PUBG: Battlegrounds: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
PUBG: Battlegrounds: Difference between revisions
The [[Gepard GM6 Lynx]] was added in Update 12.1, as the game's first anti-materiel rifle. It can only be found in crates and is referred to as the Lynx AMR. It fires generic ".50 Caliber" ammunition from a 5 round magazine, with no way to reload it. It is the most powerful weapon in the game, able to destroy BDRM's and pierce the windows, allowing you to kill the occupants. One to three shots are all you need to destroy other vehicles, with larger vehicles requiring more shots (e.g. one shot for a motorcycle, two for a Dacia, three for a boat). Level 3 armour gets destroyed in one shot.
The [[Gepard GM6 Lynx]] was added in Update 12.1, as the game's first anti-materiel rifle. It can only be found in crates and is referred to as the Lynx AMR. It fires generic ".50 Caliber" ammunition from a 10 round magazine, with no way to reload it (unless you are playing the mobile edtion where it also comes with 20 extra rounds of 50 BMG). It is the most powerful weapon in the game, able to destroy BDRM's and pierce the windows, allowing you to kill the occupants. One to three shots are all you need to destroy other vehicles, with larger vehicles requiring more shots (e.g. one shot for a motorcycle, two for a Dacia, three for a boat). Level 3 armour gets destroyed in one shot.
PUBG: Battlegrounds (formerly known as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is a survival shooter designed by Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene, the same person who created the Battle Royale mod for Arma 3 and was consulted in the creation of H1Z1: King of the Kill. In Battlegrounds, up to 100 players are airdropped onto a fictional locale, collect weapons and equipment randomly spawned on the map, and fight until only one remains, with a blue wall of electricity chasing players into one final confrontation. Weapons are customizable with various parts that can be found in the field. Some attachments have a weapon specific variant of them. For example, the flash hider has a version for SMGs and assault rifles. These attachments include:
Various foregrips
Laser Sights
Flash hider (SMG/Sniper rifle/DMR/AR, S12K): reduces the weapon's muzzle flash
Suppressor (Pistol/SMG/Sniper rifle/DMR/AR, S12K): Suppresses the weapon's muzzle report, but does not completely silence it, being somewhat realistic in its function.
Compensator (SMG/Sniper rifle/DMR/AR, S12K): Reduces muzzle climb during automatic fire.
Choke: tightens the pellet spread of the shotguns.
Duckbill: horizontally flattens the pellet spread of the shotguns.
Bullet loops: enhances reload speed by adding a shell/cartridge holder on the buttstock of the weapon.
Ext. Quickdraw magazine (Pistol/SMG/Sniper rifle/DMR/AR, S12K): combination of the two above
Cheek pad: reduces scope sway while aiming
Tactical stocks: improves weapon handling and recoil control
Folding Stock for the Uzi and Skorpion: ditto.
Sights featured are the:
Red dot sight
Holographic sight
2x Aimpoint scope
3x Backlit scope
4x ACOG scope
6x scope
8x CQBSS scope
15x PM II scope
Like weapons, ammunition are collected from the map, with a few different types used by different weapons. As similarly seen in the game State of Decay, ammunition calibers in PUBG are simplified for the sake of gameplay. For instance, the SKS, AKM, M24, Kar98k, DP-28 and the Nagant revolver all fire the same "7.62MM" ammunition, and the 9x39mm VSS Vintorez uses the same "9MM" ammo as the 9x19mm handguns and submachine guns.
The following weapons appear in the video game PUBG: Battlegrounds:
Beretta 92F
The Beretta 92F appears in the game as the "P92", and can be found in random buildings. It can be fitted with a suppressor, a laser sight, a red dot sight and all three magazine variations. It uses general "9MM" ammunition. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 20 cartridges from its original 15.
The Chiappa Rhino 60DS appears in the release version of the game as the "R45", and will be found in random locations exclusive to the maps; Miramar and Sahnok. It can be fitted with a red dot sight, a laser sight, and is apparently chambered in ".45ACP" ammo with speedloaders.
