Homefront (2011 VG): Difference between revisions
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Homefront (2011 VG): Difference between revisions
The [[FN SCAR|FN SCAR-H]] appears in game in a fictional light machine gun configuration seemingly modeled after the [[MG36]], using a 100-round double-drum magazine (75 in multiplayer) and equipped with a Grippod foregrip/bipod.
The [[FN SCAR|FN SCAR-H]] appears in game in a fictional light machine gun configuration seemingly modeled after the [[MG36]], using a 100-round double-drum magazine (75 in multiplayer) and equipped with a Grippod foregrip/bipod.
[[Image:2fff2537c0.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Third Generation Fabrique National SCAR-H CQC - 7.62x51mm NATO.]]
[[Image:SCAR-H CQC.jpg|thumb|none|400px|Third Generation Fabrique National SCAR-H CQC - 7.62x51mm NATO.]]
[[Image:Homefront-SCAR-H.jpg|thumb|none|601px|Jacobs holds the first "SCAR-H LMG" in ''Homefront's'' campaign, equipped with a "Mk 1 Red Dot Sight." While Allied Armaments made a 50-round single drum for the SCAR, this 100-round double drum was entirely fictional at the time of the game's release; Beta Co. would later release such a magazine in 2012.]]
[[Image:Homefront-SCAR-H.jpg|thumb|none|601px|Jacobs holds the first "SCAR-H LMG" in ''Homefront's'' campaign, equipped with a "Mk 1 Red Dot Sight." While Allied Armaments made a 50-round single drum for the SCAR, this 100-round double drum was entirely fictional at the time of the game's release; Beta Co. would later release such a magazine in 2012.]]
[[Image:Homefront-SCAR-H-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Later in the game, he encounters one in all-over green camo, with the same dot sight.]]
[[Image:Homefront-SCAR-H-1.jpg|thumb|none|600px|Later in the game, he encounters one in all-over green camo, with the same dot sight.]]
Homefront is a first-person shooter for the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 that is set in the year 2027 following a series of economic calamities that have turned America into a bankrupt former power and allowed an invasion by a new Asian superpower led by North Korea. The story follows a pilot called Jacobs who is broken out of a prisoner transport by the American resistance and becomes involved in a plot to assist the US Army in their planned re-taking of San Francisco.
The original scenario of Homefront was written by John Milius, who co-wrote the films Apocalypse Now and Magnum Force and wrote and directed the original Red Dawn (1984). The game borrows most of its story elements from the latter film. According to ex-Kaos Studios staff, reports that he was the actual writer on the game are not true, however: primary writing was done by a staff member whose name was removed from the credits in the hope of trading on Milius' name.
Homefront uses a standard two-slot weapon system where the player can carry any two different weapons ("different" in this case including two of the same weapon as long as the two have different upgrades), as well as up to four grenades and four blocks of remote-detonated C4 explosive. The game is unusually (and unrealistically) strict with its ammunition system; none of the five STANAG 5.56mm weapons can exchange ammunition with one another, instead each being treated as totally incompatible; for example, if the player has a SCAR-L they can only gain ammunition for it by picking up another SCAR-L. Even if the player has two of the same weapon with different optics, they are treated as having non-interchangeable ammo reserves; one can be totally empty and the other totally full. Even the Masterkey and Remington 870 Express are unable to share shotgun shells.
The game features an attempt at authentic reloading animations; there are separate animations for mid-magazine reloads where the magazine is swapped out without additional actions, while reloading an empty weapon with a bolt release will show the player operating it instead of the common pointless racking of the charging handle. Like Black, Homefront speeds up reload animations if the player is under fire.
In common with many modern shooters, weapons mounting any kind of optic are shown with their front and often also their rear iron sights removed, even if the weapon mounts folding sights which would normally simply be folded down.
