User talk:MT2008: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
User talk:MT2008: Difference between revisions
Just a few questions. One about [[Mean Guns]] - how longer pictures can be here - i want to replace them by screenshots taken from trailer (what, i think, absolutely legal), but it's more then 50 screens and i can't replace them all in short tense.
Another question - i'm opened wiki site about melee weapons [ here]. You're intersted in knifes or only in firearms ? What do you think about the project ? --[[User:Kloga|Kloga]] 15:29, 26 April 2010 (UTC)
: The situation's changed. Most of bootleg pictures replaced with screenshots, taken from trailers. Some were removed, though it's uncomplete without this pictures. What now remains on the page from bootleg is some screens of unknown weapons. Here's the list:
Can all of this be on discussion page, until someone will upload normal screens, or until someone will recognize this guns ? --[[User:Kloga|Kloga]] 17:42, 27 April 2010 (UTC)
* At last i've got good quality legal copy of [[Mean Guns]]. Soon I'll replace all of this little screens wirh bigger and better ones. Also - this movie is perfect in English. Like a poetry. --[[User:Kloga|Kloga]] 18:41, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
== What about other weapons ? ==
Youre a rulemaker, so your opinion is needful in such a kind of situation.
This site is great database, i really enjoy it, but i think that readers can be intersted in some other kinds of weapons beside the firearms (knives, bows, swords, tools, usual objects used as a weapon etc.). Is it possible to do section "Other weapons" for those intersted geeks like me ? I done one in my [[Mr. Bean (TV series)]] article, but [[User:Ben41|Ben41]] and [[User:SB2296|SB2296]] saying, that such information would be best to keep in the discussion page. What do you think about it? There's no other wiki site about movie weapons on the web, so, i think that such information must be here, on the pages. P.S. Sorry if i've got a mistakes in my writing - i'm from Ukraine actually. P.P.S. Also sorry that i wrote you a message identical to the one i wrote to [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]]. --[[User:Kloga|Kloga]] 14:13, 2 April 2010 (UTC)
==forum login==
hey got logged out and it says password expired, i tried reset a few times but nothings been sent to email. Havent been able to get on the forum in like 4-5 days. Is there a way to get me reset
==MP5 Variants==
First of all, thanks for the help with some of my other edits; was muchly appreciated. Secondly, I'm having a hard time figuring out what MP-5 variant is used by Yusuf Auda in Season 2 of 24...
I (sadly) haven't worked much with MP-5's, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. [[User:BillBuchanan24|BillBuchanan24]] 14:13, 3 December 2009 (UTC)
==RE Hulk==
What in particular doesn't meet the standards(don't worry I'm not trying to be smart). If you are refering to the "bigass gun" comment on the m249 para/m203 that is not my doing. --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 20:53, 7 April 2009 (UTC)
I don't like, Tokyo Marui that much. But I have handled a 1911 , a double barreled shotgun, an M1 Garand, M4A1 and proudly the P220 and USP compact .357 sig.
==Sig 228==
The one on the [[Negotiator]], i think it is a 228 because it has a shorter barrel, but i can't tell exactly since there is a tactical flashlight and makes me unable to see the trigger guard, but I am still really young to be interested in guns!!( I am under 18! even under 15!) and its strange that the 228 has no markings on it. And the outer barrel shape of the P228 is quite different so, once again, sorry for my rude edits.
==Recent Weapon Articles==
Listen, I have not uploaded the last articles for no reason becouse they were used in particular movies/video games. I have thorougly read your policy on uploading exotic Trial/Research weaponry and have followed it since you last told me.
==Sorry about my edits.==
Sorry, I am really sorry, I am new to this website.
==Norinco Type 54/questionable conversation==
'''Cool, I have a Type 54. Frame mounted safety, 9mm clearly marked Norinco (will take pictures if you wany). I may have missed some SKSs in Platoon, feel free to add them to the page. I hope you guys don't see me as that guy you always have to correct. His use of the word "especially" makes it sound like I fucked up major and it needs your help big time. No biggy, just wondering. Let me know bout the Type 54. (It was found by a friend of my dad's, hidden in a construction site, so he may say no since it could be illegal but it should be okay).'''
'''P.S: I could have sworn they made a MAC-9 model, but I'm assuming you'd know more. Sorry if I'm wrong''' -[[User:Gunmaster45|GM45]]
::'''He okayed it, I'll photo edit them to make them Semi-professional looking.
:'''Sorry I haven't got the pictures done yet, I've been pretty busy. Expect them some time this week.'''-GM
===Back for a bit===
''Nice to see you're back on the site! Hope you've seen some of GunMaster45's recent work (especially on Heartbreak Ridge and Platoon.) Anyway, I'm you by chance have a Chinese Type 54 copy of a Tokarev in your company's inventory? I ask only because I've seen those in quite a few movies, and I figure we should have a picture of one for this site. Also, I thought that only Chinese Tokarevs have the frame-mounted safety? I have little experience with them, but I thought I remembered reading that...please educate me if I'm wrong! ''
Yes, GunMaster45 did good work on the [[Heartbreak Ridge]] page. He put on screen caps proving that there were slab side M16s as well as A1s, so that I didn't have to do it. :) I still think that some of the screen shots he attributed to Chinese AKs in [[Platoon]] are in fact SKS rifles. But I will have to do a detailed scan of Platoon to verify that the rifles that I think are SKS rifles are indeed SKSs. Hope he doesn't get annoyed, but I noted some errors in the [[MAC-10]] page. I will also be posting pics of the MAC-10 in 9mm and also closeups of the Sten vs MAC-10/9 mags to clarify my remarks. But I will correct ANY error that I see, and of course, I tend to get a little testy when MY stuff is deleted or changed ... hahahaha. I just get high strung because I deal with crazy people every day. I'm in a bad mood now because JOSH BROLIN, you know, that oscar nominated actor dude, just fucked up one of my handguns. The trigger guard is completely bent. I mean, how the hell do you bend a trigger guard of a Police Chief Special? unless you ran over it with a truck? It's F**king amazing. I can't believe how actors or (non gun wrangler) prop persons can completely screw up GUNS in a few minutes more than the abuse of a real shooter over the span of years... And they look at me like I'm an idiot when I say "HEY!? what the hell did you do to MY gun?!?!" Sorry, gotta deal with crap every day, from folks who don't know squat about guns AND they abuse me as well ! hahahaha. Anyway, I wish I could take you to the set for just ONE day, to see the crap I gotta deal with. On another note, I am trying to get to the Battlestar Galactica set before they tear it all down. :) I will just be a visitor since it's in Canada and I'm not an authorized armorer in that country.
I don't have a Chinese Tokarev, I will try to find someone who does. Again, I hope I don't seem obnoxious, but I own 99% of these guns and have decades of experience with them. gotta apologize in advance ...hahaha ... there is always a bit of a knee jerk reaction that I get when I see info coming from any source (and that means all posters) that doesn't own or handle the firearms in question, and I have to do my best to quell that knee jerk response :) But I can always run to the gun safe, pull out the gun in question and take pictures of them. I got pics of some of the MATRIX guns so I will try to post them.
I figured that it was something to do with the foreign exchange. I had an assumption it was similair to how the Glocks are in generations, 1s being the oldest ones with the least new feattures, 2s being slightly better, and 3s being the newest. I've also seen the R models with the tactical rails and moaybe that is a 3rd gen variation as well.
It was only a thought that they could be like Glocks as that was my best guess. We should pobably find whoever labeled it P220-1 and ask him why he did that. With Glocks, the generations labeling is very simple.(I'l explain since I've tried very hard to remember all the Glocks and facts.)
* 1st Generation: The original models first started in production in 1983. They had a flat nose at the end of the frame, a flat handle, no decocking safety, and I believe no white night outlined sights. They had magazines built to swell when fully loaded so when in the gun, they would'nt drop out if the mag release was pressed accidentally. That is why they have thumb wells on the bottom of the grip, so you can pull it out with ease. I own a Glock 17 1st genration from 1986 and it was one of the 300th built. It has an ugly set of night sights(probably added much later) and they are adjustable. The mag swells when I put it in the gun loaded but falls out with ease when unloaded. It's a nice gun but I'd rather have a 3rd gen with original sights.
*2nd Generations.: Started in the 1990, they built Glocks with a slightly more curved frame nose, finger stepping and cut notches in the back of the grip. They dropped the swelling mag idea and made mags you could drop straight out of the gun for a quick tactical reload.
*3rd Generations: Started in 2000, they added tactical rails to the frame nose, finger notches for a better grip still(as if stepping wasn't enough?) and a thumb groove.
Now that the mags don't swell anymore, they make plugs to close up those thumb wells which makes sense since getting mud or other crap in there would be annoying to clean out.
As for SIG-Sauers, I've held one a long time ago and other than what I read and see, my experiance with them is poor. I'll have to go and buy a P220 and a P226 and see how they work. My dad has this encyclepedia of guns with every models of all guns made so I'll flip through that sometime. It stops at 2004 so he needs a new book.
I'll add this here because I need to tell someone. I added a beautiful stainless compensator to my M1911A1 and it is great. To install it, we had to ground down the spring cover so it would fit the comp. properly, as the guy I bought it from on Ebay says it fits all 1911s but it was built for ones with guide rods. Still got it to work well. I'll upload pictures very, very soon. The gun needs to be reblued as the slide is a WWII A1 slide and the frame is a M1911 original WWI frame from 1913. I will soon add 3 dot night sights, a stainless long type 3 holed trigger and maybe some hogue finger groove grips(but the orinal 1913 wood grips might just stay). The mainspring housing has grooves in it so it can accept a wooden stock, which I have, along with the 16in barrel, so it can all be legal and friendly. As soon as you respond, I'll post the pic here for you.
Err, maybe not, the camera isn't working right. I'll try it tommorow I guess.
Thanks for correcting the [[The Rock]] page, I was up til 7:00am screencapping and uploading the movie and my brain wasn't to full capacity. I noticed things like Goodspeeds Beretta had a somewhat smaller barrel and I was ''way'' too tired to find a stock picture for every gun so thanks for finding all of them. Finding good screenshots isn't easy. They used Berettas and Commandos so much in the movie I had over 20 screens each, so I had to drop a few. As for the Beretta 92SB, you'd think I'd notice as I'm the one who made the column of the Beretta page for it. I was tired and so distracted by the grips, I missed the trigger guard and inproperly classified it. But as long as your around to clean up after me, all should be fine. You clearly know more about the Colt Commando than me, that's for sure.
With screencapping the process is very aggravating. I play the DVD in my computer's player. I find the guns based on my memory of the best shots in the movie. I press "P" which captures the shot as a screenshot. I save it. Now after finding maybe 50+ screencaps for the whole movie, I go to my photoshop editor. I take every picture and convert the file from a BMP to a JPG. If the movie is widescreen, I crop out the black bars.(although I just started doing this.) Then I upload every single picture to the site and build the pages and links. I wish I got payed to do it, it's really very time consuming. But it is worth it for the knowledge of other people, right? [[Last Action Hero]] was the worst. I had over 100+ screens and there were 33 guns in that movie and I put them all in. The Funeral section was the hardest part as over 100 people pulled out guns and I identified what I could. The screens for that movie came out well, but the DVd's quality was about VHS and it looked terrible. Hopefully it was worth it though. -[[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==A pic and an update==
Hey there. Got a few minutes. When I get a few minutes, I will be changing the several pages where we explore the different natures of guns (the US Marshals page , the M16 page and the Sahara Page). I will be clarifying the SP1 Sporter to a Colt Sporter Carbine, since I've seen both the version you posted (and the ones I have access to are actually still marked M16A1, so they were converted with a sporter TOP receiver after the fact. I am also going to take another pic of a Colt 733 that's actually marked Colt 733. My previous 733 pic turned out to be a conversion of an M16 receiver to a 733 looking gun. I am also cleaning up the ''[[Sahara]]'' page since I asked a few armorer/experts locally and they all think it's the foreign equivalent of the Romanian WASR-3 AK gun that we imported into this country. I don't know what the foreign countries called their version, but the best I can do is list it as the closest version that's verifiable in this country.
Here's a pic for you. Why am I grumpy sometimes? cuz, I am STILL looking at a rack of 24 AKMs that need cleaning. I still have to clean 17 AR-15 rifles. And the vault has all the stuff that needs either a major cleaning/refinishing or fixing. The tagged ones need replacement parts.
Now here's a pop quiz. Can you ID any of the guns in my 'to do list' vault? ;) Let me know if you can ID any of them. LOL!
[[Image:FixerVault.jpg|thumb|none|500px|click on the image for a bigger pic.]]
==Long barreled AKs==
Wow! You did it. Amazing. No, I don't know what the hell that AK is. I've never seen an underfolder Long barreled AK for sale in the U.S. So it must be an Australian/Canadian thing. I guess that's a mystery we will have to bug the foreign armorers about. Wasn't there a Canadian armorer here on IMFDB a while ago? I don't remember well. Anyway, I also hope you don't think I was too harsh re: the HEAT updates. The vast majority of IMFDB users seem to be guys who are too young to buy a handgun, and some are too young to have a driver's license. Anyway I gotta take a break and get back to some movie sets here. :) I will try to get pics of the more famous guns when I can. But my contributions will drop down until I get some more free days. Thanks again. MPM2008
==Re: Your Articles==
I completly understand what you mean. I'll do my best to add guns to the pages from now on. Like you said, it's a pain in the ass when there is over 30 guns but I'll do it from now on. I'lve just finished screencapping Eraser but I might wait till tommorow to upload it, its been a long day, perhaps tonight. I'll make sure to add the pictures on that one. I assume there's about 20 or so guns. Thanks for pointing that out. By the way, what is the language rules for this site, because I wrote the "F" word on the [[Heartbreak Ridge]] page and I'm not sure that's allowed. The question is right under the picture in the M16 section. I'll do my best to be more considerate to editors like you. My main goal is to make a page flawless and immune to your corrections, but so far no dice. (Although, I'm unaware whether or not you checked the [[Last Action Hero]] page because it had no correction notes. Did I do it? - [[USer:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
''It's kinda strange, though...I wouldn't have figured British armorers would use civilian AK variants that were essentially geared towards the U.S. firearms market.''
re: British armorers, I've never met Sascha Robey. All I know is that Robey did the guns for the American TV Miniseries "The path to 9/11" but only the sequences shot in Morocco.
A lot of armorers are just the 'licensed experts' on the set. They subrent their guns from large armories. That's why I don't have screen credit for many majors I worked on, since I wasn't the on set armorer, I just rented them the guns (like any vendor) and we only rent to armorers (''aka weapons wranglers'') that we know and trust. I think Robey got the guns from Bapty's movie armory of London (just an educated guess).
When I was going to school at Cambridge University (a long time ago) I did get to visit Bapty's Armory (got to see a lot of the guns used in all those movies shot at all those BIG British Studio stages - like the 007 movies). Well the Romak 223 is the import name for the 'castrated' gun that our lovely BATFE allows to be imported. The romanians made a bunch of identical guns for sale to other countries where civilians can own semiautomatic rifles. I noticed that Zahn's gun had (a) a threaded front end of the barrel and (b) a bayonet lug, which usually imported guns after 1990 had to have removed. So it's probably a Romanian export gun that the British armorers picked up that has not been modified to be imported into the U.S. Sigh.... to be able to get such unaltered guns again. Now we have a bunch of US makers upgrading and making their own AKs, but I like the 'appeal' of getting stuff that's really FOREIGN and foreign built in a factory in a far off land. Even though the lowly British law abiding citizen can't own Squat, their movie armorers can get almost anything they need. UNLIKE the U.S. (especially California) which makes it more difficult to be a movie armorer every year.
BTW: I uploaded a detail shot of the Type 84 with the features I was talking about. I hope it helps.
best regards
Thanks for the help on the typo with the Norinco Type 56-1. As you probably know by the time stamps I edited that at 2:00 am PST and was pretty tired. Thanks for catching stuff like that.
But Zahn's gun is not the Type 84 despite the fact that the gas tube has vent holes like the Type 65/84 guns. The Type 84 is a deep blued finish, this gun has the semi gloss black paint finish of European AKs, the Magazine is NOT a Type 84 (not even close), but it does resemble the newer Romanian Romak 223 magazines (thus my question), and the front sight is an open top European AKM style, not the hooded .75" spaced Type 84 Front sight and finally the gas block is missing a notch that the Type 84 has and it looks lke the front sight sling is attached to the front of the handguards (AKM) and not on the gas block (Type 84). '''I looked at a Type 84 before I posted the pics, so I am sure that it is NOT a type 84''', there are too many differences that an armorer just wouldn't do (like repainting a blued gun or replacing the front sight or using a magazine that I am not sure would even fit in the magazine well). In fact if they did replace the Type 84 front sight block with an AKM sight, you would be able to see the notch in the top of the barrel of the second pin for the wider front sight. It would be visible. The smaller AKM sight doesn't cover it on the barrel. So again I will try to figure out what type of AK it is. Since Sahara is a newer movie it would well be a recent US built or US part upgraded imported AK rifle.
ON another note:
So what do you think of the screen caps? I purposely kept the Zahn pics big temporarily so the details of the gun could be seen. But i've noticed that whenever I work hard on a largely ignored page, THEN people start tweaking it, after I've put in hours working on it and before I'm finished :) what's up with that? Just the way things work I guess. :)
(But YOUR input is always welcome. I haven't shot any new gun pics yet. I usually wait until I have several dozen items to photograph before I go through the trouble of setting up a white background). Best regards
== Thanks for the help ==
Thanks for helping out on some of my articles, specifically ''[[The Siege]]'' and ''[[Star Trek: Voyager]]''. I just recently got the ability to take screenshots from DVD's on my computer, but don't have either of those. Keep up the good work. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 20:56, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Orca1_9904
== Guns in ''The Siege'' ==
You actually got a picture of the [[Browning M2]] in one of your [[M60 machine gun|M60]] screenshots, namely the one where it's being fired during the Redhook chop shop scene. As for the [[M203 grenade launcher|M203]], look closely at one of the soldiers keeping the press mob out of the stadium. Also, don't forget the [[Heckler & Koch MP5|H&K MP5]]'s during the bus hijacking/bombing scene. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 21:23, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Orca1_9904
:: Here's the screenshot in question; the barrel is definitely too long to be a [[Mk 19 grenade launcher]]. Note that it also lacks the muzzle brake as well.
[[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 21:45, 20 May 2008 (UTC) Orca1_9904
== Good to have you back. :) ==
Backups are automatic and daily now - 4 am every day and automatically uploaded to seperate servers for archival. :)
You can't merge a page - but you can copy all the content from one to another and then drop a line to an admin to redirect the old page to the new one. [[User:WikiSysop|WikiSysop]] 03:35, 2 June 2008 (UTC)
I've redirected the pages you requested. [[User:WikiSysop|WikiSysop]] 14:00, 7 June 2008 (UTC)
Hi there. Just thought I'd seek to clarify the Red Dawn discussion, per your suggestion.
The MISR may have been the Egyptian's name for the gun in their factories overseas (several books refer to it, Clinton Ezell's book mentions it in 1986), but my point was that the Egyptians never marked or called their export gun to the U.S. - the MISR. In fact the only MISR guns that were legally imported into the U.S. (marked MISR) were after 1990 and they were 'post ban' guns, hastily hand 'etched' with the words "MISR" on the trunion.
I was probably nit picking since I don't know if alot of people really cared which import version was used in what movie. I wouldn't really care, BUT ... when people say MISR, everyone here in the states, automatically thinks of the post 1990 thumbhole monstrosities, not the better crafted ARMs of the early 1980s. I know for a fact that Syd Stembridge (who worked on Red Dawn and I spoke to about it) scoffed and thought of the crappy 'post ban MISR rifles' when I mentioned it to him. He said "Nope, we used ARMs not MISRs". So even he was thinking about the MISR imported gun. Hmmmmm.
Does it matter? I don't know. I'm tempted to edit out the discussion entirely, but I'm not sure how. Perhaps a note addressing what the imported versions actually had stamped on them (and had written in their owners manuals). What do you think?
A little bit of my background: :)
I was buying Maadi rifles back in 1983 (before Red Dawn came out). Thus I remember what they were called at the time. At no time had I ever seen the rifles referred to a MISR back in 1984 or earlier. Sales brochures, invoices, company documentation. That's really the only reason I was convinced that Maadi did not ship guns to US under that name.
I own nearly every variant of AK imported into this country prior to 1999. That includes ARMs, RPLs, MISRs, AKS-47, Type 84s, Type 56 Sporters, MAK-90s, SA-85s, Yugo M76s, etc. etc.
Any way. You've done a GREAT job updating and posting things. I don't want to give the impression that I don't realize that you're a super contributor.
Any way, keep up the fantastic work. :) and looking forward to your thoughts re: the re-edit of the page.
best regards
==I am re-editing Red Dawn==
It just hit me. I can cut out all my rantings and just put in a note, that the MISR rifle is not referring to the post ban imported version call the 'MISR' and was imported under the name ARM. If that's okay, I'll cut out all the stuff under your original paragraph. Thanks. MoviePropMaster2008
==Type 84==
No problem. I will be happy to hunt down the Type 84 (the vault is big and kinda a pain to go through) ;) . I converted a bunch to AK74 though (i.e. put on the imported Russian parts and gas tubes, front sights, etc. to make them 'look' like AK74s. But I might have one left that is not all messed up. I don't believe that I have any left that retain the original Chinese 'fully enclosed' sight hood any more, unfortunately. Will this do? I can also put the original factory wood back on for the photo. Do you want it in original factory configuration? I can also put it into the SAME config as any of the movie or projects you want it for (i.e. put hungarian Blonde wood on them, etc.). Just let me know. It might take some time, though. I have to set up the photographic white table top setup all over again and will probably wait until I have a bunch of guns to photograph before I do it again. best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]]
== ''Incredible Hulk'' Grenade Launchers ==
I was under the impression the multi-shot grenade launchers in ''[[The Incredible Hulk (2008)|The Incredible Hulk]]'' were some sort of [[Milkor MGL]] derivative, like the M32? [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 22:03, 14 June 2008 (UTC) Orca1_9904
== My two cents on the Hulk Launchers ==
It looks like the back end of a Def tech 37mm launcher but the front end of a M32. Also the cylinder (and rotator mechanism) doesn't look like anything out there. It's too short to be the DEFTECH but the rotator gear is in the '''back''', not the '''front''', like it should be on the M32. The Milkors have a 'pop up' back end and the style of the buttstock looks completely different. I think it's a "Frankenstein gun" - perhaps the prop dept. took several Deftech 37mm launchers and chopped and styled them to resemble the M32. Check out the comparison pic and let me know what you think. :) Best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008|]] (P.S. - I don't hang out with the armorers in Canada being that we never cross paths. I wish I could so that I could ask them).
I'll send you a pic of that very launcher from the shop.
==Your CZ99 pic==
I cleaned up your CZ99 pic in Photoshop. It's the same pic, but color corrected. Can I repost it? Thanks. [[user:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]]
==Editing Dogs of War==
I am thinking of doing some more updates on Dogs of War, hope you don't mind. ;) GOOD CALL! on the "imitation" Uzis in "Raw Deal" and "Stripes". In Stripes I thought you were talking about "Winger" (Bill Murray) but he was holding an unadorned MAC-10, but you were right, it was Joe Flaherty as the Czech border guard who had the "uzi cover" on the MAC-10. You have an eagle eye! Most people would have missed that one! Those guns were 'conversions' made by Special Effects Unlimited, Inc. in the 1970s. The company did mostly pyrotechnics (Stembridge, Ellis Mercantile and ISS were the kings of 'just guns' back then) and in the movie Dogs of War, they simply didn't have enough real Uzis. (In the 1970s it was pretty hard to get real uzis, IMI just wasn't importing them in big numbers. The import explosion came during the 1980s. Movies like Uncommon Valor, Red Dawn, Rambo, Commando, Death Wish 2-5, etc. all fueled an "action movie flood" that also included all of the really crappy GOLAN&GLOBUS movies like the post apocalyptic movies or the Chuck Norris Movies. Special Effects Unlimited went away in the early 1980s. When I got into the biz, there were about 30 movie gun rental houses and hundreds of trained wranglers in California. Now there are about five rental houses, with less than a dozen independent wranglers. Thanks to the draconian gun control that California shoves down our throat every year. No wonder the movies are all filming in Canada or Australia. Their armorers don't have the BS that we have to deal with. :(
One of the interesting things is the 'work arounds' that movie armorers do. We don't have access to every gun or destructive device that comes down the pipe in the real world. A lot of times the stuff just isn't available when a movie is being made, so we have to 'fake it'. I remember having to 'fake' the Steyr TMP out of a Cobray M11 because the TMP had just come out and the film's director 'just had to have it', but it wasn't being imported into this country yet. I had a model builder mold a dummy and then cast it as two halves of a clamshel mold and screwed it on to the M11. hahahaha.
You and some of the other guys have done a great job on that page!!! I love the screen caps, if I knew how, I'd do it too :D I don't know if my 'overabundance of information' on the background of a movie is either 'wanted' or 'necessary'. Feel free to edit if my info seems irrelevant, but I always try to 'keep it short' :) I think I can photograph some of the actual guns from DOGS of War, unfortunately they've been refinished, some have been altered. I'll drop a note when I get to take the pics and post them. :)
You have to put up the Raw Deal page(!!) I was going to do it, but you have all the cool screencaps! :)
Note that from this angle, the barrel is obviously a thin metal tube (just enough to extend the MAC-10 barrel). It's not thick enough to be a 9mm or .45 acp barrel. Great screencap! :) BTW: those were 9mm MAC-10s not the .45 acp MAC-10s. The nines were easier to blank adapt, and the blanks had that nice hot white flash in front. They look identical, except for the markings on the receiver.
I'm holding off putting the AKM shot in the Red Dawn Page. I'm still looking for one with an original Laminated buttstock. I'm positive I can take a pic of an 'undamaged' one. Thanks again for your input. :) It's been a little slow in the biz, but next week I might be getting some gigs, and in July I'm traveling on some projects so I will be gone. best regards [[UserId#MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]]
==Type 56==
(Warning: this is from my own recollection and not official in any way) :)
Hmmm. it's a tough one. Since there is no 'official' designation it's hard to figure. And what always throws me is the 'official name' of the gun around the world and the 'official imported' name of the gun when it was sold here in the United States. Since this is a 'guns in the movies' site, I usually throw out the book on the '' 'official international nomenclature of the guns as used by foreign armies' '' and noting what the guns were called when movie weapons armorers were bringing them to the movie set. But the trend on the site, so far, has been to list the guns as what it's supposed to be representing (like calling obvious AR-15s, "M16s") in the real world. I just like to have some sort of footnote as to what weapons were actually used and what they were really called. :)
I've always regarded the 56 as a 47 offshoot. I don't think the other armorers have given it much thought, but I know that they'll always refer back to the AK47, not the AKM when anyone asks them what the Type 56 is based on.
'''I'll list my criterion and let me know what you think. '''
''Now we all know that the Chinese barrels are slightly different in diameter to all the European barrels but for the most part, the Chinese Type 56 parts are clones of the 47 not the AKM.''
1) The Chinese started their Type 56 copy with milled receivers. Around the 1960s the Soviets changed to stamped receivers in the 'modernized' AKM. The Chinese thought that was a good idea, and began production with stamped receivers, but '''everything''' else remained the same.
:(a) the front sight (.75" versus .5" width for the AKM)
:(b) the gas block (the angle AND the fact that it is not "notched" for gas release like the AKM)
:(c) the Gas tube (the AK47s have vent holes, the AKMs do not)
:(d) the Gas tubes are NOT interchangeable between the AKM and the AK47/Type 56 (I've tried, the angle of the back of the gas tube is different)
:(e) the pin placement in the receiver itself (the AK47 and the AKM have different pin placements)
:(f) the smooth versus ribbed dust cover
:(g) the wood furniture (the AK47 & Type 56 have smooth side crate wood - the AKM has bulged grip laminated - the buttstocks have a different comb and are different types of wood)
:(h) other than the wood for the gas tube and the pistol grip, the wood forearm and buttstock are '''NOT interchangeable''' between the AK47/56 and the AKM - you need to 'fit' the wood with a rasp and file.
:(i) in the underfolder stock versions the stocks of the Type 56 & AK47 are interchangeable, you need to modify them slightly to fit the AKM underfolder. Also the Underfolder 'arms' of the AK47/56 are smooth, the AKM underfolder arms are 'ribbed'.
:(j) the pistol grips for the 47/56 were wooden with a metal border near the receiver, the AKMs were all composite or plastic grips. This doesn't take into account the dealers or importers who may have swapped grips on their own, I'm just talking about the way they were exported off the factory floor.
:(k) I don't know if this is official or not, but I've personally tried to swap the bolts from AK47s/Type 56s and AKMs and the AKMs 'stick' when put into the 47/56 guns. The gun doesn't cycle ''(and it's probably not all that safe 'headspace' wise (hahaha), but it's a lot safer when all you're shooting is blanks.....)''. It could be the bolt carrier and piston assembly, but I've noticed that as well.
This is only based on my personal experience, but I'll bet that no one else on the board is as dopey as me and has tried to swap parts between an AKM and a Type 56 and wondered what went wrong ;) hahaha I DO know that we've fixed broken Chinese guns (from the 1980s) with original Soviet AK47 parts kits and the other cosmetic parts did fit (though we had to take into account the slight size difference between the Chinese barrels and all other AKs).
So in my thinking, the only '''difference''' between the Type 56 and the AK47 (other than the obvious Chinese 'style flourishes') is the stamped receiver. Since the AKM instituted a lot more other changes than just a stamped receiver I just consider the Chinese Type 56 series to be a stamped receiver version of the AK47, not the AKM. All the details other than the receiver are "AK47".
Also there is the confusion of how the imported guns were stamped. ALOT of the imported Chinese guns armorers bought in the 1980s were marked "AK47", not AKM. I have samples of Norinco AK type rifles in the 1980s, imported by B-West that are marked either: ''Type 56, Type 56S, Type 56 Sporter, Sporter 56, AK-47, AKS-47, AKS Sporter, AKS-47 Sporter''. The vast majority of guns were indeed stamped AK-47 or AKS-47. (I can take a pic of the marks on the receivers to send to you). So many of the imported Chinese guns were marked AK-47/AKS-47 (as a marketing ploy by the manufacturer since they doubted that most of the American buying public would have any idea what a Type 56 was).
footnote: Only after the import ban of 1989 did we see names like the MAK-90, the NHM-90/91, et. al, those were the first 'thumbhole monstrosities' to enter the country from China.
Since those of us who were buying the guns never referred to them as an offshoot of the AKM, but of the AK47, thats how I've always viewed them. But there is no hard and solid rule. The Chinese guns are their own 'platypus' hybrid.
That's just my 'reasoning' on it, but again, since the Chinese guns are 'hybrids' it doesn't really matter. As long as the rifle types are listed 'SOMEWHERE' on the site, with notations as to what movies they were used in. As has been noted by others, the Chinese guns are by and far the most COMMON AK type to be seen in TV and movies bar none. They were the most plentiful and cheap when they first came out. I know of a prop house in L.A. that was trying to sell of over 400 of them, because they were going out of business (owner died, sons didn't want to continue the family biz).
Again, sorry for my long post. Again, I sometimes wonder, 'when is too much information too much?" I don't want to confuse the users of the site, but the reality is really complex. :) Now don't get me started on the massive 'periodic chart' known as the 'Smith & Wesson Handgun naming chart'.... yeow!!!!
I sure hope it was in some way helpful and informative. :)
==re: Type 56==
Yes, no offense please! :) hahahaha I figured you already knew all the details, but I had to list them just to make sure that I remembered all of the points which brought me to my original conclusion. :) I also remembered the problems of trying to swap the pieces in the past and the total headaches they caused! Hahahaha.
RE: the new page for just Chinese guns - FANTASTIC idea! I didn't think of that myself and would have pretty much yielded to whatever categorization that you thought best, but that's a great solution. '''Are there any SysOps or other super contributors we need to check with? so that they don't start undoing the page? '''
On another note: I will try to take a pic of an unadorned Type 84 by late Thursday night. Is there any other weapon that is not properly represented on this site that I could try to track down and photograph?
Again, always a PLEASURE to discuss stuff with you. And I'll yield to what you think is best. :) best regards
Sorry about the delay in the Type 84 pics, but I can't seem to locate the .223 steel magazines. It doesn't look right without it. I will continue to hunt for the correct magazines and get the pic. I just went to the vault and photographed a BUNCH of new stuff. I am also using the pics for marketing purposes, i.e. so that I can email art directors and producers/directors my own images so that they know what the gun looks like, but I am trying to get IMFDB a bunch of ORIGINAL pics found no where else. :) No airsoft guns here. :) All real deal. More to come.
cc'd to: MT2008, Orca1 9904, Charon68 and others... :)
I've been trying to get higher rez original pics to IMFDB for a little bit now. One of the major beefs I have with site like Security or Guns of the is that there are some really crappy pics, and lots of those pics are weird hybrid variations that are not good representations of the mainstream version of the firearm. Though I've had some nice comments from a few folks, I need to verify that it's kosher to try to eliminate the bad resolution 'stolen from the net' pics and replace them with original photographs. (granted permission by me the copyright holder) Don't know if I am stepping on anyone's toes or if anyone would be offended that I replaced their image (which was 'borrowed' from the net originally) with another image. If anyone thinks I should NOT be replacing pics on existing pages with new gun images, please let me know. Do the majority of IMFDB users even care? I'm fully expecting '''other sites''' to start stealing images from IMFDB when the level of pics goes up. :) hahahaha.
