Talk:The Expendables: Difference between revisions
Talk:The Expendables: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Talk:The Expendables: Difference between revisions
Geez man, lose the attitude. And don't you ever tell me to blow you. I have never seen you write anything on this site but rude and asshole comments. --[[User:humanzie3|humanzie3]]
Geez man, lose the attitude. And don't you ever tell me to blow you. I have never seen you write anything on this site but rude and asshole comments. --[[User:humanzie3|humanzie3]]
::You've never seen me post anything but rude and asshole comments? Guess reading isn't something you're very good at then, cause there are other comments from me on THIS VERY PAGE where I posted about the fixing the Kimbers entry, discussed what pistol Jet Li was carrying, and agreed with some other dudes that Stallone's gun in the tunnel was the Diplomat and not an MP7. Actually, wait a sec, I think I remember you now, you're that dude who thought using the Harris technique was a "Call of Duty" homage then got mad when me and some other dudes told you it probably wasn't an homage, right? [[User:DKS01|DKS01]] 04:24, 31 August 2010 (UTC)
:I think it just stands out because it's rare for a lot of movie stars to wear anything on their head at all. Off the top of my head, I think the only movies where Arnold wears anything on his head is in the Conan movies, where's he's got that weird headband thing. Not even in Predator, where it would've made sense, did he wear a hat. --[[User:Funkychinaman|funkychinaman]] 23:54, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
:I think it just stands out because it's rare for a lot of movie stars to wear anything on their head at all. Off the top of my head, I think the only movies where Arnold wears anything on his head is in the Conan movies, where's he's got that weird headband thing. Not even in Predator, where it would've made sense, did he wear a hat. --[[User:Funkychinaman|funkychinaman]] 23:54, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
anyone know what the 6th barrel down is, between the silenced M4 and the MP7? Might be a shotgun of sorts, based on the barrel/handguard...also no magazine. Can pick out the grip/trigger to the right of the skull's eye.
I think it's a Detonics Scoremaster, Check out the two Pictures on the 1911 section.
It's got the same trigger, and possibly the same magazine buttpad and hammer.
Look at this pic of Jet Li, the grip on his 'CQB'. Thats a Heckler & Koch 416?
Definatly a 416 look at the shape of the grip. Is Terry Crews using frag 12 rounds, as frag 12's normally come in a green casing and the spent cartridges in the image all appear to be see thu / white. this could of course just be hollywood, being hollywood - Captain Snikt
I also thing stathams 92 is most likely a 92G elite, or a ninety two based on the squared off pistol grip - captain snikt
Tango Down makes a pistol grip almost identical to that of the HK416, the BG-16 Battle Grip or so it's supposedly called. It could be one of those. I'd rather wait until we can find better shots of his gun to determine whether it's a 416 or not. Spartan198 23:34, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Is it me or does anybody else miss hearing arnie's voice lol
I just saw Commando last week I don't miss his voice Excalibur01 17:38, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
Anyone else think Clint Eastwood shoulda had a cameo?
I gotta disagree. He was huge int he 80s of course, but not in the same way these guys were. Eastwood is on another level in many ways. My question, where is Segal? Chuck Norris? Tom Berhinger?