Beretta M9
The Beretta M9 is the game's only sidearm, and is used by all factions, though rarely seen in singleplayer; it is given to the player as a starting weapon in some missions, but since the game uses a standard two-weapon system with no dedicated sidearm slot it is unlikely to be kept for very long. It holds 15 rounds in the magazine.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta M9 - 9x19mm. US Military-issue 92FS.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds an M9 as he makes his way through the tunnels linking the Resistance base, "Oasis," to the outside world.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs reloads his M9. This particular animation is only used if the gun is totally empty; the slide does not simply lock open magically when the magazine is dropped.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the second mission, Jacobs finds a weapon cache in an abandoned school, with weapons hung up on this board and placed on a bench nearby; the entire top row of the weapons on the board are M9s. Curiously, it doesn't seem possible to pick them up.
Submachine Guns
TDI Vector
The TDI Vector appears in the game, modelled on the Vector prototype and named the "Super V SMG." It is classified as a submachine gun along with the PWS Diablo and uses 30-round magazines (reduced to 26 in multiplayer). It is very infrequent in singleplayer, only really common in the last level when it is seen in the hands of heavily armoured Korean soldiers.
The M4A1, called "M4 Rifle" in-game, is extremely common in all stages of the game, used equally by the Resistance, US Army, survivalists and the KPA; it is also the weapon of choice for the character Connor Morgan. As in the modern installments of the Call of Duty franchise, mounting optics removes not only the front sight but also the entire gas block, which would turn the weapon into a straight-pull bolt action rifle. In single player it holds only 20 rounds, despite being modeled with a standard 30-round magazine. It has high accuracy, range and relatively fast reload speed, but fairly low damage.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 Carbine with 4 position collapsible stock - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds an M4A1 as he attempts to make the final run to the helicopter during the fifth level. "Attempts" being the operative word here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe first M4A1 in the game is this one, found near a former gas station now used as a Korean fueling station and equipped with a "Mk 1 Holo Scope."Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the second level, Jacobs comes across this camouflaged M4 equipped with a "Mk 3 ACOG Scope." As with several recent games, Homefront treats "ACOG" as a generic term for low-magnification tube reflex sights, with none of the three scope models resembling any of Trijicon's product line.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring an earlier part of the fifth level, Jacobs reloads an M4A1 with a "Mk 1 ACOG Scope" and suppressor. Note the fire selector is always on semi, even though the weapon is fully automatic only; also note "BLUE4" on the side of the receiver, as seen in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. This stands for "Blue Forces," meaning the US Army, and is essentially the opposite of "OpFor;" however, it's found on uncamouflaged M4s regardless of which faction they belonged to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingConnor Morgan refuses to respect Jacobs' personal space, showing off the in-world model of the M4A1. The M4A1 is the weapon of choice for both Connor and the group's Korean-American tech, Hopper Lee.
The M16A4 is treated as if it is a designated marksman's rifle, being a powerful and accurate semi-automatic only weapon rather than the assault rifle it actually is. Called simply "M16 Rifle". Again, the weapon is shown with a 30-round magazine but only holds 20 rounds, and the gas block is removed when the weapon mounts optics.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16A4 Rifle - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs uses an M16A4 to defend a house from Koreans trying to stop a woman yelling about her baby every ten seconds, during the first level of Homefront's campaign. This one is equipped with an ELCAN-like "Mk 1 ACOG Scope" with an illuminated BUS mounted on top.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a jungle camo M16A4 fitted with a "Mk 1 Holo Scope" and a suppressor as he watches a group of Koreans gracefully fly through the air during the game's second level. The suppressor model is generic, and is also used by the CheyTac M200 Intervention encountered later in the campaign.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn-world model of the same M16A4 at the abandoned school. Note that the in-world model of the M16A4 has the barrel set much too low down and an undersized front sight; the sights would clearly be impossible to line up on this weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn a stock footage shot from the intro, a soldier aims an M16A4 rifle with a rail handguard, ELCAN scope and M203.
Soldiers advance past a 105mm M101A1 howitzer with M16A1 rifles during the game's intro. This footage is taken from the straight-to-video film The Hunt for Eagle One, and the extras are actual members of the Philippine Army and Marine Corps.