I just did it because the Ak page was just getting too huge, and so many Chinese Aks were being used in films to "portray" Russian AKs that it made sense to put the Chinese guns in there. The QBZ-97 is just bullpup versions of AKs but it gets its own page. The Yugo AKs are really different from the other AKs, not as much as the Czech VZ58 which is an entirely different firearm. I know folks want to keep items to one page with a lot of variants, but I thought the entire series of Yugoslavian guns (all the way from the M70 to the M92 and their RPK variants) deserved their own page. You never see the Yugoslavian guns 'masquerading' as Russian or Chinese guns. They are always seen as weapons from the Balkans or Bosnian conflict. Of course the powers that be can always slam me down ;) But I figured it was worth a shot. :)
Let me know what you think. :)
BTW: on another note, I was going to suggest to the senior staff that pages like the KVAR's bullpup kit for the AK (as seen on the gun page [[Century Arms AK-47 bullpup]] doesn't merit a different page since it is just a commercial after market stock kit that goes on any AK and itself is not a weapon itself. The same goes for the [[Muzzelite MZ14 Bullpup]] ... there is no such thing as a Muzzelite MZ14. It is a plastic aftermarket bullpup stock kit that can go on either a Mini14, a 10-22 or a Marlin Camp 9 carbine. It has only ever been seen in movies with a Mini-14 inside. It does not merit a separate page since it is not a real gun, but a stock kit for an existing gun (i.e. the Mini-14). Curious to know what you think of that as well. :) Always good to hear your input.
== Re: ''Lord of War'' ==
I believe the 400px size is just fine for screenshots, as it's usually big enough to give a good view of what's being shown in the image, and you can always click on the image to view it larger if you want. You don't see full-size images posted in articles on Wikipedia, after all. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 19:24, 4 August 2008 (UTC)Orca1_9904
== Hey ==
Hey MT2008, I'm [[User: Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]], I seen your comment on my talk page about the most guns in movies like [[District B13]], and I would like to wish you good luck with your [[Hard Boiled]] and beating the records for most guns. I work on this site myself once in awhile, the reason you don't see me much on here is because I'm not as active on this site as I used to be, but I still like to do some screencappping once in awhile. I also want to say you take good screenshots and make great pages, so keep up the good work. Also, are you going to do [[Belly]] and [[Boyz n the Hood]] again? not that I'm trying to rush you to do them, I'm just wondering. And again keep up the good work. [[User: Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]]
== Hey again ==
Hey, no problem, and good luck with everything. Good work on cleaning up the Beretta page, it looks much better. Also, you said you like Taurus PT92s, right? Well, I uploaded a screenshot with a very nice looking one for the [[Shooter]] page a week or two ago if you want to check it out. [[User: Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]]
Yep, I'm one of moderators, as well as Orca, who I'm sure you met already. if you have any problems with anybody vandalizing or spamming your pages, or anything on this site, just let me know. [[User: Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]]
To space out pages, I notice some people just space out the variants as much as they need to until they get the desired effect, it's worth a try. Thanks for complimenting [[Shooter]] by the way, I myself like the Berettas, I always liked the way they look. And about the M1911A1 page, yeah, that page does need work, especially with all those variants that nothing listed for them. Anyway, good luck with the pages, and I'll be sure to help out as much as I can. [[User: Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]]
Hi MT2008, I was just reading over your profile (because I like to know those I work with) and I noticed the M1911/M1911A1 isn't to be found on your favorite guns page. I'm not trying to preach it to you or anything, but I practically worship the handgun. John M. Browning, possibley the most ingenius gunmaker of all time, pretty much birthed the conventional self-loading pistol. This pistol was so good, it still stayed in US service up until Desert Storm, when the M9 took over (not exactly a loved desision today). Keep in mind, the blowback locking breach action of Browning's 1911 has been used in glocks, USPs, Berettas, and many other handguns today. You can say it is really the grandfather of all handguns. Yet it can't truly be beaten in basic design. His idea was so good, it still is unbeaten today 97 years later. It's simple, reliable, versatile, accurate, powerful, and it hold 7 shots... my lucky number. And capacity isn't a problem with the Para-Ordinance models anymore. Whoops, this strayed from being a question. Like I said, I don't mean to preach, but I just thought I'd let you know. (Plus, Browning thought up that frame mounted slide stop safety you like so much on the PT92.) As always, I like your work and your a great contributor to the site. Keep up the good work, and take in mind what I said. (Note how I wrote an essay on the .45 on the page. All that from well remembered memory. Double checked of course.) [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
== ''U.S. Marshals'' Screenshot Needed ==
Hello, I was wondering if you could help me with something? I noticed that you got most of the screenshots for ''[[U.S. Marshals]]'', and I was wondering if you could get one of [[Robert Downey Jr.]] from it, possibly with him using his [[Taurus PT945]] or [[Glock#Glock 22|Glock 22]] for the article on that actor? It would be greatly appreciated.
[[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 06:44, 11 September 2008 (UTC) Orca1_9904
==Photo request for SIGP226==
Funny that you'd ask. I tried swapping them in the past. They don't fit. They're the same guns, but the finishes throw the tolerances all off. I can't get a silver slide to even FIT onto a standard black frame and vice versa. I may be able to FORCE it, but the gun won't be fireable. Any two toned guns you see, were either fixed and fitted by a really good gunsmith or were finished by the factory. But it's impossible to swap slides and frames on those guns if they're of different finishes.
==MT2008's question re: Colt Launchers==
Though I may be wrong, I have not heard of a COLT manufactured 37mm launcher. They may have made one, but it is not well known and I can't find any independent verification of it but then I haven't scrutinized all products made by Colt. The photos on the page show a 37mm launcher, but I can't see any Colt markings. These look like the ones that were made by RPB/SWD and of course Cobray as far as I know. Also I know for a fact that 99.99% of the M203 launchers seen in movies are COBRAY manufactured CM203 37mm launchers. Sometimes we pull out the REAL destructive Device M203 (I have access to several) when a film specifically asked for one where they can see more details (the real M203 is a rifled barrel, the 37mm flare launcher is a smooth bore, amongst other differences) but most of them are Cobray 37mm launchers. I will of course yield if I can be pointed to an independent info source or web page that specifically confirms a COLT marked 37mm launcher but right now, I can definitely tell you that all of the 'fake 40mm launchers" I've seen on movie/television sets are Cobray or RPB or SWD manufactured 37mm launchers. I'm pretty sure anything built by Colt would have the Colt logo stamped on the item. If you verify any info on Colts, please pass it along :) Sigh. On another note, I guess I will have to photograph my M203s in detail for this site as well. MPM2008
(Edit), Well I've been looking for a while and even checked the full listings of weapons currently manufactured and distributed by Colt Inc, Colt LLC or any of the other possible names for COLT. As far as I know, Colt does NOT make 37mm Launchers. Why should they? They make the 40mm Launchers. I've done a google search and as far as 30 pages in, I've never found ONE reference to a 37mm launcher that was not a Cobray/SWD/RPB manufacture or the M203 Airsoft model (which some gun writers, or sellers wrongly confuse with a flare launcher.)
I am in support of eliminating the Colt Flare Launcher page, since I can find no evidence to support it. Please reply and let me know your thoughts.
Hope you don't think I'm badgering you. Just trying to be thorough. :) re: research into the CFL page. Anyway, I really gotta run now, I got tons of weapons to organize and deal with.... and people are waiting for me. :) Thanks again. MPM2008
About the Mossberg 500s, I believe a cruiser comes standard on the gun, os they are most likely 500s with pistol grips or they had the heat shields removed.
==More pics==
Hope you like the new pics. I've been going NUTS photographing M16s hahahahaha and I finally uploaded the M14 pics that Gunmaster Requested :) Hey, I even got a Diemaco C7 ! ;) I will try to get a shot of THAT. :) I can only do a few weapons a day since it takes longer than expected to photograph them. I did finally get to photograph my Remington PSS 700. I hope to do the Type 84 sometime soon, but I have to tear some of them down to original configuration and that takes some time. I want to get better M4 Pics and M4 with accessories. I am also going to photograph more of my FALS and G3 variants when I get the chance. And I will try to figure out a way to do your P226 shots. :) Best regards MoviePropMaster2008.
Some good news. I now have Every variant of the original XM177s. It took a while since so many of them were in 'pieces'. Including at least three variations of the 'fake' XM177s that we see in movies like [[Blood Diamond]]. I am really looking forward to posting good shots of all the XM177 guns. I think that IMFDB is the only place on the web that will have these pics. I may have to get an airsoft gun just to show the difference, since so many of the shots here on IMFDB are airsoft guns (ugh!). MPM2008 ''(Edit: Damned IMFDB logged me out in the middle of my post to you! Weird). Well It's really ME typing this, not some unknown IP address.)''
== Re: Beretta ==
Thanks for the correction, the 92 FS thing was from the other articles I copied and pasted from to get things done faster, but I'll be sure to use the correct spelling for now on. And thanks for uploading the Beretta used in the film, it's very cool. Also, what do you think of [[Die Hard with a Vengence]] now? --[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 22:57, 3 October 2008 (UTC)
There you go, I uploaded the scene you talked about and noted that they were really BB guns, let me know if the screencap is good enough--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 23:32, 3 October 2008 (UTC)
==RE:Dirty Harry==
That's what I meant by in full, by actually screencapping the movie 100% second by second. I never understood why people would screencap half a page and then stop, is it lazyness or something? I always go second by second through a movie and grab as many good shots as possible. To me, you can never have too many shots of one gun, as my 15 AKM shots in Rambo II will show soon. I also had plans to eventually add some shots to Saving Private Ryan like how I added shots to BB2 and Black Hawk down just to make it more full and maybe tears of the sun. I'm kinda sick today but I'll try to get Rambo II uploaded as soon as I can.
==Re: Your comment on the Rambo II HK93==
Though that is a reasonable assumption, there is no evidence that the gun was a 93. When I was at the Stembridge gun room in the 1980s I distinctly recall that there were as many HK33s as there were HK93s. I know, nowadays, that seems weird, but not so weird when we could import anything we wanted back in the day.... Thanks. The guns which were TONS of conversions were the MP5s (originallyi HK94s), AR15s into M16s and ARMs/Type 56s into full auto AKs. Just noting ... BTW: Now that I submitted a shot of my HK33, I'm photographing my HK93. Sure hope folks (other than you :) ) appreciate all the original gun pics .... hahaha. best regards, MPM2008
==Finally put the MP5A5 in==
That's been bugging me for a long time. The MP5A5 picture wasn't even an A5. Finally got the correct pic in. :) Am staring at a rack of shotguns that I have to photograph for the site, but gotta get to it. :)
==Saving Private Ryan==
What do you think of the new and improved [[Saving Private Ryan]] page? -[[User:Gunmaster45|GM45]]
:Thanks, I can't stand watching the debates but I thought I'd share how I own an M1 Garand myself. A battle hardened Garand that served in WWII and was then Re-Issued in Korea. It is fitted with the Korea era sling. And the best part. Only $600 bucks! I had a WWII guns phase and me and my father did a lot of searching. Still wish I could get an M1A1 Thompson and a B.A.R. Too hard to get cheap and legal though. -GM
::I also have two clips for it in my room, one of which is load with dummy rounds so I can cycle it. Most people think the clip pings when it hits the ground but it pings as it leaves the gun. Also, the little button on the left side allows you to do what some rocking chair commandos say is immpossible. RELOAD. Pull the bolt back and press it and the clip pops out no matter how loaded it is. I can also field strip it and clean it. It shoots nice too.
:And on the A-Team page, I sent a message to Bunni on how only registered users should be able to edit the site. Unregistered users should only view. It would make all our lives a lot easier, don't you think? I'll fix it now.
==Garand Pics==
My M1 rifle:
[[Image:100 2842.jpg|thumb|none|500px|M1 Garand rifle with En-Bloc clip, loaded with dummy rounds.]]
[[Image:100 2843.jpg|thumb|none|500px|The gun is too long for one clear shot! This is the barrel end, note '50s era Korean war sling.]]
[[Image:100 2844.jpg|thumb|none|500px|The En-bloc clip loaded half way in the Garand.]]
:Pretty cool, huh? I'm gonna upload more on my page so everyone can see my neat stuff.
Removed the old Airsoft pic of the 870 . :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:50, 4 December 2008 (UTC)
==Ask and Ye shall Receive==
This is the best I can do. My Sigs aren't exactly the same as some of the movie guns by other armorers. They ARE blank adapted movie guns and they ARE well worn, due to abuse by actors and stuntmen but we all know that. :) Can you use these? You're the first one to see them. I haven't even added them to the SIG page because they're special pieces.
==Two Tones part 2==
:''Thank you SO much! Those look great, and actually, they look very close to the ones that have appeared in quite a few movies. We can start replacing the two-tone SIG pics that we have on our other pages with these immediately! Again, I greatly appreciate you doing this for me. ''
Here is another one. I forgot to swap out the silver hammers (based on the pic with John Travolta, so here is one. I've seen it in every configuration. Sometimes the factory does it, so there are lots of opposite color highlights (trigger, breakdown pin, safety, etc.) and then there are the simple 'swap the barrel & Slide' variety.
[[Image:SigP226TwoTone03.jpg|thumb|300px|none|Two tone Sig P226 with SILVER HAMMER this time]]
:''How will I ever repay you?''
Lots of booze, gold and women... ;)
:''Out of curiosity, since you told me that they usually don't fit, how did you make them work together? -MT2008 ''
Oh they fit, but you have to force it and they won't cycle. The black slide SIG, when you pull the slide back (you have to pull it HARD) it won't even move forward. You have to tap it with a mallet to make it slide forward to cycle a round. Also you can fire one blank out of the gun and the slide will 'stick' back even with a full magazine. Unless the factory does it (which they do) you have to take it to a smith to 'fit' the parts. Fun Huh? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]]
==More of your questions answered==
Sorry about that but these smaller questions get lost in the shuffle.
* Why didn't Stembridge convert HK94s further? Answer: They did. There were lots of conversion kits available in the 1980s (a lot through Shotgun news). Paddles and full auto trigger packs with the SEF lowers were also available from many vendors back in the day. A lot of Stembridge's guns, scratch that, MOST of the MP5s were converted HK94s. Why? Back in the day a factory FULL AUTO MP5 was $2500. An HK94 (from 1983-1988) was about $699.00 at the local sporting goods store. Wholesale it was about $499.00 Convert it in shop and pay the $200 tax stamp, it's still way cheaper than buying a new MP5 (at the time). They still used full auto HK94s until they closed (the first time) in 2000. Alot of the MP5s were conversions done all the way (with new barrels, paddles and lower trigger packs). Heck, we do that too. If we have an old MP5 we just put a new lower on it and ta-dah! MP5A5! etc. etc. If you see more obvious HK94 conversion guns, it's just that those are the ones grabbed off the rack. Or else they ran out of the fully 'tricked out' ones.
* Is the SIG P220 Sport from Cinema Weaponry? Answer: No, it's mine. :) BTW Mike Papac from Cinema Weaponry is off on the east coast shooting some film with Mel Gibson right now, so I can't ask him trivia questions about the films he worked on. At least until he and I do lunch again. ;)
* AK Shorty? Answer: I will check with Harry Lu when I see him, but he's working A LOT and isn't in town all that often. But I will try.
* How do we feel about anti gun projects? Answer: normally it's not an issue. Most of the time, we don't even know the SCRIPT for the movie. We're probably the lowest level of crew. Notice how the lowest art director's assistant or 'HORSE wrangler' gets credited BEFORE the armorer does? But if something is just outrageous, NONE of us will work on it. A few years back a really atrocious script was being floated and none of the weapons rentals guys would work on it, me included. It was very refreshing to see that even guys in Atlanta, Florida and New York wouldn't touch it either. Can't say much about the horrible script but it was REALLY offensive to anyone who likes guns in America. And no one did it. The filmmakers were astonished that no one would help them. It was funny to see. Most of the ACTORS and Directors/Producers are ultra left gun haters anyway. So we avoid talking to them about ANYTHING other than the movie and what we have to do on set. It's better that way.
* M16A2 Answer: I will try to get to it. I have a bunch of real A3s and A4s that I can shoot as well, even though they really look alike from more than a few inches away ;) I am trying to get a good M4 carbine shot. All the ones that are available have custom crap on them ( like custom flash hiders/muzzle brakes) that very few people would recognize. I'm trying to get ICONIC aka classic look images of the gun. On that note, I want to replace that Ruger Mini-30 shot with a factory standard looking shot. I DO have a bunch of A2s that I will try to photograph.
What do you think of the 12 gauge pump shotgun page? Dumb idea? Input would be appreciated.
Also I think I need to put a separate WISH LIST page together, since I'm getting a lot of requests for photos of certain guns. I wonder if anyone from other gun sites are jealous of the gun pics that IMFDB has? hahahahaha. That's one thing that keeps me going! but don't tell anyone.... MPM2008
==Casino Royale==
Uh dude. you're right and that other guy is wrong. No way it's a Zastava M76. I think there is a foreign name for the WASR 3 gun (the one NOT imported into the US), but I don't know what it is. Robey can get all that stuff that good old' BATF won't allow into this country. :( Check out the flash hider, the front sight, the foregrip and the grenade launcher sight. What confuses a lot of people up is that Zastava also has a dragunov like SNIPER rifle also called the M76.
The MP9 is seldom seen in the movie and the non-screenshot pic is better than the shots in the movie. She fires it eyes closed and the muzzle flash and smoke make it hard to see (in pretty much the only scene she uses it). I pretty much took what I could get. -GM45
==Where Eagles Dare==
Nice job so far, you've gotten a lot done very quickly. It certainly looks more filled out then it did before. It wasn't even in proper format to the site. Keep up the good work, I'll look at it more when I finish [[Kelly's Heroes]]. -GM45
== Bad Boys II P226 ==
About the [[Bad Boys II]] page, should we use the Two Tone P226 with the black hammer for the P226 section? I'm asking this because I noticed the hammer was black on Martin Lawrence's P226, it's entirely up to you because I figured you might want it to look as much like the gun in the film as possible.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 19:54, 11 October 2008 (UTC)
== Need some help ==
Hello, I just added a few more guns in The Unit page and I need some help IDing some of them that I can't seem to put my finger on. Care to give me a hand if you can?
== Re:Beretta M92FS ==
I just started doing the honors (forgot to log in of course), And thanks for telling me if there were any differences between them. I'm going to watch Heroes for an hour now, but I'll get right back on replacing the images when I get back.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 01:02, 14 October 2008 (UTC)
== Should cartoons be allowed? ==
I want to know if it is either no one cares about the fact that cartoons like Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, and recently South Park had been allowed to this site. I have don't think these pages should exist because do you think about the rare guns that appears on those shows and wonder what they are? Cause I sure don't. I'm too busy laughing my ass off to how funny these series are, not wondering if the shotgun Homer used in the Zombie episode was a Winchester Model 1887 or that it never appeared in any other episode following. I don't care and I dont think anyone else should care. We're getting cartoon fanboys that thinks just because Family Guy has an episode where Stewie has a closet full of look alike guns, means we should write a page about them. Those guns are not the point of the show and the artist that drew them obviously didn't take much consideration for them or mention. I think Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad, and South Park be removed at once. None of them deserve to be on this site. And whoever puts them here doesn't respect this site enough.
==New Pics==
:''I'm also curious...what would you think of a page dedicated to explaining the importance of your gun images to new users of the site, and featuring examples of your work? It would be linked from the main page.''
Don't know exactly what you mean. I know that some of the mods have had to restore some of my pics in the past when a new member replaced them with a stolen airsoft pics. As far as pointing out the movie guns, Don't know if it's important. Most of the new pictures of guns are indeed movie guns but since I can't confirm what they've been in (I suspect some of the really NICE and clean versions haven't been out at all, being that actors are idiots who break EVERYTHING they touch), I tend to just like having them here as a crisp clean photograph of the gun (and ones that only IMFDB has and no other website does). I tend to keep a low profile but only need to have the most active members (GM45, MT2008, ORCA, Alienqueen, Bunni, Excal, etc.) in the communication loop for the most part.
If you have a specific idea, let me know. :)
BTW: just came back from ANOTHER shoot. An actor who was just standing there in an open field waiting for his shot, DROPPED, my Colt M4 Carbine with RIS rails, L mount and Aimpoint sight on the ONE patch of concrete (left over from a demolished building from 1900) in an entire field of soft dirt. Literally it was 100 yards of soft dirt and grass and he manages to find the ONE patch of concrete in several acres and drops my gun on it. He cracked the knob of the L mount off the gun. This was a pristine gun and yet another actor finds a way to Fuck it all up. Figures. :(
==Re: Helping out with replacing pics==
Thanks for helping on replacing the new pics with the old ones. Since I have limited time, I spend it mostly grabbing the guns and photographing them. A lot of the guns need to be reconfigured (custom stuff removed, classic buttstocks or flash hiders put BACK on, etc.) Hopefully other members can help with the task of updating some of the older pages. I do it when I see something but since my time is limited I'd rather spend it getting the list of request images done, rather than spending it editing other pages. Thanks.
== Dawn of the Dead ==
Hey, I just uploaded some new [[Dawn of the Dead (2004)]] screenshots, and I want to know if you can take a look at the custom Remington 870 section of the page, and help me confirm that it is an 870, I'm sure it is, but just want to make sure because MPM2008 says he's going to get a picture of a shotgun in a similar configuration eventually, and he says it appears to have Mossberg style ghost ring sights. Thanks in advance.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:43, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
Disregard, GM45 answered my questions.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 04:55, 19 October 2008 (UTC)
It's okay, I'm sure you would have did your best. And don't worry, I got your message on the [[Die Hard 2]] talk page, and I promise I'll have some new MP5 shots Friday, and I'm also going to upload some new screencaps for the original [[Die Hard]] eventually, and also replace those Youtube quality shots that are on the page now. And also, do you like the new Beretta Inox shots for the [[Dawn of the Dead (2004)]] page?--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 22:14, 20 October 2008 (UTC)
Oh yea, I saw your message on the [[Beretta M92F]] talk page, and I approve moving it to a different name since it dosen't really make sense to have it titled "Beretta M92F" when it includes 92Gs and 92SBs. Feel free to move the page whenever you're ready.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 01:36, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
I don't think it'll messed up pages with the original links (atleast I hope not) because the M1911 Series page used to be called 1911 and the Beretta M92F page used to be referred to as Beretta 92 and the links didn't react badly to the renaming back then. I'd say go for it, and if anything goes wrong I'll help fix the links.
And yeah, titles linking to gun pages irks me for the same reasons. Some user who made an account when the site was getting started created that trend, I also hate it because when new users see pages like that, they sometimes get the wrong idea on editing and making pages.
And yes, I'll be more then happy get rid of any pages you don't want. Just send me a list of them, and they'll be gone.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 02:12, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
There you go, that should give us a little more server space. I really hate when people create duplicate pages of movies we already have on here, they can atleast check first before making a page. And that Terrorist and Top Ten Rifles pages were of no use to the site, I don't even understand why people create stupid pages like that. Well, anyway, thanks for letting me know about those pages, the site will be better off without them, if you come across anything else, just give me a call.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:05, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Thanks, I'll delete them as I come across them. Also can you do me a favor? Redirect the [[Shoot to kill]] page to a properly punctuated title, I would do it, but I don't really know how to redirect pages. Thanks in advance.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:20, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
Also to answer an earlier question, to check what pages or images link to a particular page, go a page such as [[Beretta M92F]], and look in the toolbox, and click on "what links here".--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:51, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
No problem, let me know how it goes once you do.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:57, 22 October 2008 (UTC)
== Tybalts Gun ==
I was wondering if you know where I can find a compensator like the one on tybalts taurus. Thanks
::Since this guy is anonymous, I can't message him so I hope you don't mind if I tell him on your discussion board MT. Some sites are,, Search, search, and search some more. You'll find whatever you need on those. I got a compensator for my M1911 on ebay. -[[User:Gunmaster45|GM45]]
I protected all MPM2008's pictures. And yea, that one user is really pissing me off, he dosen't listen and dosen't seem to know a good picture when he sees one. MPM2008 puts too much effort into his images for idiots to upload crappy pictures (Which they probably found on Google) over them like that. Anyway, thanks for reverting the USP image, I also hope to able to block users back soon because I could really use that.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:15, 23 October 2008 (UTC)
==Special page==
I'm too tired right now to formulate a good response, :) But I will get to that, re the new special page, but I tend to lean away from drawing undue attention to my efforts. :) MPM2008
==keeping me honest==
Remember if you see an obvious screw up in my updates, please correct it and let me know. I now triple check when someone brings something up. :) I may not have time to do another photo shoot until this weekend. :) MPM2008
== Problem fixed ==
I have good news, thanks to Bunni, we have the ability to block users back, and I also want to let you know that Hieloco is now gone, he'll never be able to upload images, or edit again. By the way, I recommended you and GM45 for positions as moderators.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:26, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
The position could still be useful to you in other ways as well. Even if you're unable to catch vandals right away, you can still use the priviledge to delete any pages you don't want or protect them. It's entirely up to you, if you're not interested, just let me know, and I'll tell Bunni.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:47, 24 October 2008 (UTC)
== Just made you an Admin ==
You'll now be able to move pages, ban users and protect pages and images. :) [[User:WikiSysop|WikiSysop]] 03:36, 30 October 2008 (UTC)
==Beretta Inox flashpaper gun==
It's funny how you uploaded the ISS Beretta Inox, because I'm making the punisher page now and Travolta uses that gun. -GM
: I also have an ISS .45 uploaded on [[A Beautiful Mind]] if you need it. -GM
Whatever is easier for you is fine by me. I'll make sure to check it out when your done. - GM
: I knew that blanks expanded like that, I guess I just saw what looked like a live round. Whoops. -GM
==non guns==
Awesome work on the page. Don't know where you got the pics of the devices, but they're very well known around here. And I think they're particularly fugly. ISS is all hot shit on the fact that "They" have the only "NON" guns. Now you know that no one OWNS a Panavision camera. They are all OWNED by Panavision and owners/rental houses/etc. only '''lease''' them from Panavision. Just like most of the DOLLIES used in tracking shots, these items are never sold, only LEASED and can be 'recalled' to the parent company at any time. Well NON guns are only available from one place. Other armories cannot ever buy them. We can only subrent them. This new page may not be particularly pretty (the guns are pretty ugly) but it is an important educational element to understanding weapons in films. Usually they're used in places where you can't fire a real gun but need a flash (I filmed in a building right next to a children's hospital and no blanks were allowed), I know of friends who did shoot outs right outside the WHITE HOUSE, and the secret service would only approve of the non guns, and most of the time in NYC, who has such F$*(&ed up gun laws, that most actual gun fire sequences in major motion pictures are done OUTSIDE of the limits of NYC. Great work! IMFDB is getting to be THE definite "weapons in movies" info page!
Sorry, I've been really SICK for the last ten days and haven't had a time to set up and take pics of guns. When I sit down and rest, i've managed to upload just some files I already had prepared on my computer, but it was just being able to sit down and do stuff that made it possible. Yeah, I know, gun pics are all I'm good for ... ;) Also it's been crazy busy around here. I'm tempted to start making up an "Hello IMFDB" card and start taking pics of actors/actresses in motion pictures holding it and posting them here as a giggle. Usually also holding a movie gun as well. You guys tell me what to put on the card, and I'll start taking it with me to sets, and get famous actors to have their pic taken holding it. I was thinking the IMFDB logo. Again it only works if I can get people to take out a few minutes to do that. The last several productions have been insanely busy and last minute. Usually I get called to the set to bring a gun to an actor, literally SECONDS before the camera rolls. Of course I do a training and practice session if they're firing it, but when I'm handing off an obvious deactivated gun or non firing prop weapon, usually it's totally last minute.
== Re: Screenshots ==
Okay, I'll leave them alone. I also spotted some very good [[Ronin]] screenshots that MoviePropMaster uploaded, want me to leave those as well?--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:06, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
Yeah, I noticed some of the Grand Theft Auto 4 pictures that were on the site before the Great Crash, I'll leave them there for use in the future. do you want me to get rid of the old Hulk Screenshots?--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:13, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
Good Job, Now that most of them are gone, we should have a ton of room for new and better images. And I agree, seeing how Chaos was, there's no telling how many more extra gun images are out there, I'll be sure to keep an eye for anymore like that because happen to noticed you deleted like atleast three Beretta 92FS pictures. And yea, I really wish people wouldn't upload extra gun pictures, especially when we have the ones MPM2008 taken, there should be no need for them to upload their own images. I'll be sure to check the Revolver page as well.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:32, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
==Okay the ugly gun has a good looking cousin!==
you asked for this a long time back .... BTW, got the Type 84S as well ....
I have some SR9 sniper rifles. These were actually 'built' up from HK91 rifles back in the day (alot of the movie guns are 'built' rather than factory stock. I'm sure you know especially the history of the "MP5 versus the HK94 conversions" or the endless "Type 56 versus every AK variant on the planet".) As far as a 'historical reference of the real guns' "Hollywood guns" fall short. My "SR9" upper receivers don't have the forward assist of the actual SR9 guns, but everything else is correct. Is it wrong to post the pics? These guns HAVE been in films and TV shows in the past. The SR9 pictured was in "Nash Bridges" at least once. (edit) and you can see the same SR9 style gun used in SNIPER with Billy Zane, But real gun aficionados might wonder why the upper receiver looks more like a 91 versus an SR9. I will try to get a REAL SR9 rifle and post that pic, but I'm torn, being that we use built up SR9s in American movies and tv shows, though some other armorers have the 'real deal'. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:07, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
==Type 56 underfolder==
I just saw GOLDENEYE again this weekend on the television and noticed that the 'cuban' soldiers at the end had Type 56 rifles under folder style with those fake AK74 muzzle brakes on them. So I popped a fake AK74 muzzle brake on one of my Type 56 underfolders and took a pic (for the Goldeneye page). Just a note, all of my own bolt carriers have been blued (after the fact). I should have kept some of them 'silver' for times like these. I will try to track down an unmodified bolt carrier and reshoot some of the guns so that they look stock. The Type 84 has a blued bolt carrier and the original factory model does not.[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:39, 2 November 2008 (UTC)
==SR9s and AKs==
The SR9 in the Replacement killers is a built gun. It has a different lower (see the S-F versus the 0-1) but it doesn't seem to have the forward assist that the SR9 should have (look at the PSG1 to see what the forward assist looks like). But 99.99% of the SR9 guns in movie inventories are built guns. I've only seen authentic guns in foreign movies with foreign armorers. I don't have the exact right Buttstock for my 'faux' SR9T. Is that too distracting? It's been used in films as an SR9T despite the fact that it's a SG/1 buttstock. Again, hollywood 'secrets' are being shattered on this site. But this is not a 'history of firearms' site, in as so much as it is a 'Firearms in the movies' site. And the reality of films is way different than that of guns in the real world, many times.
You're right about the Cuban soldiers. I watched it again on DVD and though in some angles (the forest near the satellite dish) the mags seem dark, it could just be the angle. I will change the AK Underfolder shot... [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:14, 3 November 2008 (UTC)
:''I figured since the SR9 used to be a readily available civilian "assault rifle", armorers would use it. ''
Available yes, readily available no. Since only 125 TCs were imported into the entire USA and only 100 T models, most of these were snapped up by either law enforcement or collectors. Clinton put a stop to their import since they could accept 'high capacity' magazines. I tried for years ever since they started coming out to get a real one but couldn't just because they were hard to get (at least on the West coast). It also depended on which distributor one was cozy with. Since the rifles themselves were all built on HK91 receivers anyway, it was easier to get the parts and convert existing HK91s. Since THESE guns have impersonated real TC guns I figured why the hell not? The screencap of Billy Zane in Sniper is one of these very guns. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:43, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the help on [[Four Brothers]]. I think there's also a "Non Gun" Glock in the Glock 17 section if you want to look at that.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 06:59, 4 November 2008 (UTC)
:''Hope it doesn't bother you that we're unmasking all of the various tricks that you armorers have been using over the years to convince moviegoers they're seeing one gun when it's actually another!''
I was just worried about places like the HK forums with all of those HK enthusiasts. What concerns me is that some people in the firearms community, who are purists, won't understand that IMFDB is not a 'gun history' site per se, but a "history of guns in the movies" site. I actually got worried that HK aficionados would be offended that I had posted images of 'built' movie guns that closely approximate a specific gun, like the movie built SR9T guns rather than getting a bonafide SR9T... when I actually stop to think of it. I will really try to get the real deal in a photo (borrow them from collectors if I have to), but in reality, (just like having Type 56 rifles or Maadis impersonate the REAL AKs in films), movie guys impersonate a few guns, just because it was easier to do so at the time. Like the Fake XM8s in xXx:State of the Union, it all seems so 'fake' when it's revealed to the public, kinda like a magician's tricks. As far as bothering me, no, it is information and cinema history that needs to be collected and shared. I just feel a little weird presenting to gun people ''"Here is a fake Machine gun '_ _ _ _' that we had to build from plastic and metal parts because we didn't have access to the real one (like the DShKs)"'' If you get my meaning. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:48, 5 November 2008 (UTC)
==New pics==
Well I finally got the M16A2 done, I'll get the A3 and A4 as well as a Diemaco done soon. Finally I got to replace my old HK91 pic! :) woohoo! there was a shadow on the upper handguard that bugs me. Does it bug you? The lights were too close and didn't cover the entire rifle. It's not a stock HK magazine, though, it's one of those Taiwanese Blued 30 round magazines that were imported in the 1990s. I'm pretty happy though, I think this is one of the best pics of the HK91 on the web right now. ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:04, 6 November 2008 (UTC)
[[Image:HK Model 91.jpg|thumb|none|600px]]
==Luger P08==
(posted this to Alienqueen as well) :) . I finally posted a pic of one of the Lugers we have in inventory. Apparently this is one of the Luger P08s used on the Television show "Hogan's Heroes" in the 1960s. It sure is beat up. Though that info is third hand is the only reason I don't post it because I don't have the info directly from the source. The Barrel was replaced about 20 years ago for some reason, which is why the finish doesn't match. It's a bit of TV history, thought you'd get a kick out of it. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 23:08, 6 November 2008 (UTC)
Congratulations on the upcoming P226! I wish it was as easy to buy a handgun in NY as it is in Texas. NY sucks with gun laws (gun control laws are bullshit). If my dad wasn't a liscense FFL dealer, I'd have pretty much no chance of enjoying the guns I enjoy now.
: I got [[Last Man Standing]] finished and I'm going to do [[Shawshank Redemption]] and [[Hotel Rwanda]] soon. Then I'm going to try to fully do [[The Dirty Dozen]] and then I've only got 10 more movies on my list to do. (including the The whole yards movies, some war movies, and Blazing Saddles.) I'll try to get them all done by the end of the month.