The Colt M1911A1 appears in the game as the "P1911", and can be found in random buildings. It can be fitted with a suppressor, a laser sight, a red dot sight and all three magazine variations. It uses general ".45ACP" ammunition. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 12 cartridges from its original 7.
The Desert Eagle was added in the June 2019 update and goes by its common moniker, "Deagle" but somehow fires ".45ACP" ammunition. It is a rare spawn in all maps and can also be equipped with all magazine variants, laser sights and red dot or holographic optics. Extended magazines raises the magazine size to 10 cartridges from its original 7 which is consistent with the .50 AE variant, although the cartridges that eject from it appear to be thinner .357 Magnum rounds.
The Glock 18C was added in the June 2017 monthly update, as the "P18C". It can be fitted with suppressor, a laser sight, a red dot sight and all three magazine variations, as well as being able to switch between semi and full-auto fire modes. It uses general "9MM" ammunition. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 25 cartridges from its original 17. Like most of the guns in the game, the fire selector is animated.
The Nagant M1895 appears as the "R1895", and can be found in random areas exclusive to the maps; Erangel and Sahnok. It can be fitted with a suppressor, which is possible and viable with the real gun as well due to its ammunition and firing mechanism. It uses general "7.62MM" ammunition, which curiously can be used in rifles as well.
The Orion Flare Gun was initially added to the game in March 2018 during an Event Mode, but as of 2019, it was integrated into the main game as a rare spawn pickup. It occupies the sidearm slot and uses propriety "Flare" ammunition but does no damage to players or vehicles. It can only be used by firing straight up into the air which then calls in an airdrop containing several crate weapons and equipment, or an armored UAZ-469 if the user is within or outside the Blue Zone.
The FN P90 TR is a SMG that was released in September 2021 Update 13.2 and fires exclusive "5.7mm" ammunition in standard 50-round magazines. It is a Supply Drop exclusive weapon that comes with a steady supply of its own proprietary 5.7x28mm ammunition, and is the only gun in the game so far to be be chambered in that round. It comes with fixed attachments comprising of a holographic scope with a unique 2X magnifier, a laser sight mounted on a M-LOK handguard and suppressor; none which can be removed or others added to it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingFN P90 Tactical - FN 5.7x28mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the F90 in-game model, courtesy of the official PUBG Game #Update 13.2 page. Note the transparent magazine that has visibly depleting rounds as the weapon is fired. Also visible are the two plastic rollers at the end of the magazine; they assist the follower in keeping tension to push the rounds through the P90's spiral feed ramp.
Heckler & Koch MP5KA4
The Heckler & Koch MP5KA4 was added in the March 2019 Update #27, appearing exclusive to the Vikendi map, replacing all TDI Vector spawns there. It is chambered in "9mm" and can be fitted with foregrips or a laser sight, all muzzle devices and magazine variants, the tactical stock, as well as all sights up to the 4x scope. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 40 cartridges from its original 30.
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 replaces the original "UMP-9" brother since the March 2019 Update #27, and is chambered in ".45ACP" ammunition. It can be fitted with foregrips or a laser sight, all muzzle devices and magazine variants, as well as all sights up to the 4x scope. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 35 cartridges from its original 25.
The IWI Uzi Pro has replaced the Micro Uzi since Update 4.1 in June 2019. It fires "9mm" ammunition as before and can be found in all maps as the "Micro Uzi". It can also be equipped with all magazine variants, muzzle devices, a Micro Uzi's stock, and (thanks to the presence of a top rail) a red dot or holographic sight. Despite being modeled with a 20-round magazine, the weapon holds 25 rounds by default; extended magazines raise this to 35 rounds in what seems to be a 32-round magazine.
In contrast to its select-fire behavior, it is modeled after the pistol variant; the fire position on the safety acts as full-auto, and the safe position is treated as semi-auto. Additionally, the gun has the safety and lower rail of an early version, but the lower receiver has the diagonal lines of the production model.
