Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns: Difference between revisions
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns: Difference between revisions - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
Hot Dogs, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades/Shotguns: Difference between revisions
The [[Kel-Tec KSG]] was added in Update #90. Due to the shotgun's dual magazine tube feed system, this gun had been difficult to implement; nonetheless, the in-game version faithfully represents the ability to feed from either tube, and even load one in the chamber by setting the magazine selector switch in the middle position.
[[File:Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun Oleg Volk 1.jpg|thumb|none|450px|Kel-Tec KSG Gen 1 with Magpul RVG foregrip - 12 gauge]]
[[File:Kel-Tec KSG Shotgun Oleg Volk 1.jpg|thumb|none|450px|Kel-Tec KSG Gen 1 with Magpul RVG foregrip - 12 gauge]]
Shotguns in H3 are split into four categories, based primarily on their feeding/reloading system; there are break-actions, tube-fed shotguns, and shotguns that feed from detachable magazines. The exception to this is the Winchester Model 1887 in all its forms; this is instead placed in its own category of lever-action shotguns.
Baikal MP-155K
Added in the firearms drop in Update #59's ninth alpha build, the Baikal MP-155K (a semi-automatic, magazine-fed sporting shotgun of Russian origin) makes its first documented media appearance in H3VR.
The Benelli M2 Super 90 was added in Update #90. Two variants are available: a "Tactical" version with a fixed stock/pistol grip, a 7-round magazine tube, and an M-LOK handguard with rails attached, and a "Threegun" version with a straight stock, a 28" barrel, and a 10-round magazine tube (the highest capacity of any single shotgun magazine tube in the game); both have aftermarket bolt release buttons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBenelli M2 Super 90 in synthetic straight stock configuration, ghost ring sights - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingBenelli M2 Super 90 with pistol grip stock - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingOut at the range with the M2 Tactical; note that, unlike the reference image, the in-game M2 has a top rail for optics.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIt also has, as mentioned, an aftermarket extended bolt release...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which makes it considerably more convenient to release the bolt after chamber loading a round, as is not being done here.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some additional shells into the magazine tube; one of the other improvements of Update #90 was to the behavior of loading gates, which now only move when pushed in on instead of wobbling around freely like they did before.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLooking through the M2's illuminated ghost-ring sights.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBlasting the newer paper target with some 00 buck.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn case you were doubting that for some reason, here's an image of the ejected shell from a couple frames later. If you were doubting that, I'd also suggest you see a therapist, because you clearly have some deep-seated trust issues likely stemming from some sort of childhood trauma. Oh, and remember: no matter what your older cousin tells you, blue fire is not cold.
The Beretta DT11 is one of the 4 shotguns added in Update #15. Following Update #46, 2 new variants were added - one with a shortened set of barrels, and one with further-shortened barrels and a cut-down stock.
Added in the 2019 Meatmas update, the Daewoo USAS-12 is H3's fourth fully-automatic shotgun, though only its second non-fictional one (and the second one with a stock).
Added with the Return of the Rotweiners gamemode (on October 31st, 2018), the "Four-Letter Word" is a gamemode-exclusive weapon, serving as a reward for a quest involving clearing out a Zosig-infested mine. It is a custom (seemingly homemade) quadruple-barreled break-action shotgun, chambered in 12 gauge.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter a long day of Zosig-killing, a reward is finally at hand.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAdmiring the prize, while pointedly ignoring an NPC's invitation to talk. Note the small lever on the side; this is a fire selector, allowing the weapon to switch between firing one barrel at a time and firing them all at once (along the same lines as an M202 FLASH).Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a close look at the barrel hinge, which shows off the weapon's home-built nature. It's not exactly clear how one is supposed to remove the hex nuts holding the forearm in place.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTaking a look down the barrels, simultaneously showing that they're all fully-modeled inside, and that there's nothing in the center of the cluster.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in some buckshot shells, after getting kicked out of the NPC's house. No four-letter words allowed in his good Christian Minecraft server.Error creating thumbnail: File missingGiving the shotgun's tall, pointy notch-and-post iron sights a try, being sure to hold it at an invisible arm's length. Hey, can't be too careful with non-proofed barrels, especially this many.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFortunately, in spite of the visible corrosion and tool marks, this barrel works just fine.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Eat this."
