The [[M16A4]] appears as the assault rifle in game as well as in cutscenes and FMVs. Unlike the actual A4 model, the in-game version fires full auto. Also, the weapon is given a capacity of 60 rounds, even though it is only modelled with a 30-round magazine. Remarkably, the in-game model is a slightly modified model from the beta version of ''[[Driver: Parallel Lines]]''.
The [[M16A4]] appears as the assault rifle in game as well as in cutscenes and FMVs. Unlike the actual A4 model, the in-game version fires full auto. Also, the weapon is given a capacity of 60 rounds, even though it is only modelled with a 30-round magazine. The in-game model would be used in the beta version of ''[[Driver: Parallel Lines]]''.
Driver 3, stylized as DRIV3R, is a 2004 game by Reflections Interactive and published by Atari. The game once again follows series protagonist John Tanner, as he goes undercover to track down a stolen car smuggling ring across Europe.
The following weapons appear in the video game Driver 3:
The Beretta 92FS is featured on the official artwork of the game and in game itself as a more powerful pistol. It features a capacity of only 10 rounds, rather than the full 15. There is also a suppressed version, which for some reason uses different ammunition.
Although the rendering and in game model for Tanner's default pistol is some kind of mishmash between different models, the inventory icon for it is a silhouette of a SIG-Sauer P225.
A Franchi SPAS-12 with the stock removed appears as a shotgun in the game. Like the real thing, it fires in semi-auto mode and has an 8-shell magazine capacity.
The Heckler & Koch MP5A5 appears as a more powerful submachine gun in game, as well as in cutscenes. The telescoping stock has been removed, and it has a 15-round magazine. Also, despite having the Navy trigger pack markings, it does not feature the ambidextrous safety lever. Jones is also seen with this gun with the stock in place. The in-game model also features the stock and a 15 or 20-round magazine, but is given a capacity of 30 rounds.
The MAC-10 is the last submachine gun to appear in the game. It has a ridiculous magazine capacity of 60 rounds to offset its high rate of fire and low range.
The M16A4 appears as the assault rifle in game as well as in cutscenes and FMVs. Unlike the actual A4 model, the in-game version fires full auto. Also, the weapon is given a capacity of 60 rounds, even though it is only modelled with a 30-round magazine. The in-game model would be used in the beta version of Driver: Parallel Lines.
The M79 Grenade Launcher is featured as the strongest weapon on the game. The grenades do not detonate on impact, instead rolling around on the ground, leaving a trail of smoke for a few seconds.