I agree on Clint. While he was a definite star, he was a different sort of star than these guys. As for your question about where is Seagal? Well, he WAS offered a part and turned it down. Apparently, Seagal has issues with one of the produces of The Expendables and refuses to work with him(you can catch him September in Machete though). Jean-Claude Van Damme was also offered a role and turned it down, because he "doesn't want his career going in that direction"(that direction being "up" I assume), and Kurt Russell turned a part down due to "a lack of interest in ensemble acting at this time". Wesley Snipes was going to be in it, but he wasn't allowed to leave the country due to that whole tax evasion thing, so he couldn't go down to South America or Mexico or wherever it was they filmed it. Chuck woulda fit in too, but I don't think he was offered a part. And Berrenger? Nothing against the guy, but Berrenger was pretty much third tier even in his heyday, even the average classic action fan isn't gonna bring him up when they're thinking of action stars. Not that I woulda opposed him don't get me wrong, but at the same time, I don't think his omission is exactly as noticeable as say, Seagal or Mel Gibson(I think we can all guess why he wasn't offered a part) for example. I also missed Chow Yun-Fat. Li is a badass to be sure and I'm glad he's here, but woulda been cool to see Chow going back to old school Woo-mode and packing a couple handguns as well. DKS01 12:52, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Addendum. Apparently at Comic-Con, Stallone said "I talked to Van Damme. I talked to [Steven] Segal. I even talked to Chuck Norris." He then added, "But there are certain considerations, like insanity.". Not sure if the insanity line was specifically for one of them, or all of them. DKS01 22:50, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Screw Chuck Norris bring Jack Bauer up in here. 24guns
I totally woulda dug Kiefer Sutherland getting a part. DKS01 12:52, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Jackie Chan should have been in this. Spartan198 23:36, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Nope, Jackie Chan focuses on much lighter 'comical' action fare. He would not be comfortable with such grisly violence as this does not fit with his cinema history well at all. It would not have made sense to include Jackie Chan. MoviePropMaster2008 18:51, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
The pistols list as Charles Daly Customs are Kimber Customs with Bright Blue finish. But I will confirm before I change the heading.-Phoenixent 00:04, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Who in their right mind would customize a Charles Daly...I would have to hear it from the movie armor himself before i believe that one.--Spades of Columbia 15:49, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
CONFIRMED:Whoever thought they were CDs could not have been further off. Like the above, my vote went for Kimber, and NOW it is CONFIRMED--->
After this confirmation I changed the heading on the main page to reflect this. Since, I confess, I'm kinda new at editing this, I just changed the heading, wasn't sure if the details of the customization are meant to be included or not. If they are, feel free to add whatever is necessary. DKS01 02:27, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
I think there is a Saiga 12 being used by Hale Caesar (Terry Crews) in the clip
Holy Cow
So many action stars in one movie. This can only be good --Milkovich 15:59, 17 July 2010 (UTC)
Can anyone identify the plane nd the machine guns in the nose they use to take out the dock?
I would guess either .30 or .50 cal browning machine guns
Plane is a Grumman HU-16 Albatross. --Sidewinder Forge 14:33, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
And they are identified in 'the making of' pre-released video as 50 cals, so I assume they are AN-M2 machine guns MoviePropMaster2008 18:52, 28 August 2010 (UTC)
Gunnar's M79
I saw a Clip from when the Screenshot was taken. I believe he uses a Non-Explosive round like the HK69A1 in Miami Vice.
I mean, I shouldn't be surprised that Stalone has massive hands, but still, the Beretta and the SSA look absolutely tiny in his hands. Acora 04:58, 11 August 2010 (UTC)
Willis' Role
From what I've heard, Willis isn't just a cameo. He apparently plays an important part in the plot. At least, that's what I've heard. Acora 21:32, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
I saw it today. He isn't much more than a cameo. Three minutes of screen time, and mentioned again later.
Stallone and Statham make up a sizeable portion of it, effectively being the two leads.
-SasquatchJim, 19:47 EST 13 August 2010
Just watched it
Pardon my french, but i fucking loved it!!! Arnie and bruce sadly only do cameos, but its worth it for a few jokes.
But onto the guns. Stallone (barny ross) is packing a pair of Charles Daly M1911's (which sometimes he fires so fast it nears automatic) one on each thigh. He does some perfect and frankly beautiful speedloads with them too. On the same belt he also caries the custom single action army on a quickdraw rig to his rear.
Stathams (lee christmas) main sidearm, seen mostly in the final action peice is a Beretta 92G Elite 1A which he uses in conjunction with throwing knives and if im being honest kinda steals the show.
The other real star of the movie is Terry Crews AA12, given its own into speech he even shows us the Frag 12 mini rocket out of its casing and explains to the audience just how cool the frag 12 really is, and the scenes he uses it truely do it justice, people are torn apart in a gorey wargasm.
Oh and Dolph Lundgren (Gunnar) briefly threatens Stone Cold with a shorty shotgun with a folding frong grip, much like Tubb's from miami vice, possibly a franchi but i cant be sure.
Ok there's my 50 cents, but it really did kick ass--Captain Snikt 23:56, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
Agreed, Captain. The scene where he first uses the AA-12 is EPIC. I'm not normally a fan of the AA-12, but I had to respect it here. Also, many of Statham's fistfight scenes were awesome.
As a side note, I believe the shotgun was a Serbu Super Shorty. I could easily be wrong, though.
I think Yin was using a Steyr TMP in the back of Barney's truck. Again, don't quote me on that.
-SasquatchJim, 21:22 EST, 13 August 2010 (Not a member, but I've been told to sign my posts.)