Hey, what better way to celebrate one barrel working than to confidently deliver a cliché one-liner to a not-yet-dead enemy while firing out of a different un-tested barrel?Error creating thumbnail: File missingLuckily, all 4 barrels are apparently perfectly safe to use, so there's nothing to worry about. Probably.
Franchi SPAS-12
The Franchi SPAS-12 is one of the available firearms in-game, added in Update #24. 2 variants are available - a standard model with a folding stock, and a stockless model with a rail system and spare shell holder. Highly unusually for a video game, the SPAS-12's dual-mode semi-auto/pump-action functionality is depicted in H3, even more unusually with its intended purpose being exploitable (i.e. switching between semi-auto for high-pressure shells and pump-action for low-pressure ones). Unfortunately, however, the switching is performed by a simple touchpad button press on the forward hand's controller, with the pump not ever visibly moving to reflect the change in mode (always being shown in the correct position for pump-action fire, and never moving forward to switch to semi-auto); furthermore, the weapon's loading procedure is simplified, with the real weapon's requirement to hold down the bolt release in order to load shells into the magazine tube being omitted in-game.
The Heckler & Koch FABARM Martial Pro Forces is one of the available firearms in-game. It was the game's first pump-action shotgun, and is tied with the Benelli M4 Super 90 for the game's first 12-gauge shotgun, both having been added in Update #6.
The Kel-Tec KSG was added in Update #90. Due to the shotgun's dual magazine tube feed system, this gun had been difficult to implement; nonetheless, the in-game version faithfully represents the ability to feed from either tube, and even load one in the chamber by setting the magazine selector switch in the middle position.
Day 7 of 2018's Meatmas update added a Russian KS-23 shotgun-carbine, more specifically the pistol-gripped KS-23M variant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingKS-23M - 23x75mmRError creating thumbnail: File missingDay 7's present; for a shotgun this big, you need something a little bit bigger than a rosebox. Note the supposed period of manufacture; while the KS-23 was initially developed (or perhaps began development; sources are a bit inconsistent) in 1971, it wasn't adopted for service until the eighties, and the KS-23M variant wasn't produced until 1990.Error creating thumbnail: File missingExamining the shotgun. The slightly off-color piece on the side is a Soviet-standard dovetail rail, used for mounting sights. This is because AK-pattern rifles and their derivations have detachable upper receiver covers, making them impractical for mounting sights or rails onto. The resulting Eastern-bloc standardization of sight mounting then led to weapons like this with solid receivers also using the same side-mounted rail.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side. Come to think of it, this could make a nice backup for someone fighting for the Imperium of Man. Wonder if anyone makes 2-stage rocket slugs...Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe in-game KS-23M can use 4 different types of shells, based on some of the real weapon's options; this is a "Баррикада" ("Barrikada", Russian for "Barricade") shell, an armor-piercing slug meant for cracking the engine blocks of cars.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, what better to use it on than a fragile wooden board in the shape of a hot dog?Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a shell, after sending the hot dog target's head to the Shadow Realm. And by "the Shadow Realm", we mean an empty Home Depot parking lot at 3:32 in the morning. Either way, it's a different plane of existence.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shell type, the "Шрапнель-25" ("Shrapnel-25"), which consists of buckshot; the "25" denotes a 25-meter effective range.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSo, of course, the ideal target must be...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...a crystal snowflake somewhere way the hell up in the sky. Note the rifle-type sights; while these might seem out of place on a pump-action shotgun, the KS-23 is somewhat unique in that its barrel is completely rifled (being made out of spare ZU-23 anti-aircraft cannon barrels), which gives it good enough accuracy with slugs to justify such a design choice. This also explains its odd designation as a "shotgun-carbine" (being a shotgun for all practical purposes, but a carbine under Russian law due to its rifled barrel), and why a 23mm shell full of buckshot has the effective range of a golf ball.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe two other shells are a bit more unique; this shell, the "Сирень-7" ("Siren-7", or "Lilac-7"), is a riot-control round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which, in practical terms, means that it creates a cloud of CS gas on impact.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd then there's the "Звезда" ("Zvezda") round.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis one's name, which translates to "Star", is a bit more apt...Error creating thumbnail: File the effects of looking directly at either from up close are roughly the same. Another round meant for crowd control (the gun itself being initially developed for prison guards), the Star is effectively an impact-detonating flashbang grenade. Mix a few of these round types together, and you've got quite the effective CQB breaching tool. It'd be even better if its capacity wasn't a whopping 3+1.