The M1928A1 Thompson appears in the game as the Tommy Gun, and is chambered in ".45ACP" ammunition. After the September 2017 update, the Tommy Gun was moved from a supply drop-exclusive weapon to an uncommon spawn all over the map. It can be fitted with a suppressor, a vertical foregrip and all magazine attachments. The vertical foregrip will essentially convert the appearance of the Tommy Gun to that of the earlier M1928 version, while the extended magazine attachments will increase its initial capacity of 30 rounds (in box magazines) to 50 rounds (in drum magazines).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThompson M1928A1 - .45 ACP. This specimen has the sling swivel relocated to the top of the stock, a modification often made to Thompsons in British service.The inventory icon of the "Tommy Gun". Note the rather short stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA world spawn of a "Tommy Gun" its accompanying .45 ACP ammo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA "Tommy Gun" in its 1928A1 configuration in first person. Note the bolt handle; the in-game Thompson incorrectly fires from a closed bolt.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the sights of a "Tommy Gun".Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the 30-round stick magazine of a "Tommy Gun".Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player holds a "Tommy Gun" in the M1928A1 configuration of the Thompson with speed plates attached to the 30-round stick magazine.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhile taking cover indoor from the randomised artillery strikes, he reloads his "Tommy Gun".Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother player fires his "Tommy Gun" from behind a HESCO barrier.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThompson M1928 - .45 ACPOld inventory icon of the "Tommy Gun". This is a pre-September 2017 update version of the "Tommy Gun", where it was still supply drop-exclusive and had a foregrip and 50-round drum magazine (with incorrect 100-round capacity) tacked-on by default. Note the raised ladder sight, only visible in the inventory icon, which has since been patched to be lowered.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the 50-round drum magazine of a "Tommy Gun" in its original 1928 configuration.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Tommy Gun" with a vertical foregrip attachment, which will give it the original foregrip of the M1928 version. Note that the markings on the receiver are surprisingly accurate, being manufactured by the Auto Ordinance Corporation in New York, USA as well as the list of patents, except that their positions are reversed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player holds a "Tommy Gun" in the original M1928 configuration, with a drum magazine attached. The strap on the magazine indicates its "quickdraw" functionality, somehow allowing it to be reloaded faster. Also note that his left arm clips into the drum magazine.
The Thompson's model is, curiously enough, also used as the basis for the game's fictional crossbow. The crossbow, which is only ever referred to as such, is fitted with a green-dot sight with drop compensation markings by default, though it can be customized with normal red-dot or holographic sights, as well as a container of arrows underneath the arms, which somehow speeds up reloading despite never being used for anything.
A player character with a crossbow; note the rather evident re-use of the Thompson's trigger group, pistol grip, and stock.
PP-19 Bizon-2
The PP-19 Bizon-2 was added in the Feb 2019 patch and is only featured in the maps, Erangel and Vikendi. It is chambered in "9mm" ammunition in a 53-round helical magazine which confirms this as the 9x19mm variant. It can only be fitted with all muzzle devices and sights up to the 4x scope.
The Sa vz. 61 Skorpion is a machine pistol that appears in the game simply as the "Skorpion" and apparently chambered in "9mm" ammunition with select-fire capability, even though the firearm is modeled after a .22 LR version. It is the first full-sized machine pistol in PUBG to occupy the sidearm slot and can be found in random spawn locations. It can be equipped with the half/lightweight/vertical foregrips or a laser sight, suppressor, red dot sight, extended stock and only the extended magazine variant for pistols. Extended magazines raise the magazine size from 20-round stick magazines that can be upgraded to 40-round drum magazines.