P.S. Not to get political, but I hope Biden keeps his Assault Weapons Ban to himself, because not many know he wrote Clinton's ban. If he focuses on gun control during Obama's term, we are majorly fucked (excuse the language). -GM
::My father is the same way with assault rifles. He says he doesn't like guns designed to kill. Splitting hairs there. Biden's ban is ridiculous though, he believes any semi-auto gun is considered an assault weapon, including the Browning A5 and the Ruger 10/22! It is foolish and I can't say anything threatening about him because he is VP, but I STRONGLY DISLIKE HIM. [insert uber-insulting text]. I don't understand how people like him make it into office. Dammit, I started a political discussion. -GM
==Taurus 85==
:''There's only one that troubles - I think the newer Taurus 85 image is a bit fuzzier compared to the old one. ''
WTF? try refreshing and looking at the file again. That might fix it. The new pic is way clearer than the old one. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:29, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
==G3 page==
Ugh. Looks like Kin93 added some pics, but I'm not sure if we need to list ones that don't appear in any movie or flick. What are your thoughts? Also the formatting of the G3 page is going all to hell. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:40, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
==emasculated guns and a discovery==
Well, none of the armorers that I know have those castrated thumbhole HK "Sporting purpose" guns with the neutered forearm (designed to not resemble a "military forearm" woooooo Scary.....). I mean, we don't have pics of all the THUMBHOLE monstrosity AKs (the MAK-90s, the NHMs, etc. etc.) that were imported in the 1990s. Because they weren't used for the most part (I do know of some B movies which had them, but until we list those films, I don't think we should have the pics). It's a bit like all those weird Cutaway shots of guns that have NEVER been in a movie. What's the point? It just clutters the pages and site and doesn't educate anyone about guns in films.
BTW: I found one of those long barreled mystery AK folders I was mystified by in "stealth". Well I don't have it now, but I will try to photograph one when I visit one of my Canadian armorer friends in January. It's the Norinco Type 84 Target Match rifle (with either full stock or folding stock). Very FEW got into the U.S., but they were heavily imported into Canada (that is until the Montreal Massacre of 1989 when that psycho Marc Lépine murdered 14 female students with a Mini-14, however, it took the Canadian government until 1995 to ban Semiautomatic long guns in Canada). So the Canadians had five more years of importing ugly guns than we did. Anyway, my gun control vent is off now ;) I will get a shot of the long barreled Norinco Type 84. :) woo hoo. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:34, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
:''And yes, we definitely have some of the best gun pics on the 'Net thanks to you. I must admit I'm still smitten with the fact that Norinco Type 84 pics are basically non-existent in just about any gun image site around (even World Guns, which is usually pretty reliable)...except here. ''
Actually World Guns has pretty crappy photography and I'm pretty sure they jack their shots from other sources as well. That's the reason why I work so hard on the photos. The Net has crap pics of guns. Most of the guys don't know how to take a decent picture (some of the guys take some nice outdoor pics though). I've always liked those Japanese gun magazines with the outrageously sexy product photos of firearms. Those Japanese photographers always knew how to take awesome pics of guns. Anyway I will continue to try to photograph as much as I can. It's still a long while before I 'run out' of guns to take pictures of. I just need to (a) clean some of them up (b)repair some of them or (c) assemble them. As I mentioned before, I have ALL the parts to make all of the correct XM177 models (original USGI parts) but they're all in bins, mismatched. That's one of the things I've always wanted to do, being that so many people screw up and name 'everything' a Colt Commando, when the Commando was a specific type of firearm. Today is a busy day so not much more stuff from me for a little bit. regards. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:31, 7 November 2008 (UTC)
Yes, I've seen that feature and took some screengrabs from it. I'm going to put those up after I'm done with the movie shots. Thanks for the remainder too.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 02:44, 8 November 2008 (UTC)
== Want me to stop? ==
Cause I just got Pineapple Express, Wanted, Mummy 3. All these movies. I mean, I got the Incridible Hulk before it came out on DVD, I got Iron Man before it came out. Do you want me to leave disclaimers? Want me to stop?
::Fine, I'll stop. And I was actually excited in rewatching Mummy 3 again just to see the guns
:::Right, but still, I mean if we get screencaps from the DVDs and posted it here, aren't we still taking copyrighted images and posting them? How is doing that and taking something from a bootlegged copy any different?
::::I didn't say I did, and I didn't write down here if I even took these off of a bootleg movie that I might or might not have downloaded. I could have found a website that I don't remember. I'll stop posting images from something that isn't offical, IE like a DVD but I am going to write it here that just because the evidence points that these might or might not have been from bootlegged material, doesn't mean I did the bootlegging. I don't want to be accused officially and my words written on this site turned against me. I will not admit or deny anything. But I will stop posting photos that can be questioned.
:::::''My thoughts. Excaliber01, I would not post anything that has not been officially '''released'''. I myself posted pics from the '''Body of Lies''' high definition trailer on the web, as well as the Ironman movie , but that was an officially released trailer and was not a bootleg. I've dealt with MPAA and posting images from screen caps, as long as you're writing something 'newsworthy' or 'educational' about the film, doesn't seem to ruffle many feathers. It dances on the line of being 'journalism' if you're writing about the film, not promoting or doing any fan stuff about it, or using it for any self promotion or commercial purposes. After all, how can anyone '''prove''' that a particular gun appear in a scene, unless there is a screengrab to prove it? However, anything that can be construed as a '''bootleg''' should be avoided. This changes the entire attitude of folks, especially people in the industry and it may direct unwanted attention to IMFDB if we started regularly having proof that a member is posting images from a '''bootleg''' dvd. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:09, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
==The page==
Wow. Don't know what to say. I've been gone doing the "gun Thing" the last several days, so I've been offline. thanks! However, I do stay anonymous for a reason. (a) the film industry (and Hollywood in particular) is full of ultra liberal, anti gun persons ... petty and vindictive persons. They think everyone is one of them ... thinks like them ... and those who do not can suffer their wrath, whether it be through pressure or innuendo. There are tons of folks who are blackballed (not officially) but when any powerful individual doesn't like them ... that person 'magically' can't find work... It's probably one of the most dysfunctional industries in existence, save for the "XXX" adult biz. (b) I never draw attention to myself, only presenting my 'cred' when I'm discussing topics or details with other enthusiasts who seem 'serious enough' about the site. I want freedom to post freely without fear of the repercussions of bad mouthing individuals in the biz. Also it's not about me, but what I can contribute to the site. Alot of the armorers stay pretty low key. I'm actually one of the more opinionated ones. We all talk amongst ourselves, but I've noticed that most of the industry biggies (the most famous working armorers) stay very MUM on the topics of politics or gun control. Weird that people would not put 2 and 2 together, i.e. We work with guns ... but we don't support ultra liberal Democrats who want to BAN guns. It's all part of the ignorance of weapons in movies. I don't know HOW many times I've heard "Oh, you don't use REAL guns do you?", or "Oh, the gun bans won't affect YOU!". Which as you know is total bullshit on both counts. Frankly, the powers that be don't give a crap. Most of the industry 'lower echelon people' keep quiet. I have to bite my tongue when I work, but I don't want to have to bite my tongue when I post ;) (c) Some people are 'asshole magnets'. I know a lot of women who have attracted internet stalkers. I, unfortunately have general idiots doing the whole internet harassment thing already (people posting a person's real name, address, phone#, doing weird things like saying they work as a janitor or dropped out of High school (yes both those falsehoods have been posted). It's always disturbing to Google one's own name only to see some asshat smearing you on his blog. The bigger IMFDB grows, and I hope that it grows HUGE, the more google hits will link to the site. I just stay anonymous because I don't want yet another place where morons can figure out who I am (Believe me, YOU guys (the most trusted posters on the site) will probably get that info BEFORE the public, which is fine by me). Also anyone who knows all the armorers and looks at what I say, can easily figure my identity, which again is okay, but I'm already fighting with a particular idiot who is intent on sliming me and my rep on the net, and I dont' want to drag IMFDB into it. Anyway, that's a more long winded explanation. I really appreciate the thought behind the MoviePropMaster Page, but frankly I don't need the credit. You guys give me all the credit I need with your comments on the pics and pages! :) I don't think that the site benefits all that much from the page right now. Just because at this time I'm staying very low key. :) Hope this is understandable. Thanks again. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:49, 10 November 2008 (UTC)
==Model 29==
Well Charon had a pretty good pic on the Dirty Harry pages. The only thing is that I assumed that these were jacked photos. Question: We discussed this before, but it's okay to remove nice pics but ones that are 'jacked from Google' with new original photos as long as the gun is the same make model and configuration? Right? I don't want contributors getting pissed at me for replacing their posted images, even though they themselves just uploaded it from Google. From your conversations with Alienqueen, I assume that the mods agree, replacing all the "net" photos with original IMFDB pics is the standard action, and contributors will have to realize that they didn't 'own' the copyright to the net pics to begin with.
So what do you think of that offer? He wrote a very gracious message and was professional enough to make a formal request. I'm on the fence. I take my pics with the intent of having them only on IMFDB. I do have some friends (fellow armorers OR collectors) who have volunteered the pristine examples for photography (since a lot of the movie guns are beat up), that I've allowed to use for their own uses. Ironwood Designs, for example, did the replacement wood on one of the yugoslavian RPKs (that I haven't uploaded yet), and they asked to use that pic for their website, and I gave them permission, since they fixed the broken wood with an exact replica of the original Yugoslavian wood. There are a few people with websites I've given some specific image permission to , but all of these people have helped in the production of the photos in one way or another. So they're different.
Please give me your thoughts. I am not so keen on others using the pics I shot for IMFDB, at least until I can create a watermarked version of the image, ("courtesy of IMFDB", that sort of thing) so people know that the pic was one of the ones from here. I've been watching the web and are actively looking for websites that might pirate these pics. I don't take kindly to people who jack MY pics, so I am ready to email offenders with 'cease and desist' orders ;) Let me know what you think regarding the polite request by the English wiki guy to use my gun images. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:58, 13 November 2008 (UTC)
==IMFDB hypocritical? Nah==
I would not clamp down as an IMFDB mod, but as the original photographer. I own the copyright of my own photos and have every right to demand that others not pirate my work. I granted IMFDB the rights (in writing on my user page BTW) to use my photos, I know that anyone who jacks the images will hear from me, the copyright holder. As far as jacking images, (a) I only uploaded some images when there was no image and we needed a place holder. I've been replacing these with images I've shot myself, there are almost none left. If the original copyright holder contacts me (or the site) ... that image will be removed immediately (I assume you all agree with me). I would immediately remove any other person's pics if asked. I just worry that others will not comply if I ask for a removal of my own stuff. I can't control the actions of the other IMFDB contributors, but I shot these images '''FOR''' IMFDB, so I am quite protective of my intellectual and artistic property.
Also, as indicated by the kind and professional email from that English Wiki guy, I see that others have noticed the image quality of IMFDB gun pics :) I'm just working towards the day when persons start looking here for images of guns, rather than those other gun sites! hahaha. (despite the fact that they have much more technical and historical data on the actual guns). Also this is the only place I can post images of the 'faux' or 'conversion' guns that we use in the biz. No real firearms page would be interested in a fake SR9 or a fake MP5 (made from an HK94) or Star handguns standing in for 1911s, etc. etc. Anyway, I say 'bring em on' if anyone complains. I'm working my tail off to replace all the pics with images that have been granted usage rights to IMFDB (by me). :) Can't wait until we have all the jacked gun pics replaced on the site. ;) Let me know what you think. best regards. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:19, 14 November 2008 (UTC)
==The Crow==
The gun is a chopped Muzzelite bullpup stock that was custom modified to take a shotgun. Mossberg had a Bullpup stock gun (and kit available in the 1980s) but upon closer examination the gun that Ernie Hudson is holding is a Muzzelite for sure.
Also your comments on the accident that killed brandon lee are inaccurate. Believe me, I've been correcting people for YEARS. the gun that shot Brandon Lee was a snub nose Charter Arms .44 bulldog, not the Model 29 seen in the movie. The reason why no one saw it in the movie is because it is from a deleted scene where Funboy ([[Michael Massee]]) shoots Draven in front of an all night convenience store. the footage from that entire scene was later destroyed after the investigation. the scene with the .44 bulldog will NEVER be seen by the general public.
Also the gun armorer had nothing to do with the accident. The armorer was wrapped (i.e. sent home) at midnight that night and the gun was locked up in the props trailer (which is a semi truck trailer on most major motion picture gigs that are being shot on location). However, the director (or 2nd unit director) decided to try to film the scene where Massee shoots lee at 4:30 am, well after the weapons master had been 'wrapped' for the day. As is common when dealing with idiot NON gun ownng people, someone loaded the dummy rounds in first (and then dry fired it). The dummy rounds were live (full metal jacket) rounds purchased from a local gun store, and then the rounds were removed with a bullet hammer and all the powder inside was dumped out (the bullet reseated with a reloading press), but the primers remained live, since the director wanted shots of the undented primers. Well, as you know, when you dry fire a revolver with a dummy round (with live primer) the primer explosion is enough to drive the bullet about an inch into the barrel. Someone handed the gun back to the prop handler (who was NOT the gun handler) and said something to the effect of 'this gun is broken'. When another untrained prop handler unloaded the revolver, she did not notice that one of the "dummy rounds" was missing it's bullet head. Again, chain of custody of the handgun was broken yet another time, and no one on the set was trained enough to CHECK the barrel for obstructions, like they should have. They decided to film the scene WITHOUT the gun wrangler (which was fucking stupid since obviously none of these retards knew anything about guns, but this mentality is COMMON in the industry. Non gun owners are the biggest fuckups with guns... as you've heard me bitch about time and time again.
Anyway, come time to film (about 4:00 AM, four hours when they sent the gun handler home because they told him the were DONE filming any firearms scenes) they loaded a full powered .44 bulldog blank in the gun (with that bullet lodged into the barrel) and it obviously had enough force to expel out the round. What is tragic is that Michael massee wasn't aiming directly at Lee, however, the deformation of the round, plus the fact that it was already 'crooked' in the barrel created a non stable bullet flight. It 'arched' on a weird spin pattern and literally curved it's trajectory into Lee. The bullet entered his lower intestines, and because it was spinning in a weird way, tore all the way up his spinal cord (shattering the spinal cord into splinters) all the way up to the base of his neck. Even if he was taken to an E.R. within seconds, the damage was so severe that he would have died regardless of who or what medical facilities were treating him. What is chilling is that the footage shows the scene continuing as if nothing is wrong and the director calling cut, with set assistants walking up and checking on Lee to see why he is being 'so slow to get up'. It was pretty gruesome.
I wonder what it would have been like to be the gun wrangler getting to set the next day, only to discover that the other props people (who knew nothing about guns) had managed to kill the star with their stupidity. BTW, I knew an actor who was roommates with Michael Massee (Funboy). Massee was so traumatized by the incident that he took a year hiatus and hiked across the Canadian wilderness to 'clear his head'. The entire incident was tragic, but unfortunately, a lot of urban myths are posted on the internet about it. The longer time passes, the more inaccurate accounts I read on the net about the incident. Hope this helps. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:43, 17 November 2008 (UTC)
==Check it out==
I think this is the most pristine shot of an AK-104 ever on the net! ;) And only IMFDB has it. :) hahaha. The only inaccuracy is that I didn't have the bakelite 7.62 magazines that are correct on this model, so I used a Bulgarian Waffle Pattern Magazine. If you think it's too inaccurate then I will try to find a mag and repost the image.
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:43, 19 November 2008 (UTC)
==FG 42==
damn, that new model looks pristine! Almost weird looking to see one like that. Mine is all beat up (and over 60 years old!) Should I replace my weird looking pic with one of those new ones?(that is if someone I know gets one, I myself aren't interested in the new replica live fire model, but I know other guys who will spend whatever it costs to get one) ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:26, 20 November 2008 (UTC)
== John Woo qoute ==
I don't think this line is in the "qoutes" section of the main page, but I like it to be placed in. "Easy to pick up, hard to put down". Obviously refering to guns and ammo. It's a line from the John Woo movie "The Killer" said by Joe, Chow Yun Fat's character
I don't know how to put this qoute into the qoute section of the main page, but do you?
==MAC pics==
I'm more proud of the MAC-11 (380). Now that page has ALL MPM2008 pics! woo hoo! These are the best pics of these guns on the net so far. Did you see the SIG 550? Again, I think it's the best image of that gun on the entire web as well. I had to build up the MAC-11 since the example was in pieces due to an internal part breaking and no one bothered to reassemble it with replacement parts. I'm on the fence about giving the M-11 it's own page. It is technically derived from the original MAC-11 blueprints, but it was elongated so that the bolt carrier could traverse a longer distance in order to properly cycle the more powerful 9x19mm round. And people always mix it up with the other two guns, so I think that putting them together will help "gun ignorant" people understand that these are all distinct guns and not to mix them up. Oh and BTW, the Cobray M11 9mm magazines don't fit in the Ingram MAC-10/9 9mm guns and vice versa. Completely different designs. Just a trivia note.
I have to take a short break to actually do paid "work" (what's that?) and get back to IMFDB later. I am trying to get Thompson pics, but all our Thompsons are in weird configurations. I've already shot an M1928 that was in the Class III vault, and it' rear sight is an M1A1 (WTF?)
Did you see the custom AMD-65 I made for the Rambo page? I think i'll continue building up the configurations as seen in the movies. Heck I got the parts in shop anyway and some of the guns may have been in the film. But usually the ones I fix up are too nice to have been in some of those movies (they were dropped ALOT). [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:12, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
==The Dark side of movie guns==
One of the original Type 56 rifles from the movie "Uncommon Valor" (and no, please Don't post this image on that page, I have access to other rifles from the movie that are in way better shape and I intend to delete this image after a little while). This is what SOME movie guns look like. (Click on the image to see it up close) And no, they're not MY GUNS. I have some guns I need to clean up, but any beaters I try to clean up and keep as good as I can. But I tend to pick and choose the most pristine examples I can find of each movie gun. As you can guess, a lot of the movie guns (not the HERO pieces) are pretty beat up. We have actors and stunt persons dropping them and mishandling them all the time. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:33, 22 November 2008 (UTC)
[[Image:BeatType56.jpg|thumb|none|700px|Heck at least it fireable....]]
:I don't think I've ever seen any AK variant beat up that badly, even ones confiscated in Iraq and Afghanistan, and you know those guns get the tar beat out of them... [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 09:13, 23 November 2008 (UTC)Orca1_9904
::That's nothing. try having a moron ACTOR touch your AK for a few days. These (liberal anti gun moron actors) manage to destroy weapons all the time. And they claim they don't "like" guns, and yet they mess around with them, drop them, etc. It's gotten so bad that I have a pow wow with the director & producers a lot BEFORE filming starts and tell them, they had better let me stop "unsafe behavior" (meaning I can yell at and confiscate weapons from the "Stars" on sight). Dropping a gun on concrete is not only rude and damages the gun, it can create cracks or breaks or other unseen damage that can create a catastrophic malfunction. Not that likely given the quality of most battlefield or high end guns, but it's the reasoning I use to whip the director & producer into line. The biggest 'threat' i've ever made on set, when no one backed me up when I was trying to stop reckless gun behavior, was to threaten to (a) immediately quit, (b) pack up all the guns & blanks, (c) leave .... and notify their Insurance agency that the armorer left the set due to unsafe weapons and pyrotechnical practices. Boom! That will either get their policy canceled immediately (it's against union rules to work on a set with out com/liability insurance) or get insurance investigators to visit the set immediately. That bluff has never been called! hahahaha. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:28, 24 November 2008 (UTC)
==Uncommon valor==
:''It's odd because I had no clue that the Type 56 was imported to the U.S. back when Uncommon Valor was filmed (82-83). I remember hearing it wasn't until 1984 that they reached these shores. ''
well didn't you wonder where all those Chinese AKs came from during the scenes filmed in Hawaii? LOL! Most of the battle scenes were filmed on the Island of Kauai. Many of the locations were the same Hawaiian locations as Jurassic Park. And I noticed how 'well fed' (i.e. hefty) the local extras were when they were playing Laotian People's Army regulars. Alot of the extras were Chinese and Japanese American residents of Hawaii. This particular gun was an amnestied pre 1968 bring back full auto original Type 56, that was registered per the rules of NFA 34 and GCA 68. There were a LOT of bring backs during the war, and many registered full autos found their way into the chains of commerce between full auto weapons owners. MPM
== ''The Kill Point'' ==
Thanks a lot for screencapping ''[[The Kill Point]]''. I originally made the page when the series first aired on Spike TV last year, but haven't found anywhere that sells in on DVD or any place on the net with good-quality video. I really appreciate your help with this article, and look forward to seeing it completed. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 09:12, 23 November 2008 (UTC)Orca1_9904
==GoldenEye discussion==
I moved the golden eye AK discussion to that page's discussion page, you know, the guys get all weirded out by the 'non-encylopedic tone' of discussions on the movie pages. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:49, 25 November 2008 (UTC)
== ''Jericho'' ==
It may take me a while to do the caps for this thing as they are buried somewhere in the massive pile of burned discs I have (yes, I know, naughty naughty) but there are a few suggestions I can offer you:
(1) M-14/M1A - seen when Hawkins shows Jake his hidden stockpile of weapons prior to New Bern's attack
(2) MAC-10 - used by some of Jonah Prowse's henchmen during the attack on the New Bern mortar sights
(3) AK-47 - used several times in the series by, among others, the Sherrif's deputies in New Bern and Jonah Prowse.
(4) Heckler&Koch UMP - seen in the hands of a U.S. Marine (based on the cammo pattern) at Camp Liberty
(5) Barret M82A1 - seen mounted on the cab of a deuce and a half at Camp Liberty
(6) M60 - used by a citizen of New Bern during the initial firefight with Jericho
(7) Glock 18 - used by Ravenwood mercs, especially Goetz, to kill Sarah - easily identified by the extended magazine
Yeah...forgot to log in here so I had to log back in in order to "claim credit"!!! Sorry dude.
Check the changes/additions I have made and edit them at your will dude!!! Semper Fidelis!!!
You're very welcome. As far as the Glocks go I thought they might be small too but I am sure I heard burst fire from them in the particular episode.
[[User:Charon68|Charon68]] 19:17, 26 November 2008
That about wraps up my contributions for this one. If you have any further questions just drop me a note. Via Con Dios.
==Happy Thanksgiving==
Hope you're eating well :) regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:26, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
==U.S. Marshals snaps==
I have U.S. Marshals on DVD, would you like me to replace your AVI shots with my DVD shot sometime? - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]] 07:04, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
==You're very welcome==
Yes, the lack of a good USAS 12 shotgun really bugged me. Also the inaccurate history of the gun (as seen on many internet sites) also bugged me. I was there and in the middle of all that political BS in the early 1990s and I remember everything, since it affected me directly. As for the new photos ... That's why I do it! hahahahah. I think IMFDB has the best USAS-12 photo on the net right now ;) I hope you also liked the new Makarov pic (I hated the old one), and the new Glock 17L. Also I 'think' we have the only good shots of the HK 512 autoshotgun on the net as well. Hope you had a great thanksgiving. I'm still working on the pics, but I've taken well over 200 custom gun photographs so far. And it looks like I have a long way to go.
Have you seen the pics of guns at Ugh! Poor guys. They have the biggest library of gun pics on the planet so far, but their quality is so bad (and lots of their guns are in really WEIRD configurations).
I screwed up on the XM177-E2 pic (I'm so mad at myself). I put the A1 style upper on an SP1 lower which is wrong. I had the SP1 lower all ready for the original XM17 pic and in a state of confusion, I assembled the E2 upper to the wrong lower. Also I have an original XM177 barreled upper ... and I can't FIND IT! Argh! It's somewhere in the piles and piles and piles of guns and gun parts. I just can't remember where I put it.
Also I'm having a hard time photographing Chrome nickel guns. I tried to photograph a nickel plated Colt Highwaypatrolman and a Colt Single Action Army (with ivory grips), but these guns are nearly 'mirror' finish and the pics look like crap. It's hard to light something that is so shiny and reflective. I'm going to get a special product soft box (the kind they use to photograph silver, platinum and gold jewelry) so that I don't see my own reflection in the item.
I'm trying to get some of the items which I don't have, but it's tough. Thanks for the compliments on Ultraviolet. There's just so much work to do on the site.
Question, how do you guys see how many views an image or page has? Thanks. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:25, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
==My thoughts on Molotov Cocktail==
Just so you know, I'm strongly against an improvised weapon like the Molotov Cocktail having it's own page. '''It's a bottle with gasoline in it.''' It's not '''manufactured or crafted''', like any of the weapons on the other pages including things like custom swords, bows and knives.
Also no user ever needs to know, "Gee, what was the make of that Molotov Cocktail I saw in that movie?" Since IMFDB is an information resource on stuff that people intuitively would NOT already know, I feel we should not put pages on things that are improvised weapons, like "the Bride" in KILL BILL using a piece of wood with nails in it to kill Gogo Yubari.
Also would you also list the propane tanks used to blow up Zombies in DAWN OF THE DEAD as a weapon as well? They had a road flare in them so they were 'modified' like a molotov cocktail.
Since the page was made and effort was put into it, I won't complain any more, but I thought you must realize how I feel towards improvised weapons. I lump them in the same category as a crowbar (weapon used in Half life), a rock, a stick or a brick. Sure Video games use them as weapons, but they don't deserve the page that a known firearm or munition does since no one will ever wonder what country they came from, who made them, what their history or caliber is, or what version or variation is being used. IMHO [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:42, 28 November 2008 (UTC)
== [[Full Metal Panic]] ==
What do you think of what I've done recently with this page?
==Do these help?==
I was tempted to overwrite the existing pics with these. Let me know if you think I should. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 08:38, 3 December 2008 (UTC)
[[Image:M1928.jpg|thumb|none|500px|M1928 "OverStamped" Auto Ordnance Thompson (this one is a real beat up one)]]
[[Image:M1928-A1 T.jpg |thumb|none|500px|M1928A1 Military contract Thompson with Stick magazine and simplified Rear sight]]
[[Image:M1928A1Drum.jpg|thumb|none|500px|M1928A1 with a Drum magazine]]
(edit: Just added this M1928A1 with a drum. I will probably over write the existing gun pics)
==WTF? Now we have internet Flash animation webisode shorts?==
Anonymous user has created a page for Taegukgi. This is NOT the Korean war Movie of the same name, but a Flash animated short that lasts less than 60 seconds, created by an (albeit talented) fan. WTF. Though the short is quite cool, it's weird and stylized animation of round headed figures duking it out for about a minute. does it count if it's only public release is a website? I think people are pushing the boundaries of what is a legitimate title here.
The page on IMDFB.
Where you can watch Taegukgi:Stagnant Fire (Stagnant Flame is the 2nd webisode)
Your thoughts are appreciated.
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 08:17, 5 December 2008 (UTC)
::EDIT: I think we should adopt the same rule as IMDB. Or actually, if the title is nowhere to be found on IMDB, that means it is not a recognized title that has been released to the general public, thus it will NOT appear on IMFDB. Members can appeal these decision by posting an IMDB link. I think that's the only was to keep these 'amateur films' (no matter how cool or talented they are), from taking over the Site. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:42, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
==The much needed FAQ or RULES for the site==
Hope we get that FAQ (actually it should be RULES for the site) done quick. I've noticed young foreign members who are posting bootleg images (the danger is from foreign members in Asia and Eastern Europe). I work in the movie biz and that's a SUREFIRE way to get the studio lawyers laser beam aimed right at US. We should prohibit screencaps from films which have NOT been released yet, immediately. The '''exception''' are those images which are taken from publicly disseminated marketing images (like production stills, or marketing images that have already been released to the public) or Screengrabs from already released trailers (like I did for Body of Lies, Defiance, and Valkyrie). These images are from public released materials, like high def trailers, and thus are not taken from a bootleg copy of the movie. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:38, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
: Kin93 is a young user from Hong Kong. 93 refers to 1993, the year he was born, which makes him 15. He may not realize that it's just not Kosher to put images from DVDs which 'may' be available in the notorious bootleg market of CHINA, but is not acceptable and illegal here in the U.S. I am going to give him a chance to respond. It may be some other film that he has mis-titled. But if we can determine definitely that these are screengrabs from the 2009 release film Tunnel Rats, then they should be deleted, with apologies sent to the OP, with a gentle warning that we don't tolerate Bootleg images. I will give him some time to let me know what it is what I think it is. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:10, 6 December 2008 (UTC)
::::Re: 15 yr olds. I don't want to sound like I am bashing 15 yr olds. [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]] is an exception. For one, he is far more mature, literate, informed and world wise than 99.99% of 15 yr olds in general. But he is the rare exception. A lot of 'kids' mean well, but need to have it explained to them what is or is not appropriate. Actually MOST of the young adults who post on THIS site are literate, reasoned and mature, far more than their peers who post on other sites. Perhaps it says something about the TYPE of person who has interest in these sort of things. Anyway, I will still watch the new members carefully..... (BTW: It just hit me, I'm as OLD as most of the Admins' DADS .... but I'm probably more fun :) hahahaha). [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 00:28, 7 December 2008 (UTC)
::I do agree with the fact we should prohibit and make sure people understand that we have to understand the fact that we can't post images of movies unreleased on DVD no matter how high quality they might be as some I've found. And Gunmaster, you're 15, so I don't think you would bash your own age group. I don't remember what it was like being that age. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]]
== Care to take a look at my RE:E movie page? ==
Since no one did this page since the DVD release, I decided to do so. I need some check ups cause I always have a hard time telling Taurus from Beretta. Also see if you can ID the Cobray M11 for me if it is one. The previous guy posted up and even I thought it was an MP7 until I looked closer.
*''[[Resident Evil: Extinction]]''
== I can't be nice anymore ==
Someone has to draw the line. This guy Don whatever. He just posted a NEW flash animation on this site. What the hell? I've see the pics or trash that resembles pictures of guns and he thinks those are what they are? Is he high or some punk kid that thinks it's so cool that it deserves to be on this site. Sift Head and that other flash animation thing, Taegukgi. Those are pardon my language, pieces of shit that are NOT worthy of this place that some of us hold with respect. Yeah, they seem entertaining, but if we decide to let something this slide, then whose to stop from putting other flash animations that have "drawings" of guns on them because "Oh they have guns, so therefore they should be on this site". I want to remove it, but I like a majority vote instead of me acting pissed of. I'm asking everyone else their thoughts. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:06, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
== I hesitated ==
I hesistated as well when I looked at my Pineapple express page because I actually did real work to screencap it, even though it was from a pretty good quality bootleg, but that doesn't excuse the fact I used bootlegged images. It cheapens the quality of this site if we do that. That's why when I get images for TV series, I try to get the highest quality as possible. I didn't hesitated in deleting the images from Tunnel Rat even if it isn't my work and someone else's, but when I did that, I deleted the images from Pineapple Express. It needs to be done. Which is why someone needs to tell this guy who's so much of a fan of flash animation to stop putting stuff like that on this site. It doesn't deserve to be here. Anime deserves to be here, the kind of anime where you can see who detail they did on their guns, not this cheapo internet flash thing you can find anywhere from Newgrounds. Flash animation crosses a line and insults this site. It must not be allowed to be here. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:17, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
== DVD rips ==
Even dvd rips have their limits. You can really tell from the offical stuff and something someone ripped off a DVD. It's better to just rent it from official sources. And do you think we overdid it with Don and used him as an example like that. I mean, this is a free form wiki like site. Odds are there will be others who won't read rules and ignore and we have to start this all over again.
[[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:43, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
== We got another one ==
I just found another one. It's called Madness. Yeah how approperate. Putting flash animation here is madness. Cause this is IMFDB.
[[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:59, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
== Hard work ==
And a very nice work, your Hard Target is. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 03:02, 17 December 2008 (UTC)
== My airsoft ==
So what do you think of my airsoft? I know a lot of people have a bad idea about what airsoft is, so what do you think? [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:26, 20 December 2008 (UTC)
:Good guess. We wear the woodland and desert DPM half and half. You think wearing desert in the middle of winter isn't smart, but that color blends really good in the snow and tree. The guy who founded the team's British. Born in Singapore, raised in England and former paratrooper. I think after college here, he's going back for another tour. The guy's kinda hardcore about what guns we arm ourselves with. We don't go for anything that the British or SAS hasn't used. It keeps our weapon uniformed and easy to change out parts and magazines. Also the reason other than ego I think for the British camo is because everyone in the US obviously goes for the typical kinds of camo and we've yet to encounter a team that has a similiar kit like us. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 00:28, 23 December 2008 (UTC)
:Yes that is the reason how I came across Ultimate Force. It is an awesome show, but had a run of bad luck when it comes to casting and renewals. It reminded me of the show The Unit, which for all intents and purposes is the US equivalent to Ultimate Force, but the difference is that it had more episodes, but why I don't like about The Unit which was half the show is all about the wives and family drama. Ultimate Force showed almost none of that and more action. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 05:29, 24 December 2008 (UTC)
==You psychic? hahaha==
I put up a pic and you comment on it within 90 seconds... hahaha First the Type 84 and now this. Is there an alarm on your computer whenever I post a gun pic? :) Thanks for the compliments. I wish I had a better pic of the Valmet. I was counting on getting shots of Syd Stembridge's guns, but he sold all of his Valmets to Long Mountain Outfitters. I don't think I know of anyone who has the most important variant, the M78/83 (the version with the black synthetic thumbhole stock). I have a broken M78 (and I mean ready for the scrap pile) with a fake thumbhole stock that was carved out of plywood!!!!! Ugh! Boy it looks bad. But I had the semi auto only M78 gun as a stunt weapon since the receiver was previously crushed slightly inward by the previous owner and it's not worth it to repair the fractures in the sides.[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:46, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
==Stripes page==
So I finally did a Stripes page. Just got sick of having no page for that movie. :) .[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:46, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
==Water marks==
I am seriously considering some sort of copyright listing (or at least some clear wording at the comments section) of each custom gun pic I photograph. I suppose I should be wary of pirates just lifting the custom content clear out of the blue. After, a lot of IMFDB's gun pics are someone else's content. My goal is to replace all of IMFDB's gun pics with original images that clearly belong to IMFDB so there is no copyright issue with anyone else..[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:46, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
==There you go again===
hahahaha. I post a pic, and less than 90 seconds later, I get a comment from you! You have Jedi mind powers?!? :) hahahaha. How do you know when I've posted a pic? :) re: the gun, I had it in one of my PICS folders that I haven't looked at since August. That folder has pics I scored from armorer buddies and I remember someone mentioning that the rack I was poking around had the guns from Air Force One. Since I wasn't near any AKs or pistols, I just remember thinking, oh, "these must be the MP5s from the flick". But then a lot of people I know make off the cuff remarks and then don't remember making them at all later, so who knows? Again that was six months ago, and I had since forgotten about the whole affair until I ran across this image. I could ask again, but Remember, I sometimes annoy my peers when I bug them about photographing specific movie guns. So I must tread lightly. ;) I 'believe' they are from AFO but I wouldn't swear an oath on it. :) Hope that doesn't ruin the image for you. ;) hahahaha.[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:51, 26 December 2008 (UTC)
I found [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 9mm [[Heckler & Koch UMP|UMP]] image on [[]] but if I have permission to upload my image on the [[Heckler & Koch UMP|UMP]] page I think it would make the [[Heckler & Koch UMP|UMP]] page much better. I just uploaded a USC image on the [[Heckler & Koch UMP|UMP]] page and it already looks good.