The "KWG1" is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #15. It is a fictional magazine-fed full-auto shotgun, rather reminiscent of the "Bolter" weapons from the Warhammer 40K universe. It is based on an image of what seems to be some sort of stage or cosplay prop, which was then adapted into a 3D model by artist Pavel Kutejnikov.
The prop that the "KWG1" was based upon, which seems to have an MP5 S-E-F trigger pack. Also note the shells in the magazine; the length of the brass, the plastic-like gloss across them, and the manner in which they are stacked (parallel to each other, which wouldn't be possible with actual shotgun shells due to their rims) all point towards this being a prop, rather than an actual live-firing shotgun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter several hours of cutting, welding, and riveting, the work finally bears fruit.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some "SWAG-12" high-explosive shells (an obvious play on the real-world FRAG-12 explosive shells) into one of the KWG1's distinctive windowed magazines. Said magazines seem to be suffering from a critical lack of springs.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeveral shells later, it's time to load in the magazine...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...chamber a round...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and purge the realm of heretics in the name of the Emperor.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAfter a change of place, and a change of time, the KWG1's well-worn finish shines in the light of the (earlier version of the) item spawner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in another magazine, this time filled with a suitably patriotic handload: "Freedomfetti" shells.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThese do exactly what you'd expect. While it's sadly not something that can be expressed through the medium of an image, firing one of these shells produces a sound like that of a paper party horn.Error creating thumbnail: File missingBack in the indoor range, our discount Space Marine prepares to screw a suppressor onto his KWG1, which demonstrates one of H3's interesting gameplay-oriented features:Error creating thumbnail: File missingUniversal suppressor compatibility. A suppressor can shrink or expand to fit any weapon, from the diminutive Beretta Jetfire to the colossal Barrett M107A1.
Mossberg 590A1
The Mossberg 590A1 is one of the four shotguns added in Update #15, and the second pump-action shotgun added to H3 on the whole.
The MTs255 revolving shotgun was added to the game in the first Meatmas update, interestingly categorized amongst the break-action shotguns (presumably on the basis that it pivots its chambers open for direct loading and extraction, in addition to the lack of a better place for it). 2 variants are available - a standard full-length version, and a version with a sawn-off barrel and stock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemington 870 Express Tactical Magpul - 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingInspecting the Remington 870 Express Tactical Magpul. Note the curious addition of the number 11 on the side of the receiver; this is most likely meant as some sort of armory/rack number.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe other side of the... y'know what, I'm not going to type out that ridiculously long set of words again. If you still don't understand what it is after the fourth time, then you just aren't going to.Error creating thumbnail: File missingChambering a Dragon's Breath shell. While shotguns are generally regarded as being good for room-clearing, it's usually understood that doing so requires actually firing the shotgun first.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Sosigs having realized this and returned, one finds the player character engaging in the rather unorthodox practice of attempting the "bandit shooting" technique with a pump-action shotgun, which completely defeats its point.Error creating thumbnail: File missingHaving come to their senses, said player character is soon merrily blasting the Sosigs with the now-correctly-oriented shotgun. The Dragon's Breath round is rather interesting: it is filled with pieces of magnesium, which catch fire as they fly through the air, and start fires where they land, as seen here. Due to the round's low pressure and high cost, coupled with international regulations on the use of incendiary munitions on human beings (and the risk of setting things on fire by accident), these incendiary shells aren't used in any sort of martial capacity, and are largely a civilian novelty.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAiming the shotgun at a couple of Molotov cocktails bottles of Frank's Fantastic Festively Fragrant And Fiercely Flavorful Fancy Fire Fluid. These are an Update #59 addition, as is this scene (the Proving Grounds), the Sosig, the beginnings of a fire system (which renders the Dragon's Breath rounds far more useful), and the rear sight on this shotgun and the TAC-14 DM below (both previously having a smooth, blank receiver).Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring (heh), which has predictable consequences.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting the freshly-fired shell. While not seen here, the player character's expression of giddy satisfaction is somewhat dimmed by their newfound lack of eyebrows.