The FN SCAR-L is called "SCAR-L Rifle" in the game, rather redundantly since the "R" in SCAR already stands for "Rifle." It is a relatively uncommon weapon in singleplayer, used more or less exclusively by Korean forces. It fires in incredibly fast three-round bursts instead of full-auto; incorrect, since real FN SCARs don't have burst fire capability. The functionality seems to be based on Left 4 Dead 2's SCAR. There is also a significant delay between bursts, no matter how fast the player is hitting the button to fire.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThird-Generation FN SCAR-L - 5.56x45mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA vanilla SCAR-L rifle with no optics, modifications or camo. The generally low ammo reserves of Homefront's weapons make the SCAR difficult to use, since it uses up ammunition three times faster per trigger pull than the other guns.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a desert camo SCAR-L with a "Mk 1 ACOG Scope" as he examines the not-particularly-damaged wreckage of an airliner that crashed following the Korean EMP attack.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn-world model of the SCAR-L at the abandoned school. Note the pickup icon shows it with a front vertical grip that the actual weapon model does not have. The M4A1 pickup icon shares this issue.
Magpul Masada (pre-release)
The Magpul Masada was shown in pre-release trailers as the "ACR Rifle." It can be identified as a Masada by the charging handle being further back than the final ACR model: it is otherwise configured as an ACR Basic Folder. It was replaced by an actual ACR in the final release.
The Bushmaster ACR is used by both American and Korean forces in the game. The game calls it the "ACR Rifle," presumably meaning it is the Adaptive Combat Rifle Rifle. It is very similar to the M4, though with higher damage and slightly higher recoil.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBushmaster ACR Carbine - 5.56 x 45mm / 7.62 x 39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds an ACR with a "Mk 1 ACOG Scope" as he waits for Connor to give him permission to cross the street. Seriously.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFor the final assault on the Golden Gate Bridge, Jacobs gets this ACR equipped with a BSA-based "Mk 2 ACOG Scope" and M203. Here the squadron of MH-6 "Little Bird" helicopters has come under attack from a pair of Russian-designed Su-47 Berkut fighters which the Koreans have for some reason.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a PWS Diablo with a "Mark 3 Holo Scope" as he examines the in-world model of the ACR. Note the ACR's iron sights, even though the pickup icon says it has a holographic sight; in-world models of weapons never depict them with optional optics, though they do show suppressors and camo patterns.
The Norinco QBZ-03 assault rifle is used exclusively by Korean soldiers and the player. Its in-game name is "T3AK". Oddly, it was referred to by its actual name in the tie-in novel Homefront: The Voice of Freedom, which was co-written by Milius.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingQBZ-03 - 5.8x42mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a QBZ-03 equipped with a "Mk 3 Red Dot Sight" during the first level. Confusingly enough, the dot on this one is actually blue.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFinishing off reloading a jungle camo QBZ-03 equipped with an M203 and a "Mk 2 Holo Scope." Note the M203 is mounted much too far forward to use the rifle's magazine as a grip.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe arsenal at the abandoned school includes this QBZ-03. Precisely what's supposed to be holding the guns up is unclear, especially since picking up a weapon puts the swapped weapon in its place on the board no matter what shape it is.
PWS MK107 Diablo
The PWS Diablo appears for the first time in Homefront; the game refers to it as "PWS Diablo SMG," and the weapon is depicted as a low-damage, high rate-of-fire submachine gun rather than the compact 5.56mm assault rifle it actually is. It is always fitted with a short vertical front grip, and also features Magpul XTM rail covers in black and beige and an ACE M4 SOCOM Stock. The weapon appears as a result of a promotional deal between PWS and Kaos, and is both very common in game and promoted by in-game advertising billboards; it's also the weapon of choice for the character Rianna.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingPWS Diablo - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a PWS Diablo with a "Mk 2 Red Dot Sight" during the game's first level. Like the Mk 3, this sight is oddly named, since the dot is green.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA PWS Diablo with the basic H&K-style iron sights and camo.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the PWS Diablo. The weapon always has a front grip, and as with the M4 the fire selector is always on semi even though the weapon is fully automatic only.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs finds a cache of weaponry at the base of one of the Golden Gate Bridge's towers, including this PWS Diablo. Note the Diablo's front grip is missing and the M16A4 in front of him has an invisible Masterkey attached to it; as with optics, underbarrel accessories are not shown on in-world models.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRianna holds her signature PWS Diablo as she reveals her phobia of doorknobs.