The TDI Vector appears in the game simply as the "Vector", and is now chambered in "9mm" ammunition, previously having used .45 ACP ammo before the March 2019 Update #27 . It can be fitted with half/lightweight/vertical foregrips or a laser sight, all muzzle devices, magazine variants, optics up to the 4x scope and a tactical stock. Extended magazines raise the magazine size to 33 cartridges from its original 19.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingTDI Vector - .45 ACPInventory icon of the Vector.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn Inventory icon of a fairly modded Vector, with sound suppressor, vertical foregrip, extended magazines, red dot sight and a UBR stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn old world spawn of a Vector sitting atop of a military crate with a gratuitous amount of .45 ACP ammunition when it was still chambered in it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA Vector in first person. Note the placement of the player character's left hand; while this would normally be okay, the in-game Vector's incorrect reciprocating charging handle makes this position a bit perilous for the user's thumb.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the sights of a Vector.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the Vector.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player carries a Vector equipped with a 25-round extended magazine. Note that the Kriss Vector's "V" logo is replaced with that of continuously tessellating triangles, and that the weapon's trademark on the front of the upper receiver reads "PLAYERUNKNOWNS BATTLEGROUNDS". Also note the threaded barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn upgraded Vector fitted with a tan UBR stock, flash hider, an EOTech holographic sight and the extended magazine as before. The default iron sights are absent when optics are added.
Beretta 686
The Beretta 686 appears in the game as the "S686", and can be found in random buildings. Note that unlike the picture below, it's completely blued and has golden bird engravings on the side of the receiver ingame. It can be fitted with a choke for a tighter pellet spread, as well as "bullet loops" for the stock for faster reloading. It has the longest effective range of all shotguns, especially with the choke. The reload animation shows that the gun has ejectors, and ejects two spent cases even if it's fired only once.
The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" appears in the game as the "S1897", and can be found in random buildings. It can be fitted with a choke or duckbill for a tighter pellet spread, as well as "bullet loops" for the stock for faster reloading.
The Saiga 12K appears in the game as the "S12K", and can be found in random buildings. It can use a duckbill choke, or otherwise is able to be fitted with all other assault rifle muzzle devices, scopes, a suppressor, as well as all magazine variants. The standard magazines holds 5 shells, while the extended magazines hold 8.
The Standard Manufacturing DP-12 was added into the Oct 2019 "Update 4.3" patch simply as the "DPS" and fires "12 Gauge" ammunition in 14-round double-tube magazines,. It is the first shotgun lootable from Care Packages only, but later was available as an uncommon world spawn for all maps in Oct 2020 "Update 9.0". It is able to fire two shells in quick succession before each pump-rack for devastating close-quarters damage. It can only equip sights up to 6X.
A 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun in a sawed-off configuration appears in the release version of the game as the "Sawed-off" and can be found randomly in the map, Miramar. It is classified as a sidearm, and is chambered in "12 Gauge" and only able to use a shotgun choke as of the May 2018 update.
Note: As of the May 2018 update, the now officially classed Designated Marksman Rifles (i.e. Mini-14, Mk 14, QBU-88, SKS, SLR and VSS) can now utilize both Assault Rifle and/or Sniper Rifle attachments interchangably. Assault rifles no longer have the capability of using the 8X and 15X scopes for balance reasons.
The AKM appears in the game under its actual name, and fires the game's mysterious "7.62mm" ammunition. It can be found in random buildings, and can be equipped with all magazine variants, sights sights up to 6x scope (as it has a picatinny rail on the receiver cover plate), and all muzzle devices.
The Beryl M762 is an assault rifle that appears in the game correctly as the "Beryl M762" and fires "7.62mm" ammunition. It can be found in random spawns locations and can also be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips, muzzle devices a laser sight, and optics up to 6X. It features semi-auto, 3-round burst and full-auto firing modes.
The CMMG Mk47 AKS13 is an assault rifle that appears in the game; it is referred to as the "Mk47 Mutant" (a different variant) and fires "7.62" ammunition. Early trailers and renders showed it with the Krink flash hider of the real weapon, but the vanilla model lacks it. The Mk47 can be found in all maps, at random spawn locations and can also be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, muzzle devices, a tactical stock and optics up to 6X. It only has semi-auto and 2-round burst firing modes (the latter being fictional, since the real weapon is either semi-auto only or semi-auto/full-auto) from a 20-round magazine that can be upgraded to 30 rounds with extended magazine attachments.