Remington 870 Field Gun
The Meatmas Update of 2016 added a Remington 870 Field Gun with a cut-down barrel, which heavily compromises the so-called "Field Gun's" effectiveness at its eponymous intended purpose. Update #46 added two additional variants, one with a sawn-off stock and one with a full-length barrel; it also made the latter one of the available weapons for SWBs.
Update #90 added a Remington 870 TAC-14, a variant of the 870 with a 14" barrel and a Shockwave Industries Raptor grip, a configuration which allows it to evade NFA regulations regarding short-barreled shotguns by legally not being classified as anything other than a "firearm" (i.e. neither a rifle nor a shotgun nor a pistol). It is known as the "T14 Custom" in-game, alluding to it being modified with a non-standard magazine tube cap, an aftermarket set of sights, and the forend of a Weatherby PA 459.
The later detachable-magazine-fed variant of the Remington 870, the 870 DM, was added in Update #52 under the name "CQB 870"; as with the later-added-but-above "T14 Custom", it is in the TAC-14 configuration. The one in-game is also presumably either modified or broken, seeing as it is capable of slam-fire, unlike a normal 870.
A Saiga 12 with a side-folding stock is one of the available firearms in-game, added through Update #40. It can use either factory 5-round magazines, aftermarket 12-round box magazines, or aftermarket 20-round drums.
There are 4 main varieties of Sawed-off Double Barrel Shotgun in-game. The first (and also one of the first weapons added to the game, back when the game was just Anton Hand's experiment grounds and not even named H3VR yet) was the so-called "Cartoon 8 Gauge", which sounds downright painful, the second is a more reasonable 12-gauge version (seen below), and the 3rd is the same as the second, except sawn down to Killing Them Softly-level absurdity (albeit unlike that movie's shotgun, this one also has the grip sawn down even further than the standard version), which, predictably, makes the spread somewhere between hilarious and pitiful. The fourth, added with Update #52, is an 1864 Wells Fargo stagecoach shotgun with external hammers and shell loops on the forend.
Wurstworld's Weinerbots also make use of sawn-off shotguns, alongside their generic revolvers and lever-action rifles.
While 8-gauge shotguns have been used historically, they fell out of favor due to the development of more powerful smokeless powders in the late 19th and early 20th centuries making them simply too powerful to practically use. Remington actually currently makes an 8-gauge shotgun called the Master Blaster, but this is actually considered an "industrial tool" rather than a firearm, being used to blast away the material build-up in rotary kilns for example. At any rate, 8-gauge shotguns were always used as hunting/field guns with stocks and long barrels; no-one in their right mind would have produced a sawn-off stockless version like this one.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe "Cartoon 8 Gauge", in all of its glory. The current location may be a nod to the Master Blaster's application, but the MB is mounted on a stand and fired by a cable for very obvious reasons.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading some utterly massive shells into the weapon's breech...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...before annihilating everything in front of the weapon, along with the user's wrist.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe amount of smoke produced by this weapon (and the fact that our invisible protagonist is still standing) lends itself to the likelihood that the 8-gauge rounds are using weaker black powder rather than modern smokeless powder.Error creating thumbnail: File missingRemoving the spent shells from the shotgun, vowing never to do that again.
