly rendered with two left hands, calling Doom Guy's biology into question. This confusion could also stem from the fact he fires the pistol with his left hand, whereas he seems to likely be using his right hand for the shotguns and Plasma Rifle.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Doom 64 Super Shotgun, which has no reload animation thanks to the space limitations of the Nintendo 64 game cartridge.
Submachine Guns
Hacx, an officially licensed and commercially released total conversion for Doom II features an Uzi submachine gun as an answer to the Doom/Doom II Chaingun weapon. Notably, whereas the Chaingun would fire two around at a click of the button, the Uzi fires four. Whenever the player stops firing, the player character will pause to reload the Uzi. However, as there is no real magazine/round count mechanic, this is more of an aesthetic choice. No matter how many rounds are fire, whether it's ten or an entire payload of six-hundred, the weapon only reloads when the players releases the trigger.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe unnamed Hacx protagonist holds his Uzi "gangsta-style" in the game's first level. This is probably the most realistic looking real-world firearm in any Doom release.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor some reason flames erupt from the handguard when firing the Uzi.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs mentioned before, the Uzi will reload as soon as the player stops firing, regardless of how many rounds were spent. Note that the magazine seems to have a bullet drawn into it. Even modern games forget to add this detail sometimes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Hacx character pushes the mag in, giving us the full profile of the Uzi. However, it appears the ejection port was put on the wrong side of the gun. Whoops. Note the visible folding stock on the rear of the gun, though.
Machine Guns
"Chaingun" (Tootsie-Toy "Ol' Painless"/Hand Held M134 Minigun)
Found in Doom's second level, the "Chaingun" (actually a minigun) is a machine gun weapon that's useful for ventilating low level foes quickly. The graphics are photographed from a cap-firing toy minigun, a Tootsie-Toy "Ol' Painless," which appears to be partly inspired by the hand held M134 Minigun. Interestingly, the in-game pickup sprite ditches the real world inspiration of the toy for what appears to be a box fed minigun that appears as if it's supposed to be held like a conventional rifle. Interestingly, the Heavy Weapon Dude enemies in Doom II actually hold the gun with one hand while using their other arm to feed a cartridge belt that itself comes from a backpack the zombie soldier wears.
"Ol' Painless" Handheld M134 Minigun with M60 Handguard, as seen in Predator - 7.62x51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingTootsietoy Ol' Painless Gatling Gun. A spitting image, almost.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Chaingun in E1M2 of Doom. Note what appears to be a box magazine under the receiver (?) and the hint of a trigger guard under a really fat grip. Apparently it doesn't even have a stock. Also of note is the single protruding barrel, despite the first-person graphic showing that all of the barrels protrude past the last "ring."Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Chaingun/Minigun in the first-person.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe barrels in mid-rotation as the gun fires. Every click of the fire button will fire two rounds with pin point accuracy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn apparent hint as too the operation of the Chaingun presents itself in Doom II with the Heavy Weapons Dude, who seems to tuck it under his arm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFurthermore, the gun seems to be supported by a sling. Note how the zombie uses his other arm to feed in a belt rather than there being a box magazine as supported by the appearance of the pick up sprite.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe final boss of Doom happens to have a massive minigun of their own mounted on a robotic chassis.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Doom 64 minigun looks more like an M134 minigun in some respects than the original Chaingun, although all of the barrels now have vented shrouds...for some reason. Probably to look cool, actually.
Generic Rifle
Zombiemen and the world graphics of the protagonist character (Referred to as Our Hero in Doom II, and more colloquially known as Doom Guy by fans) both carry a rather generic looking rifle that looks to be something of a cross between an M16 and a USAS-12 shotgun. It's not actually a weapon that's available in the game.