==I guess it was inevitable==
Getting more and more requests for pics or .... discovering that people are just jacking the images in general. I found a local gun store who jacked some of my images for their inventory page. They had the gall to actually put their own copyright on the image. Anyway I was dealing with that, but I guess it's inevitable. I've electronically tagged the images now with copyright info. Regardless of what they do to the pic, certain software can positively ID it as mine. Professional photographers and professional artists are starting to really police the net when it comes to people stealing their stuff. Some kid posting the pic on his "guns I like " page is innocuous. Some business owner posting the images in his catalogue and then marking them as his copyright is actionable. What makes it a little harder is that IMFDB has jacked it's own images from others. I see new members lifting pics (and sometimes text) whole from other sites, which is irritating since some of them still jack images for guns we already have LEGAL pics of. Just so you know, :) I will try to keep doing what I am doing until the entire site has exclusive content and we won't have to 'jack' anyone else's images. I know that's impossible, but I will try to get as close as I can.
I also have had some other folks polite enough to request usage rights (which is good nettiquette and shows that at least they are honest), but I'm still not willing at this point to give anyone permission outside of IMFDB. Hope you understand my thinking and if you have any advice please let me know.
As far as the Wiki guy. I posted the flip side of the gun he wanted. What do you think? I wanted some input before I let him have this one. Is the courtesy notice too much?
[[Image:CetmeAmeliIMFDBVer2.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Cetme Ameli - Courtesy of - 5.56mm]]
:Excellent photograph. The watermark, though not favoured on Wikipedia, is fine. It is your property after all. My only qualm would be the label on the right side. The image will be placed in an infobox with a caption, making it redundant. Cheers. [[Special:Contributions/|]] 14:18, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Check out this pic. FNC sporter (the semi auto rifle imported into the U.S. all throughout the 1980s and the most common weapon in movie armories).
[[Image:FNC REM Sporter.jpg |thumb|none|600px|FNC Sporter - 5.56mm]]
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 17:33, 30 December 2008 (UTC)
==Other forums==
: ''"I know people have been talking about IMFDB and its images on quite a few gun forums, but I had no clue anybody would have the audacity to take your images and claim them as their own!"''
Do you know of any gun forums that discuss IMFDB in regards to our photos? I've been checking to see if we created any sort of buzz for months and I've found nothing. If you would be so kind, I would really appreciate some links to some of these forums. Are we being bashed or praised. ;) You have piqued my curiosity. I know you try to promote the site but I sure would like to see the general perception from others in other forums. Thanks and best regards. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:12, 31 December 2008 (UTC)
==''The Park is Mine'' Machine Gun==
I'm pretty certain it's an [[MG42]] machine gun Mitch is using at the climax of ''[[The Park is Mine]]''. The rounds in the spare ammo belt he's carrying look too long to be 7.62x51mm NATO rounds as used by the [[MG42#MG3|MG3]] (which are shorter in comparison to the 7.92x57mm Mauser cartridge). Plus as pointed out by MPM2008, an MG42 would make more sense in the context of the film. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 13:04, 2 January 2009 (UTC)
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:11, 3 January 2009 (UTC)
==auto 9==
glad you liked the new pic. I'm trying now to get more specific movie guns, rather than classic examples of the gun types. That particular 93R was a rebuild from a damaged one that exploded back in the early 1990s. I have no idea where the Robo parts came from. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:27, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
== Un-released movies ==
Let us say I were to have access to a film which had not been released into theatres yet. Let us further say there were firearms in the film. Would it be frowned upon if I were to create a page for the movie?
[[User:Charon68|Charon68]] 21:48, 4 January 2009 (UTC)
== Duplicate Page ==
An anonymous user created a duplicate page of the HK 416 just a few minutes ago. I will leave you and the other admins to deal with it, but I just wanted to let you know. [[User:TheDon152|TheDon152]] 22:09, 5 January 2009 (UTC)
I didn't put that entry in for Sutherland. I was just correcting the spelling of his name[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:51, 7 January 2009 (UTC)
The Remington 700 pic of Swagger cycling out a blank round is the blu-ray shot from Legions of Fate's website. I had literally just been looking at it before I noticed on here. It says on the image that he uploaded it. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
: I'm replacing the shot on Heat of the Ruger KP90 now, since that is from Legions of Fate's website as well. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Lord of War==
Would you mind if in the near future if I added screencaps to [[Lord of War]]? I was watching it and noticed you missed a few things on the page. Plus it's the two disc with commentary and special feattures so I could add extra information. I wouldn't be able to do it right now but it would be on my list right after [[Get Smart]]. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:I'm glad you noticed I've been cutting down on the screenshots. >:( You didn't add shots of those Vz 58 rifles in the arsenal, which according to the director were 2000 real guns rented by an arms dealer for the days of shooting, because it was cheaper to rent real guns than fake ones.
You also just missed a few shots that would be considered great on the site. I had no intention of muddling up the page with 20 screencaps. I try not to do that unless I feel it necessary.
IMO, adding a lot of screencaps is not being messy, it is being thorough. I show different users at different parts of the film. Since we have gun pages and actor pages which list these users, some proof helps. Last Man Standing was my one mistake, don't hold that against me.
But you have your opinions and I have mine. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Do you think I was too harsh on KIN93?==
Curious to know your thoughts. I was pretty stern when I warned against uploading obvious Bootlegs on the [[Defiance]] page. I also didn't buy his explanation that the movie [[Tunnel Rats]] has been seen in theaters in Europe already. Having been released in theaters is a big difference than having been released on DVD. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:32, 12 January 2009 (UTC)
== Jericho story is too questionable ==
Knowing some about government, military and control, I find it hard to believe with some of the stuff that happened. I mean sure the nuclear attack is one thing and ppl's shock and awe of it and maybe even the highways have turned into Road Warriors world, but this Allied States of America. In mere months, a new government was formed, with a new flag that's been printed everywhere in fabric, new currency and the loyalties of military when there is still a United States of America on the east side? It just seems...too weird. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 07:32, 15 January 2009 (UTC)
== Thanks ==
Thanks for getting rid of the unneeded M4 picture, I didn't want it up there much either. I think it was an airsoft gun too because I looked up the image name and found it on a airsoft forum. Once again, thanks.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 23:20, 16 January 2009 (UTC)
I agree, if we got pictures of every configuration an M4 can be in, we would have tons. But anyway I think the three M4s we have are already good enough, and it shouldn't matter what the configuration is. I disliked the picture becaused it looked bad next to the other three, and it was unneccessarily large, I mean 25% of the picture was the M4, and 75% was the rug it was laying on. And once again, thanks, and great work on The Beast screengrabs by the way.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 01:18, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
== Thanks! ==
Thanks for helping with my Sopranos page, I've been trying to screencap in each episode I watch. Also, thanks for helping with the "non gun" they used in the third season, it had me wondering for sure - good find! [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
== A little help ==
I just started my [[Police Story 3: Supercop]] page, but I need some help IDing some of the guns. Can you give me a hand? [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 14:36, 18 January 2009 (UTC)
== Question About Bond Actor Category ==
I was wondering, in the "James Bond Actor" category page, should we limit it to actors who've played James Bond himself, or should we allow 'supporting' actors such as Bond girls (ie, [[Halle Berry]] & [[Honor Blackman]]) and villians (such as [[Robert Carlyle]] & [[Gert Fröbe]])? I'm proposing this to several admins and would like to get some feedback on this before making a decision. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 22:16, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
==You around?==
Or is life just kicking your butt? :) Well I have a slow month right now, but it could kick into high gear any moment. As soon as I'm on a location or working my butt off for a movie shoot, i'm outta here for a least a few weeks (or months). [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:39, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
==The Departed==
I read what you had to change on [[The Departed]] page. I really hate some anonymous users. Should we block him or just warn him (I'd just block him since if he is willing to write this, it is obvious he doesn't care about being punished). - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:Thanks, what were you in DC for. The inaguration? Everyone has been talking about how much they hate Obama in my school. I refuse to say such a thing until I actually see what he does. Biden on the other hand, can go suck dick and die (excuse the term), I know what he's done before and hate him with every fiber of my being. Anyway, hope you enjoyed you stay. Glad to see your back. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
::P.S. I'm adding season two of Mail Cal now. I'm surprised to see how no one attempt to ID the unknowns at the bottom of the page though.
:Maybe not forever. Who knows, in four years, we could have Tom Selleck as our president for all we know. :) - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Kiraly 39M/43M Submachine Gun==
I recently stumbled on this article on this site and something about it struck me as a little odd. In addition to the wording a diagram of the operating system of the weapon was included which seemed really familiar. I checked and, sure enough, the whole article, word for word and picture for picture had been directly lifted from . This is the most blatant example of plagarism I have seen on this site. I contacted you because, as an Admin and as far as I know, you monitor such things. - [[Charon68]]
==Glock 19 and welcome back from Liberal land==
Why I hope you didn't drink the kool-aid and start having that glassy eyed almost religious fanaticism that I saw on the television about the 'regal coronation ceremony'.......
I don't usually spend the time on fixing pics when I intent to photograph a real gun of that type. I fixed pics like the Ukranian FORT-12 because no way in hell am I going to get a 9x18mm Ukranian Fort 12 pistol any time soon. But when I have the time, which I haven't, I try to reshoot photos of the guns. I have a stack of guns right now that I'm supposed to photograph, but the actual time it takes to stop everyone, and set up the lighting and do the photography takes about 2-6 hours out of a day, which is a bit of a hassle. But I fully intent to photograph one of those 1st gen 19s when I get a chance. Good to have you back. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:07, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
==Okay you talked me into it==
Since the Glock 19 I was going to photograph, I can't find. I relented and fixed your pic. Whatcha think? Edit: I will delete this image and reload over the other one. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:45, 25 January 2009 (UTC)
PS also on the Type 56C custom. There are several guns floating around. The one in Rambo and Pineapple express have a barrel that looks to be about an inch or two longer than the one in T3. Also there's the one in True Lies that's REALLY cut down. I was bummed when I took a hard look at the pics on the movie pages. I should have photographed more AK pistols when I had the chance but I thought they all had the same barrel length. Oh well. Will try to fix this in the future.
== Bourne AR-15s ==
Thanks for the quick note about the AR-15s used in ''[[The Bourne Identity (2002)]]''. I found what you had to say pretty interesting, so I'm going to post it to the page (giving you credit of course) and you can leave it or delete it as you wish. Should I link it to the M16 page, but credit the gun as an AR-15? (I'm not sure where to find the AR-15 page) - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
:Also thanks for helping out with some of the other screencaps (the Tauruses, etc.) I could try and get a picture of Conklin's gun but I don't think it was on screen enough to get a clear enough image. You're right about the PP, though, it does resemble one more than a P5C for sure. Thanks for the help. - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
== Live Free or Die Hard ==
Hey Matt if you need confirmation on the SBR Mark 12 they have them. I worked on these guns for [[Live Free or Die Hard]]. -[[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
== The Shadow ==
Not A problem to the addition of the interview. That was the first film I worked on it was quite eye opening. The [[Titanic]] photo was from the auction and Syd had a copy so I just cleaned it up. The funny thing is I don't even have a DVD of the movie to get screen captures off of. I will check on the SBR and see if they are in. - [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
== Bourne Supremacy ==
Thanks for the help on the page. I definitely wasn't sure about the sniper rifle. I really bit my lip saying it was the WA 2000, but I checked a few other online forums and some other people said it, so I was figuring maybe it was some variant. But if you say it's not, then it most probably isn't. I'll work on getting better shots of the G36/SL8 and the P99 as well. I appreciate your help, thanks! - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
:The more I look at that Keppeler & Fritz, the more I'm convinced that that's the one. Good find! I'll get to work on those other shots as soon as I can and if you want I can drop you a message once they're up? Also a heads up - I'll probably be working on ''Ultimatum'' (maybe tomorrow night), but that looks like it doesn't need quite as much work. If you have any input, I'd greatly appreciate it, you've been a tremendous help with the others. Thanks - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
:Okay, you can check both pages now. I added a few extra shots (maybe a little too many, but I wanted to make sure identification would be easier for us). - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
== Ultimate force revamped ==
So how do you like what I did to the Ultimate Force page? It's not finished since I still need to watch the rest of the series, but working on it. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 15:01, 27 January 2009 (UTC)
::I just started downloading season 3 and won't get season 4 until a few days. And yeah, I have seen the series a couple times over. A friend of mine had it all, but I never asked him for it. I've downloaded the episodes before, but deleted them for space on my computer and that was before I was on this site. This is a very good series and I really liked it. I wished they made more of this. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 14:06, 28 January 2009 (UTC)
Well, I'm downloading season 4 right now. Hopefully will get it by the end of the week. I've been making additions, so can you take a look [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 03:27, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
:The few things I wish this series had was up to date M16s and M4s, or at least the British equalivent of those. I guess their armorers weren't equiped with the latest stuff. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 16:36, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
::But 500 isn't that big to me. It seems just right. To me, your pics are small. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 06:12, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
::Oh and don't get me started on the episode in season 4 where we see how the show portrays the US military when Red Troop goes on a joint op with them. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 07:42, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
Alright, I'll do it. I just forgot last night since I was tired and my internet was faulty. Besides, I still got a couple of the unknowns that needs to be ID [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 19:57, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
:Not fat an incompentants, but hot heads, arrogant, and cowboys. One even has sunglasses and speaking in a semi-southern accent, another guy said "Ya'll" and another guy's chewing on a toothpick. The "US military" that appeared on the show were supposed to be Green Berets. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 21:13, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
:Oh yeah, one of them is a racist [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 21:42, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
::Going on the topic on how this show portrayed Americans, the episode after the US Spec Ops/SAS Joint mission episode, we see a kid on a double decker bus with his parents, obviously from America and pretty much is interjecting everytime the tour guide speaks. The idea behind this kid seems as if he thinks America is the best country in the world kind of personality. Nothing wrong with that, I think the US is the greatest nation in the world, one of the most powerful, etc, but I don't blah my mouth off on it all day long, and if I was in a foriegn country like England, I certainly wouldn't waste my breath to let the entire bus know how prideful of my country I am. Makes you wish this kid got shot in the episode. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 22:28, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
:There still are a couple guns I need help IDing. If you can give me a hand? [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 08:46, 1 February 2009 (UTC)
:If only they didn't get rid of Jamie and Caroline. They were good characters. Jem and Ricky were my other favorites because of the humor I get from them. In the first 2 seasons, Caroline saw combat, even though she was a trooper. Why couldn't they do that with Becca when they introduced her in season 3? All she had to do was replace Caroline's job. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:15, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
==Usable pic?==
I was tempted to reshoot this on a pintle mount so that I can get closer to the gun. Let me know if this format is preferable. I am still tempted to reshoot some of the Aircraft guns much closer so that we see more of the gun and less of the mount. I had to shoot it in the warehouse and digitally wipe out everything else with white (what a pain!) since I was alone and this sucker was TOO heavy to lift by myself! ;)
[[Image:Browning-M2-Heavy-Barrel-w-Tripod.jpg|thumb|none|700px|Browning M2HB on Tripod Mount - .50 BMG]]
best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:30, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
BTW: I need a photo wish list again, so please let me know which guns you really want to see a good pic of :) I will try to track them down for pics. :)
==Help on Alex Reid==
I have a bunch of screencaps of British Actress Alex Reid using or holding guns in other films and was going to create an actor page for her. But I have never seen Ultimate Force. Does she, playing the character ''Captain Caroline Walshe'', use any guns in the show Ultimate Force?[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:14, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
PS thanks for the input of on the M2. I have another one in the safe, but the barrel is off and i have to install the barrel myself (gun with barrel is around 99 lbs) Again it's more than one person can do easily. I need a wish list, I may see Mike Papac at Cinema Weaponry soon. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:14, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
== Re: Beretta M9 ==
You're right about the M9, there are some other minor differences in the frame, but nothing too important. It was a stupid thing to ask for, as you said, they're are more important things the site needs. I told MPM2008 to scrap it from his wishlist. Best regards--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 20:24, 29 January 2009 (UTC)
==Wikipedia pirate==
Koalorka who contacted me before, graciously alerted me as to some guy uploading my pics as his. Since Wikipedia is pretty good about pirated images, especially when the author complains, they take them down. Are you a wiki member? I was just curious if you knew the protocols. Thanks.
Check out these images on Wikipedia.... Look familiar?
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:21, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
==Alex Reid==
Thanks so much on helping with Alex Reid! :) I screencapped her movie "Arachnid" and are just preparing the images for upload and wanted to make an ACTOR page for her. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 08:09, 30 January 2009 (UTC)
==Out of town starting late tonight==
Am going on location and meeting with a director and television executive for the standard business stuff, but I will be traveling between midnight tonight and Tuesday, so I will be offline until then. So if I don't answer a question right away, it's because I'm in a meeting or on location. Thanks. best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:47, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
==Out of town starting late tonight==
Am going on location and meeting with a director and television executive for the standard business stuff, but I will be traveling between midnight tonight and Tuesday, so I will be offline until then. So if I don't answer a question right away, it's because I'm in a meeting or on location. Thanks. best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:47, 31 January 2009 (UTC)
I had Hitman in my box of to do movies but I forgot to add it to my list. I'll let you do it though because you went through the trouble of buying it. Also, check the special feattures because they have an armorer show off the guns in the film. He is without a doubt the dumbest armorer alive and you see him shoot blank guns (with a side frame box showing the rounds hit things). It is horrible to watch. But some of the guns in the movie are hard to catch (like the FN F2000s are only visible for a few seconds). And by all means remove those other images, yours will beat any of the ones on the page now. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:I have the two disc unrated which means I have an extra disc for a digital copy (which is pretty useless to me, but it does have special feattures, I'll probably add shots then). By all means keep the publicity photos (Olyphant pointing the P-18 at the screen is the best), but some aren't necessary (like the FBI guy with his USP, which was likely found on google. Some of these look like crap on a page but that first shot is really crystal clear). - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:I almost forgot, I'm going to upload Windtalkers soon. While some might find this weird, for my cat's burial yesterday, I fired seven blanks through my Mini-14, like a military/police funeral. Obviously she wasn't in any service but it made my mom happy, since both her mom and dad were in the marines and got similair services. It was a lot for a cat but she was a good cat and I've had her a long time. Anyway, I did a decent job of keeping the screencaps low for Windtalkers, but sometimes, too many great shots are present. Highest I got to is nine. Then I'll get [[Shoot 'Em Up]] done. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
== More Airsoft ==
So what do you think of my new pictures I got in my profile. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 21:40, 2 February 2009 (UTC)
==Check these out :) ==
[[Image:KimberCustomIISWAT_Jackson.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Custom Kimber TLE II pistol with Surefire light - this is the exact pistol used by the team in the movie ''[[SWAT]]''. This one is Samuel L. Jackson's actual pistol in the movie (and was carried by him)]]
[[Image:SIGP220R LiveFreeDieHard.jpg|thumb|none|500px|This is the screen used SIG P220R used by Bruce Willis in the movie ''[[Live Free and Die Hard]]''. This one is Bruce Willis's actual pistol in the movie (and was carried by him and fired by him)]]
[[Image:StarBNickelPulpFiction.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Nickel plated STAR Model B - 9mm pistol from the movie ''[[Pulp Fiction]]''. This one is Samuel L. Jackson's actual pistol in the movie (and was carried by him)]]
[[Image:StarBUntouchablesScreenGun.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Blued STAR Model B - 9mm pistol from the movie ''[[The Untouchables (1987)]]''. This one is a screen used and fired handgun in the movie and was used by Kevin Costner on screen. ''Normally on generic guns I retouch out big scratches on the finish, but this is an original piece used in the film and the scratches are what identify it as authentic to people who know what Costner was firing.'']]
I got tons more, but I have to clean up the pics....
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:07, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
==Check out Gunmaster45's talk page==
And you'll the guns from "the Quick and the Dead" that I sent to him ;) I will be trying to get nearly all the weapons in that movie. Some are long gone (one was stolen off the set) and the others are in private collections (like famous producers), but I am trying hard. Hope you guys like the image quality. I'm not fond of LMO's pics and I always think I can take better pics of the guns than they did (but then I also work hard in post production to clean up the shot). best regards
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:43, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
==More pics==
[[Image:S&W5906LateModel.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Vincent's Smith & Wesson 5906 from ''[[Collateral]]'' - 9mm. This is a screen used gun. Note the late model 5906 pistols have the rounded trigger guard. ]]
[[Image:S&W5906EarlyModel.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Early Model Smith & Wesson 5906 - 9mm. The early model 5906 pistols had the finger step trigger guard, but they changed it to the rounded trigger guard for 'ease of production'.]]
[[Image:S&W5904LateModel.jpg |thumb|none|400px|Late Model Smith & Wesson 5904 - 9mm. The early model 5904 pistols had the finger step trigger guard, but S&W changed it to the rounded trigger guard for 'ease of production'.]]
These others were also screen used, but I need to recheck and verify what. BTW, I do 'scramble' the serial numbers (in Photoshop) when they are visible so that nosy people can't track down the original SN for the movie gun. I have TONS more pics, but I don't want to sit here all night. I have another gig to go to :) I also replaced the TEC-9 image with a good one and will be replacing a bunch more. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:11, 4 February 2009 (UTC)
==Hitman Special Feattures==
I'm saving shots for Hitman now. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Mixed up berettas==
you know you may be right, or the tags in the case might be on the wrong guns. I will call the "curator" tomorrow and double check. Figures, I usually take a photo of the ID tag on the gun, but I didn't have time so I didn't on all of the premiere Hollywood Hero guns. And they also had "short hand". I think I may have mentally confused DH 2-3-4 with LW2-3-4. I have to double check that. I made over 30 images updates last night, new P9S, New Model 19 from Lethal Weapon, I replaced the old images on the AMT longslide and AMT 5", New Para Ordnance P14, New Kimber TLE II, Added the Beretta 92S and 92SB, added a remington 1100 tactical, replaced the S&W 586, added the screen used S&W 3913 from Demolition Man, added the early S&W 5904, etc. When I have that much stuff, I might get some stuff mixed up. THANKS for the eagle eyes! I will double check based on your excellent observations!. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:56, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
==You're right, I screwed up==
I did find ONE of my snapshots of the case and found this. I mixed up a bunch of the berettas, ARGHH!!! I have to double check all of them again.
This is a snap I usually do to double check my work. Note that the extended 92F I had was actually the Demolition Man gun, not the LH gun. I did snap a shot of the LH gun, but now I have to find it. THANKS for the eagle eyes! [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:10, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
That's Stembridge's display case. Yes, they're back. Syd only sold off all of his full auto stuff, his western and pre-1945 stuff. But his handguns and post 1945 long guns are still around. '''Also I would prefer to check with Mike myself. ''' Don't want to step on his toes for verification, because Steve (like 99% of us) doesn't have this stuff memorized, and he will have to call Mike anyway, so I would rather do it. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:51, 8 February 2009 (UTC) But Mike helped me with a bunch of stuff. When the pic is a generic image of a particular gun, I usually just photograph my OWN inventory. But he has some really interesting hero guns. As for multiple guns, most of the time there are FOUR guns, 1 primary, 1 backup, and 2 extra for catastrophic emergencies. If there are no malfunctions, the actor would use the same gun for the entire shoot (why put so much wear and tear on other handguns unless necessary?) Also most of the time, any custom modifications are REMOVED and either the gun is put back to stock configuration or is customized for yet another movie. These single guns are the only ones left and have been removed from active inventory primarily due to their historical Hollywood pedigrees.
On another note: I will be the only guy left on the west coast with an HK94 in the original DieHard configuration. Cinema Weaponry bought the remaining stock of full auto HK94 conversions and refurbished them to complete MP5 specs, so that now they all look indistinguishable from factory MP5s (Plastic lowers, three lug barrels, paddle mag release, etc.) So now there are only factory stock looking MP5s in the movies, however, ALOT of them in films are still those HK94 conversions, but now we can't tell visually if they are or not. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:51, 8 February 2009 (UTC)
Just wanted to make sure you understood that I intend to ask Mike on Monday and I did NOT want you bugging Steve about something that only Mike would know for sure. Just wanted to make that clear :) being that I seem to be unclear in the past. :) Anyway, since I wasn't sure if you understood my request. Thanks again.
'':But I forget...didn't Syd Stembridge basically take all of his remaining assets to Cinema Weaponry? I've been under the impression that Stembridge and CW essentially merged with each other after Stembridge closed down in '99. So aren't the guns that Syd kept now in Mike's hands? ''
The company location belongs to both and the building is '''Stembridge Gun Rentals/Cinema Weaponry'''. Syd still has a sizeable collection that belongs to him and not Mike, and they both share the building. But a majority of the guns belongs to CW, and 99% of the full auto guns. So yes and no. Syd has his own office and section so I tend to recognize him as his own entity. Since he sold off most of his stuff in 99, a lot of folks have just assumed he is gone for good. Except for the newer stuff, the majority of the guns in the cases were Stembridge rentals back in the day.
'': And yes, I imagine Mike must have a lot of cool stuff to photograph. One other thing you should ask about...remember the H&K G11 from Demolition Man? If you can at least get the story on where that gun came from, that would be awesome. I've always wondered...did they build it themselves? ''
Remember that ''HK thinks we suck and they hate us''..... ;) I tried to get a photograph of that very gun when Demolition Man was being filmed, and HK had this incredible insane "Lawyers from hell" contract that only in the context of the production could anyone even photograph the gun. I tried to get a pic (since there are NO good pics of this stupid gun) years ago and the people who had it were contractually bound NOT to let me photograph it. I will ask around, but there was only ONE real sample floating around that I knew about in the film industry.
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 00:42, 9 February 2009 (UTC)
==Okay, I'm confused but here it is==
After a lengthy conversation with the original Die Hard Armorer (there were several guys on set usually but Mike was the lead who (at the time) rented from Syd)) he said several times the following: (a) He seems to think that the Beretta Pistol with the tag (on the table) with no ID plate (the one that is EXTRA beat up and has no extended mag button or slide release) IS the one from DH1 and LW1. (b) all the guns for Bruce in his movies were also used by Mel in his movies, so the same guns jumped back and forth between productions, but if it's a Beretta used by John McClane , then it's the same gun used by Martin Riggs. (c) Mike recalls that he didn't install the extended mag release button and slide release until the second movie (d) I was wrong on the DH lineage. It's meant to be the LW lineage, so the beretta did not appear in Die Hard 2 or 3 or 4, but instead appeared in Lethal Weapon 2 and 3 and 4. John McClane used the same beretta until 4 and since the original grouping had been retired, the berettas that appeared were generic ones like mine. So he is pretty sure that the beat up gun IS the original DH1 and LW1 Pistol (as well as LH2-3-4). The DH2 pistol/Demolition Man pistol is correct, according to the armorer. So i didn't mix them up, which mystifies me. I will take some screen caps to the shop some other day and see again .... but I'm not in the habit of challenging the guy who owns the gun , hahahahaha. :)
==Wanna hear something wild?==
I MAY have an opportunity to go overseas (France) and I will try to photograph some of Christophe Maratier's guns (Leon/Ronin/LaFemme Nikita/District B13/Taken/etc) I would like to also go picture taking in Britain at Bapty's or Sascha Robey's collection, but who knows? I don't have a connection/introduction yet with those guys. And with all the retarded gun restrictions going on over there......
''Dan Shea went to Bapty's back in 2003 (I think) and they let him photograph a lot of their guns (which appear on LMO's site)''
Yeah, but WHO is the better photographer? ;) hahahaha. Seriously, I really work hard on the pics even after I take them and right now I'm sure that IMFDB has the best gun pics on the net. I was thinking of doing an actual table top book with the pics (including a bunch of other angles that I did not upload). As per the Berettas, I will take your screenshot to the shop the next time I'm there and try to (gently) reverify the history of the pieces. Either that or I'll say "MT2008 says you're full of SHIT!" heheheh. Those were done 23 years ago and we're all doing this from recollection. I think that's WHY I'm so intent on getting the historical images done with the pages complete. We're all getting older and who knows? Movie weaponry is a facet of movie history that has been neglected until now. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:07, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
Notice how we're still getting new pages with next to no input? Sure some of these guys put in the OBSCURE foreign film with ONE gun entry. They don't even bother to grab the poster and put it in or try to get any screengrabs. Screengrabs I can forgive, but not even the poster? (which is easy to google). I'm gonna stop trying to help these pages and just delete them until someone is ready to start actually working on the page. I haven't seen a lot of these films and have no way (other than ordering them from Amazon in Europe which I don't want to do). [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:07, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
==Movie guns==
As per NYC armorers, Mike bought a bunch of guns at auction from the east coast. Only armorers buy the heavily blank adapted guns from other armorers. They're pretty useless except as frames to any other gun person. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:32, 10 February 2009 (UTC)
::Sorry for blowing iup at you. It was just the initial shock of NOT saving my work for an hour (stupid me) and then having the system deny my edits because of an 'edit conflict'. I'm all better now :) You were right. I checked back in the browser logs and found a version that was pretty close to the one I was trying to save, so I mass uploaded it. I was only freaked out because it was literally a few seconds between the "preview" and the "save" that the conflict in edits occurred. Talk about bad timing :) Anyway, I knew if I walked away from the computer for a little bit I could think more clearly and figure out a way to restore the work (or at least most of it). Sorry again. It was an innocent action, not your fault at all. It was just me panickingi because I had done an hour of work and didn't SAVE it, and was thwarted at the last second when I tried... But all is good in the universe . Please accept my apologies. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:10, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
==Chris Potter's mutant hands ;)==
I took another look at him holding the MAC-10 (or MAC-11), but look at the shots of his hands holding the Full sized UZI. That dude has monster hands! What do you think? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 22:16, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
==SIG or Sig?==
I made this change a long while ago and never got any comments on it. Do you think it is written "SIG-Sauer" or "Sig-Sauer"? Based on the fact people usually write SIG in capital letters because it is a company and Sauer is a maker's name, plus the fact they write it SIG-SAUER on the logo, I made the assumption it was "SIG-Sauer". Was I wrong? I see MPM doesn't always write it this way but I always assumed it was correct. What do you think? - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Re: Shit!==
It's okay, you weren't editing the same section as I was. It only creates edit conflict when you edit the same section, so since you didn't edit the Webley, I was able to upload fine. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
== Re: Tomorrow Never Dies ==
Thanks! I wasn't sure about the LAW but Charon68 says he's pretty sure it's a LAW-80 so I used that label. Also, I wasn't sure how to label the fake MP5K-PDWs, so I left the title with the description you gave (an interesting bit of information too). Feel free to make any other corrections, I appreciate the help!! - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
:Oh I don't know how I missed that haha. I changed the title of it to say "Heckler & Koch MP5K (with PDW folding stock)" as well. - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]]
==Street Kings==
Absolutely, when I screencapped that movie, I had rented it so I was on a very strict deadline and probably missed some stuff. But do me some favors:
*Replace the R9, I'm ashamed to admit the shots are from Legions of Fate's website, I had totally forgot I did this too but I had originally missed this when I screencapped.
*I forgot to upload the screencaps I had of M16s in the police armory and deleted the screencaps before I realized this.