Suberu shorty looks like the gun, but i think it was a brugger and thompet MP9 not the TMP due to the folding stock, and its always good practise to sign your posts --Captain Snikt 00:35, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh, sorry. I've never heard of the MP9. BTW, am I signing my posts right, since I'm not a user? -SasquatchJim 21:55 EST 13 August 2010
Brugger and Thommet bought out the stery tmp design an released ith with a folding stock as the MP-9, and yeah, thats fine, you dont need the date/time stamp but its always welcome --Captain Snikt 01:16, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
It was badass, just a great fun to watch action movie not loaded with preachy messages or other bullshit. They said it would be like an awesome 80s action movie, and delivered. BTW, I dont think there charles daly 1911s. Im betting their kimbers like Pheonixint said. BTW, remember when i think it was steve austin took off stallone's vest (which looked like a blackhawk strike) and said that without the kevlar hed be ripped apart or something to that effect, that the vest had no kevlar, it was just load bearing equipment, no panels or plates.
No crap...where is the evidence that these are Charles daly? Like i said, who would buy a cheap 1911 just to customize it all badass like?--Spades of Columbia 20:10, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
And pheonixint is in the industry, his info is usually real solid, while i dont see one shred of evidence its a bargain bin 1911.
There's only one reason I can think as to why they'd be CD 1911s: The directors wanted to save money bu using inexpensive 1911s and customizing them. E.G. Using a $600 1911 instead of a $3000 one. I don't know, though.-SasquatchJim
The Knives
Does anyone know the knives that they used in the movie? I saw some links to the ones that Sly and Doph uses, but I want to know what are the ones that Jason Statham uses. He had the kunai throwing knives and the folding knife in that one scene. I really want that knife now. Excalibur01 21:23, 14 August 2010 (UTC)
In the end credits, it says knives provided by Gil Hibben. Tool's throwing knives in the end were definitely Hibbens. --funkychinaman 21:05, 15 August 2010 (UTC)
The first knife Tool drew from his boot and threw, was a Cold Steel Espada. Gunner313
Gunner's 1911
During the car chase Gunner uses a 1911 that looks alot like the one's used by Thomas Jane in The Punisher (2004). It was black with a silver compensator. Anybody else see it? humanzie3
What gun is stallone using in the tunnels?
I couldn't see it good enough to ID but it looks like a MP7. Anyone else got an opinion?--FIVETWOSEVEN 01:20, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure Stallone was using one of the kitted out M4A1 Carbine things, but he was holding it with one hand by the foregrip instead of at the ready because he was using it mainly for the flashlight. - Gunmaster45
Pretty much. I have no idea what part of that thing looks like an MP7. If you look at the main page, the Vltor rifles were all what the team was using Excalibur01 03:27, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
I know he was using a Vltor later but when he was alone in the tunnels. I don't know just had a feeling it was.--FIVETWOSEVEN 14:38, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
I think the bad dark lighting of the movie confused you Excalibur01 14:39, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
He was holding the vltor by the surefire light foregrip, definatly - Captain snikt
Yep, I just saw the movie again, and as the other guys said, he's carrying the Vltor by the foregrip, there's no MP7 in sight. DKS01 22:01, 17 August 2010 (UTC)
Its a noveske, vltor makes the stock and rail system.
I was looking at the front of the gun and never looked at the back so it looked like a machine pistol of somesort so I assumed a MP7. --FIVETWOSEVEN 16:46, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
Someone needs to add these guns.--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:24, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Yin Yang's pistol?
Anyone recall what pistol Jet Li's character was carrying at the end battle? There was so much going on during that assault that I was just sitting and enjoying the carnage, without paying as much attention to weapon details as I normally would. And now that I'm sitting here trying to recall, my mind is blanking on me. Anyone able to refresh my memory? DKS01 02:32, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
He had a pistol? There was too much for me to take in at once!--FIVETWOSEVEN 04:24, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, he most noticeably using it when he was clearing the soldiers out of one of those tents or whatever they were. DKS01 05:55, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Oh yeah now I remember it, I believe it was a Beretta. I could be wrong though.--FIVETWOSEVEN 15:00, 18 August 2010 (UTC)
Its definaty a 'box' shaped pistol, I just watched it again, looked like a p99 to me, but the only times we see it he is moving, there are no close up either --Captain Snikt 22:27, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Now that you mention it, I vaguely recall it looking like a P99 as well. DKS01 22:30, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
i say it looked like a small glock, maybe a 19, not sure
low quality caps
Some of the lower quality caps will be put here until the official dvd or better quality official clips are released. --Ben41 09:00, 19 August 2010 (UTC)
Team members carry the Vltor / Noveske Diplomat with EOTech, flashlight, and laser sights.Yang with his F2000 Tactical with Christmas's MP5K on the left."Damn that thing's loud!"