The Daewoo K2 is an assault rifle that was added in Update 12.2 simply as the "K2" and fires "5.56" ammunition. It can be found in random spawns locations exclusive to the Taego map and can also be equipped with all magazine variants, muzzle devices and optics up to 6X. It features semi-auto, 3-round burst and full-auto firing modes.
The FN SCAR-L appears as the "SCAR-L" ingame, and fires the "5.56mm" ammunition. It can be found in random buildings, and can be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, muzzle devices, and optics up to 6X.
The Heckler & Koch G36C was added in the Dec 2018 update simply as the "G36C", exclusive to the map Vikendi (replacing the SCAR-L spawns) and fires the "5.56mm" ammunition. It can be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, muzzle devices and optics up to 6X.
The Heckler & Koch HK416 appears as the "M416" ingame, and fires the "5.56mm" ammunition. It can be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, muzzle devices, optics up to 6X, and the tactical stock.
The L1A1 with picatinny rail on the upper receiver was added in the May 2018 update and appears in the game under the British Army designation of "SLR" and fires "7.62mm" ammunition. It can be found randomly in buildings and can be equipped with all the muzzle devices, sights, and scopes, a cheek pad, as well as an extended magazine increasing its capacity from 10 rounds to 20 rounds.
The M16A4 appears under its actual name in-game and fires the "5.56mm" ammunition. It is fitted with a standard, non-railed handguard (as seen in the image below), and therefore cannot accept any foregrips. It can be found in random buildings, and can be equipped with all magazine variants, muzzle devices, a tactical stock and sights up to the 6X. Notably, it appears to have been based on a civilian AR-15 variant rather than a genuine M16A4, as it has "SAFE" and "FIRE" markings on its selector, and no autosear pin in the lower receiver.
The Mk 12 Special Purpose Rifle is a DMR that was added in Update 12.2 simply as the "Mk12" and fires "5.56" ammunition. It can be found in random spawns locations exclusive to the Taego map and can also be equipped with all magazine variants, muzzle devices, all foregrips or a laser sight and optics up to 16X. Extended magazine attachments increases its base capacity of 20 rounds to 30.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMk 12 Mod 0 SPR with A2 buttstock, A.R.M.S. #40 flip-up rear BUIS, PRI flip-up front BUIS, Leupold Mark 4 3.5-10x40mm LR/T M3 Illum. Reticle scope, and Harris bipod - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA world spawn of the Mk12.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player fires her Mk12, fitted with an 8X scope and flash hider.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother player aiming her Mk12, fitted with a 4X ACOG scope, vertical foregrip, 30-round Magpul magazine and flash hider.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA pair of players with their Mk12 rifles. The foreground player has a 4X ACOG scope, thumbhole grip, 30-round MAGPUL magazine and suppressor, while the background player has an 8X scope, vertical foregrip, 30-round Magpul mag with speed plates and a compensator.
Mk 14 Mod 0
The Mk 14 Mod 0 Enhanced Battle Rifle was added in the August 2017 update as the "Mk14" and is only found in crates that are parachuted in, known as "Care Packages". It can be equipped with all the muzzle devices, sights, a cheek pad and scopes, as well as an extended magazine increasing its capacity from 10 rounds to 20 rounds. It is chambered in "7.62mm" ammunition and has fire-select capability between semi-auto and full-auto.