The FN SCAR-H appears in game in a fictional light machine gun configuration seemingly modeled after the MG36, using a 100-round double-drum magazine (75 in multiplayer) and equipped with a Grippod foregrip/bipod.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThird Generation Fabrique National SCAR-H CQC - 7.62x51mm NATO.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds the first "SCAR-H LMG" in Homefront's campaign, equipped with a "Mk 1 Red Dot Sight." While Allied Armaments made a 50-round single drum for the SCAR, this 100-round double drum was entirely fictional at the time of the game's release; Beta Co. would later release such a magazine in 2012.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLater in the game, he encounters one in all-over green camo, with the same dot sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the SCAR-H shows the deployed bipod of the Grippod fitted to the weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn the final level, Jacobs can find this special SCAR-H equipped with a "Mk 3 ACOG Scope" and camo that will be very useful if he has to hide in a room full of giraffes.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn-world model of the SCAR-H, sitting up on its double drum as it defends the stars and stripes. As with the PWS' front grip, the in-world model of the SCAR-H has no Grippod.
The "XM10" is a fictional prototype assault rifle found only in multiplayer. It resembles a bizarre cross between a number of modern rifles, most obviously the Heckler & Koch XM8 and Heckler & Koch G36.
A Remington 870 Express with RealTree camo and a ShurShot stock is granted to anyone who pre-ordered the game through GameStop. It's also seen occasionally during the singleplayer campaign, both with and without camo. It's fitted with a rail mount above the receiver and a spare shell holder; the former never mounts anything, and the latter is never used. The player character does not operate the pump if they are aiming down the sight (or rather looking along the empty rail mount, as the weapon has no iron sight), and the spent casing is never ejected at the right time; sometimes it comes out before the pump is actually operated, while the rest of the time it ejects only after the entire animation of operating the pump has finished.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington Model 870 Express ShurShot Synthetic Cantilever - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs finds a Remington 870 Express in a deserted supermarket. It seems to have gone moldy.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the fourth level, Jacobs uses an uncamouflaged Remington 870 Express during a slow-motion breaching sequence. Note the upside-down shell in the holder; while this makes little sense on a shotgun that only uses buckshot, some real life tactical shotgun operators use this to quickly ID special rounds, like breaching rounds, on their shell holders.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPickup icon of the Remington 870 Express, showing it to be a ShurShot Synthetic Cantilever.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe in-world model of the Remington. When the weapon is uncamouflaged the furnishings are shown to be wood or wood-effect, despite the ShurShot stock being synthetic.
Knight's Armament MasterKey
A Knight's Armament Masterkey is available as an attachment for assault rifles. In singleplayer it is extremely rare; since only another Masterkey counts as ammunition for it, this means it is never particularly useful.
The Knight's Armament SR-25, called "M110 Sniper" in-game, is the game's main sniper rifle and is used primarily by the player in the campaign. It isn't an actual M110 because it lacks the M110's ambidextrous controls. It is shown with a capacity of 10 rounds despite being modeled with a 20-round magazine, and is correctly shown as a semi-auto. It uses a scope with a Horus-style reticle grid.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKnight's Armament SR-25 with suppressor and Harris bipod - 7.62x51mm NATO (Note magazine design and lack of forward assist, an important difference between the SR-25 and the 5.56x45mm Mk 12 SPR)Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the game's third level, Jacobs holds an SR-25 as he watches the second white phosphorous round from Hopper's M120 mortar; it ends up heading right towards him. At various times Hopper claims the weapon "jammed" and "misfired" to explain this shot being so far off, but being operated by a rank amateur can't have helped matters.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLater he uses the same weapon to protect the semi-autonomous drone Goliath from Koreans with EMP rocket launchers. For some reason, these only temporarily disable the drone.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe SR-25 features a complex but meaningless reticle grid, since windage and bullet drop are not factors that need to be compensated for at any point during the game. Note that the area outside the scope is magnified just as much as the area inside: this also occurs with the game's "ACOG" scopes and the scope of the Panzerfaust 3.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs picks up an SR-25 from the floor of a van at the start of the third level after being told it's beside him, apparently having not noticed it during the entire ride. Unlike the other weapons with bipods, the SR-25's is always shown folded.
Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention
The Cheyenne Tactical M-200 Intervention appears as "M200 Sniper" in Homefront. The weapon has a 5-round capacity, and is only encountered in two levels in singleplayer; throughout the Survivalist Camp level and once at the very end of the Golden Gate Bridge level. In both cases, it's fitted with a variable magnification scope, and in the Survivalist Camp level it appears in it also mounts a device which is a "silencer" in the most literal sense of the term, able to muffle the sound of the massive .408 cal rifle to the sound of a mouse coughing. Regardless of modifications, the weapon is always shown with the carrying handle under the barrel removed.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCheyTac M-200 - .408 CheyTac.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJabobs holds a suppressed M200 as he assaults the survivalist camp in Homefront's fifth level. All but one of the M200s in the campaign are fitted with suppressors, and they are only seen on this level and the final one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs uses his M200 to sight up a survivalist who has somehow got his hands on a Panzerfaust 3 which fires homing anti-aircraft missiles. The in game sight is digital with two zoom settings and an automatic rangefinder; like the reticle grid on the M110, the latter is useless since range-related bullet behaviour never has to be accounted for.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn interesting shot shows how the scope is programmed; as the rifle model's scope is bought to the player character's eye, a reticle overlay is placed over the screen and the rifle model deleted. However, the M200's reticle overlay appears a frame too early, resulting in the odd sight of looking through the scope at the scope for a split second. Note also that the rifle model hasn't been magnified from looking down the scope even though the rest of the field of view has.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs operates the bolt of his M200; this is the version given at the start of the level, and has digital camouflage.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the M200 is done without the aid of bullets. As with the SCAR-H, the bipod is always shown deployed, but has no actual effect in-game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn-world model of the suppressed M200, showing the suppressor attaches over the barrel rather than to the end of it.
Machine Guns
M249-E2 SAW
The M249-E2 SAW, called "M249 LMG" in-game, acts as the standard light machine gun for all factions, and is used by the character Boone. It feeds from the smaller 100-round cloth ammo drums, and has relatively heavy recoil when fired in sustained bursts. As is often the case in games, the developers clearly did not know the correct way to open the feed cover; the player character simply flips it open by gripping it near the front, never operating the latches at the rear of the cover.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM249-E2 SAW - upgraded M249 with heat shield and full synthetic Stock - 5.56x45mm with 200 round ammo drum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs holds a vanilla M249-E2 SAW during the game's first level.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHe soon discovers a better one, though, using it to face down one of Korea's fearsome invisible walls. This version has what the game calls "digital circuit" camo and a "Mk1 ACOG Scope."Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading the SAW; Jacobs simply pulls the feed cover open, without ever touching the latches.Error creating thumbnail: File missingConnor Morgan checks Boone's M249-E2 SAW before handing it to him. Since the in-world model doesn't have a detachable drum, he mimes the entire procedure of loading it. The in-world model also has no bipod; the player model doesn't appear to have one either.
Mounted weapons
Browning M2
The Browning M2 can be seen mounted on US MBTs and some "Humvee" light trucks.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning M2HB on vehicle mount - .50 BMG.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA pair of Humvees with low-detail M2HBs can be seen at the start of Homefront's final level.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother M2HB can be seen mounted on the Remote Weapon Station of the M1A3 Abrams leading the American column on the Golden Gate Bridge. The A3 variant is currently still being designed, so the game's variant is basically a work of fiction.