I guess memory failed me with the muzzle flash but please by all means add some shots. Are you using Itunes or a DVD? Because if you use Itunes the pictures will look brighter so if you could somehow darken them with an editor (or I could if you wouldn't mind) so they don't stand out to the other shots, I'd appreciate it. If you do use Itunes, try to see if you can confirm the Korean slaver's shotgun, because I look at it and it kind of looks like an Ithaca, not a Remington. And see if Coates' shotgun is a Mossberg 500 or 590 (it is a dark shot). Thanks. Look for [[3:10 to Yuma (2007)]], I'll have it on soon. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
::Thanks, the shots look great, I'm still going to test and see if I can darken the shots without ruining the quality but I doubt I'll be able to do anything. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Saturday Shoot --- more pics coming --- just a heads up==
cc:d' to MT2008, GM45, Alienqueen1
I'm heading to another armory to photograph some more long guns this Saturday if all goes as planned. (I'll get a new StG-44 amongst other cool stuff (like a SR-25, all tricked out, etc.) I've been photographing a lot of pistols recently. Since the last group of famous gun pics took an entire day to photograph and multiple days to 'clean up and format' (and put electronic Copyright tagging) on the images. I am also returning to Stembridge/CW to photograph a bunch of their more famous subguns/shortshotguns. I already have permission to photograph the actual McMillan TAC-50 used in S.W.A.T. As far as my own inventory, I still have to rebuild and fix some of MY guns still. I still have an M249 full stock gun that I need to photograph and a Walther MPL that needs fixing. And a bunch of Benelli M3 Super 90s in different configurations :) I want to work some more on the M16 page. If I can't get a real 733 (for example) I will try to build up an exact duplicate of one in the right configuration and then take a pic of it. Some of my older photos of M16 guns (like the 733) were build ups (i.e. just a standard gun with the barrel cut down, and not the exact configuration of the original gun type). I want exact examples of each one so that our M16 page is '''the''' definitive page of M16 types on the net. BTW: I have to go down to CW again and I will try to grab more "the Quick and the Dead" guns ... :) More handguns, especially Sharon Stone's SAA and Russell Crowe's gun (and original holster) and all the original screen used guns from 'Iron Man'. ;) I am also trying to get a ton of more famous screen used western guns for GM45's pages. (I let HIM do the honors on the Western movie pages ;) ) Just a heads up guys! :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:34, 19 February 2009 (UTC)
==The Boondock Saints==
My screencapping of the film is taking considerabley longer than anticipated, mainly do to the scene in the dealer's armory. I have documented EVERY gun seen in that room, with a red circle over each. It was a great film, but I'm getting a serious head ache from all this. I'm trying to get it all prepared for tommorow, but I don't know if I can. One picture was particularly difficult, I had forgotten to document an M79 launcher, but deleted the image that had it on! Since I don't currently have the DVD to re-screencap, I took another shot (same image, but circling a different gun), and removed the circle with painstaking edits and got the shot. Sometimes this work is tough. You got any movies you plan to do in the future? - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:I'm so OCD on IDing all the guns I practically scan each scene with my super mind powers. I love TBS, it has some great quotes (littered with cusses, but still worthy of adding in the captions IMO), and so far the hardest armory scene I've done was on [[Commando]], and I didn't circle all of those, I just said what I saw. I'm kinda nerdy, I'm trying to memorize the prayer the brothers say before they kill people. I used to take Latin so I know basic words and could likely translate some of these quotes. Prayers are usually very simple Latin. Same thing with their tatoos. Of all the scenes in that movie, my favorite was probably the scene when Rocco kills the guys in the diner because the way it was shot and the music used just made it perfect. Either that or the shootout in the game room, because intercutting with Decker re-enacting the scene was cool. Seeing Willem Dafoe kiss a guy (passionately) and wearing drag was rather disturbing though. After I finish this movie, I'm going to do the first Matrix movie. Then the mini-series [[Lonesome Dove]]. Then I'll do the other Matrix movies. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
== What's up with the screenshot? ==
I just saw the screencap you uploaded of the [[Carl Gustaf M/45]] page and was wondering what's up with it, since I made that page. I'm not mad or anything, just curious as to what's up. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 17:28, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
== Glock Classification ==
I went ahead and added the [[Glock]] page to the Submachine Gun category since the [[Glock#Glock 18|Glock 18]] does technically classify in that category, also we have the [[M16 rifle series]] classified in the SMG and sniper rifle categories for the [[M16 rifle series#Colt 9mm Submachine Gun|Colt 9mm SMG]] and [[M16 rifle series#Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle|Mk. 12 SPR]], respectively. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 17:55, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
==Titles starting with 'The' ....==
I am willing to start mass changing titles that start with "The" to the standard nomenclature (used by IMDB) (i.e. instead of '''"The Shining"''' (yeah I know we don't have that movie ...) it would be '''"Shining, The"'''. I can't count how many people have complained to me (in person, not on the net) about that.
I have some famous armorers complaining about that ;) SO I am willing to start changing them myself. Any complaints? Seriously, if any of you are seriously offended by that, I will change them back.... no charge ;) But the last straw was some blog making fun of us because of that. :( So I am going to start changing the titles. Just wanted to give a heads up....
''('''edit:''' I've done nine titles as a test. So far, I like them, but I think you had a cool technique regarding re-directs which would allow the main page to have the fixed titles, but when you click on it, it goes to the original named page. Please let me know if you think that is possible. Other than that, let me know what you think regarding the asthetics of the naming changes. I like it for the listings, better than the previous style.) :)''
Update on the new gun pics....
I started the new photo shoot on Say, but had to cut it short. Will reschedule and complete my massive new gun shoot either tomorrow or the next day. When I have a bunch, I start uploading them. :) But you guys are already bored with guns pics by now.[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:56, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
==Title change==
Well we all can disagree on somethings, I've always hated how our listing alphabetized on "the" as a "T". I think that's just stupid, since nearly everyone ignores "The" when looking for a title. Libraries do it, Video stores do it and I get pissed when I look for "The Dark Knight" but instinctively look in the 'D' section and see nothing. I've hated it since I joined the site, but also recently I've shown this site to famous armorers, and when their first comment is "great site, but sorting by "the", that's stupid" was the motivation I had to get off my ass and fix it. Heck, Mike Papac hated it. So I will still change the titles. I think you will find it easier to find movie pages as well. Thanks for your understanding. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:52, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
== ''In the Army Now'' M16's ==
It's been a while since I've seen this movie and I was recalling what I could from memory, but I could have sworn they used M16A2's in at least some scenes. Hopefully someone will be able to screencap this movie and put the matter to rest. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 21:13, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
==AK issues==
Okay, You're gonna hate me even more, but I was wondering how we can fix the AK issue. We have too many AK variants that are starting to appear and to add them all to the AK page may be confusing since so many are made by different countries (including the US as of recent years). I '''was''' thinking of an original page for only RUSSIAN AK-47 rifles and then all other Russian designs (AK104, etc.) And then a second page for AK-47 - variants (Chinese) and then AK-47 - variants (European). Or something like that. I would like to have a page where we can put the European AK variants (Bulgarian, Hungarian, Romanian, Yugoslavian, etc.)
Anyway here is just me thinking out loud.
1) AK-47 (Russian designs only) 7.62 or 5.56mm only (Recently Russia has been making 5.56 versions of all their guns)
2) AK-47 Variants (Chinese) 7.62 or 5.56mm (All variants including commercial monstrosities like the MAK-90 thumbhole guns)
3) AK-47 Variants (European) 7.62 or 5.56mm (This is where we can start listing the Hungarian, Polish, East German, Bulgarian, Romanian, Yugoslavian variations)
4) AK-74 (Russian Designs only) '''5.45mm''' guns only and all derivations
But it's the preponderance of the Chinese AK clones that are used to impersonate Russian guns in movies, that screws up my 'evil plan'. I know you want all ak variations on one page (like our M16 Page) but the M16 page has all variations made in the U.S. We don't have a dozen other countries making their own custom variations of the M16, like the AK does.
Anyway, I'm not chomping at the bit to do this, but I was wondering where I could start putting entries for the Hungarian, Romanian, or Yugo guns.... [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:13, 23 February 2009 (UTC)
==RPG in movies==
While I obviously don't have the experiance of MPM, I think the RPGs have special warheads that POP when fired (watch them fire RPGs in [[Black Hawk Down]], the warheads seem to explode instead of launch), or in [[The Dark Knight]], they might fire foam warheads similair to the warhead but it just hits stuff instead of blowing up. And of course the cheapest alternative is to use all CGI.
Check out ''[[The Boondock Saints]]'', I finished it finally and it has 52 guns! No wonder I put it off, I knew that armory was going to kill me. Anyway, I have to go to school tommorow so I'm going to sleep. Ugh, I hate school. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==You might get a kick out of this==
Would YOU want a handgun collection like this? The pistols on the right side belong to Syd Stembridge (he still has some stuff), and the back wall and left wall belong to Mike Papac. (And yes, the boxes on the ground are full, there is no room on the walls left. All the empty slots are for handguns that are either out for repair or out on rental. My own handgun inventory is less than half of theirs, so I'm a small fry compared to these guys. But I thought you'd get a kick out of this pic. A similar pic has been seen in articles in the past about Stembridge Gun Rentals, so it's nice to see that this room still exists, though I need a bigger wide angle lens, I can't get back far enough to even get a fraction of the room. It is massive.
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:53, 28 February 2009 (UTC)
==Imagine if you will.......==
Walking down a hallway in a warehouse, from floor to ceiling are wooden cubbyholes, in these cubby holes are jammed multiple items which comprise three specific things (either submachine gun, select fire pistol, or short barreled shotgun). I am not sure how these items are sorted but I don't care, I like it! I LOVE poking around places like this. It make me happy :) I also see some items which I will try to photograph for IMFDB in the future (recognizing some of the stuff that I have on my list to take pics of for some of the specific movie pages). I just needed to cheer myself up after hearing daily news from the new administration! Just thought I'd share it! :)
[[Image:ArmoryWall02.jpg|thumb|none|700px|Which cubbyhole do you want to stick your hand in first!? ;) ]]
== Hey, thanks for the information. ==
I'm still rather new to the whole wiki thing. This is the first wiki site I've ever contributed too, and I'm still getting used to the way you guys do things. I've built up a few pages now, but I rely on you guys for most of the identification of firearms, I'm not too good at that. If you can, look over the pages I've made and see if you can identify anything. I've built up [[The Deer Hunter]], [[He Was A Quiet Man]], [[American Beauty]], and [[Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels]] since I've come here. - [[User:Diego Wolfwood|Diego Wolfwood]]
== Formatting Errors ==
Thanks. I'm still learning. Appreciate the advice. [[User: Jcordell|Jcordell]]
== What? ==
Someone could've been looking for the nail gun for whatever reason. Why'd you delete it? Afterall, it is a used wepond in the movie, and should be regarded as one. There's a few other weponds used in this site that aren't actually weponds, but THEY are allowed? What's up with that?
then we should separate the HK94 conversions from the real MP5s. I am against ''"just calling them MP5s and be done with it"''. I've seen those guns and the receivers are '''marked''' HK94 and their paperwork calls them converted HK94. Everyone just called them MP5 because they were lazy. Also it is a part of movie weaponry history that these converted HK94s were used. 99% of them are gone now, Mike Papac bought all the remaining ones (except mine) and did the full conversion so that we can't tell. But it's wrong to deny the HK94's place in cinema history when they were used so much (and we can also tell the difference). Also there are more Post 86 samples of real MP5s NOW than HK94s in movie inventory. The transferable HK94s are mostly in the hands of private Class III people. So we need to list what films they appeared in, since after the cut off date (when Mike converted the remaining few completely), they for all practical purposes ... disappeared from movies. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:00, 10 March 2009 (UTC)
:: Aw crap. Never mind then. The thumbs on that page are so small that I got confused. I blew them up and you're right. They ARE full MP5s. My bad. I guess we're on the same page. :)
==New pics==
I know that they're not as sexy as the hero guns, But I have been slowly and steadilyi replacing stock gun pics (like the AKMS, the Glock 27, (and I replaced the shot of that SL8 new model that the other uploaded ;) ). But MAN! the new users are kicking my ass. Creating new page after new page. My list of gun photos to get has tripled! :( MPM2008
== Maxim MG08 Photo ==
Thanks. Thats a much better photo of a Maxim on ''[[Wind and the Lion, The]]''
==you tired yet?==
I've noticed you've been re-directing all the bullshit new pages created by new anonymous users to the correct pages. I've been deleting some BS pages too but you've been very good at cleaning up IMFDB. MPM
Ah yes, silly me :) I forgot about your directive to do re-directs. :) Good idea.
== Goodbye ==
Just wanted to see if you learned your lesson (which you did). Ciao.
==We Were Soldiers==
Hey Matt, On the AKs had the receivers made and then I assembled them while the unit was at Ft.Bragg filming. They are then nicest and smoothest AK's I have ever worked on or used. Steve
Glade you liked the photo of the M16K, LaFrance also built it in .45 caliber but I don't think any ever made it into the film industry. Steve
==Taking no more gun pics==
apparently it is becoming more acceptable for others to create 'frankengun' photoshop jobs out of my original pics and not even give credit. Heck. I would give credit to the jacked shots that I clean up with recropping, or color correcting if I knew who the original photographer was. But that's a minor point. My intent all along was to replace all jacked images with official licensed images. It's a lot of hard work and only a very few (like you) even seem to appreciate it. (plus you're way more tolerant of the inevitable flood of conflicting page styles and info from new (and some anonymous) users ... inevitable as the site gets more recognition). I'm on hiatus for taking pics of guns for a bit. Working hard for IMFDB should be enjoyable, not irritating. :( A break is good thing. MPM
Thanks for clearing that up. As you know I'm not an AK pro. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Anonymous User
What a dick, thanks for blocking him. I particularly disliked his comment on the ''[[Heist]]'' page, although I kind of laughed when he changed Solid Snake to "Solid Cock". None the less he was a vandal and the site is far better off without him, good work. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:''A vandal and a jackass, most definitely. Have to admit though, that last change he made was priceless. Blade uses a Benelli M3 to commit tax fraud. I'm still laughing.'' --[[User:Clutch|Clutch]] 02:25, 21 March 2009 (UTC)
:: Well, atleast he has a decent sense of humor. - [[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]]
== server upgrade ==
We serve up a lot of images and need to step up on both the speed and size of the drives along with the speed of the processors. We're currently on a 4 core 2.4Ghz Xeon server (which we are constantly maxing out). The upgrade I was looking at is an 8 core 3Ghz Xeon box with a 15k RPM 72GB drive. We would keep the current server as a 'failover' which would also host the latest backup. [[User:Bunni|bunni]] 03:41, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
:I just checked out the server stats, removing the front page screencaps reduced the server's processor load 30%. We need to figure out a way to just show a single image and link to the article, maybe we use the movie poster image? Or just select one highlight shot? We could use the same choose and option code we had been using and just insert a standard image tag with a screenshot of our choosing linking to the page? That may be the quickest way to work it for now. [[User:Bunni|bunni]] 03:48, 22 March 2009 (UTC)
==Blocking anonymous users, period.==
Perhaps there's a way so that anonymous users just can't do anything other than look, period? It would sure save you and the other mods/admins a lot of trouble in the long run... --[[User:Clutch|Clutch]] 20:42, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
== Jacked image ==
Hey, MT2008, I came across a site with a jacked MPM2008 image on it: []
I already left a note on MPM2008's talk page btw.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 04:26, 25 March 2009 (UTC)
It looks like he jacked Several images from MPM. Personally I need to check what this person has contributed to the site before I say more. but I know I've seen that handle before on some not so great pages. [[User:Rockwolf66|Rockwolf66]] 03:13, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
== RE: Jacked Image ==
I would just warn him not to upload MPM2008's images on other sites, I don't think he knew that MPM didn't want his images on other sites.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 02:50, 26 March 2009 (UTC)
I have removed them from the gunpedia and hopefully get them deleted.
[[User:Cutaway]] 18:37, 26/03/2009 (UTC)
==RoboCop 2==
Excellent work with [[RoboCop 2]], the page came out great.
I have to say, that UC-M21 Hob uses is pretty scary, the thing folds up to look like a lunch box but in seconds unfolds into a SMG. I saw someone using one in a Knob Creek video, that's a gun you don't want to see in kid's hands.
Anyway, I've been working on ''[[Magnum Force]]'' but sickeness has slowed my work process. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==THANKS! for the note of support==
It was appreciated. Well I am back from a pretty tough assignment (over a week of 14 hour days and nothing but grief) Actually I didn't know WHO did WHAT on the so called franken guns. I was not really paying attention for months to the M16 page and only concentrated on the AP74 22 clones at the bottom. I didn't even know that some guy (Kin93) out of Hong Kong had made so many franken guns out of my pics. But after a really BAD week (which I will go into on a general note later) I scanned up on the M16 page and saw literally a bunch of Franken M16 pics. I thought "WTF?!!" It wasn't so bad, in just it was just the topper of a really bad week (where someone in the real world took a custom shotgun I built, replaced the buttstock, and then showed it off to various art directors as a gun 'HE' built even though I did 99.99% of the work). So it was kinda just the straw that bent (not broke! :) ) the Camel's back for that time. I KNEW I had to take a break, and I sure felt better when I put a stop to the 'picture requests'. like a weight was taken off my back. (Also I was getting a little TOO wound up over the wave of new anonymous/newbie users whose gun knowledge is only airsoft/Video Games making wrong edits on all the pages. It was bound to happen and is the risk we all take on an open wiki page. Anyway THANKS for the note. I am now motivated to photograph real versions of the Franken guns, also so that we (IMFDB) don't get accused of 'creating virtual/fictional weapons' on the Internet.) Hope you've been doing well. best regards MPM
==Executive Decision==
Nice job on the page. I also like how you don't put 20 images of the same gun ad nauseum per section. When I see the 'crazy terrorist' with the Norinco Type 56-1 I always expect him to scream "I Blow You! Mother Bitches!!!!!" hahahahahaha. MPM2008
==44 minutes shootout==
I intend to built up the gun and rephotograph it for the page. Probably this weekend. :) Also when I do that, the franken gun picture doesn't have conflicting LIGHTING sources, like it does when people do Franken gun pics. An eagle eyed person can see the color changes or lack of shadows, etc. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:35, 4 April 2009 (UTC)
== Oops ==
Sorry about that. Kinda forgot. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 08:01, 6 April 2009 (UTC)
==Browning BDA 380==
hahahaha! Thanks for listing the Browning BDA for the Devil's own. I now feel validated in making the pistol page ;) That issue still brings up the discussion of pages for guns that don't (yet) have movie credits. I've created several pages for guns that I pulled from active motion picture armorer inventory, but I don't know if they've been in films yet. Did the Page help you at all with Identifying the pistol? ;) MPM2008
==Barb Wire==
I'm taking a break tonight so go for those changes. Fresh eyes probably catch things that someone who's been capping for hours does not. I'm not done screencapping so I will have more pics later. I will also try to get closer shots of the suspect guns. As for the MGC guns, yeah, we should put that in an MGC-16 category. But when they fire they are using the M16A1 with a heavy A2 barrel and A2 handguards setup like in the picture above the group shot. Again, I never noticed how many continuity errors they make in movies. In one shot Barb is grabbing a SIG and in the closeup it's a Glock ... WTF? I just got sick of looking at an empty Barb Wire page, even though the movie kinda sucked. Hope you like the Screengrab quality. I actually want to replace a bunch of the pages who have BAD crappy screengrabs. .... also you notice that there's a bunch more guys posting FULL frame screengrabs? versus widescreen? should I replace a full frame shot with a widescreen of the same shot (thus showing more of the picture?)..... MPM
:Hey Matt, I built the guns for Barb Wire when I worked at Ellis. MPM noticed the error when Pamela Anderson was firing a SIG then it switched to a Glock. That happened on the re-shoot they hired a new Prop Master for the re=shoots and he did not like to shop at Ellis. So he went to another armory and rented the weapons but we had built some guns that no one else had hence the error. Also on the Desert Eagle I built the ones used for the show and there are only two in the configuration. The Prop Master had two others built for doing the poster and other media and they don't match. The hero Desert Eagles are polished stainless frame with a blued slide and barrel. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::Hey Matt, The Sig 228's used on "Barb Wire" were also used on "Virtuosity". The IR/Laser system was installed by Wilcox Industries UITC Laser System for Ellis. We had six made and I believe four of them were two tone. I will check out Barb Wire's page and add the info on the Eagles. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Long mountain outfitters==
I soooo want to rephotograph a lot of those movie guns. I think mine are better but its a lot of work. BTW, I intend to replace all the Franken gun pics with correct shots of original built guns. Heck, if the guys don't want a better and original pic of the gun they were trying to create, then tough titties. I will photograph what I can when I have the time, but I'm still not taking requests because there are a lot of them and some of them are quite difficult. MPM
==User ID:
This guy's left his own personal comments all over the CoD4 page about his favorite guns. I originally thought it was confined to just one gun until I read over the rest of the page. Should I take the time and move them all over to the Discussion tab or should I just let you guys ban him and then clean up the page? --[[User:Clutch|Clutch]] 19:14, 9 April 2009 (UTC)
==My latest movie/tv pages==
I just realized that I've been focusing primarily on shows with Hot women as the stars (with guns) .... [[V.I.P.]] (Pamela Andersen), [[Barb Wire]] (Pamela Andersen), [[Painkiller Jane]] (Kristanna Loken), [[Bionic Woman]] (Michelle Ryan). Hope folks don't think I'm obsessed with hot women and guns.... MPM2008
Notice that LMO has a Seecamp 32 auto on sale as a screen used gun in Die Hard with a Vengeance? I wonder if you know where in the movie that weapon appears?
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:17, 12 April 2009 (UTC)
==Lord of War==
As I mentioned previous, I finally got around to capping ''[[Lord of War]]'', and have all the images saved. I only took a few and don't think I'll clutter up the page. Since it's your page, remove whatever you don't like. I also brightened and sharpened them so they look nice. I caught just a few you missed but nothing big. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:Yeah I have that screencap of the Belly gun. Maybe another day I'll replace your shots but for now I'll just upload what I have. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
::I have a shot of the AR-7 gun circled, but I have no clue what it is. I only have a few more guns to upload and then I'm done. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:::Okay, all done. I was wondering, should I make the images 600px or are they okay at 500px? And do you like the movie poster we have currently or could I replace with one I have (it's the standard DVD cover, with Ethan Hawke in the background with Beretta 92FS Inox)? - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Thanks for the ID help==
I'm bleary eyed by watching all the episodes, freezeframing them endlessly, going back and forth, taking the screencap and fixing it for IMFDB.... hahaha. Also I try hard to make good screenshots. would it be bad to replace some of the CRAPPY screenshots on the site? Also what is with the gigantic ... but blurry ... screenshots that I see other users uploading? I think there should be a screenshot bootcamp for all users.... :) Anyway, thanks for the help with the guns. :) MPM2008
==Re: Weapon Id's==
Hey Matt, No problem on id's glad I can help. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Re: Man on Fire Glock 34==
Hey Matt, From the photos I would say that the Glock 34 used was a special build but that is probably due to the fact the frames were not ready. Last minute we need the pistol today at noon kind of deal so the weapon was put together using a existing frame and barrel. They did the scene and the frames were completed for the Glock 34 to be used for the rest of the show. The lack of ports in the barrel is common as we need the peak pressure for blanks hence the non-ported barrel. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==SCI FI guns==
As a side note, I finally got an email response from the effects house that did the guns for Starship Troopers, Space Above & Beyond, Star Trek Voyager and Babylon Five. I might be able to get high quality custom pics of these fabricated weapons for IMFDB, which would be pretty cool, since IMFDB would (again) be the only place to have the pics. I've known these guys for decades, but trying to get them to commit to taking the time out for a photo shoot of prop weapons has been a REAL CHORE. :) best regards MPM2008
==Watermarking MPM's images==
I had showed this to MPM a while ago and wanted to show it to you. I designed a watermark for his images based on the site's logo, because I figured it would cut down on his images being stolen. He liked it but figured it wasn't necesarry to since he puts some form of protection on the images already. I still think it is cool though. What do you think?
--[[User:ManiacallyChallenged|ManiacallyChallenged]] 00:11, 19 April 2009 (UTC)
== X-Men Origins: Wolverine ==
Am naughty I know but I did see a bootleg version of the movie. Now I know I cannot post vidcaps of it but...can I create an article for it?
[[User: Charon68|Charon68]]
==RE:CDS ==
Hey Matt, The photos from ''[[Hard Boiled]]'' is definitely a early Taurus Model 85. Look close to the Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen but the barrel contour is different. I am glad the you like the Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen photo but the credit goes to member [[User: Charly Driver|Charly Driver]] posted the photo originally but it was just attached to on of his pages. I just put it on the Colt Detective Special page and cleaned it up so others can use it also. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
== The Unit AIG rifle ==
I think I do still have that episode. Let me take a look. What's the rifle called? Full name. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:23, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
:Ok, I got 3 ok shots of it, but I don't qute know how to designate it on my Unit page. Maybe you can help with the name game. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:35, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
:The bipod is on wrong? I knew there was something funny about this photo. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 03:40, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
And the episode was ok. I think it's the last episode of the season. They need to throw in more of the budget for shootout scenes. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 03:43, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
==Finally replaced some of the old images==
[[Image:Jerich941-Two-Tone01.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Two tone Jericho 941. All of our Jericho (original pics) are of the original 941. I don't have any of the 941FS, which seems to be the model which is used whenever they have two toned Jericho pistols - the FS has the decocker on the frame, not the slide. I'll check around to see if anyone has a 941FS model.]]
[[Image:HK91A3.jpg|thumb|500px|none|Heckler & Koch HK91-A3. I hated that jacked image of the A3 model with a 'custom flash hider and barrel' it was a non-standard configuration that no one would ever see in a movie.]]
[[Image:WinchesterModel1894.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Winchester 1894 - .30-30. Is this a saddle ring carbine? There's no marking on it other than Winchester Model 1894 - .30-30 Winchester and there doesn't seem to be a hole for the saddle ring, but it looks to be the same]]
[[Image:Benelli m3-1-.jpg|thumb|none|500px|FINALLY replaced that jacked image of a Benelli M3 Super 90!! I will also have a version of the M3 with ghost ring sights and the shorter pistol grip version soon]]
[[Image:Jericho941FullSize.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Finally replaced that 'place holder' picture of the black Jericho 941. I was sitting, staring at a 941 for weeks, but I didn't have time to set up the photographic lighting rig. This one is way better than the previous one.]]
I'm just doing pics as I can, not rushing out and killing myself trying to get weird or wacky configurations. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 18:07, 23 April 2009 (UTC)
== I am Legend ==
Thanks, I saw the shot, I wanted to include that shot, but wasn't sure if I should use it since it was in the same scene. I'll go back and get it a few minutes, thanks.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 00:56, 24 April 2009 (UTC)
I uploaded all the shots I taken so far, and I'll be taking more tomorrow as well. If you have anymore suggestions for Screenshots, let me know. I uploaded the shot you mentioned and explained it's significance since some users argued whether it was a USP Variant or not when the page was first built. Thanks for the information by the way, I'll keep it in mind next time I see a Mark 23.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 01:34, 24 April 2009 (UTC)
== Memento pistol ==
Hey, thanks for helping with the S&W from ''[[Memento]]''. I had considered that it might have been the 6906 but it didn't seem to have the double-stack frame. Is it a different variation of the 6906? [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 03:33, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
:Haha no problem, I had just watched it in the movie so it was fresh on my mind! Thanks for pointing out the 4556, I forgot the check those variations. I've noticed quite a few movies have had 4556 and 4566 models as well, we'll probably be needing pages on those anyway. [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 03:40, 25 April 2009 (UTC)
==Where should I put these?==
Hey, you're pretty good at this sort of thing. Where do I put this image on the Beretta page? There's no Vertec section but it is a straight front pistol grip. I re-arranged the Beretta 92 page anyway, grouping the 'odd slide/frame' models together, (Brigadier, Elite, Centurion)
[[Image:S&WPerformanceCtr627.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Smith & Wesson Performance Center Model 627 - .357 Magnum]]
==Lupara Page==
Hey Matt, I just noticed this page made titled Lupara. The term is for sawed off shotguns not makes or models do you think this should be redirected to double barrel shotgun page? I will be posting seven new film tomorrow on the site it is the entire Thin Man series of films. I am working on the layouts right now and will post when finished. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==BB/Pellet Guns==
Hey Matt, I working on the layout for Thin Man right now and a question came up. Do we include BB/Pellet Gun on this site? If we do can we just place them under one heading on the Gun page? Let me know when you can. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
I just realized that the latest Benelli M3 Super 90 pic is more like the version used in the films like HEAT and the Getaway. The Ghost Ring sights version of the old jacked picture wasn't seen as much as the factor sights. MPM2008 thanks for the note! :)
== Inside Man AKs ==
Hey, thanks for looking at the AKs used on ''[[Inside Man]]''. I'd hate to be a burden but I'm not good at identifying between AK-47s and Norincos (even with the receiver/sight information), so if you get a chance would you be able to identify which have which guns? In the meantime I'll try and decode it but I wouldn't want to make any mistakes and I trust your opinions more than I'd trust my attempts! Thanks! [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 02:17, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
:Okay, thanks, I'll try and sort them out the best I can [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 03:28, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
::Yeah I just noticed when I went to check them out that they all seemed to be milled-receiver AK-47s. I don't know why I made the Type 56 mistake but thanks for clearing it up! [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 03:39, 28 April 2009 (UTC)
==L6 rotary launcher==
Hey Matt, I was wondering if you can change this to the correct title. It should be '''Penn Arms Rotary Launchers''' not L6 rotary launcher since they have multiple models of the rotary launcher and several different models are in the film industry. Check out their website when you get time. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, I will work on the Penn Arms Rotary Launchers page in the next couple of days. We used them at both Ellis and at CW also Stembridge had them. Thanks for moving that. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
== S&W 4506 ==
How Well, in your opinion, does a 4506 stand up to a Sig 226? I have been considering buying a 4506 and I would like to know what the gun is like before I buy it.
==Chuck guns==
Wow, where did you get the pics of Chuck screen used guns. I just wish they were better photographs ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:30, 8 May 2009 (UTC)
I was going to go to ISS and do a photo day. Oh well. I guess I don't have to do THAT anymore. I just wish people knew how to take proper pictures. No offense, but even if I give detailed instructions as to how I take the photos, no one listens and we still have the same level of quality of photographs that we see on Gunbroker (except for the shots of linoleum floor and white socks on feet ;) ) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 16:53, 9 May 2009 (UTC)
==Re: Idiot
Hey Matt, Thanks for blocking this idiot I send sometime reverting back the pages he messed up. Something has to be change on who can edit pages or it will happen again. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, I would be more than happy to help out in Admin. Talk to Bunni and see what happens. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::Hey Matt, Thanks on the recommendation. I have a lot of ideas to pass on to other admins on how to clean up some pages and improve the appearance overall. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, I was made an Admin Today. I what to say thanks again for recommending me.- [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
This is a dedicated gun page to a firearm that belongs to the Resident Evil VG universe only. Do you think this gun deserves a separate page? Being that it is a weapon that only exists in either airsoft or the VG series Resident Evil and is based on the 92FS or Elite alreadY? Your thoughts are appreciated. MPM2008
I had no idea that this guy plagiarized the entire page from another site. Yep, that's a sure fire DELETE in my book. Thanks so much for the input. MPM2008
Thanks you for the compliment! I didn't like the older Taurus images. That low resolution Stainless model pic bugged me for a long time. Also movies change the components so now that I have the guns (or easy access to them) I can swap out items to make the gun look identical to the movie versions. It's nice to know that folks notice ;) I did the two tone guns primarily for GM45's Shoot Em Up page since I noticed that the movie had TWO different 2=tone versions. Also I noticed that a lot of pages had the PT99 Stainless because they didnt' have a PT92-AFS with the proper black grips. BTW: do you think we're spoiled regarding gun pics. I remember the bad old days when we had so many jacked AIRSOFT images! ugh! LOL. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:28, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
==Did someone ask for a Mossberg Pic?==
[[Image:Mossberg590Modified.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Mossberg 590 Combat model (Parkerized) with 500C wood forearm and stock - 12 gauge]]
I could have sworn that someone, someplace requested that I photograph a Mossberg 590 shotgun (parkerized version) with a 500C wooden furniture for some movie '''but I can't remember now what it was for'''. Well, here it is! :) I actually bought the 500C wood to put on one of my 590s for the pic so I sure hope that a movie used this configuration somewhere :) best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:28, 15 May 2009 (UTC)
==Two tone guns...who knew!==
HAHAHAHa. you guys are getting a lot of mileage out of the two tone SIGs photos! I had NO IDEA that combo was so prevalent in movies. :) Well I did the Two Tone Taurus for GM45's Shoot Em Up page, but it's nice to see that other films have used it as well. If you're wondering why I have not done an INOX yet, is that there are several versions of the INOX. The only ones I have access to are FUGLY. They are later models where the SS is a matted 'satin stainless' that looks like someone spraypainted the gun with that crappy model kit silver paint. The finish is horrible. I'm trying to find the earlier ones where it was polished or semi polished Stainless (also I'm not too keen on all of the black accents (trigger, mag release lever, hammer, etc.) on the newer INOX guns) I'm looking for an all SS one. best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 01:12, 17 May 2009 (UTC)
==Calico Weapons page==
Well I've been busy, photographing every Calico Variant I can think of (or that is available to me). The Calicos are probably the least photographed weapon on the Internet and a lot of the web based information pages on the Calico are either wrong or lame. IMFDB will soon be the only place where a lot of these variants are seen (well at least via a cursory Google search). Tell me what you think of the page and if you see a Calico on a movie page that is NOT listed, I would appreciate the help! :) best regards [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:02, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
''Also, have you ever noticed that Calico used to call their weapons the '''"Liberty I"''' and '''"Liberty II"'''? What is with the "Liberty" nomenclature, and which guns does it apply to?''
::The '''Liberty I''' carbine and the '''Liberty III''' Pistol was just a renaming trick to get around the 'named gun' assault weapon bans that were popping up all over the country after 1990, (Cincinnati, Chicago, NYC, Maryland, New Jersey, Hawaii, etc.) the 901 was a renamed gun specifically because of the California ban of the Model 900 (California's original 1989 ban only banned the M900 and M950 by name) Their later ban, restricted by 'features' (which is all bullshit anyway, but you know that already). Anyway, other states saw what manufacturers were doing, so they started banning "The 900 SERIES". Though lawyers thought that it was questionable to ban by series, Calico didn't want to take the chance.... (what if a manufacturer has a model type starting with 900 but it is NOT an assault weapon? Is that banned too?) To avoid that, in the early 1990s Calico just renamed the '''950''' pistol to be the '''Liberty III''' and the '''900''' rifle to be the '''Liberty I'''. That's it. They are identical guns.
''Oh, yeah, and are you sure the ''Deep Rising'' Calicos are the M955A? Not saying you're wrong, just that I personally can't tell the barrel length with those fake rotating barrels on them.''