The QBZ-95-1 was added in the Jun 2018 update as the "QBZ95" and is chambered in "5.56mm" ammunition, probably standing-in for its native 5.8x42mm ammunition (although its exported cousin, the QBZ-97 is chambered in NATO 5.56x45mm). It is an exclusive world spawn to the Sanhok map (replacing the FN SCAR-L there), and can be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, muzzle devices, and optics up to 6X.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingQBZ-95 and QBZ-95-1 with custom Picatinny rail system - 5.8x42mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAn officially released render of the "QBZ95's" in-game model, courtesy of the PUBG Steam Game Update 15# page. It can be identified as the newer 95-1 version from its smoother rear-upper receiver buttstock, non-export magazine well, fire selector above the pistol grip and newer trigger guard. Note the custom railed carry-handle.Inventory icon of the QBZ95.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWorld spawn of the QBZ95. Note that it is one of the few weapons in the game to spawn without a magazine in the well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA QBZ95 in first person.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the sights of a QBZ95.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the QBZ95.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA female player runs with her QBZ95 on hand. It is fitted with a 3X scope and a vertical foregrip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same player fires her QBZ95 from cover. Note the Micro Uzi stock sticking out from her holstered weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother player reloads her QBZ95, this one with an ACOG 4X scope, vertical foregrip, 40-round extended magazine with speed plates and suppressor attached. Apparently trigger discipline in PUBG is slowly becoming a thing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player fires his QBZ fitted with a red dot sight, vertical foregrip, speed plates on his magazine and a compensator. Note the stock of the QBU-88 sticking from his back.
OTs-14-1A Groza
The OTs-14 Groza was added in the June 2017 monthly update, as the "Groza" and is only found in crates that are parachuted in, known as "Care Packages". It is chambered in "7.62mm" ammunition (confirming it as a OTs-14-1A variant of the rifle), and can be equipped with all magazine variants, sights up to the 6X and a suppressor.
The folding stock variant of the Ruger AC556 appears in the September 2017 update as the "Mini 14". It indeed functions like a Ruger Mini-14 as it can only be fired in semi-automatic mode, but is modeled with (an unused) selector switch at the back of the receiver, which identifies it as an AC556. It fires "5.56mm" ammunition and accepts muzzle and magazines attachments, as well as all sights and scopes. Extended magazines increases its capacity from 20 rounds to 30 rounds.
The SKS rifle can be found in random buildings. Ingame, it is fitted with a Tapco Intrafuse stock and an aftermarket detachable magazine conversion. It can be equipped with all the muzzle devices, foregrips or a laser sight, scopes, a cheek pad and magazines. Extended magazines increases its capacity from 10 rounds to 20 rounds. It fires the "7.62mm" ammunition.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSKS fitted with a Tapco Intrafuse stock - 7.62x39mmInventory icon for the SKS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA world spawn of an SKS with a box of "7.62mm" ammunition. Note the bayonet lug is still present despite the lack of bayonet.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA SKS in first person.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming down the default sights of a SKS. Note the lack of the rear sight, making this impossible to aim with in reality (although the player seemingly uses the length of the rail to compensate for this somehow).Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the SKS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player fires her SKS fitted with an 8X scope. Note the bolt cycling and the next round in the magazine ready to be pushed into the chamber.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same player reloads her SKS. Note her newly acquired vertical foregrip which clips into her magazine mid-reload. In addition, the extended mag attachment is represented with the SKS being loaded with beige-coloured magazines that correctly holds 20-rounds instead of the default black ones that only hold 10 for some reason.
Steyr AUG A3
The Steyr AUG A3 with a custom lower rail appears simply as the "AUG" in the 1.0 release version of the game and can only be found in crates that are parachuted in, known as "Care Packages". It fires "5.56mm" ammunition, and can be equipped with all magazine variants, foregrips or a laser sight, optics up to the 6X and muzzle devices.
The Winchester 1894 appears in the release version of the game as the "Win94". It is apparently chambered in ".45ACP" (presumably standing-in for .45 Long Colt) and can only equip a rifle bullet loop for quicker reloads. In November 2019, the Winchester 1894 received an updated model that permanently fixes a 2.7x scope to the rifle. It has a capacity of 8 rounds.