M240C Machine Gun
The Army's M1A3 tanks mount a single RWS with a Browning M2 rather than the modern version's commander's M2 and loader's M240; however, their coaxial M240C machine gun is still visible mounted next to the main M256 120mm smoothbore cannon.
The General Dynamics GAU-19/A is the standard heavy mounted weapon in the game; they are seen mounted on Korean and American "Humvee" light trucks, as well as on the "AH-700" scout helicopters (actually MH-6 "Little Birds") used by the Resistance and the US Army.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGAU-19A - .50 BMGError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Humvees used by Korean and American forces throughout the game are all armed with GAU-19s; luckily, this one is on Jacobs' side.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEscaping from Montrose, Jacobs mans the GAU-19 of a Korean Humvee to take on the roadblock. The two unlit lights on either side of the gunshield turn red if a missile has locked on to the vehicle, which mounts a rather vaguely defined ECM system for this very eventuality.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe entire fifth level is based around gaining access to this MH-6 "Little Bird" helicopter, equipped with rockets and twin GAU-19s. Jacobs was bought along because he happens to be a pilot.
GE M61 Vulcan
The GE M61 Vulcan is seen mounted on the excavator-like arms of Korean sentry gun towers. These are about the most "gamey" weapon in Homefront, with an ammo box that would be good for about ten seconds of continuous fire and shown as dealing about as much damage as assault rifles; they're also incapable of penetrating the fearsome armour of a derelict RV.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingGE M61 Vulcan - 20mm. The game's version features a shortened, untapered barrel cluster.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs encounters a sentry tower during the second level; he's told to destroy these by targeting the "propane tank" on the back, which produces a colossal explosion that disables the entire device. Precisely what the tank in question is actually for aside from destroying the tower is never gone into.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe M61 Vulcan mounting of a fallen sentry gun; the device below the receiver produces the searchlight, though the weapons are supposedly radar controlled.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStock footage from the introduction shows a group of soldiers fast-roping from an out-of-shot helicopter with an M61 VADS installation in-shot. This is supposedly the Korean invasion of Hawaii, which it seems was carried out using the novel tactic of attacking a series of places which are clearly not Hawaii.Error creating thumbnail: File missingApparently Korea even deployed Blue Thunder during their invasion of America!
Mounted M249-E2 SAW
The game's multiplayer-only "Wolverine" tracked drones mount a heavily modified M249-E2 SAW in a remote-operated installation.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM249-E2 SAW - upgraded M249 with heat shield and full synthetic Stock - 5.56x45mm with 200 round ammo drum.The "Wolverine" drone. The weapon clearly has the handguard and barrel of an M249-E2 SAW, with the heat shield extended.
QJG-02 Heavy Machine Gun
The drone vehicle "Goliath," based on the US MULE and CRUSHER UGCV prototypes, is armed with a pop-up weapon station fitted with a reloadable quad missile tube and what appears to be a Chinese QJG-02 heavy machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingChinese QJG-02 heavy machine gun on AA mount - 14.5mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA shot of the side of Goliath's pop-up weapon station, showing the HMG's fluted barrel and muzzle brake. The RWS hides any detail below the barrel.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of Goliath's weapon station, showing a large drum magazine at the top of the installation. The flat block below the gun is the four missile tubes, arranged side-by-side.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Goliath fires its machine gun (described in game as a "50 cal") automatically, but the missiles are guided using this targeting monocular.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGoliath opens fire on a Korean Humvee during the game's first level.
Norinco QJC-88
A Norinco QJC-88 can be seen mounted on the Korean faction's Chinese-designed Type 99 main battle tanks.
Stock footage in the game's introduction shows an AH-1W SuperCobra attack helicopter equipped with an M197 Vulcan firing rockets, depicting this as part of the Korean assault on America.
Further stock footage in the introduction shows two Russian Mi-24 "Hind" gunships armed with chin mounted Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B four-barrel rotary guns.
Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B - 12.7x108mmError creating thumbnail: File missingAfter weeks of being assaulted with stock footage of vehicles that Korea never uses in the actual game, America had no choice but to surrender.