:: The overall length is closer the 955A than any other model. The 900 is too long. They would have had to cut down the barrel, so why would they do that? The 960A is too short and they would have had to put a barrel extension to mate the end of the barrel to the end of the fake rotating mini gun. It makes no sense otherwise. ''(I compared pictures from the side of the L1-M1 guns and they are too short to have the long barrel Carbine underneath and obviously if they had the short pistol barrel length 960As then they would have had to build up an entire barrel extension system to elongate the overall length. )''
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 23:04, 18 May 2009 (UTC)
== My Kimber Warrior ==
You have NO idea how many MONTHS of saving up it took me to get this damn thing and the ammo and the 3 extra mags. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:14, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
:I had to pick either this or the Springfield Operator. BOTH were just as expensive. Over $1,000 [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:15, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
:I might shoot off all 3 mag full just to break them in and for satisfaction, but with the economy these days and the shortage of guns, and ammo and parts because of the Obama scare, I am going to fire this as less as possible. Would it surprise you that I plan to carry this around with me where ever I go?[[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:32, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
:Well, I don't have a "Real" job yet, so yeah it did take me a long time. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:32, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
To be honest, the feel is a lot heavier than a plain old 1911, that's the first thing I felt different when I carry it. As I said a moment ago, I haven't gotten time to shoot it yet, I only got a couple boxes of ammo. .45s are particularly expensive nowadays, but then again what isn't. I do however plan on either getting a surefire flashlight attachment or a grip laser [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:35, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
:Reloads do sound awesome, but if they keep misfiring and stove piping, then no thanks. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 05:00, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
::Sounds cool, the cheaper price that is. I wasn't expecting free ammo. But me still unfamiliar with a lot of things involving guns, I actually never knew you can reload spent brass with new bullets. I keep thinking the brass are just you fire and forget. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 05:19, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
== Indian Actor ==
I thought it would be easier for Indian viewers to find an Indian actor in a separate list. However if it is increasing complexity then it can be removed. I agree with you. Thanks. [[User:Ritwikbmca|ritwikbmca]] 16:23, 19 May 2009 (UTC)
==Any old gun page will do!==
Cutaway is not the only one doing it. New members are starting to post gun pages on whatever gun they think is cool, regardless of whether they appeared in anything or not. I'm tempted to start giving them a deadline to list a film, television show, anime, VG in which this firearm appears ..... or else I am DELETING their page. I am also tempted to delete the pages (not the images but just the page) of those bizarre Cutaway experimental guns that don't appear in anything (Like the Siamese Tromix which is a ONE OFF experimental gun from some custom gun maker in the SouthEastern U.S.). to be fair I will also have to DELETE my own Browning Pro-9 page, since I don't think it has appeared in anything yet, even though the images are of blank adapted guns in active armorer inventory. Should I keep pages for guns that are (a) blank adapted and (b) already in active rental inventory of SOME armory? The chances of them appearing in a future project is far greater than these obscure foreign or experimental guns. I look forward to your opinion on this. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:15, 20 May 2009 (UTC)
==La France Calicos==
Hey Matt, Thanks on the Admin glade to be on board with the rest of you to try and improve IMFDB and clean up some pages. The Calicos were used on "Homeboys in Outer Space" and several other shows. I hope to review the rental history on them shortly. Might have the information up by the weekend. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
Et Tu Brute? Now you're posting foreign language german films! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! MPM2008
==Okay, you're the one who started all of this ;) ==
SB2296 deleted the PSL page and moved it onto the SVD page. My only problem with that is if we merge TOO many gun types into one page, people won't find them and be able to use the page for identification purposes. Like guns of the world, I like separating all the gun types, but you and I have polar opposite opinions regarding this (you merged MY zastava page onto the AK page, even though I was against it). It's just two different opinions, but I want to know how we can get some sort of consensus amongst the MODs regarding this so that we can have a set of rules for IMFDB. But I want to solidify the specs rather than continue to go through this conflict with people formatting pages in a way that I would not format. I will fully follow the directive of the group, but I'm tired of just having people do it 'their way' over my objections with no forum for arbitration. Thanks :) Do you agree with the deletion of the FPK/PSL page? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 18:25, 23 May 2009 (UTC)
==FPK / PSL Sniper Rifle Page==
Hey Matt, I changed the FPK / PSL Sniper Rifle page back to it original format and added info explaining that the weapon is based on the stamped receiver RPK and not the Dragunov. Some think that it's a SVD but it's not it's more like a Yugo .308 AK. So all in good now. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Zastava M70==
Actually the Zastava M70 is built on a RPK receiver, not an AK receiver, which is why I don't think it belongs in the AK lineage. PhoenixEnt changed the PSL back to the original format, since the PSL is built on the RPK receiver as well, and is not a direct descendant of the SVD. So the Yugo series of AK type rifles are not direct descendants of the AK47. My thought is, if someone chopped the barrel of an RPK to make a short RPK, would we suddenly classify it and merge it onto the AK page, rather than the RPK page? This is obviously not a super serious issue, but imfdb does seem to have inconsistent standards in regards to what gun pages should comprise. MPM2008
According to the arguement posted, then all of the Valmet Rifles or Galil Rifles should be under the AK banner as well? They are 'rifles' and serve the role of rifle, even though their receivers are different than the direct lineage of the AK? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:16, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
==Galil & Valmet==
Actually I just mentioned that action because it seemed to be line with the line of thinking in your post. I am not FOR merging them into AK-47. In fact I am vehemently against it, but, as I said before, no one listens to me when it comes to IMFDB styles and protocols. ;) Now that we're on this contentious topic ;), what do you think about all those M16 variants the people are creating new pages for? The LWRC SRT rifle series for example. or Z-M LR 300? Now I am also against dumping all the variants of the M16 like the SR-25 or .308 guns into the M16 page, primarily because the pages are getting too gigantic and unwieldy. It's about user experience and I am not sure that behemoth pages that scroll down for ages is what people are looking for. I for one, HATE those blogs where the bloggers keep all their entries for months and months on the same page, thus looking for any one entry takes hours of scrolling to find it. Anyway, you now see where I get my strong anti-long page bias from ! :D Well, at least you have a break from your studies to jump back into the IMFDB fray! :D [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:56, 27 May 2009 (UTC)
Hey Matt, This weapon is a M60 Light Machine Gun mounted upside down. Look at the barrel sticking through the screen the gas cylinder is on top. The third photo show the bag hanger and the top cover of the M60. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, I will check to on the ID for those unknown Sub Machine Guns during the week when I go back to the armory. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Weapons Page Layout==
Hey Matt, Had an idea for the weapons page layouts since they are get more cluttered as more info is added. What do you think about columns that had listing for Actors Name/Character Name/Production Name/ Year of Production. We had those types of columns in the motorsport wiki that I worked on for information just to clean up the pages. Let me know and I can set up one page nothing big so everyone can check it out. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, Motorsportpedia is down while they move over to a new server. But I can set up a page as I still have the layouts save on my PC and then screen capture and post it here so you can see it. Let me know and I do a trial run tonight. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::Hey Matt, I made a test page with screencaps of the Colt 1903 Pocket Hammer with the new layout. The top is original format, Middle is all info in new layout, and Bottom is just Film Title and Year of Production. Let me know what you think. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, The dates are the easiest part on this can add them as the page is redone. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::Hey Matt, I did not know if you wanted me to start on those layouts or wait until you told the other Admins. Let me know as the set up is done. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, If you would starting that page on the forum for me it would be great as I am heading out right now. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::Hey Matt, Looked over at the Forum on the page you started. Very cool that you did that for me. Thanks. It seems that from the lukewarm response that they like it but could not be bothered with it as they will just continue to make it look like a 4 year old constructed the page. Sad that a Admin feels that way but it also lazy that they don't want to improve the way IMFDB is looked at by others. Hopefully we can do this layout and improve the way it looks. Thanks Again.- [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
Hey Matt, What I can do is layout on my PC first before I even post them. Then I will do a mass change on those pages. I will start with the most popular pages first and work my way down. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
[[Image:TestPgWeapons.jpg|thumb|none|800px|Layout Test Page]]
==Arggg, did a Frankgun Fix==
[[Image:Podbyrin9 2mmPistol.jpg|thumb|none|400px|FIXED in Photoshop Podbyrin 9.2mm pistol (merged a rounded Beretta 92S trigger guard onto the handgun to make it look more like the movie gun)....]]
I spoke to the original gun owner, and suggested a 'frankengun' fix in PS, and surprisingly, he said he 'thought it was cool'. He was intrigued to see what the pistol would look like with the 'correct trigger guard', so I took a photo of a Beretta 92SB and 'merged' the rounded trigger guard onto the Podbyrin. How does this look? I usually try to avoid doing a lot of photoshop on a gun pic, other than lightening shadows or darkening highlights or fixing scratches or (obscuring SNs). It's still not the screen used gun, but now it's closer to the real deal. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 21:08, 4 June 2009 (UTC)
== Re: Seven Days ==
I actually didn't start that page, I just contributed to it. Feel free to add to it. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 02:35, 6 June 2009 (UTC)
::Yeah, gee thanks MT2008, I did 90% of the page and you ask ORCA1 if you can contribute to it! LOL. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 19:25, 7 June 2009 (UTC)
== AK-47 Page Edits ==
I removed -some- of the spacing since in some places it left what looked like excessively large blank areas that required more scrolling to get to the rest of the article. I was just trying to make it look more compact and fuller. [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 18:33, 7 June 2009 (UTC)
==RE: Revamping Matrix Reloaded==
The Desert Eagle screencaps were the most I believe so I never went over 8. That's pretty good for me. I tried to limit where I could, have no worries. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Honoring Actors who have passed away==
Since the news of David Carradine's death :( I was cruising around IMFDB and I noticed a nice touch to Charlton Heston's page. Someone put a photo of him, not a screenshot, in which it simply stated, "Charlton Heston: 1923 - 2008" I wanted to do something similar to Brandon Lee's page (1965-1993) :( , but I also thought that it would be nice (but completely optional) to put a DOB-DOD listing on actors who have passed away. I was going to do one for PhoenixEnt's page for Morris Ankrum the actor, I was going to put (1896-1964) but I figured I would check first. Also I thought it would be nice to know which of our famous actors have passed on. Thoughts anyone? I'm not going to do any sort of mass campaign to do so, but to know that no one else has objections would be nice. :) MPM2008
==You Video Game guys are missing my point completely==
I don't care any thing about what gun is appropriate in real life for a video game character. I seriously don't. :) I don't play Video Games. I work on movies :) I was just lamenting that IMFDB has to have dedicated gun pages to really obscure Russian weapons or experimental weapons because they appear in some video game SOMEWHERE. Talk about cluttering IMFDB with info. And I sure as hell can't get a good MPM photo of these guns, Arggggg they don't exist outside of some experimental arms room in RUSSIA!!!! ;) But they get a dedicated gun page because they DID appear in a Video Game. You know, in the old days, I would have booked a flight to Russia JUST to take a custom IMFDB photo of those guns................... [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:36, 10 June 2009 (UTC)
==Wilkinson Arms Linda Pistol==
Hey Matt, I have some photos of the Linda so I was going to make a page for it. But do you think that the Linda and the Terry should have their own page or combined? If so then I would add the J&R M-68 Carbine as well since Ray Wilkinson built that one in So. EL Monte in the same business complex as my parents Gun Company.- [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, Thanks for the words I am working on the photos hope to have them up by Sunday. I have to check on some background for the M68 Carbine and Wilkinson Pistols and Carbines to fill out the page. Also hope to have the first layout mods posted this weekend.- [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Making a documentary video about guns?==
Wow! That is so less work than taking photographs of guns! ..... not! ;) Also we would have to expend our own blanks $$ out of our own pockets and there is the time, editing etc. The $$ thing is a touchy subject. The SAG strike fucked us, big time. Now SAG has signed, but guess what? It's too late. Almost NO production for a YEAR and now because of the credit crunch, no one as any money to do anything. the investors are all pulling out. It's sad when SPIELBERG has to go to CHINA to get financing for his next movie. the number of project being filmed in California alone dropped 40%. At one time there were 40 productions each week. in the greater Los Angeles area (TV Shows, Feature films, Indie Films, TV Pilots, Commercials, etc.) The last time I even checked, I think about a month ago, it was THREE.
BLANKS: Our cost of blanks have historically been about 300% the cost of the real deal. Movie blanks are a highly customized item and the types of brass and powder formulas are specifically formulated for movies. There is no economy of scale like in real ammo. And real ammo is manufactured in the MILLIONS each year. Now it gets to the point that I don't blow off my own blanks unless they've been paid for by a production.
Again, the comment was aimed at people who haven't done a production. We run into that all the time, everyone from ABOVE the line to everyone BELOW the line in a production. The lay public has no idea what it takes (and how much it costs) for even a small production.
GUN RENTAL RATES: I'm too tired to even list off the costs, but the rule of thumb is usually 10% of full replacement costs for one week. Sometimes more. Most expensive guns never rent ten weeks of production in decades. Stembridge was lucky in that so many of their older guns (Western,WW2, WW1, etc) had already paid for themselves by the 1970s so all rentals were pure profit. I have guns which have NEVER rented since 1989. I have guns which have rented ONCE (in the lifetime of most of IMFDB's members). Anyway that's just historical tidbit for you, based on my own experiences, not everyones. :) MPM
::I fixed a typo that would have been confusing....
==Letters from Iwo Jima M1903A1 Sniper Rifles==
Hey Matt, Nice photos of the 1930A1 Sniper Rifles. I built those rifles for Windtalkers although they were never seen in the film. They are the only two that I know of in the industry and are own by Rock. I lost the photos of my build when my hard drive crashed a few years ago and now I just take new photos of the completed weapons to fill that empty space. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
== About "Rock" Galotti ==
Funny, he did some of the stunts in [[Platoon]]. That is pretty cool i guess.-[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 00:02, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
==RE: OK, I need your help==
Hey Matt, Those are Daewoo K3 Light Machine Guns dressed as M249's. Back in the day not to long ago M249's were not that available. So two armories in LA used Daewoo K3's and dressed them up and I am sure that the Canadian armories followed suit. The K3's were cheaper than getting M249's at the time. Good eye on that most have never spotted them before. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
:Hey Matt, I will check on the one I know of here on Thursday. Let me know what other info you need on the K3's -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Re:Weapon pages==
I think we can do away with the italics with the new layout unless it really adds to the looks of the pages. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
== Payback Page ==
Thanks for the quick response. I completely agree with the change of page Payback who made Gunmaster. He has identified and corrected some of my mistakes making the page very interesting. The substitution with Screencaps of the Director's Cut version is very beautiful, the pictures are less dark, more large and clear. I just wanted to be advised before the change, that's all. However, no problem. - [[User:Charly Driver|Charly Driver]]
I can find out, but I don't know off hand. I have 4 M249s, CW as 12 M249s, so obviously they are available. I will ask specifically the next time I interact with an armorer who has a K3. MPM
:I will be going to the armory soon and will get a photo of the K3 and check when they started to use them. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
::I asked some questions about the K3's. The reason for them being mocked up was the fact that the armories could not get M249's at that time. Both large armories here in LA and the Canadian armories used then extensively for years. I did not have my camera but I will have a photo of them ready by the first of the week. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
On the Steyr AUG page, you give thanks to BullpupThai when I'm the one who actually revamped the page?!?!?! It took all day to revamp the tables and update the information. He only added the A3 photos and they're of variants that no one has seen in any movies. WTF? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:49, 20 June 2009 (UTC)
==Standardize Template Layout==
Hi, As we are moving forward with the new layout on the Guns and Actors pages. We need to finalize a standard layout for the Template. We have been changing gun pages over and they do look better but everyone has their own style. Dates for instance some are on the right side some on the left, some have the most current movie at the top and some have the oldest. Then we have other issues like the headers are different from one poster to another. We need to fix these issues now before we have a ton of double work to do. Please give you feedback on pages completed like the [[M1911 pistol series]] and the [[Steyr AUG]] so we can have a standard on these pages. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
:Hey Matt, No problem on the change to the Television layout. What did you think about the lines on the layout samples. I had GM45 like one style and [[Oliveira]] like another I just have not brought it up to the rest of the Admin's yet. Let me know as I have seen several other members start to change pages to the new layout- [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]] 14:18, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
Thanks for the note. To the mods: Though my own preference is strongly towards chronological order, I can accede to the wishes of the majority. I do like the format of Title First, before actor. Please note all, in the [[Steyr AUG]] page that the title, then character, then actor template, dovetails nicely into the other genres (television) but also Anime and Video games. Since there is no Character in some and no Actor in Anime or Videgame, I think this order maintains the same look from Film all the way down to VG. Thanks and please look at the page to see what I was referring to. Thanks again. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:27, 21 June 2009 (UTC)
==Updated Template==
Thanks to everyone for the response. I have changed the first entry in the [[M1911#M1911|1911]] page to a blend of both mine, MPM and MT2008 which looks very nice right now. As to the other suggestions on lines for each entry I have posted samples at [[Talk:Test Template Page#Anime|Talk:Test Template Page]]. The third sample looks the best as in not quite as busy as the others. The colors can be changed to a lighter gray or blue if that need to be changed to make it a little more eye appealing. It looks like we are getting close to a standard on this pretty quick. As for added actors using the same weapon I have always included them on the listing instead of trying to place multiple actors on one entry that way it has less clutter. Thanks on your input on this. - [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
==Wilkinson Arms==
Hey Matt, I talked briefly with one of Ray Wilkinson's business partners and he told me that they sold some for use in the film industry in the late 60's early 70's. I have a interview with him hopefully this week and should be able to fill in some history and specs. for the weapons. They only made three of the G-77 Sub Machine Guns but some could have copied it for a show. I hope to have more info on this than is any where on the net. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
==Moving Desert Eagle==
Whoa there buddy! :) I don't think we should move the Desert Eagle to IMI Desert Eagle. It was designed by Magnum Research, but the gun was also manufactured by Saco Defense in Maine. Some of the guns I've used in the field were SACO guns and not IMI pistols. Most of the Mark XIX were not IMI but Saco guns. the ones I photographed from Cinema Weaponry just had new replacement slides on them, so the mfg was not even listed. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:02, 29 June 2009 (UTC)]
==Your Grandfather's guns==
:You really sold the guns your Grandfather gave you? If I did that my Opa would whip my ass.-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 21:47, 30 June 2009 (UTC)
==RE Goldeneye==
I appreciate it and I'll keep what you said in mind --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 01:28, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
==RE 1911==
Yeah, I think your right. too bad we have no stock images though --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 02:10, 2 July 2009 (UTC)
sorry im new on here im still trying to figure all of this out.. i understand now..
:You have a point, but I don't have an email-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 06:14, 3 July 2009 (UTC)
==Dillinger's Pistol==
I believe Dillinger was carrying a Colt 1903 Pocket Hammerless when he was outside the theater (much like he did in real life). I was wondering where the Colt Pocket ''Hammer'' was used, which is a different gun. I remember when Dillinger tried to draw his pistol it was hammerless, so I never saw the Hammer Pocket pistol. And any info from the guys at ISS would be much appreciated :) - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Glock Page==
I notice on the Glock page people keep changing the newer first and second generation guns to say 2nd and 3rd generation. I believe you pointed out new models (19 and up) are only in 1st and 2nd generation (as they made no three generations for those pistols), yet people continue to change them incorrectly. Am I wrong on something, or should we message others that they are wrong. Also, check out the SIG-Sauer P220 pistol series page and check out the format style I prefer, and am trying to sell people on as the norm. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:Huh, that's confusing as hell. Personally I say the the Glock 17 and 18 have three generations, while from 19 and on only have two because they never made a first generation 19-39 pistol with the original 1st gen styling, they only made them with 2nd and 3rd gen styling, so it would make sense to only refer to them in 1st and 2nd gen. And besides, the new Glock format with the sandpaper type grips would either become the newer 3rd generation, or become the older 4th genertation depending. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==I'm back briefly==
Just dealing with a bunch of Indies who want guns... And as you well know, sometimes the production has no idea what they want ... and when they want it. Ugh! But I'm slammed with work so if you send me any messages, I apologize for not responding in a timely manner. best regards
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:13, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
== Armorer page idea ==
Hey, I haven't checked the forums in awhile so I don't know if anyone's had this idea before, but I was wondering if we should set up a way of making pages for movie armorers or at least one page with the armorers and links to the movies they've done. I'm not sure how it would be set up, but I just wanted to consult with anyone else to see if this would be a good idea. I figured these guys do a ton of work and it'd be great to see who all's worked on what, etc. Again, if anyone's had this idea before just ignore this but I was just thinking it might be neat to honor these guys. Let me know what you think! [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 05:16, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
== Alien vs. Predator: Requiem ==
Thanks for the revamp Matt, it looks even better now. And yeah, I noticed too that about my screenshots, do they all look like that? And by the way, did you get a new screencapping system? I noticed the names on your screencaps are different.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 23:01, 14 July 2009 (UTC)
:I see what you mean, I too prefer screenshots to be named after the movie they go to, it makes it easier to know which movie a screencap goes to, plus it beats accidently overwriting images. About the Aspect Ratio, I'll have to mess around with Cyberlink a little, I don't know why they come out like that. It bugs me sometimes too since a screencap from a movie with a 1:85 aspect ratio comes out like a fullscreen image, while other people's video players have them actually look like widescreen images. Anyway, good work on the pages you recently worked on, it's nice to see your work again.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:26, 16 July 2009 (UTC)
==Happy Belated Birthday!==
Congrats, and I hope you figure out the problem with VLC and your Bluray player (I think they build them into the newest greatest laptops for a reason...). I've been trying to send you the 10-step guide but my damn computer froze 3/4ths of the way through me finishing the message. So I'm reattempting, check it out when you get a chance. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Point Break==
Crazy, I was going to pick up Point Break on DVD next time I went out, but with Bluray I think you kind of beat me there. Can't wait to see how the page looks. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:Hey Matt, I was wondering, do you know how to treat images for better clarity? Obviously bluray doesn't truly require it, but even bluray can look better if it's done properly.
[[Image:PBreak-00055.jpg|thumb|none|600px|This is your original cap.]]
[[Image:PBreak-00055-edit.jpg|thumb|none|600px|This is the image after I brightened it and high-pass sharpened it.]]
I'm not sure what picture editor you have, but if you have one close enough to mine I can tell you what to do. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
::I use Corel Paint Shop Pro. If you think your system is close enough to mine, I can send you screencaps on the Forums Private Message showing exactly what to do. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:::I made a 10-step direction system using screencaps on my computer, so I'll send them to you in a private message and see what you can do. If it doesn't work, I could always edit the pictures for you and re-upload them. Hope this helps. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==Not to embarass you or anything, but...==
His name actually is spelled ''Michael Bay.'' Not ''Bays.'' Just for future reference. --[[User:Clutch|Clutch]] 02:12, 20 July 2009 (UTC)
==Austin Powers PPK/S==
Hi. I just looked at the Austin Powers pages and I noticed that you deleted the pictures of his pearl gripped PPK/S. Anyway, I was just wondering why you did that. -[[User:Gunman69|Gunman69]] 01:52, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
== Re ==
Okay, no problem Matt, you always know what you're doing. Sorry about the double post comment By the way.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 03:51, 22 July 2009
Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get through it.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:00, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
:Don't worry things will be fine. We will get through this. -[[User:Phoenixent|Steve]] 16:09, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
::"Get throught this"? What the Fuck is going on?-[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 16:32, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
:::Because i swear alot. The word "fuck" can also be used to put emphasis on things. Such as above, the "fuck" makes it seem that i'm worried.-[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 21:12, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
:I know. I try but it's hard when it just comes out of your mouth like that.-[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 21:28, 22 July 2009 (UTC)
==RE: SIG P220 page==
My bad, just don't leave the sections empty, it completely removes the box from the columns, which looks bad. I suppose I could just fill the notes with "none", since there is nothing to note. And in Harold & Kumar II, you could see in a lot of scenes his P226 had a funky barrel like a prop gun or airsoft. But in some scenes it looked normal. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
I just saw a chopped and converted HK94 (masquerading as an MP5) on the BBC show "Primevel" tonight. WTF? Why on earth would the British Armorers have such a thing? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:22, 25 July 2009 (UTC)
==Template Layout==
Hi Everyone, Now that I am back let's talk about the page layout template. On the forum we had one item brought up about the chronological order being reversed. Also another item was brought up about putting lies or boxing in the information. As admin it is up to us to police the site and make a decision that is agreed upon by the majority of admins and then implemented. Let's all go back to the [[Talk:Test Template Page]] and nail these last issues down. As we talk about it pages have been created and might need to be corrected so there is a standard look to all the gun and actor pages. Thanks for you input and help on the. - [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
== Little help please ==
Can you help ID this weapon? It looks like a Kalashnikov rifle but I'm not sure what kind.
[[Image:Sea P Rifle.png]]
[[User:Sci Fi Gunner|Sci Fi Gunner]] 18:37, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
:It's a [[RPD]]. Is it just me or you don't know much about weapons, Gunner?-[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 18:43, 29 July 2009 (UTC)
== Re: The Desert Eagle ==
Thanks for the complement. GM45 cleaned the pic up pretty good. Glad the pic will be put to good use. That's not the only gun I own. I own a few others but better pics of the them are already done. But when I get time I'll take some snaps of them and put them on my personal page.-[[User:Predator20|Predator20]]
== XM177s in The Rock ==
Sorry for bothering you
Indeed, i am not quite agree with your statement that all the XM177 used in the film were installed with 10" barrel
I captured a picture to show the 11.5 barrel of a XM177E2,which the armor might want to build and to pretend the gun as.
Please Feel Free to check it out
[[Friendsever]] 02:56, 2 August 2009 (GTM+8)
==WTF? you in the habit of reading Gunmaster45's talk page?==
I thought 3913 (someone else wrote that it was a 3903, but I deleted it because there is no such gun), but it could be a 3906 with novak sights. It just looks alittle too big to be the stock 3913. Thoughts? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:45, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
==Thanks! Guess you forgot these additions ;) ==
[[Image:Smith & Wesson Model 617.jpg|thumb|none|300px|S&W Model 617]]
[[Image:Colt1911A1PreWar.jpg |thumb|none|300px|Colt M1911A1 Pre War Commercial Model]]
[[Image:ColtBisleySAA.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Colt Bisley SAA - 45 LC]]
[[Image:M1911-RAFIssue455.jpg |thumb|none|300px|RAF issued M1911 in .455 Webley]]
[[Image:WaltherP22CA.jpg |thumb|none|300px|Walther P22CA 5" barrel with comp]]
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:14, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
I don't have those variations. I will check with CW, but a lot of the old MGC guns are extinct. They've been broken and thrown in the trash heap years ago. Well photos of guns is the only thing I still do unmolested ;) Since no one listens to me regarding formats, people are dumping tons of extraneous screencaps on pages unabated, youngsters with only VG experience are running amok on the site; basically the site is a victim of it's own success. More and more irritating users will sign up and mess up pages. I've lost a lot of my enthusiasm, but I still contribute from time to time.
BTW: I am intent on deleting all frankengun pics from IMFDB. To be fair, I'll photograph a real gun that will represent what the Frankenguns were supposed to depict and replace them BEFORE I do so, but I don't want people thinking that we Photoshop create all our guns. That would negate all the trouble I went to, to get the real guns to photograph in the first place. So ultimately we'll have the same image, but of a real gun, and not a Photoshop montage. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:40, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
==barb Wire guns==
I never said that the MGC guns were spec. They were obviously original MGC M16 (quasi SP1 classic model) that were modified with real A2 handguards and had the three prong flash hider cut off the barrel (it was cast as one piece) and the A1 birdcage attached. I mentioned that the 30 round magazines did not fit well in the MGC guns in [[Dragon Wars: D-War]] because they were probably real 30 rounders that were jammed into the undersized well. But the 30 rounders in [[Barb Wire]] fit a little better so they were probably 30 round magazines stolen from XM177 MGC guns (since MGC never sold replacement magazines, you had to steal from a whole gun). Just wanted to clear that up. :) No one uses the MGC guns anymore. All of the armories just use the nicer Classic Army or G&G or Tokyo Marui guns which didn't exist back then. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:04, 3 August 2009 (UTC)
==RE: Glow not Blow==
Yeah. I figured it was just a little typing error, since the G and B are on top one another. BTW, excellent job with Underworld: Evolution, looks great. Check out the new wallpaper. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
:I don't know if I could fit that, but I'll see what I can do. - [[User:Gunmaster45|Gunmaster45]]
==UWE Boll!==
re: UWE, ''but I'm pretty sure they have the full-circle front sight hood'' Man, you DO need glasses. They are NOT full circle sight hoods, but the open ones. :) hahaha. that's why I discounted the Norinco, because they weren't enclosed hood front sights.... MPM
Well you didn't post THAT IMAGE on the UWE page! ;) That right AK DOES have an obviously chinese style closed hood. I just noted that some of the others did not. But then, I've used a dremel tool to grind down the Chinese hoods to simulate Russian style (but this was back in the 1980s, when there were just so many Chinese guns and not that many Poly Tech Legends or Maadis floating around. MPM
== Another Image ==
Matt, the image of the Flamethrower is still on the [[Soldier]] page:
[[Image:IMG 1411.JPG|thumb|none|400px|One of the actual flamethrowers used in ''Soldier'' (this image is an IMFDB exclusive)]]
Do you want this deleted as well?--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 05:53, 4 August 2009 (UTC)
==Re:Lois & Clark==
I'm going to be offline for 4 days as I'm busy on a vacation. I was thinking if you could do Lois and Clark(editing and fixing some for a start) while I'm gone. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 02:09, 5 August 2009 (UTC)
==Thing Thing Aena 2==
There's another page of a Thing Thing game. Many users say that this could be something else. I don't know what it is, but users are discussing it. - [[Special:Contributions/|]](Kenny99) 02:32, 10 August 2009 (UTC)
== Can you believe this guy? ==
Yournamehere thinks he can come to my page and change the format I prefer because he doesn't like it. How is my format not orderly. It's pissing me off. I mean look at my [[Black Lagoon]] Page. How is it better now than before when I had sections for which guns is which. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 00:00, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
:I'm just shrugging this aside. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:30, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
:Well I need some support to back me up. this guy just redid my entire page and it'll take me some time to undo what he did since I made some corrections of my own so I can't just go back and undo him removing my section by section titles. He's being a real ass by doing this and I'm just giving up about this guy. He's and 2 other guys here are just rude, likes to call people out and just downright too forceful on opinions. I mean, I like my page and he doesn't even ask me before he changed it. It's like someone came to clean up your room when it wasn't that messy. They rearranged your DVDs and bookshelf like it's theirs. That's how I feel about this. [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 02:43, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
::Done, but this means, any changes that NEEDS to be done, it's on me now. So I got a lot of work to do on MY page.
== Re: Black Lagoon ==
I just didn't like the way it looked with sub-sections and sub-sub-sections (the ones that don't have the section title underline, just bolded), but I looked at the way the Miami Vice page was constructed and saw that format had the guns organized by type AND looked like the other pages. I was going to redo it like that, along with the necessary grammar, link and screenshot overhaul.
As far as discussing it with Excalibur, I acknowledge that he built the page, which is very large, but if you'd check the mail call thread on the forum, I've stated my point with regard to why I'm fixing it up, and he hasn't said much more than "no I don't want you to change the page because I like what I did and it's mine and I did it", and that was amongst quite a bit of babble. In other words, discussing it with him rationally is near impossible. Furthermore, I don't think that "ownership" of a page by one party is enough to stop someone from fixing a page if it clearly needs some editing. We need to get past this "mine is mine" idea and understand that we need uniformity above all else in order to make the site look professional. We have to swallow our pride and tear down what's old and worn to rebuild it in a better image.
Anyhow, I'm getting a little preachy, so I'll end this segment of the discussion here. For the record, though, I can't edit the page any further anyhow because someone locked it. I don't know if it was you, or who did it/has the capability to lock, but I'd like to proceed with my work if that's okay.
::Ok, problem resolved between me and YNH so we're cool [[User:Excalibur01|Excalibur01]] 04:44, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
== Re: Blue Streak ==
I own the Standard DVD. I've actually finished preparing the caps I was going to use, but Blu ray would look better. If you want to take over instead, let me know. I was getting ready to screencap Menace II Society alongside this one, so I could do that instead. - [[User:Uzi870|Uzi870]] 03:48 August 13 2009 UTC
I noticed that you admonished this anonymous user for an edit he kept on changing and was wrong. I've locked him out of at least two pages because he (a) dumps gun pics on the page and doesn't bother the simplest of re-formatting to make the page not look like crap and (b) makes some gun mistakes (which normally isn't that big of a deal) but he is relentless and tireless and continuously makes changes that OTHER people have to fix. I put a 'registered users only' lock when he kept on putting the wrong gun pic that I deleted, over and over and over again. Rockwolfe has had to admonish him (and fix) details on a page twice. Argh. Well he's not a vandal, nor a heckler or profane hysterical type. He just quietly and anonymously makes tons of edits, and edits and edits.... Thoughts? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:15, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
:Ban their punk ass!-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 06:19, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
::Yeah, I had to clean up ''The Iron Giant'' after he right-aligned a bunch of the images and added a lot of completely superfluous gun history to the real weapon pics. It's not like he can't have seen that the way he's doing it isn't the way articles are supposed to be formatted, given almost all his changes are later fixed, so he's either lazy, ''incredibly'' stupid, or enjoys seeing other people run around after him. I'd suggest at least a short ban to get his attention, since he looks like if he tried working with us rather than in spite of us he could be a good contributor. [[User:Vangelis|Vangelis]] 06:33, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
==Anonymous users==
Who are all these anonymous users working on Jericho? Is one of them you being too lazy to log in? ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:54, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
==Lois and Clark==
Someone put and stated that a Glock 17 is in Lois and Clark. I'm not sure which version came,but are the characters that use the Glock 17 is a Generation 1? - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 16:31, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
==Re:re Lois and Clark==
I own the dvds of Lois and Clark. It's pretty much more clearer than YouTube videos since that mine's old. I screencaped most of the page as I can. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 23:10, 21 August 2009 (UTC)
==Zurak 47==
Zurak 47 said this on Lois and Clark about the S&W 3913 "Ladysmith":
The slide isn't marked "Lady Smith", which would make it a '''3913 NL''', which stands for not-ladysmith or so the rumor goes. It was made for men who wanted to carry the gun but not be marked sissy pistol. It's the exact same gun, just different marking. --[[User:Zurak 47|Zurak 47]] 15:37, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
I might need some help. Also I need you to help correct Lois and Clark to see if they are actually the right guns. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 18:02, 22 August 2009 (UTC)
*Lex doen't really checks it though because it's a flashback. It's not blurry. The tv show's old. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 18:16, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
*Thanks though. I posted some more screenshots for people to look at. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 21:02, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
==Gun ID Help needed==
Any idea what this pistol is? I think it may be a Star variant, but I have no idea. MPM2008
Thanks, I'll either add them into the Miscellaneous or one of them P90 section. --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 21:50, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
::From Def Con 5 'eh, I better credit them to be on the safe side. --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 23:04, 23 August 2009 (UTC)
==Wow talk about psychic==
You talked about the Rossi overland in less than 60 seconds AFTER I uploaded it. Should I overwrite the jacked LMO image? I cleaned the LMO image up a bit, but as you can tell, mine is is much better condition ;) LOL. But the jacked one is a screen used gun. The MP7A1 is mine. :) I've picked up a bunch of stuff that I have NOT had time to photograph yet. I've been catching jacked images off the web for things that are just plain stupid. Like I found the original website where that image of the customized 870 came from.