The Accuracy International AWM appears in the game as the "AWM", and is only found in crates that are parachuted in, known as "Care Packages." It can be equipped with a sniper rifle suppressor or a flash hider and all the sights and scopes, as well as an extended magazine and a cheek pad. Extended magazines increases its capacity of 5 rounds to 7 rounds. It fires the ".300" ammunition (presumably .300 Winchester Magnum, one of the cartridges that the AWM supports).
The Gepard GM6 Lynx was added in Update 12.1, as the game's first anti-materiel rifle. It can only be found in crates and is referred to as the Lynx AMR. It fires generic ".50 Caliber" ammunition from a 10 round magazine, with no way to reload it (unless you are playing the mobile edtion where it also comes with 20 extra rounds of 50 BMG). It is the most powerful weapon in the game, able to destroy BDRM's and pierce the windows, allowing you to kill the occupants. One to three shots are all you need to destroy other vehicles, with larger vehicles requiring more shots (e.g. one shot for a motorcycle, two for a Dacia, three for a boat). Level 3 armour gets destroyed in one shot.
The Karabiner 98k appears in the game as the "Kar98k", and can be found as a random world spawn. It can mount all of the sights, as it has a picatinny rail in place of its original rear sight. It also accepts all muzzle devices, and can be fitted with a cheek pad for reduced scope sway or rifle bullet loops for quicker reloads. It fires the "7.62mm" ammunition; while Wehrmacht-manufactured rifles were historically chambered in 7.92x57mm Mauser, many post-war Karabiner 98ks were indeed rechambered in 7.62x51mm NATO by the militaries of countries such as Israel and Norway. The player will reload the rifle with individual cartridges when there are rounds left in the magazine, but use stripper clips if all rounds are expended from the weapon.
The M24 SWS appears in the game as the "M24", and as of the May 2018 update, can now be found as a rare world loot spawn instead of "Care Packages". It can be equipped with a muzzle attachments, all the sights and scopes, as well as magazines and a cheek pad. Extended magazines increases its capacity of 5 rounds to 7 rounds. It fires the "7.62mm" ammunition.
The Mosin Nagant Rifle was added to the game in Update 7.1 as the "Mosin-Nagant" and fires "7.62" ammunition. It can be found in equal measure as the Kar98k in all maps as it has the same stats as well as attachment options. It can mount all of the sights, as it will mount picatinny rail above the original rear sight. It also accepts all muzzle devices, and can be fitted with a cheek pad for reduced scope sway or rifle bullet loops for quicker reloads. The player will reload the rifle with individual cartridges when there are rounds left in the magazine, but use stripper clips if all rounds are expended from the weapon.
The QBU-88 is a designated marksman rifle added in the July 2018 update and appears in the game simply as the "QBU" and fires "5.56mm" ammunition, probably standing-in for its native 5.8x42mm ammunition (although its exported cousin, the KBU-97A is chambered in NATO 5.56x45mm). It is an exclusive world spawn to the Sanhok map (replacing the Ruger Mini-14 there) and comes with an attached bipod by default which promotes higher stability when prone. It can also be equipped with all the muzzle devices, sights as well as an extended magazine increasing its capacity from 10 rounds to 20 rounds.
The VSS Vintorez appears in the game simply as "VSS" and as of the July 2017 update, can only be found as a rare loot spawn instead of "Care Packages". It is classified as a designated marskman rifle, therefore it can only be equipped with a cheek pad and AR/DMR or SR magazine attachments, as it comes with its integrated suppressor and a fixed PSO-1-1 scope. It also has semi-auto and full-auto firing modes. Extended magazines increases its capacity of 10 rounds to 20 rounds. It fires the same "9MM" ammunition as the Beretta 92 or the 9mm Vector, even though it uses 9x39mm ammunition in real life.
The Degtyaryov DP-28 machine gun appears in the 1.0 release version of the game and can be found as a uncommon loot spawn exclusive to the map, Erangel. It is chambered in "7.62mm" ammunition in a 47-round pan magazine, and can only accept scopes up to a 6X magnification.