The 23rd gift added in the Meatmas 2018 event was a fictional shotgun known as the "Scalpel-LE". Created by 3D artist Patrick Sutton (who'd created several of H3's assets prior), it is a compact, stockless, magazine-fed fully-automatic shotgun reminiscent of the "Bolters" from the Warhammer 40K universe, similar to the earlier-added "KWG1"; unlike the KWG1, however, the Scalpel is a completely fictional creation (rather than being based on an image of unknown provenance), and fires from an open bolt. Visually, it appears to be primarily based on the Heckler & Koch UMP, with a full-hand trigger guard like that of rifles such as the Steyr AUG or the Tavor, a TDI Vector-esque folding charging handle, and an AR-15-like dustcover; it feeds from drum magazines that lock into a full-length guide rail on the front of the trigger guard, in a manner seemingly inspired by the AA-12.
On a sidenote, the name is somewhat bizarre; the word "Scalpel" implies precision, something that a fully-automatic shotgun about the size of a compact SMG doesn't exactly possess, and the suffix "LE" usually stands for "Law Enforcement", despite a stockless automatic shotgun hardly being standard fare for most police departments. Then again, the "LE" could also stand for something else entirely (e.g. "Limited-Edition"); the name may have also been chosen specifically for its nonsensical, ironic nature.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHeckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACPError creating thumbnail: File missingWell, of course that's where it's from. Who else would create such a device?Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading in a drum magazine; each one holds 15 rounds. These come loaded with the game's "SWAG-12" high-explosive shells, presumably to further their Bolter-like nature. Note the recoil spring, visible through the charging handle slot.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFully inserting the drum causes a spring-loaded tab at the front to snap over it. This isn't the actual magazine catch (that role instead falling to the large, serrated paddle at the front of the trigger guard); based on its position, it seems to be there to stop the drum from indexing backwards (note how it sits in direct contact with the series of notches in the front of the drum).Error creating thumbnail: File missingPausing for a moment to admire the quality of 'Murican engineering.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe shotgun's other side, which shows off the dustcover.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPulling back the (reciprocating) folding charging handle...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which causes the dustcover to pop up. Like the Armalite designs it's based on, this dustcover opens whenever the bolt goes back sufficiently far, and stays open until the user manually closes it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf course, no open-bolt weapon would be complete without a safety.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn the Scalpel's case, this consists of a 2-position crossbolt large enough that it could probably be used as an actual crossbolt door lock. Not that that's a bad thing; after all, "subtle" isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind when looking at this gun.Error creating thumbnail: File missingUnloading at a hot dog standee. With it being 1. a shotgun, 2. fully-automatic, 3. open-bolt, 4. stockless, 5. short-barreled, 6. loaded with high-explosive ammunition, and 7. not equipped with sights of any sort whatsoever, there's basically no reason to even bother aiming.