Type 90 Anti-Aircraft Gun
Two Type 90 anti-aircraft guns, Chinese licensed copies of the Oerlikon GDF-002 35mm twin AA gun, are seen in the game's final level mounted on heavy 8x8 trucks on a raised platform in the middle of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingType 90, a licensed Chinese copy of the Oerlikon GDF-002 twin AA gun on a Dong Feng 6x6 truck - 35mmError creating thumbnail: File missingHomefront's Type 90s are mounted in fully automated turrets, presumably in order to avoid shooting the gun crews being an option; instead, the player has to protect Hopper Lee while he hacks their fire control system.
M203 Grenade Launcher
The M203 grenade launcher is the only such device in the game, despite that Homefront takes place long after the weapon is due to be retired in favour of the Heckler & Koch M320. The launcher mounts a laser module for use with the game's fictional airburst grenades, and can also fire EMP rounds; in singleplayer, however, it is restricted to standard HE only. It is incorrectly shown with a zero arming distance (real M203 grenades arm only after traveling a certain distance), and has no usable sight, instead just changing the HUD's usual crosshair to a grenade launcher ranging sight. The way the launcher is mounted to the QBZ-03 would make it extremely difficult to use, since the trigger is nowhere near the magazine and would have to be pulled without any kind of grip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM203 grenade launcher 40mmError creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs readies the M203 attached to his ACR during Homefront's final level. Note the HUD's usual crosshair changes to a grenade launching sight, since this weapon has no iron sight.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs uses the M203 on his Norinco QBZ-03 to destroy a Korean sentry tower during the second level. The reloading animation begins immediately on firing the weapon; note that there is no model for a spent casing and so the round that falls out is unfired.
Armbrust ATW (pre-release)
In very early pre-release versions of Homefront the Armbrust ATW appears to have been the game's rocket launcher. It is replaced by the Panzerfaust 3 in the final version.
Used by all sides in game, the Panzerfaust 3 can fire HEAT or multiplayer-only proximity detonated warheads; the proximity version features a different scope, along with a tube that extends further in front of the handguard and is colored similarly to a Mk 153 Mod 0 SMAW, though it retains the Panzerfaust 3's grips. During the stage set in the survivalist farm, enemies are seen using Panzerfaust 3s with guided anti-aircraft projectiles, but these are never available to the player; neither are the EMP warheads used by Korean forces during the second level. It is referred to simply as the "RPG Launcher." The game's multiplayer menu incorrectly describes it as a disposable launcher; the Panzerfaust 3 is a reusable launcher.
An FGM-148 Javelin, called the "AAWS-M launcher" ("awesome launcher," though this is not their pun: rather, it is the name of the initial Army request for the weapon, an acronym of Advanced Anti-tank Weapon System - Medium), is used at the very end of the campaign to shoot down an enemy helicopter. This appears to be the only time it can be used. The launcher is shown firing directly at targets; this is incorrect, since while the Javelin does have a direct fire mode, even this mode's flight path starts with a rapid climb.
FGM-148 Javelin - 127mm.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHolding his ridiculously blinged SCAR-H, Jacobs encounters the campaign's sole Javelin launcher during the final level, quickly realising this means he's about to fight some form of boss.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSure enough, a Chinese-designed WZ-10 attack helicopter soon shows up to make his life miserable.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBut standing in Jacobs' way is never a smart thing to do.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Javelin halfway through a reload; unusually for a game, Homefront actually depicts the Javelin being reloaded correctly, with Jacobs detaching the CLU from the spent tube and attaching it to a new tube.
M67 Hand Grenade
All grenades in Homefront are M67 hand grenades, though the player's HUD icon shows an egg-shaped M26 hand grenade; they are used by all factions, including the survivalists who apparently stockpiled an enormous number of grenades somehow. The throw animation shows Jacobs miming pulling the pin but not actually doing so, then throwing the grenade with the pin still in it; it apparently explodes out of pity. The animation frequently glitches and shows Jacobs' hand empty throughout, meaning the grenade simply appears in front of him.