[[Image:Remington870Pstlgrip.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Remington 870 with a Pachmayr checkered black rubber pistol grip and slide handle.]]
This pic is from a custom gun set that was built for the Waco Police department and is a one off. It doesn't appear in movies and yet an IMFDB member uploads the pic. Every time I put up an original pic, there are a dozen jacked images flowing into IMFDB. I don't mind if they are place holders for something we don't have yet, but it bugs me when we're still seeing jacked images in addition to the legal licensed ones I shot for the site. ARgh. Anyway, good to hear from you :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:53, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
==Terrorist supporters==
Hey MT,
As far as those people who for some idiotic reason support terrorists groups on this site like the assholes who were editing ''[[Patriot Games]]''. Personally I would warn them once and them kick and ban them. I've had friends survive terrorist attacks and as far as the IRA goes... I have ancestors who were born and raised in the Dublin area and the IRA are just a bunch of cowardly bank robbing, drug dealing, terrorists. [[User:Rockwolf66|Rockwolf66]] 17:11, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
I think I should clear something up, I don't support the IRA or their action. Mearly that understand ''why'' they were fighting against the British. There is a difference. --[[User:Zurak 47|Zurak 47]] 18:54, 26 August 2009 (UTC)
== RE S&W 699 in Miami Vice ==
I had originally though it was an 659 when I put it up. That's what Zeito ([[John Deil]]) uses. I think "Rafa" or "Gunman69 spotted it. But by all means, look over the page. The more eyes the better. There is bound to be a mistake or two in there. I still can't believe we passed [[Mail Call]]. --[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 17:31, 28 August 2009 (UTC)
== Is Seven Days on the air again? ==
I noticed you uploaded a lot of screencaps to Seven Days off of Spike TV and was wondering if they are reairing it again? I checked there website but it kept glitching when I checked the schedule section.
[[User:Sci Fi Gunner|Sci Fi Gunner]]
Thanks for the info. I might be late in posting more screencaps. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 20:13, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
*Also, I'm not sure if the rifles used by U.S. soldiers are M16 rifles or M16A1s. What are they? They kinda look alike. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 21:32, 30 August 2009 (UTC)
*Thanks! - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 03:28, 3 September 2009 (UTC)
*I'm making a new account, Kenny199 because I had account problems such as when I go to my account user page, it is blank for some weird reason. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 02:34, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
==Behind the scenes==
I created it because those behind the scenes pics were technically NOT screenshots, nor did they fit into either of the other categories. I think some other guys went a OVERBOARD with the behind the scenes stuff, the stuff has to be relevant to weapons or weapons platforms. Sure I do a little trivia here and there, but it's usually stuff that's NOT on the DVD extras, since the general public doesn't need to be told what they already know. The category is for behind the scenes images, like the building of the Russian vehicles in Red Dawn, or Armorers holding or talking about the guns, or the building or creation of the weapons, or DVD extras where they show training. I just don't want people to start polluting the category with snapshots of people smiling or goofing off, unless they're something special. I have some ON THE SET behind the scenes snapshots from [[The Rough Riders]] that I wanted to post, that aren't seen anywhere else but they don't have anything to do with the guns, so I've hesitated. Anyway, glad you like the new category. It's been needed for a long time. :) MPM
== Hitman ==
I report some forgotten weapon in the discussion therad of your Hitman page ;) - [[User: Charly Driver|Charly Driver]]
==Nice catch! on the Soldier Flamethrower image!==
I caught some other guns so I was going to upload them for the Soldier page, but I was tempted to 'clean up' the cool image you scored for IMFDB (the flamethrower) . Hope you like.
[[Image:SoldierFlameThrower1200.jpg|thumb|none|700px|Flamethrower from the film ''[[Soldier]]'']]
Note that I did NOT remove nor replace your original image. But I cleaned up a copy here. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:05, 4 September 2009 (UTC)
*I fixed it by taking a snapshot of it with a snapshot tool and deleted the file. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 02:55, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
*I'll keep it just in case. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 05:44, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
::I don't know what this pistol is. It's barrel and size makes it not a Davis pistol.
[[Image:LC-Inox-davis.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Sebastian's friend's pistol on the floor.]]
[[Image:LC-Inox-davis2.jpg|thumb|none|500px|Sebastian's friend's fires shots in the air.]]
Okay, but I held a SIG 220 from various angles and it appears to be that gun. But I did mention it could be a SIG P226 in .40 cal which was an FBI issued pistol. As for the gun in Jeepers Creepers, you gotta get your eyes checked again. ;) That's definitely a GLOCK. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:42, 5 September 2009 (UTC)
== Sortable tables ==
Thank you Sir. Can we use this template as a standard layout for weapons and actor pages ? [[User:Ritwikbmca|ritwikbmca]] 15:00, 6 September 2009 (UTC)
==Great work on Seven days==
I hope you can capture more pics. That show is NOT on DVD and I have friends who worked on the show just dying for it to be released so that they can capture their scenes for their reels. I'm gonna try to get a pic of that custom built up CAR-15 that we see on all those Canadian shows (Seven Days, Stargate SG:1). It shouldnt' be too hard to build an M16 into that configuration and take a pic of it. But I'll just add that to the tons of stuff I haven't gotten around to. :) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:50, 8 September 2009 (UTC)
==Which do you prefer?==
Now the top one with the bipods down is NOT mine. But I can photograph my M60 in that exact position. Which do you think works best for the pages? I was just needing some input as to what helps out IMFDB the best.
[[Image:M60.jpg|thumb|none|500px|M60 - NOT my pic, it's jacked from the web]]
[[Image:M60GPMG.jpg|thumb|none|500px|I just uploaded this pic but I can also load a photo that's positioned like the other one.]]
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:23, 10 September 2009 (UTC)
I actually caught a mistake on the AKMSU pic. When I was prepping the pic for IMFDB, I was photoshopping out some of those horrible gunoil blotches that sometimes appear on blued and non-blued (painted) weapons. They're like armpit sweat stains except they're discolorations created by seeping gun oil, usually through rivets and such. I don't know what to call them, but when I was smoothing out the "oil stains' on the receiver side in Photoshop, I accidentaly 'erased' the folding stock catch on the rear of the receiver, so I went back to the original pic and re-uploaded it. I didn't know it was used in so many movies. This gun was custom job on a fully transferable AK pistol from the 1980s (cut down from a Maadi ARM/MISR). I haven't checked on the various armories to see what exact version was used in what film, but I guess I will get around to it. :) I was also hoping you could check out my [[The Hunted]] page and help me on some unidentified pistols. :) good to hear from you. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:05, 12 September 2009 (UTC)
==Lois & Clark==
I worked on L&C for a couple of days and got some things done.
*(1.)The golden revolver could be a real revolver with that color in real life,a real revolver that's covered with golden finishes,a fake revolver(maybe made by Lex himself), or a revolver weakly resembling another revolver or gun.
*(2.)There are several MP5ks in the background behind several criminals(the one you said where the MP5A3 is not a Navy Seals version).
*(3.) User [[User: Crysis|Crysis]] said that the M16A1 is not an M16A1. He said that it could be an M16A2,A3, or A4 due to the fact that the M16A2 was introduced in the early 1980s so he explained that the M16A1 is no longered used when the M16A2 came out. The M16A4 was introduced in the early 1990s, and the TV show was filmed in 1993 to 1997. I am not sure about this. Maybe Crysis is wrong or maybe he's right that the M16A1 was no longered used. Today, the U.S. Military uses the A4 and the A3 and the A2 is either used by some branches or limited.
Also can you find out what gun this is in [[Superman II]]? It looks like a sawed-off Doubled Barreled Shotgun, but I have no idea.
[[Image:SII-shotgun.jpg |thumb|none|500px|]]
[[Image:SII-shotgun2.jpg |thumb|none|500px|]]
I might ask several other experts if you can't figure it out. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 00:57, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
*I got a picture of a sawed-off shotgun, which was built from MPM's images. All I did was shortening the barrel and added the end of the barrel.
:::hello MPM here. I want people to knock this frankengun shit off! [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:32, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
[[Image:SII-shotgun2e.jpg |thumb|none|400px|]]
==Unknown Golden Revolver==
Instead, I'll just call it Lex's Handmade Revolver. It looks like a golden Sig Sauer P230 or a golden Smith & Wesson revolver. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 03:03, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
*Since that you can only can get season 1 from YouTube, you can watch Season 2 here: and watch 3 and 4 here: - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 16:27, 13 September 2009 (UTC)
==I'm Back==
Hey Guys, Finally finished some projects for some shows that are filming right now and starting at the end of the month. Hope to get make in to the swing of posting some more films. See you on here shortly. Thanks - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]] 09:02, 14 September 2009 (UTC)
==RE:The Glock 17L in "Tempus Fugitive"==
It appears that Tempus probably pulls the trigger very fast, which confused me as converted to full auto. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 03:48, 15 September 2009 (UTC)
Your welcome. Also, I know that you can only see season 1 so I searched online for free videos of season 2 and so on. Now that you have the links, you can help me with extra detail and more information. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 02:04, 17 September 2009 (UTC)
*That's okey. I'll do some on my own then. I seen to be not online that much due to senior year issues as I have to be ready for college. Messages will wait until I'm done. I might be available on weekends depending on the work I do. It's alot of work. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 14:55, 18 September 2009 (UTC)
==M16 History==
I think I have it figured out. But we need to really start fixing the M16 Page. (a) I finally figured out the AR-15 history. The history of Colt's AR15s and other rifles don't really match the history of MILITARY M16 rifles. I was going to make a "test" FAQ page on the history of M16s that's not related to the M16 guns in movie page. I was hoping I could get your input when I could. I just wanted to give you a heads up when I start working on a nonlinked mystery M16 page ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 07:13, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
== Ferfrans SOAR ==
Got an email re: the SOAR page you deleted, see below. Looks like it appeared in Knight Rider he just hadn't gotten to it yet - so it seems acceptable to me on the surface. Any thoughts? [[User:Bunni|bunni]] 16:54, 19 September 2009 (UTC)
An article I had done for the Ferfrans SOAR was deleted. The reason states that it needs to be in the movies, but I have seen alot of Guns that were just on television shows. That being said It was clearly stated in the article that it was on "Ultimate Weapon Top 10 CQB weapon" episode and I hadnt had a chance to add that it is in on of the new "Knight Rider" episodes and the ultimate weapons show both of which are already on your site. Here is the log:
19 September 2009
(Deletion log); 01:56 . . MT2008 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ferfrans SOAR" (sorry, but we aren't a gun database for weapons that don't appear in movies)
01:56, 19 September 2009 MT2008 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Image:FERFRANS Gas Piston PDW 1.jpg"
01:56, 19 September 2009 MT2008 (Talk | contribs) deleted "Ferfrans SOAR" (sorry, but we aren't a gun database for weapons that don't appear in movies)
So what else needs to be done or was this deleted for another reason that I am unaware of?
== New Template Infobox movie ==
I've created this one, [[Template:Infobox Movie]], tell me if you like it [[User:Ritwikbmca|ritwikbmca]] 12:28, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
Sure, I'll defer to your expertise on Sigs. You ARE afterall the SIG guy. :) But check out the screenshots. I was not able to screencap the pilot. I do think they eventually use 226s, but if you are sure about the other Sigs, we should update the Warehouse 13 page. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 20:37, 25 September 2009 (UTC)
==Sig P225==
I have a new 225 pic. I like it better than the Big (but jacked) image that's there. This is also a movie blank adapted 225. Should it replace the other one? Thanks. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:35, 26 September 2009 (UTC)
[[Image:BrowningHiPowerNickel.jpg |thumb|none|300px|FN Browning Hi Power as seen in [[The Matrix]] - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:TaurusPt92nickelPearl.jpg |thumb|none|300px|Taurus PT92AF Nickel with Pearl Grips as seen in [[Shooter]] - 9x19mm]]
[[Image:Bruni8mmM1911BlankGun.jpg |thumb|none|300px|Bruni 8mm CAL pistol as seen in [[Ultimate Force]] - 8mm blank]]
==RE Lethal Weapon 4==
I deleted the extra information on the beretta 92fs caption because that particular beretta 92fs was used in lethal weapon 1, there is no evidence that it is the same 92fs used in lethal weapon 4-so to put it as such would be misleading -note that the image is titled "Image:BerettaM92FS DH1&'''LW1'''.jpg" --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 02:47, 29 September 2009 (UTC)
:Fair Enough--[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 03:25, 29 September 2009 (UTC)
==Mr Iorenco==
Thanks for intervening at the right time or else he would have continued uploading those useless images. BTW, someone messed about with [[User:S&Wshooter]]'s page.Can you block him.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 14:19, 2 October 2009 (UTC)
:There is no other option left, but to block [[Mr Iorenco]] for a month or so. Inspite of our warnings he created a [[Magpul mfg 9]] page when there is a cleaner one [[Magpul FMG-9|already]]. Note how he got the name wrong and his wiki editing knowledge is weak too.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 10:50, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
==New members uploading gun pics we already have==
I've noticed a trend where new members keep on uploading pics of guns we already have. Some seem blissfully unaware that we don't want 2-3 crappy snapshots of the exact same gun when we have IMFDB shots (good ones ;) ) Check out what Mauser uploaded to the Beretta Cheetah (the Model 87 section). WTF? I had a mind to delete his duplication gun images. Also these new members keep on uploading hundreds of new images and not categorizing any of them. I know I fucked up early on (I remember you and Alienqueen1 fixing my lack of categorization LOL!) but this recent tidal wave of stuff is irritating. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 04:47, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
:After the menace by [[Mr Iorenco]], another user by the name [[LukaMegurine09]] has uploaded pictures we already have and put them in the [[Counter-Strike Online]] page.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 09:19, 5 October 2009 (UTC)
==(here is a note I've been posting around IMFDB)==
''I recently had the unpleasant experience of having some of the performers being insulted in some of our movie pages see what some of the IMFDB members write. there are some pretty condescending remarks regarding horrible grips, gun stance, bad gun discipline and blinking while shooting. I'm trying to promote the website and it's embarrassing to see actors getting insulted for pretty trivial reasons. What are your thoughts regarding this?
See below:''
'''I'm asking all members to stop with the sarcastic comments in the screencap descriptions'''
Too many members feel it's funny to be extremely sarcastic about actor's shooting stance, their blinking, their pistol grips. Only if it's so over the top as for the average person to notice, then don't keep on harping on it. Most actors are given only a bare amount of time to train, if at all. Many times the editor picks the worst take for pistol grip, but best take for other reasons like acting. Also much of the blame falls on the director. Some directors don't want to be bothered trying to train the actors and don't allow us armorers to even give them more training than the minimum safety training. People in the industry check out this website, and some think we're a bunch of obnoxious kids. I am not happy when people in 'the biz' look at the site and scoff at the snarky remarks. Some of them are the actual actors being insulted. We can always put in criticism, but IMFDB members going forward going to criticize a film, should try to do so in a scholarly manner or not at all. Thanks for your cooperation [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:50, 4 October 2009 (UTC)
== Hieloco ==
Yeah, I'm suprised he managed to come back too, I thought banning a username also blocks the IP address they come from. I'm guessing that after being banned so long, his IP adress reset or something, and it allowed him to make a new account. What frustrated me the most was not that he uploaded over a whole bunch of images, but that there was a bug going on with seeing/undoing revisions on pages and images, so I couldn't revert them back normally, so Wikisysop and I had to save the MPM2008 images and reupload them over Hieloco's images (This seems to be fixed now).
Most of the images are fixed now, but there's something wierd going wierd going on with the Blaser 93 image he overwrited, when I click on it and look at the MPM2008 revision of it, it looks like the same thing Hieloco uploaded, can you check it out, and see if it's any different for you? Thanks for your support, Matt, I appreciate.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 02:20, 6 October 2009 (UTC)
[[Image:Blaser93SniperRifleA.jpg|thumb|none|500px|'''Blaser R93 LRS2''' Precision Sniper Rifle - .338 Lapua Magnum. The rifle is usually outfitted with either a Parker Hale or Harris Bipod.]]
Yeah, it's probably just another glitch, This site has been acting really wierd today, hopefully everything will straighten out soon. Switching servers dosen't seem to be the funnest thing.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 02:48, 6 October 2009 (UTC)
==Thanks for your actions==
I was perusing the recent history and it looked like ALL hell had broken loose! I first thought that the server had crashed since multiple people were uploading what looked like my old files :) WTF happened? I guess now everything is back to normal, i presume. I think that the system is okay, since I saw the Blaser 93 on my page when I logged in and it looked okay. My own internet speed has been really SLOW today. I try to come in early today but it timed out several times. So I gave up and came back later. I guess that was a good thing. Whatever chaos happened, is gone now. Thanks for protecting my images. Now I have no problems with obviously superior pics being uploaded (I mean *I* do that to other pics, but I usually only overwrite crappy and obviously jacked images). Thanks..........I haven't seen activity from you in a long time. Everything okay? ;) [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:37, 6 October 2009 (UTC)
I'm finished with Lois and Clark, but I can't really identify this sniper rifle. That's a Ruger 77 Mark II as the sniper rifle. [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]]
Can you identify the 2 guns in the water fountain. I was only able to find out that the gun on the far left is a Colt Government Model HBAR and the one on the far right is an M16A1 with normal handguards.
*I figured out that the Winchester is a Model 1912 in stainless finish. I couldn't identify it at first because the water fountain covered some of it's parts. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 20:36, 10 October 2009 (UTC)
==Lois and Clark==
I would also note that Lex used some futeristic gun in the episode after "Double Jeopardy". Do sci-fi guns count in IMFDB? Also, (on the same pic with the MP5k) I noticed that cops are carryig M1911A1s. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 13:50, 16 October 2009 (UTC)
*Made a mistake. The gun is in "Seconds." Also, I'll get more screencaps on some unusual guns I thought I saw in season 2. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 00:32, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
*I think that Lois and Clark will be the largest page I ever built. Also, I added a new section for a Colt gold Cup National Match. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 00:57, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
*I'll take a break from lois and Clark. I had been focusing alot on it. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 01:11, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
::Also, I found out some more stuff.
*(1.)Lex's revolver has a sharp pointed barrel at the end. I don't know what this is because the camera is always to far for any detail.
*(2.)In "Tempus Fugitive", the gun store manager takes out a Smith and Wesson Model 64 and thinks that Tempus is out there, but sees Lois and Clark.
*(3.)I think that I should combine the Colt MK IV Series 70 with the M1911A1. They're the same guns with some modifications.
*(4.)Notice that in every episode, Superman folds his arms all the time.
Hope that's it. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 15:13, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
==King Kong (1933)==
Hey Matt, Just came on today and was checking out to see what was new before I post some films. I noticed a comment on Main Page talk that King Kong (1933) is listed in the B column. I am not sure how to fix this issue other then copy everything and delete the page and create a new one. Let me know what you think on this and also if there is any thing new I need to know. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
: Thanks for the heads up on whats been going on I will be uploading some tonight. - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve]]
== Re: Spy Game ==
Got it! Thanks for the help! - [[User:Speakeasy804|Speakeasy804]] 00:51, 17 October 2009 (UTC)
==Nice to know you're still alive :) ==
Don't know if you saw these recent updates :)
[[Image:UMP 45.jpg|thumb|none|300px|Heckler & Koch UMP 45 re-photographed with correct Magazine]]
[[Image:FranchiLF57Chrome.jpg |thumb|none|300px|The screen used Chrome plated Franchi LF-57 from [[Ghosts of Mars]]]]
[[Image:KrissSuperV.jpg |thumb|none|300px|Our very own TDI Kriss Super V submachine gun]]
[[Image:HighStandardK120Shotgun.jpg |thumb|none|300px|The actual screen used gun held by [[Steve McQueen]] in [[The Getaway (1972)]]]]
[[Image:ColtSAA Hidalgo.jpg|thumb|none|300px|The Screen used Colt SAA used by [[Viggo Mortensen]] in [[Hidalgo]]]]
[[Image:WInchesterMaresLegOct.jpg|thumb|none|300px|The screen used Winchester 1873 Mare's Leg used by [[Will Smith]] in [[Wild Wild West]]]]
[[Image:Model1892MaresLeg.jpg|thumb|none|300px|An Movie armory's Winchester M1892 Mare's Leg - .44-40]]
I'm holding back for a pretty huge and important update :) I thought for a while that I was the only MOD left in town. :(
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:44, 20 October 2009 (UTC)
How much do you want for it? I don't care how it performs w/ reloads becaues I don't use them, but are there any other types of ammo that it doesn't perform well with?-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 01:32, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
:That's a really good price. Too bad you can't ship it out of state or I would buy it (after seeing pics of the bore, frame, etc.)-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 20:32, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
==.308 Debate==
''"Personally, I think the .308 battle rifle was a bad idea (even though there are lots of people who think we should have stuck with them instead of going to .223), but you don't see me on the M14 or the FAL pages going on about things I hated about those rifles - and yes, BTW, I have fired both of them"''. -[[User:MT2008|MT2008]] 22:32, 20 October 2009 (UTC)
Do you just don't like the .308 round or is it those rifles themselves? I have a Mini-14 in .223 and an LIA1 in 7.62. (Also I know you were talking about the M14 not Mini-14, I listed it because of the .223 caliber comparison) I like them both, the calibers and the rifles. But when it comes to the caliber debate for the military use. It think it depends a lot on the situation they're in. Close quarters, urban .223 / 5.56 all the way. Big open areas and even the jungles where the enemy could be a good distance away .308 / 7.62. -[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 01:45, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
:I agree. Personally, I would rather use the larger rifle because I would feel more comfortable with it-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 01:54, 21 October 2009 (UTC)
==There is a problem==
:Someone ( deleted most of my user page. Can you fix this for me?-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 20:53, 23 October 2009 (UTC)
:Nevermind, Alienqueen11 took care of it-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 21:13, 23 October 2009 (UTC)
:I know what you mean. I have to do a physics project this weekend in addition to having to go sight in my rifle for deer season-[[User:S&Wshooter|S&Wshooter]] 04:38, 24 October 2009 (UTC)
I replaced half of them as of now, I'm going to my aunt's house for dinner, so I'll update the rest when I get back. Good luck on your paper by the way.--[[User:Alienqueen11|Alienqueen11]] 20:45, 24 October 2009 (UTC)
==Lois & Clark: Smith & Wesson Schofield==
Did the people in 1866 use another revolver besides the Smith & Wesson Schofield? I thought that I saw a different revolver. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 00:21, 3 November 2009 (UTC)
*This user, [[User:|]], stated that there was a Lee Enfield in Lois & Clark in Lex's gun colection visible in his mansion in Season 1. There was no Lee Enfield. There's just some Flintlock guns and muskets. - [[User:Kenny99|Kenny99]] 04:11, 10 November 2009 (UTC)
==You won't believe this==
Score! I've been holding off uploading these because I'm still waiting on an image for the [[Heartbreak Ridge']] page (their weapons are set up slightly differently) so I hope people will wait to update that page until I can get a good image for that page.
===Say Hello to My Little Friend!!!===
[[Scarface]] fans will crap in their pants. Got the ACTUAL '''screen used''' LITTLE FRIEND. Now I used black gaffers tape and taped two 30 round magazines together as best I could (to try to match the screenshots). Do you think that was smart? or should I just present it with a plain magazine? Anyway, I did that because I wanted people to see it as it was most seen in the movie (Wow that launcher is beat up, it's been 25 years after all since the movie was filmed!!!!) It is also the old launchers that were used before the Cobray 37mm launchers became prevalent.
[[Image:M16A1M203ScarfaceCombo.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Tony Montanas' 'Little Friend' from the movie [[Scarface]] - Motion Picture Faux M203 launcher attached to M16A1 - 5.56mm/39mm]]
===Screen used Zabala Shotgun===
This IS the gun used by 'The Skull' [[Gino Silva]] to blast Tony Montana in the movie. I also included a closeup shot of the top of the gun to show the markings.
[[Image:SBS-Shotgun_Scarface.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Screen used side by side Spanish Zabala Shotgun from the movie [[Scarface]] - 12 gauge]]
[[Image:SBS-ShotgunTOP_Scarface.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Top of the Screen used side by side Spanish Zabala Shotgun from the movie [[Scarface]] - 12 gauge. Note manufacturer markings on the top of the shotgun.]]
Recognize this lovely? I've been waiting to get pics for the [[Predator]] page for a while. So many weapons have either been sold off or taken apart and reconfigured for other movies.
[[Image:M16M203PredatorCombo.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Motion Picture Faux M203 launcher attached to M16/SP1 Rilfe - 5.56mm/39mm. Configured as it appeared in the movie.]]
'''IMFDB is the only place in the WORLD, now that has these images. How cool is that?''' :) I got some screen used muskets from Last of the Mohicans (from private collections), which is interesting since I usually don't get many pre 1848 weapons.
[[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 03:30, 12 November 2009 (UTC)
== mossy 500 ==
That is NICE - I'd throw some nice walnut on a gun that pretty. I'm picking up a Sig P229R this weekend - I've had my eye on a 9mm p228 or p229 for a long time and came across a great deal on use LEO duty gun - how have you enjoyed your p226?
==Back Again==
Hi Matt, Nice to be back again posting some films and looking to see what's new. I have been working on some projects at my shop and a couple of them MPM has posted photos of which is cool. Hope to get caught up on some of my back log and add some more info to the site. [[User:Phoenixent|Phoenixent]] 21:10, 21 November 2009 (UTC)
I have a pic but it's been a long time and the lighting was not the best. I can't seem to find one in the HD so I will schedule a shoot of one. I have a Canadian C7 upper which I am going to put on an M16 Lower to photograph. I have a buddy who is a title II manufacturer who has several Colt Canada Marked C7 lowers (for law enforcement samples) which I can try to take pics of. You know that it takes time to actually built up the guns, just to take pictures of them.
I actually don't think the Sentinel's gun is an Olympic Arms K23B since they are too new for the show. But historically, a lot of Canada's guns are Olympic Arms guns (usually built on their lower receivers). I didn't want to make a joke about the proximity, since the import/export restrictions are the same for any American gun company, but it really seems as if the Canadians like OLY arms more than anyone else. I put in a movie blank adapted gun that I know for a fact has been around for a bout 15 years. It was built on an early Fulton Armory AR-15 lower in the mid 1990s and was around during the time of the show. Also it sure looks a lot closer to the images on the screenshots. Let me know what you think. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 06:26, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
[[Image:CustomM16Pistol.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Title II Built M16 Pistol - circa 1995 - 5.56mm]]
::Fine fine, can't please anyone nowadays! ;) I will install the correct foregrip and rephotograph it. :) BTW, some background on the gun. It was brought back into the U.S. by a title II manufacturer in Olympia Washington from BC (approved imported post 86 sample by ATF) as a sample piece for the Olympia SWAT Team. It was sold to another Title II LEO Dealer in Colorado and then was picked up by a friend of mine who is an LEO dealer for the many SWAT teams in California. The birdcage used a drop in BFA so it was removed and the barrel is pristine. It did have Canadian armorer lineage in it's past though :) LOL! BTW, Olympic Arms is the closest American Arms Company geographically to Canada. Sure it's a three hour Drive to the center of Vancouver from Olympia Washington, but I've heard that Canadians are employed at the OLY plant and then they drive home on the weekends. :D [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:40, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
== 16s ==
Karnes was the one that edited the XM16E1 section to say those were real XM16E1s. I think we should ask him, though.--[[User:Oliveira|Oliveira]] 18:36, 22 November 2009 (UTC)
::They can't be. The real XM16E1s had a partial magazine button ribbing not the full ones of the A1. Also I personally held and inspected Mel Gibson's HERO gun, and it was marked as an A1. (I just put up a Screen used gun pic so we could eliminate that pirated copy from LMO's site ... also I think ours is better quality). CW has a rack filled to the brim of the guns from the movie, however, I didn't inspect ALL of them. There may have been an E1 in there somewhere but all the ones I saw were converted A1s. [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:27, 23 November 2009 (UTC)
: I hate to get into a pissing contest with MPM but there were XM16AE1 used in the film and marked as such. I doubt he looked at all the rifles used on the show as they came from more than one armory. I was there for four months maintaining the weapons for the show. The rifle that Mel used was an M16A1 dressed as a XM16E1 for the show but that is because it was in perfect condition. The rifles used consisted of XM16E1s, M16A1s, and XM15A1s converted to selective fire. I will have to look at some notes of mine and see who had what on the film - [[User:Phoenixent|Steve Karnes]]
== Global Operations ==
Do you know the exact variant of the [[FN FAL]] in [[Global Operations]]. I think it is the C1A1 with black furniture since they borrowed it from a Canadian movie armoury. Lastly, is the SIG SG 550 in the game the sniper version? BTW thanks for putting the intro and helping with the Daewoo K3 and the M4 sections.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 15:30, 26 November 2009 (UTC)
:Thanks for the information you gave me. Do you think that AW50 in the game is actually a AW50F.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 09:10, 27 November 2009 (UTC)
:Yes I also saw the screenshot of the AK in game and it a Type 84S or the Barking Dog studios guys got something wrong with the shape of the magazine.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 09:38, 28 November 2009 (UTC)
:I got the pictures from this site-
:Yeah, such kinds of thing happen in many games. BTW should I keep the Type 56 picture from the above site or remove it.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 15:58, 2 December 2009 (UTC)
== Re: Thanks ==
No problem, just doing my job. *cycles the action of his ban rifle, ejecting the spent casing* [[User:Orca1 9904|Orca1 9904]] 20:28, 29 November 2009 (UTC)
==Rush Hour 3==
I defer on the SIG P226. It just looked massive in her hands. But that Glock is not a non gun. It is the same gun that Tucker fires (and it's blank fire, not flash paper fire). Glock 19? The aperture of the barrel looks big. Any ideas? [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 02:16, 15 December 2009 (UTC)
==Gold Mark I Desert Eagle==
Do you know if it was used in anything else besides Austin Powers and Chuck? I'm thinking it was used in [[Crank: High Voltage]]. --[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 02:05, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
: I think it has to be. They're pretty distinctive being Mark I's. I put on the [[Crank: High Voltage]] page and said it was used in Goldmember. It could probaby be added to the Desert Eagle page too. --[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 02:17, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
::Sweet, I knew it. Keep it up with the uploads, good stuff. --[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 15:56, 18 December 2009 (UTC)
==The Brak Show==
The following user keeps on removing the noeffort template from "[[The Brak Show]]'' which should not even be here in the first place. --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 02:52, 20 December 2009 (UTC)
==Re: L1A1==
I bought it back in Oct. That pic makes it look better than it really is. If you look at the receiver close to the buttstock some of the finish is gone. Whenever I find some wood furniture for it I'll give the gun a re-coat. The gun looks out of place with the rest of mine since they're all wood stocks. Eventually I'd like to get a para model with folding stock and 16" barrel.
Also what kind of VIPs in the movie industry have been checking out the site?--[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 21:42, 21 December 2009 (UTC)
==Screen guns==
"But anyway, we do not put screen-used guns on the regular gun pages (unless it's a gun for which we have no other pictures) - instead, we keep them only on the pages for those particular movies" I noticed that user has been causing some problems.