One of two shotguns added in the Team Fortress 2-crossover update "Meat Fortress" was the "Scattergun", a recreation of that game's Scout's weapon of the same name; as in that game, it is a work of fiction, combining a pair of short, side-by-side barrels with rifle sights with a stockless lever-action receiver vaguely reminiscent of the Savage 99, with a 6-round drum magazine in the middle. Unlike its source material, however, the H3VR incarnation of the Scattergun is actually somewhat mechanically plausible, being treated as 2 separate actions operated by a common lever, rather than a semi-auto that could somehow be reloaded by working the action and ejecting spent shells without inserting any new ones.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingIn case you couldn't understand the written description, here's a visual one.Error creating thumbnail: File missingDoesn't really make much more sense, but that's just how it is.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading the Scattergun through a port on the bottom of the drum. This port is actually present on the original model, though it's never used for anything, and the in-game animations virtually never reveal its existence to the player; it had to be widened for H3's model, since it was far too small to fit any meaningfully-sized shell on the original version. The shell being loaded is specific to this weapon, and is supposedly 13 gauge.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWorking the Scattergun's action, revealing some shells in line for chambering; the ejection port was, like the loading port, widened for the sake of realism. Of note is that 2 shells can be loaded after doing this, giving the weapon a 6+2 capacity.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFiring off a couple of shots in quick succession.Error creating thumbnail: File missing2 shots makes 2 shells, both of which are ejected simultaneously.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAttempting to aim at an Engineer Sosig, which reveals a bit of a problem: the Scattergun's rifle-type iron sights are too short to see over its fixed drum magazine. To be fair, it's not like they were ever intended to be usable anyway.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAs such, aiming the Scattergun is best accomplished by tilting it up slightly, and aiming with the front sight exclusively, in a rather familiar manner.Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhen doing so, be sure to aim below your target; after all, you are pointing the thing upwards.
Serbu Super Shorty
A Remington 870-based Serbu Super Shorty is one of the weapons added in the first Meatmas update. 2 variants are available: a normal, clean version, and a "tacticool" version, complete with a door-breaching muzzle brake, a rail mount, and a set of spare shell holders that hold more shells than the gun itself does.
The second of the two shotguns added with the release of "Meat Fortress" was a recreation of TF2's "Shotgun", loosely based on a sawn-off Ithaca 37 (albeit with a left-handed ejection port, instead of the Ithaca's combined loading/ejection port).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAirsoft Ithaca 37 with sawn-off stock and barrel - (fake) 12 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe TF2 shotgun, in all of its glory. It's simple, but that can be a good thing.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the action...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...and taking a peek inside. Unlike the original model, which had nothing but a black, featureless void inside, the H3VR rework has a fully-modeled bolt, barrel, and various other internal bits.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading a slightly too-long shell into the action; this is the same 23x75mmR shell used by the KS-23M in-game, serving as a placeholder for a proprietary shell added in a later build.Error creating thumbnail: File missingStuffing a few more 23mm shells into the magazine tube. This was, incidentally, one of the few external parts of the original model that was modified; it was slightly too narrow on the original model, and was widened a tad for this version.Error creating thumbnail: File missing"Aiming" the Shotgun; there being no sights whatsoever on the weapon, this essentially amounts to point-shooting.Error creating thumbnail: File missingNot that that stops you from hitting things with it.Error creating thumbnail: File missingCycling the Shotgun, while observing effect-on-target; yes, it did indeed reduce a Soldier Sosig's torso to a mess of meat chunks and mustard with a single shot. 23mm shotgun shells'll do that to ya...Error creating thumbnail: File missingLoading up the finalized version of the shotgun with its proprietary yellow 7 gauge shells. These are about the same diameter as the 23mm placeholders, but substantially shorter.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnd yes, even the Shotgun can take suppressors; this one is a non-railed version of the Brügger & Thomet MP9's special suppressor, expanded to fit the weapon's colossal bore.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlso like the other TF2 weapons, the Shotgun's projectiles produce massive amounts of sparks upon hitting something. While this is noticeable with the rest of the weapons, the Shotgun's spread of pellets makes the effect a fair bit more impressive.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the topic of impressive things, the Shotgun's special Update #83 suppressor certainly qualifies. From a visual standpoint, it seems to be based on the SilencerCo Salvo 12, albeit with a bit more of a toolroom aesthetic to it, somewhat reminiscent of the other Anton's.
Added in the fifth alpha build of Update #85, the Sjögren inertia-operated shotgun expands H3's roster of semi-auto shotguns, and serves as a second option in the category for Cowweiner Calico. Two variants are available - there's the full-length "Sjogren Inertial", and the sawn-off "Sjogren Shorty".