The M249-E2 SAW appears in-game as the "M249", and fires the "5.56MM" ammunition from a 75-round belt pouch. Prior to Update 39, this weapon could only be found in crates and only accepted optics up to the 6x scope, but can now accept magazine and tactical stock attachments. Extended mags give it a 150-round plastic box, while the tactical stock turns it into the Para variant. While in reality the cloth pouches and plastic boxes can hold 100 and 200 rounds respectively, the capacity was most likely reduced for gameplay balance purposes.
The MG3 is a light-machine gun introduced in Update 8.2 under its real name and fires "7.62" ammunition. It has two firing modes; a slower 660 rpm and a faster 990 rpm, reloads from 75-round belts in a drum and is only available from Care Package drops in all maps. It can only be equipped with sights up to 6X.
The Panzerfaust was added to the game in Update 6.3 in April 2020. It is specifically the Panzerfaust 100, as evidenced by the "100m" writing on the warhead. It occupies a main weapon slot but only fires one shot before completely discarding the spent tube. The warhead has a smaller explosion radius than most other explosives in-game, but deals heavy damage and has a back-blast radius of 3 meters behind the shooter.
The M67 appears in game simply as the "Frag Grenade".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM67 hand grenadeInventory icon of the "Frag Grenade".Error creating thumbnail: File missingA world spawn of a "Frag Grenade", with its prospective owner standing by.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA "Frag Grenade" floats on a player's belt. Note the relatively accurate markings on the fragmentation coat.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA player attempts to throw his "Frag Grenade". Note while the detached safety pin is present on his left hand, the world model still has yet another pin attached to it. The same issue occurs with the safety lever if the player decide to cook the grenade.Old Early Access menu screen showing an M67 frag grenade on top of an ammo box (top right).
M18 Smoke Grenade
The M18 smoke grenade appears ingame simply as the "Smoke Grenade". Unlike the actual grenade, the M18 ingame is only available in white smoke.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM84 stun grenadeThe inventory icon of the M84 stun grenade.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA world spawn of a "Stun Grenade". Note the markings almost accurate to the image above.The old Early Access menu screen showing M84 stun grenades on top of an ammo box (left).
Unusable Weapons
Heckler & Koch GMG
Pillar Armoured Vans with several mounted Heckler & Koch GMGs, each on a CROWS-like system can be seen patrolling the streets of Haven, a season-exclusive map. A total of three such launchers are mounted on each Armoured Van; one on the roof, two within the side ports. Upon detecting any player out in the open, it will redirect one of its mounted launchers to fire at the target continuously until they move out of sight or are killed. The launcher does not appear to be loaded with the usual explosive rounds; it fires solid projectiles that does rather anaemic damage per shot, considering its 40mm caliber.
A Pillar Apache with a mounted M230 Chain Gun can be seen patrolling around Haven, a season-exclusive map. However does not fire; instead the mounted searchlight locks onto any visible player below it, redirecting any nearby Armoured Vans to move in and engage the marked target.
The Heckler & Koch UMP appeared in the game as "UMP-9", and was chambered in "9mm" ammunition, with the magazine being appropriately curved. It could be fitted with foregrips or a laser sight, all muzzle devices and magazine variants, as well as all sights up to the 4x scope. Extended magazines raised the magazine size to 40 cartridges from its original 30. As of the March 2019 Update #27, the UMP-9 was wholly replaced with its .45 ACP brother, the UMP45.
The Micro Uzi appeared in the game under its proper name, and was chambered in "9mm" ammunition. It could be fitted with all muzzle devices, magazine variants and a stock, which is a unique attachment for the Uzi. Extended magazines raised the magazine size to 35 cartridges from its original 25. In the Season 4.1 Update, it was wholly replaced with its modern incarnation, the IWI Uzi Pro, allowing it to accept red dot and holographic sights. Despite the presence of an accessory rail below the barrel, the game did not allow lower rail attachments to be used with this weapon.