On the Beretta 92 page we have two hero guns on the page shouldn't they be taken off?--[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 02:23, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
==Problem Anon user==
Apparently there is an Anon user who thinks that we need a page for every fictional and or real movie weapon under the sun. I know that you deleted a few of his needless pages but they seem to be comming back if the main page is to be trusted. [[User:Rockwolf66|Rockwolf66]] 18:03, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
: [[(Watchmen) - D&L Sports Professional Model Longslides]] Please delete.--[[User:Predator20|Predator20]] 19:18, 22 December 2009 (UTC)
==What does it mean?==
It means you are a clever man. :) I have been pretty busy with work recently so I'm just popping in and out, so I'm not getting all weird or nothing. I did get some disturbing news regarding the movie industry. It looks like the DVD/rentals market is going to collape within 2-3 years. Everything will be download only. It's no one's fault, but the main players are going bankrupt. The only guys who will DICTATE what we see regarding anything that is not a TV/Cable deal will be Yahoo/Google/Microsoft/Apple. I was at a meeting where the producers's rep from the union stated that within 5 years the amount of content will collapse to about 20% of what we have now. Low budget / B movies / cult movies will collapse because there will be no way to distribute them to make money. Most indies will collapse or get swallowed up by the big studios (thus won't be true indies any more). Sure we'll get tons of foreign movies because they're already financed by their patron countries, but if domestic projects drop any more in number, I'm pretty sure I will be out of business like most of my peers. We can't live on a 80% drop in business. So it's going to be only MEGA blockbusters or Chic flicks or Youtube videos of cute kittens and 14 year olds kicking each other in the groin when it comes to entertainment that is not reality TV. :( [[User:MoviePropMaster2008|MoviePropMaster2008]] 05:22, 24 December 2009 (UTC)
== RE District 9 ==
Thanks. I've corrected the Type 84 as a Vektor R4/R5 mocked up as an AKM like you've said. I just have a couple more caps to upload and I have to do the captions and it will effectively be done. Though I know eventually someone will come along with the Blu-Ray copy and overwrite my caps... --[[User:AdAstra2009|AdAstra2009]] 21:14, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
== User ==
== User ==
It is better to block this idiot for an infinite period of time, since just as his blocking period expired he has started making his usual changes, Take for example, he added the pistol and machine pistol category to full-sized SMGs like Spectre M4 and Jatimatic.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 08:56, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
It is better to block this idiot for an infinite period of time, since just as his blocking period expired he has started making his usual changes, Take for example, he added the pistol and machine pistol category to full-sized SMGs like Spectre M4 and Jatimatic.--[[User:SB2296|SB2296]] 08:56, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
It is better to block this idiot for an infinite period of time, since just as his blocking period expired he has started making his usual changes, Take for example, he added the pistol and machine pistol category to full-sized SMGs like Spectre M4 and Jatimatic.--SB2296 08:56, 1 January 2010 (UTC)
S&W 4500
I recently combined the smith & wesson 4505, 4506, 4516, and 4566 articles into one. I was told to contact an administrator to see about removing the old individual pages if the change is considered acceptable. -Anonymous
(What I wrote to ANONYMOUS) I just banned an IP address (person did not log in as user Anonymous) for wholesale removal of data from three S&W pages. That is NOT the way to do it. If this is YOU (i.e. Anonymous User), I will lift the ban, but you CREATE the new page first and then cut & paste the old data AND then put a note at the TOP of the old page explaining what you did. Suddenly BLANK Pages by unknown IP addresses usually AUTOMATICALLY put up a big red flag. If that is you, ALWAYS log in before you do stuff like that. Unknown IP address get automatically banned for that. MoviePropMaster2008 18:43, 29 January 2010 (UTC)
The Stand
Why so snarky? The last photo does appear to be some type of folding stock attached to the weapon. And why did you not either send me a message on my page or add to the discussion page for the movie? I don't mind a debate but I'm puzzled by your tone. Have I done something to you lately? I was under the impression that we strove for some type of polite excahnges here. --Jcordell 02:47, 1 February 2010 (UTC)
Sure I understand how that goes.We all get tired and sometimes come across in wasy that we didn't intend. Not a problem. I thought I saw a folded stock in the last screecap, but I'll change it to the 89 model.I'm not a big MP5 guy. More into S&W revolvers. Thanks. --Jcordell 16:52, 1 February 2010 (UTC)
I am back again
Hey Matt, Things have been slow so I have to work twice as hard to make ends meet. The Industry has been off as of late but did work on some TV shows. Shop work is slowly coming on line so that will be nice. I like the new things going on with the website looks good. ritwikbmca new templates look great don't know if the rest of the admins had agreed on them as standard. I have been hearing from others in the Industry about the site most good some feel that there are some errors that need to be corrected. I did find out that some film archivist are looking at the site to very weapons and props used in the films which is very cool. A couple have stated we should think about adding studios to the show info so it can be used as a cross reference. I believe that no matter what people believe that IMFDB will be similar to IMDB on the information it has. I have other show that I have screen-capped and hope to post some more this week and go back through others to check them of errors. -Phoenixent
Buying a SIG
I may be looking into getting a SIG P220 (45acp). At the gun shop where I bought a S&W 4505 (same as your 4506 but blued, carbon steel). After the 3 day waiting period is up on the 4505, I'm going to take my Desert Eagle up there and see what they'll give me for it. The SIG in question is a two tone model, nickel side, black frame. It had a better grip than the 4505 but it was $50 more (listed at $600) and wasn't as clean as the 4505. Are the pre '96 stamped slide models the best to get and is there anything else I should look for? Is there anything else negative about the post '96 models other than the slide weight? --Predator20 19:23, 6 February 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the response, very informative. No problem with it being long either. Cleared up a lot of questions. I'm pretty sure it had the older style plastic grips. I don't think it had nickel controls either just the slide. I'll bring the date list with me and check. I didn't really give it a good look over. I just saw that was as clean as the 4505. I went into the gun shop just to see what they had, didn't plan on buying anything. I saw that 4505, you don't ever see them just the 4506 models. That had some P226's too, didn't really look at them. I already have a few nines and was wanting to get some .45's. If the Desert Eagle was a .44 I would keep it, my S&W 586 takes care of my .357 needs. If the SIG isn't up to par I get something else and look into getting one later. Thanks for the help. Also I considered trying to buy your 4506, but since it's a pain for you to ship out of state, I went local. --Predator20 20:34, 6 February 2010 (UTC)
No SIG for me. Gun shop wanted to give me $500 for the Desert Eagle. I didn't handle the SIG again. But I was wrong about the grips. Had the newer style. I'll get a SIG later. I'm very pleased with the 4505. I just wish the grip had a little swell on the sides to keep it from being so flat. I'll post some pics on the forum later. --Predator20 23:32, 9 February 2010 (UTC)
He's back. I've had to fix almost a dozen pages on which he did edits. For one thing, he adds custom gun pics to the main gun pages, and then he doesn't even format it correctly. WTF? MoviePropMaster2008 18:10, 22 February 2010 (UTC)
Seecamp LWS-32
I replaced the image of the Seecamp from Weapon Specialists LTD with one from my own inventory. At least it's one of our own copyrighted images. Hope you like it. :) MoviePropMaster2008 07:56, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
I just had to to block him AGAIN for one month. I'm tempted to permanently ban him. Literally the MOMENT that his ban expired, he started making TONS of changes, most of which were stupid and required fixing. Thoughts? Should this guy get a longer ban? MoviePropMaster2008 19:25, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
RE: Afghan Breakdown
In regards to your question I'm afraid there hasn't been a version of Afghan Breakdown released with English subtitles, officially or otherwise. I tried looking for them when I originally watched the movie and found that the torrented version was Italian-dubbed while the only available subtitles were Polish. --Markit 02:32, 13 March 2010 (UTC)
So are you happy now?
I'll get one of the Canuck Flat top soon.... ;)
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt 715 aka Canadian C7 Rifle - 5.56x45mm. Unlike the real C7, this has an A1 flash hider for the sake of a full 'flower' flash pattern
So are all the Canadian shows have the Oly grip on them? Are you sure? If they have the A2 style pistol grip, then it's essentially the same rifle. Also the 715 is not mine so I won't be getting that back to photograph any time soon. MoviePropMaster2008 19:29, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
What about Stargate and other shows?
There are TONS of TV shows filmed in Canada and I'm not sure that they use the Oly grip. I 'think' Seven days had the A2 grip and SG1 had the A2 grip sometimes. Let me know if ALL of the Canadian shows have the Oly grip, but I am sure I've seen other lowers on the guns in the past. I will try to get the rifle upper back and film it on an Oly lower. YOU KNOW I'm the ONLY IMFDB member who bothers to do that! ;) MoviePropMaster2008 19:57, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
Deleting Frankengun pics
I just deleted another one of my pics 'modified' by a member. I don't mind placeholders but the noobs don't give accreditation so I delete them as soon as I see them. People doing 'frankengun' chop jobs DE-motivates me to go out and photograph the real guns, and we don't want THAT to happen. :) I mean why bother trying to track down the real guns from HEAT if some guy is going to PS Franken gun another gun? If it looks decent enough the reason and motivation for me to take the time (and irritate my fellow armorers) becomes less and less compelling. Thoughts? MoviePropMaster2008 19:57, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
C7 stuff
I was going to overwrite your old C7 shot with this new image, but then I realized that the naming nomenclature would be wrong and give the wrong impression (i.e. naming the file c7 when the rifle is a 715). I am looking forward to fixing the UGLY pics of the Diemaco section of the M16 page soon. Just a thought regarding a movie page, I don't think the rifles in Operation Dumbo Drop are 715s. Those 715 uppers were really prevalent in the 1990s when the supply of original M16A1 uppers dried up and everyone stopped making them and went to the A2 uppers. A lot of guys who wanted the M16A1 look but didn't have an A1 gun were buying what we all called 'The Canadian A1 upper' to build up their guns. So it's a regular franken gun with a straight ring and light barrel that happens to have a 715 upper receiver. It's the real life franken guns that trips us up. AR parts from so many manufacturers are so prevalent that we can be seeing Bushmaster or DPMS or Eagle Arms (now defunct) or Pac West guns all over the place. I remember that Colt was NOT selling their lower receivers (assholes) before the first Clinton ban, but everyone else was. I bought over 30 Pac West receivers and built them up into AR15 variants before the first AW ban. They were about $55.00 (and then jumped up to $400 just before the ban.). Just a note. MoviePropMaster2008 20:32, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
Colt cowards
They were one of the first ones to CAVE when the gun control fanatics started their jihad against gun owners, starting with the Stockton shooting in Feb 1989 all the way to the passage of the Clinton AW ban in 1994. Colt SOLD complete emasculated rifles with no bayonet lug and renamed receivers. Colt refused to sell lower receivers upon which to build custom guns. But that's what armorers wanted. We swap out uppers all the time. So unless the armory (like Stembridge, and later CW who picked up a lot of their stuff) bought all their guns in the 1970s and 1980s, from Colt, the most prevalent build up guns would be by other manufacturers. IN the early 1990s Colt rifles were more expensive than many competitors and also harder to find. Colt, IMHO, is the American H&K ;) MoviePropMaster2008 21:04, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
715 photo
Just talked to the owner about getting the barreled upper for a shoot. He will be available in about 2 weeks. Also I discovered during our conversation. ((I didn't look that closely at the gun because it was a really quick shoot that I had to do in about 3 minutes! Someone put the gun against the white background and I lit it and click off about a dozen shots from that angle only and off it went))... that it was a full Colt 715 kit but mounted on a pre-1989 Bushmaster XM15-A2 lower that was legally converted to full auto fire from a civilian receiver (i.e. a post 86 sample). There are small 'marking' differences, i.e. the full auto setting word was stamped on LATER. Does that make a difference? Or should I reshoot the entire gun with a Colt lower receiver? MoviePropMaster2008 22:51, 19 March 2010 (UTC)
Got an easy fix for the 715
The Factory Colt 715 has no select fire markings on the right side of the gun. I can just 'clone' out the markings, though I don't like to do that, (I use Photoshop just to remove SNs if needed, scratches, cracks, oil stains, weird reflections, etc. I try not to fundamentally change the look of the gun, just to 'clean it up'). But I can clone out the Bushmaster Selector markings and keep it blank. Thus for all intents and purposes, it looks like a Colt 715 lower from that side. MoviePropMaster2008 22:05, 20 March 2010 (UTC)
(EDIT) Done. I also cloned out a big fat THUMBPRINT that I left on the upper (oops!) hahahahaha. Don't want to pollute IMFDB's pics with that kinda stuff! :) MoviePropMaster2008 23:10, 20 March 2010 (UTC)
SIG P228
You know, I've been itching to replace that 228 with a better pic. That gun was dropped and in the middle of repair when I snapped a pic of it. The frame was scratched really bad (from a car stunt) and was repainted with black spray paint. It was NOT the best example to use. Should we let Joker keep his P228 pic until I can get a better screen used P228 sample? At the least, it will be a reminder for me to get a new P228 pic. Thoughts? MoviePropMaster2008 21:28, 22 March 2010 (UTC)
I opt to keep the beater P228 pic for now. It IS a screen used gun, but nothing big or eventful, mostly B-movies and I can't figure out where it was rented to. I will try to get a screen used P228 from a BIG MOVIE from CW hopefully soon. I will be out of town for a WW2 documentary shoot for NATGEO in the South Pacific again (I leave on wed), so I will not be able to screencap or take pics (only some blank firing Pistols of which IMFDB already has the pics for and a BUNCH of rubber Arisakas and garands for some reenactments for the documentary film crew). I will be back 1st week of April. I will be on here on IMFDB, though via wi fi from the lap top from the hotel. If we get rained out, you'll be seeing me here on IMFDB! hahahaha. best regards MoviePropMaster2008 22:38, 22 March 2010 (UTC)
Desert Eagle
Great work on the page. :) Let me know what you need help on. I think my brother has Lucky Number Slevin. So I'll check and see if the model can be determined. --Predator20 20:52, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I could give two shits about the video game junk too. Most of them will probably Mark XIX. The grid pattern isn't necessary unless it's a long list. But anyway I'll help what I can. Also that custom Eagle you just uploaded is a USA built one. --Predator20 21:06, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Yeah that's what I would do, let the hardcore gamers sort that crap out if they care so much.(Very few would be Mark VII) Also even though there wouldn't be any blank converted Eagles in the .440 Cor-Bon caliber I added it to the specifications to be more accurate.--Predator20 21:27, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the .440 version didn't have the flutes. Also I'm throwing a wrench here. But I think the early Mark XIX models at least in the .44 Magnum may not have had fluted barrels. --Predator20 21:58, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Why do they prefer the .50 AE? Does it cycle better than the .357 and .44 because you can get a heavier powder charge? Or I'm wondering if the .50 isn't rimmed like the .357 and .44 makes it easier. All this talk about Eagles makes me what to go shoot mine.--Predator20 22:28, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I helped identify Desert Eagles appearing in animes and a few video games. Even after this a lot of video games are left, some of which cannot be identified since either those pages have no screencaps to identify the model or the Desert Eagles appearing in them have components of Mark I,VII,XIX mixed together!. I also deleted some video games, films, anime and television series appearing in the page which appeared in red.--SB2296 06:21, 30 March 2010 (UTC)
It took them a while to get .45 1911's to cycle blanks also. It seems like it would be tough to get a DE to cycle reliable with blanks. Don't know if you handled one and racked the slide. (Fucking heavy). I almost smacked myself in the face after shooting mine and then switching to a Hi-power. --Predator20 23:01, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I'll have to search the forum and read your Desert Eagle story. The .357 is the biggest handgun caliber I have shot. I don't go shooting with anyone else besides my dad, so I don't get to shoot anyone else guns. I'd like to shoot a .50 just for the experience. You can't trust internet gun users about gun recoil.--Predator20 23:39, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
No it's fine like it is, thanks though. They can click on the image and see who it belongs to. --Predator20 02:34, 31 March 2010 (UTC)
Also I think I'm going to have a problem with a user on the Death Sentence page. He made some okay edits. But he took one of my images off the page and wrote he used different gun and renamed some of the image files so they ended not showing up. (I hope I didn't confuse you) --Predator20 02:34, 31 March 2010 (UTC)
RE: Desert Eagle
I'll be adding the template to the page. Can you help me with it?--SB2296 07:07, 31 March 2010 (UTC)
Boondocks Saints 2
Oh alright, I'll leave it to you. One less thing on my to do list. I'll go work on Ninja Assassin. Excalibur01
Well I need some help cause I have no idea how to work the screen capture feature on VLC Excalibur01
Thanks. The page wasn't really missing any screencaps, but was lacking in good ones. Also I borrowed Lucky # Slevin, so I'll check out the DE used. I think the page is incomplete so I may end up capping it. Plan on adding some caps of the missing revolvers in The Killer too.--Predator20 00:05, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
Mods & Stuff
yeah, he was writing snarky sarcastic stuff. Sounds just like a kid. Personally I think some of our newer (foreign) members are 'young' based on their actions (and preferences). For one, I don't like spending time arguing why we should NOT have a section on suction cup arrows LOL! We always get some noob waltz in and start challenging the rules of IMFDB (Gee, why don't you guys start doing THIS instead?) Thankfully I've seen some of our experienced (and even some newer members who 'get it') step in and intervene. It's gratifying to see that we have members who follow the rules and enforce that amongst other members. :) the shoot was a mixed bag. It was really windy and stormy in the South pacific. Even though there was no rain, the wind gusts knocked me down several times. I'm only here for a few days. I leave for Rome for a shoot and then for a gig in Hong Kong. No I don't take any weapons with me ;) I only act in a paid advisory capacity. But depending on whether I can get internet access from wherever I'm at in the world, I may not be around for April-early May. We'll see. Sometimes the shoot days are so long, that I just crash at the end of the day. Anyway, I felt like I was the lone mod sometimes (but again, we have quite a few experienced standard members who are doing a good job of reigning in some of the wacky changes made by 'drive by members'. :) MoviePropMaster2008 03:39, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
Re: Model 733
Thank you for clarifying this for me. While we're on the subject of the M16 series, would you mind if I went ahead and phased out the older Model 715 picture and deleted it in favor of MPM's pic? It's rather redundant to have two pictures of the same weapon, especially when one is significantly higher-quality than the other. Orca1 9904 19:44, 4 April 2010 (UTC)
The Killer
The replica HPs must have been used by the triads. There is one good view of a HP. It appears to be a Inglis, judging from the front sight and finger notch on slide. They were imported into China during WWII. Interestingly they put an A1 style birdcage flash hider on the Norinco 56. Any of the trivia stuff you learned please add to the page.--Predator20 02:24, 5 April 2010 (UTC)
Yeah I think that modified revolver may be a Taurus also. Since most of the fired revolvers are Taurus. There are some really good close ups of some of the guns. Makes iding them easy.Other than some text and one or two images that need to be uploaded over. I'm through with it.--Predator20 02:56, 5 April 2010 (UTC)
Disambiguation page
I have created some disambiguation pages,eg, M3 and Delta Force to improve page navigation in IMFDB. Considering the latter I used to hate when I typed to search the video game Delta Force when the site redirected me to the movie page Delta Force with the same name. So I am currently in the process of making disambiguation pages for pages with similar titles to make navigating pages easy. Ben41 asked me recieve the sysop's consent before undertaking this project.--SB2296 14:29, 8 April 2010 (UTC)
I think we should keep the pictures in the disambiguation page atleast for the guns.--SB2296 06:23, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
Lois & Clark: Tempus, Anyone?
Where did you find the Gali AR? I couldn't find it, but is this the Gali AR (the one being waved by the man in the middle) in this screeencap? - Kenny99 13:41, 9 April 2010 (UTC)
Another thing, the purpose of the General Information category was so a glossary of firearm terms could be made up. Nobody has created one. Should it just be called Glossary or Glossary - Firearm Terms? I figure a section for gun types, action, malfunction. I'm not sure what else. --Predator20 22:17, 13 April 2010 (UTC)
I added it to general information category. MPM didn't want anyone else messing with that page is the reason why it was protected. Probably best to change it back to that.--Predator20 00:57, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
What about a page for all gun related abbreviations.--SB2296 06:50, 14 April 2010 (UTC)
Sure. I can do that. By the way I have no idea what type of M16/AR15 they are using in Jesse Stone: Death in Paradise. Whne I was in the Army we had the M16A1, M16A2 and the M4 carbine. Truth be told I've stopped trying to follow all the different variations. So I will leave it to you or somebody else to figure out. Thanks. --Jcordell 02:20, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
Thanks on the M4 info. I'll get that added. As you've probably gathered over the past few months my strength is in revolvers and the older firearms. The new stuff I can identify, but all the variants leave me cold. I think I stopped paying attention around 1995. --Jcordell 02:29, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
User talk:
I hate to report this, but this user keeps creating pages with only a minimal amount of information and I'm not sure what to do. I hate to have to go and fix every page this user makes. --Ben41 22:38, 23 April 2010 (UTC)
Andromeda Strain
Thank you for your additions to The Andromeda Strain. I plan to rent & cap this sometime in the near future, but the extra work on the page is appreciated. Orca1 9904 19:10, 25 April 2010 (UTC)
Thank you for capping this as well. I was planning to cap it myself, but the help is again appreciated. One minor note though; the name of the M1126 APC is spelled 'Stryker', like the name, not with an I. Orca1 9904 00:09, 19 May 2010 (UTC)
Are you psychic? Part deax
Again within SECONDS of me uploading a hero gun pic, you comment. Your Jedi Mind powers are starting to freak me out. I just flew back into the US this morning and I'm trying to adjust to the time zone change again. I'm also trying to fix the WWS page since I never liked the overdoing of the screencaps on that page. It held the record at one time, 36 shots of the same gun in one section. Ben41 and I am working on it since it is one of the most viewed pages on IMFDB. MoviePropMaster2008 02:05, 1 May 2010 (UTC)
AKs and Canucks
Those AKs built for We Were Soldiers were built in 2002, so they could not have been in anything prior to that. They were built because the filmmakers, upon learning what we all know about Type 56s, etc. opted to have tons of real milled receiver guns built for the film's authenticity. The last time I saw them, they were the same color (i.e. wood furniture) so they're pretty easy to spot. As for replacing the real AK-47 pic, I'm trying to get a pic of a real example from an Army Museum, so that we have a real Soviet one for all those film entries that were done overseas over the years. I hate those jacked Type 1-3 examples, for one they don't represent what was actually a production model and they're also readily recognizable jacked images. But since the WWS AKs had that weird wood, I wouldn't replace the other pics just yet.
BTW, I finally learned why Canadian movies and TV shows have so many Olympic Arms AR rifles
Thanks for the correction. I didn't realize I had put the Colt under the subgun category. I'm just going in and organizing some of the pages. I want to point out that I'm not changing any of the text or screencaps. But Heat and Ronin are some of our most viewed pages and they had different types of firearms scattered all over the page, Guess I'm just anal. --Jcordell 21:38, 9 May 2010 (UTC)
I will take a look again at my screenshots to see if I have them. --Ben41 16:25, 15 May 2010 (UTC)
nice to see you back
I'm going a little stir crazy here. A lot of the veteran mods are MIA. Good thing we have some really great vet users who are trying their best to improve the site. Hahaha. I just got the Farcry DVD but I see you already did it. :) Does that mean you're back? :)MoviePropMaster2008 21:58, 24 May 2010 (UTC)
Armyguy277 user page
ok first of all the k4s were on the page becuse it was the clossest i could get to a C7/C8 and second WTF do you care it is my userpage --Armyguy277 20:58, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
PS how do you tumb nail --Armyguy277 20:58, 26 May 2010 (UTC)
you da man!
Now that I have some good pics of the gun, I have some chopped Type 56 barrels lying around here. I can put a post ban Type 56 front sight and an American Krinkov Muzzle brake on it. I have a messed up AK receiver that I do parts work on. Think I should build it? Don't know what to call it since it IS a 100% gunshop custom frankengun. Do you think calling it a Fake East German MPi-AKS-74NK is appropriate? I just thought it was the closest production AK variant to that monstrosity :) MoviePropMaster2008 01:59, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
Need to delete this image, we already have an Inglis Hi-Power pic.--Predator20 14:45, 27 May 2010 (UTC)
I think HK21 needs its own page since it has three-four variants of its own (HK11,HK23,HK13,GR9). What do you think?--SB2296 07:25, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
BTW we should create a set of rules stating whether a gun should demand its own page or be redirected to another page for a gun from which the former gun was derived. Earlier there were many controversies regarding these redirects (though the FPK/PSL thing was my fault, it was actually a AK style receiver on close inspection) and these set of rules will define the place where a gun actually belongs to. For example, like the HK21 the PSG-1 is a modified G3 and happens to be in the G3 page, but it has a sub variant of its own (the MSG-90) and I believe it should have its own , separate page. And by doing this, pages like the AK-47, M16 and G3 will be brief in size too.--SB2296 07:48, 28 May 2010 (UTC)
New Weapons Infobox Template
I just created a new weapons infobox template. Its just a modified version of the previous templates put together (since I don't know how to create one from scratch). It is only in the prototype stage and I will request help from other members, who know more about creating these templates.What do you think about the template? Should there be any new features?--SB2296 09:21, 30 May 2010 (UTC)
Carbines, Repeating Rifles
I'm getting confused with repeating rifles and carbines and I am having trouble sorting out repeating rifles and carbines in Lois & Clark. Here's some questions I have:
1. Should carbines and lever-action repeating rifles go in the rifle section?
2. Are semi-auto carbines like the Ruger Mini-14 considered as rifles or assault rifles?
3. Are carbines the same as rifles?
I hope I'll be able to sort them out once I find out about carbines and lever-action repeating rifles. - Kenny99 22:49, 1 June 2010 (UTC)
I just created a separate page for the HK LMGs-
As for the template, I'm trying to take the extra space in consideration and add more IMFDB specific content to it.--SB2296 09:09, 2 June 2010 (UTC)
Sorry about the long list. I use to upload over existing caps, but when there are several contributors and they label differently. It's more trouble than it's worth to sort.--Predator20 15:11, 4 June 2010 (UTC)
Real-Time Strategy Computer Games Allowed?
I was wondering if strategy games are allowed. There are some that have real weapons (such as Company of Heroes, which I'll try to do) and players can just zoom in to get good shots of the guns. - Kenny99 00:08, 5 June 2010 (UTC)
Re: Lethal Weapon S&W
I was looking at the Lethal Weapon 2 page not long ago and saw that the S&W was changed from a 5906 to a 659. I don't remember where I saw it (one of the discussion pages I think) but someone had wrote that the 5906 in Lethal Weapon 2 couldn't be possible at that time period so it had to be a 659. And then, seeing as Murtaugh used what I think was the same gun in Lethal Weapon 3, that's why I thought it was a 659. But seeing as you've just provided better evidence, I'll change it back lol. My mistake. -Gunman69 18:08, 6 June 2010 (UTC)
Should I have blocked this guy?
He's an anonymous IP address and all he did was slowly, bit by bit, delete the entire discussion page of the VG. It struck me as weird, but I could be tired and cranky so I thought I would asked a few other Mods to see if I overreacted. I can always life the ban. 03:16, 9 June 2010 (UTC)
Someone started this talk page and had Russian language in it, I cleared it. But still needs to be deleted. --Predator20 01:29, 11 June 2010 (UTC)
SIG cont.
I checked that SIG out at the gun shop again. They had dropped the price from $600 to $570. But after looking over it better, all over the nickel slide, tiny spots of the finish are missing. Pretty poor gun. They have an all black one a little cheaper but it wasn't much better.
I found one on gun broker I really like for $575. Here is the description "Sig P220, West German Manuf. This Sig has been refinished by, CCR / Cummings Custom Refinish. There are no issues and was in Excellent Condition prior to Refinish as it is now, low round count and all Orginal factory parts."
It's technically reverse two-tone by SIG standards, but norm for others. It's a $160 for the refinish job, not to mention shipping. --Predator20 18:38, 19 June 2010 (UTC)
I've bought a few older guns off GB and I haven't had any problems. (knock on wood) Generally if the gun was really beat up prior to refinishing, it would still show. Also the grips should actually be the checkered style right? --Predator20 15:00, 20 June 2010 (UTC)
The all black P220 at the gun shop had Hogue finger groove grips, they were much too big for me. The two-tone had the pebble grain and it felt just right. The non finger groove Hogue's may be okay. A few hours before the two-tone SIG above goes out, there's an all black West German one with factory box, papers and two mags. It's in very good condition. It's at $350 right now, I may try to get it, depends on how crazy the bidding gets. --Predator20 01:23, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
Well it looks like I'll be the two-tone SIG owner. I got into a bidding war with the black one above. Bowed out at $475 (it was back and forth). I figure the extra $100 on the two-tone would be worth it. Even if it didn't come with extra mag and box.--Predator20 22:33, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
No prob on getting back to me. I like the two-tone much much better too. But I figured if I could have saved a 100 bucks or more, it would have been nice. But after getting outbid the last time on the black one, I was relieved --Predator20 23:26, 21 June 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for doing this page. I was going to do this page, and I started doing some screencaps, but I never got back to it. I just uploaded the pics I already had done, but you can go ahead and do the rest. --Ben41 22:49, 27 June 2010 (UTC)
Unfortunately, I don't have the DVD anymore, and that's all the ones I got to. --Ben41 22:58, 27 June 2010 (UTC)
Why did you delete Dear Wendy? That was work in progress, I was still doing the screencaps and now the page is gone! Great, now you really killed my effort. Next time, just wait one single day!
Any idea what these are? I usually go by the front sight to see whether it's hooded or not. But I can't tell. Also my SIG shipped yesterday, maybe it'll arrive by Fri.--Predator20 19:26, 30 June 2010 (UTC)
Also my SIG was supposed to be delivered Thurs. but my FFL guy wasn't there to sign for it, I guess. (gun transfers are a side business for him). So I probably won't be able to see it until Mon. to start the transfer. I hope it at least gets redelivered today. --Predator20 14:33, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Spades of Columbia
Spades of Columbia I think this guy intended to make a user page. But made an actual page instead. --Predator20 18:47, 3 July 2010 (UTC)
Thank you, I Love movie and know guns, but i am ignorant on computer codes and what not. I'm learning or at least trying to.--Spades of Columbia 00:57, 5 July 2010 (UTC)
The SIG got redelivered yesterday. Funny thing, it came from NC. I hope I get to look at tomorrow. Have a happy 4th too. --Predator20 23:31, 4 July 2010 (UTC)
22 AKs
Nope there were a bunch, the ones imported by Mitchell Arms, I think, were the Armscorp ones made in the Philippines, and they looked like crap. Or the Italian Armi-Jager ones, also imported. Regardless, only the .22LR guns had that style of forearm. As for the Hudsons, I would demand proof of your assertion. I have every Hudson imported from the late 1970s on. They all look the same and they don't look anything like that. :) MoviePropMaster2008 17:19, 5 July 2010 (UTC) (BTW, I'm typing this with no sleep so if I sound insane, forget it) You know what? I think they're the .22 style AKs with other types of mags jammed in.
I told the guy who uploaded the 5 above, to upload jpgs in the future, he offered to re-upload these as jpgs.
Also I get to pick up the SIG Thurs. It's one sexy gun. I'm not sure if its even be fired after the refinish, unless the finish from CCR is really that good.--Predator20 01:49, 7 July 2010 (UTC)
delete tag
How do I do it? --Predator20 21:02, 7 July 2010 (UTC)
I moved your comment to the discussion page. Thank you for the help! --Milkovich 11:18, 12 July 2010 (UTC)
Limited Time offer
To only the most TRUSTED IMFDB fellow mods! ;) lOL. If you have a 'wish list' for pics you think the site needs desperately, shoot me a list. I've been busy, but I got a STACK of guns that I haven't photographed yet, including a WASR-3 that looks EXACTLY like Sascha Robey's gun, and a BUNCH of just general replacement pics. But I was thinking you might have a list that you really wanted. this is a limited time offer! :D The only problem with getting some of the BIG armory guns is that the guys really don't like it when I bother them to snap pics when they're neck deep in a big movie production. Gotta tread lightly there. :) On the photo front, I've 'fixed and cleaned up' some guns (and those are the ones I don't put the copyright disclaimer on so you know that I'm just cleaning up jacked images). Hope your summer is going well. :) MoviePropMaster2008 04:25, 20 July 2010 (UTC)
Predators Guns
Hey Matt, The guns for Predators was supplied by ISS. I made the muzzle attachments on the Beretta 92 and the HK. Also made the mount on the AA-12 for the surefire grip/light. - Steve
Transformers 3
Okay. I was SNOOKERED. Apparently this member LIAM who is moviemaster1993 is a fanboy who created the facebook page himself, even though the page says the "OFFICIAL" transformers 3 facebook page, thus falsely implying that it is sanctioned by the studio. NOT being a sanctioned facebook page, immediately makes it suspect in my eyes and I vote for deletion. These behind the scenes photos were NOT released by the studio. They were personally taken by people on set and 'leaked'. The only reason why I did not ban it immediately was because I thought it was an officially facebook sanctioned page. It is not. We can get into serious trouble if studio lawyers all of a sudden get pissed at IMFDB and start sending us 'cease and desist' letters to 'remove' all of our screencaps. That would spell the END Of IMFDB. All because of one fanboy idiot. But I wonder what you think about the matter "No Harm done?" or "delete" ? MoviePropMaster2008 05:05, 22 July 2010 (UTC)
public enemies?
You never disclosed that anything was wrong, so this reference to an 'incident' is a mystery to me.MoviePropMaster2008 03:01, 24 July 2010 (UTC)
Screen used gun?
Is this the screen used gun from Public Enemies?--Predator20 18:38, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
Well I think Kilgore thought it was Dillinger's actual pistol not the screen used gun. It fucking blows you can't put the screen guns on the site. --Predator20 23:45, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
Re: Public Enemies
Here is the link[2]
. Kilgore 00:17, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
You're Welcome. And I already know that it was not Dillenger's Gun after doing some research, but I don't really care because I'll never be able to use it. - Kilgore 00:33, 28 July 2010 (UTC)
Yeah sounds good, thanks. Another user I'd recommend is User:Jcordell. --Predator20 01:38, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Got admin rights now. I just want to say thanks again for the recommendation. --Predator20 16:22, 5 August 2010 (UTC)
Another RE: Admin
Sure thing. Very flattering. Thanks.--Jcordell 01:45, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Great. Looking forward to it. Now I'll have something new to learn. And now I can create a category for Australian movies. --Jcordell 02:14, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Also I think Ben41 would be a good addition. He and I have been working together on several pages the last few weeks and he seems like a good guy. --Jcordell 02:16, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the recommendation. --Ben41 03:08, 3 August 2010 (UTC)
I think we should better make it mandatory for all the names of the screenshot images being uploaded to IMFDB to have a proper syntax, bearing both the movie/television series/game's name and the guns name. Just check out today's recent changes you will a couple of images bearing names such as 'Blaser R93','UMP' and 'G36C', but in fact they are screenshots. I believe that a proper syntax will group common screenshots together and will not club with a gun image bearing the same name.--SB2296 16:21, 7 August 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, we should make it a rule and display it in bold letters in the upload file page as well.--SB2296 15:22, 8 August 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, couldn't reply earlier as I was too busy with CODBO. Yeah, that's fine. As I said earlier we should put a note of it in the upload file page as well (isn't Bunni the only one who can do this?). BTW we already have rule-breaker with EliteCrew.--SB2296 16:16, 10 August 2010 (UTC)
Image:M1917 Enfield Rifle - .30-06.JPG
Originally I was trying to upload this as new version of Image:M1917enfield.jpg and I messed up and uploaded it as a seperate image. Can you delete it at once. Thanks. Also, when I uploaded as a new version of Image:M1917enfield.jpg, it showed it as the old version of picture. I was never good at uploading new versions of pictures. - Kilgore 21:42, 8 August 2010 (UTC)
Any good guess would help me. My brain is firing out of sync for some reason when I look at these screencaps! ;) MoviePropMaster2008 02:02, 9 August 2010 (UTC)
CW and Die hard with a Vengeance
From what I remember, CW purchased the guns from WS when they were done. There is a lot of internal selling and swapping going on, but only between guys who are friendly with each other. :) Now I annoy everyone ;P LOL but I do loan out stuff to other armories who are short of stuff. :D MoviePropMaster2008 05:49, 9 August 2010 (UTC)
Type 56
I was reading the list of your weapons and noticed you mentioned your Type 56 was "Pre-Ban". Just out of curiosity, are you reffering to the ban on imported Chinese weapons or the ban on automatic weapons? At first I assumed the former but then I realized I've never seen a semi-automatic only Type 56 (not that I have anywhere near enough experience for that to indicate they don't exist). -Anonymous
Thanks for the clarification. I thought you were talking about the import ban but wasn't sure. In addition to the assult weapons import ban I think there was another ban that prevents any weapons, including sporting arms like the Norinco coppy of the Winchester 1887, from being imported from China. I would have to double check that information though. -Anonymous
What did he do this time?--Alienqueen11 03:45, 27 August 2010 (UTC)