Enemy soldiers firing their AKs.Enemy soldiers fire their AKs as the team takes cover.
Smoke Grenade
Smoke grenade about to go off.
Demolition Man
in the promo still of sly aiming at dolph who is thretening li, doent it lookan awful lot like some of the scenes from demolition man?--Smish34 01:29, 20 August 2010 (UTC)
yeah thats the one, thamks Funkychinaman.--Smish34 15:10, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
Okay, he's wearing a beret in both pics, but other than that, it's just 2 shots of the same actor holding a gun, and not even in the same situation, one he's holding it directly to someone's head, the other he's standing several feet away pointing it at someone. DKS01 20:15, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
Well, he said they look alike. As you pointed out, they look alike. --funkychinaman 20:37, 24 August 2010 (UTC)
Well yeah, in the sense that it's the same dude holding a gun in both shots. By that reasoning, any 2 shots of Arnie holding an M16 will look alike, or any 2 shots of Chow Yun Fat holding 2 pistols, and so on. Doesn't mean End of Days looks an awful lot like Predator, does it? DKS01 10:15, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
He mentioned it, and I found it in two minutes, so obviously he wasn't he only one. It's like if Arnold made another movie where he held a shotgun with one arm while wearing a black leather jacket. Why are you getting worked up about this? The guy made an observation, that's all. --funkychinaman 11:17, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
Ok, so the pistol is different and the goatee too, but in both shots, aiming one handed, tac vest over black t-shirt and black beret, i think its similar enough --Captain Snikt 12:45, 25 August 2010 (UTC)
I noticed it too and thought it was pretty badass. DKS01 you need to chill out with these comments. Let other people have an opinion. --humanzie3
Blow me, I wasn't aware I was somehow preventing anyone from having an opinion. If I had that capability I'd probably use it to get Rush Limbaugh off the air, but since Rush still broadcasts, I guess I don't have that power. He stated his opinion, I stated my opinion, deal with it chief. DKS01 20:52, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
Geez man, lose the attitude. And don't you ever tell me to blow you. I have never seen you write anything on this site but rude and asshole comments. --humanzie3
You've never seen me post anything but rude and asshole comments? Guess reading isn't something you're very good at then, cause there are other comments from me on THIS VERY PAGE where I posted about the fixing the Kimbers entry, discussed what pistol Jet Li was carrying, and agreed with some other dudes that Stallone's gun in the tunnel was the Diplomat and not an MP7. Actually, wait a sec, I think I remember you now, you're that dude who thought using the Harris technique was a "Call of Duty" homage then got mad when me and some other dudes told you it probably wasn't an homage, right? DKS01 04:24, 31 August 2010 (UTC)
I think it just stands out because it's rare for a lot of movie stars to wear anything on their head at all. Off the top of my head, I think the only movies where Arnold wears anything on his head is in the Conan movies, where's he's got that weird headband thing. Not even in Predator, where it would've made sense, did he wear a hat. --funkychinaman 23:54, 29 August 2010 (UTC)
Actually he did have a hat on in the very beginning of Predator...-Ranger01 04:53, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
Well, there are some particular movies where the character is well-known for wearing a hat. Indiana Jones, Crocodile Dundee, Freddy Krueger, and others.
Also, I think Arnold briefly wears a hat in the Running Man (When trying to escape.) -SasquatchJim
I'll give you Indy and Dundee, but those are also parts of costumes. I can't think of any other hat wearing Harrison Ford characters though. (And looking back, I think Arnold did wear a hat in Collateral, when he was trying to infiltrate the terrorist base.)--funkychinaman 10:32, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
Well, Harrison wore a stormtrooper helment in Star Wars. Does that count LOL? But yeah, I see what you mean though; overall, costumes with hats are rare.
For most stars, their greatest assets are their features. Why hide them with a hat? --funkychinaman 17:11, 30 August 2010 (UTC)
Except in some cases...That explains why Mickey Rourke DID wear a hat. -SasquatchJim