M67 hand grenade, Homefront's grenade model.Error creating thumbnail: File missingM26 Hand Grenade, Homefront's HUD icon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs picks up a stack of equipment as he heads out of the resistance stronghold, "Oasis;" an M9 pistol, M4A1, combat knife, radio earpiece and four M67 hand grenades. Being an FPS protagonist, he picks up all eight items at once, and without using his hands.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGardening in Oasis apparently requires some fairly unorthodox tools.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs can't help thinking he's forgotten to do something important as he throws the grenade.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOut of options, Jacobs attempts to destroy a sentry tower with his deadly imaginary grenade.
C4 explosives are the game's second thrown weapon, and are shown as a roughly cube-shaped object made of six bright red blocks held together with a black band with the detonator placed on top. Blocks are thrown like grenades, all currently placed blocks being detonated when the fire button is pressed next; the explosions are hugely powerful, even able to deal substantial damage to vehicles. They are only needed once in singleplayer, to destroy a Korean LAV-25 IFV during the first level, and rarely seen in usable form after that. However, C4 explosives are mentioned several more times by other characters and set on various objects to destroy them, most notably a large section of a bridge during the mission "Overwatch."
Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs finds a cache of bright red C4 explosives during Homefront's first level, logically stashed on the second floor of a building the Koreans have no intention of destroying.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThanking his lucky stars, he quickly sets about throwing the blocks out of the nearest window at a Korean LAV-25 that seems in little hurry to end this stupid behaviour. The throw animation doesn't show Jacobs' hand actually opening for several frames after this one, despite the C4 block already being on screen; it seems to have just thrown itself and left Jacobs trying to act like it was his idea.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving placed the required three blocks, Jacobs whips out the detonator...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...And demonstrates that the LAV's armour offers no protection against low-resolution explosions.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe explosion from the C4 was apparently so powerful it totally destroyed anything resembling surface detail and turned the LAV into this blocky whatsit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDuring the helicopter piloting mission "Overwatch," Jacobs is called upon to defend three stolen fuel tankers while Hopper Lee sets C4 charges on a bridge to stop the convoy being followed by Korean vehicles, a task which for some reason also requires them to be marked with enormous flashing red lights.
M30 Mortar
At the resistance base "Oasis," a schematic of an M30 mortar is seen on a board in a back room. This is odd, considering the mortar the resistance actually take delivery of is not an M30, nor is such a weapon ever seen during the campaign.
Boone's resistance cell takes delivery of an M120 mortar during the game's second level, as part of a deal with another cell; Connor apparently "sweetened the deal" and the weapon is supplied with white phosphorous rounds. Hopper Lee fires this weapon twice from outside the playable area at Korean forces in the parking lot of the third level's supermarket; the second round apparently misfires and hits mostly American forces near the player's location.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM120 Mortar - 120mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe M120 mortar seen in the back of a van left behind as part of a deal between Boone's resistance cell and the Gunnison cell, along with a set of white phosphorous rounds.Error creating thumbnail: File missingJacobs finds himself sitting next to the M120 at the start of the third level as he heads out to find some Korean fuel tankers.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCloseup of the white phosphorous rounds; these appear to be M370 WP rounds. These 81mm rounds would hardly work well with the 120mm M120.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStill, Hopper apparently finds a way. For all the importance that's given to the mortar in the second and third levels, and despite it being provided with several dozen rounds, it only actually fires twice during the entire campaign.Error creating thumbnail: File missing...This being the second time. Luckily, the WP rounds are apparently designed specifically to create a huge area of destruction except for a player-sized channel in the middle. Seemingly, a mortar shell about a foot long is capable of containing about half a ton of white phosphorous.
M65 Atomic Cannon & W9 Nuclear Artillery Shell
During the introduction, a doctored version of Operation Upshot-Knothole's nuclear test "Grable" is shown as a Korean nuclear test. The W9 round both is a gun and was fired from one; much like the "Little Boy" device dropped on Hiroshima, the W9 nuclear round was built from a modified antiaircraft gun that fired one subcritical mass at the other.