Update #85's 4th alpha build added the "Hammerless Long", a 12-gauge side-by-side break-action shotgun of unknown manufacture; this was partly in response to some user requests for a hammerless SxS shotgun, as the only side-by-sides available prior to this were either rabbit-eared, sawn-off, or both.
Update #85's first alpha build gave the Stevens Model 520 its first known video game appearance, going by the name "Hammerless520" (without a space, as is the case for many of the game's weapon names). Apart from the standard version (which appears to be a Riot model), a "Short" model with a sawn-off stock and barrel and a receiver-mounted shell holder is also available. Like the Remington 870 TAC-14 DM above and the Winchester Model 1897 below, the 520 is capable of slam-firing (though it wasn't initially; this feature was added in the following update); it was added in part to complement the latter, as the also-Update #85-added Take & Hold character Grumpy GI Grayson (who uses WWI/WWII-era equipment) previously had very little in the way of tube-fed shotguns.
The fourth alpha build of Update #76 introduced attachable underbarrel shotguns; however, as implementing magazine-fed underbarrel weapons such as the KAC Masterkey would apparently be borderline impossible on the game's standard code-base, the weapons added were a pair of fictional single-shot break-actions, the basis of which appears to have been a Magpul AFG. The two differ only in barrel and frame length; the longer variant is called "The House Key", and the shorter version is called "The Car Key".
The 18th gift added in the 2018 Meatmas event was a TOZ-106; this marked two firsts for H3VR, being both its first 20-gauge shotgun, and its first bolt-action one. Bolt action is a fairly rare mechanism for a shotgun, although it is popular in both Russia and Britain to convert cheap bolt-action rifles to small-bore shotguns to make them easier to own legally.
TOZ-106 - 20 gaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe notorious Blunderbuss lies in wait. A thousand years it has sat, patiently awaiting the day it will be awakened once more, to reinstate its reign of terror over well-equipped PMCs. And now, that day has come...Error creating thumbnail: File missing"AWAKEN, MY MASTERS!"Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnyway, all references aside, this is a TOZ-106. It's a shotgun. Neat, right?Error creating thumbnail: File missingOpening up the TOZ's stock...Error creating thumbnail: File missing...which doesn't really make it look any less weird.Error creating thumbnail: File missingFlipping the shotgun over only furthers the weapon's oddities, revealing another unusual detail:Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe TOZ-106, unlike most shotguns, is bolt-action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingTesting out the rifle-like iron sights, another sign that this gun doesn't really know what it wants to be.Error creating thumbnail: File missingEjecting a fired shell, and confirming that yes, it's still a bolt-action. No matter how many times you look away, it'll always be a bolt-action. No matter how much you don't want to accept it, no matter how much you try to deny it, no matter how long you wait on it, the TOZ-106 is, and will always be, a bolt-action.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOf note is that the in-game TOZ can be fired with its stock folded; this is at odds with the actual weapon, which has a specially-designed safety device meant to prevent this very thing. The reasoning behind this odd decision is legal in nature; Russian laws regulate a firearm's minimum length in a firing-capable configuration, so folding-stocked weapons must be set up to only be fireable at their legal length. This is also the case for the aforementioned Saiga 12K, but only in its Russian civilian form.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThough, to be fair, any law-derived firearm feature only lasts as long as the patience of a man with a drill, a file, and nothing to lose.
Winchester Model 1887
The Winchester Model 1887 was added to H3 with the Wurstworld update, and comes in both full length and sawn-off forms. And yes, it can be spin-cocked a laTerminator 2; in fact, one of Wurstworld's rewards is a T2-themed sawn-off 1887, complete with a darker finish, an extended lever loop with a metal handling plate, and a cut-back trigger guard.
Update #52's impressive list of new firearms includes the Winchester Model 1897, in its famous military "Trench Gun" configuration. It is correctly capable of slam-fire, and holds an appropriate 5 rounds in the tube plus one in the chamber.