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The [[Walther PPK]] is a German side-arm that is available to the assault, support, communications, engineer and sniper. Like the PPK, it erroneously holds 10+1 rounds. Oddly, the theater files define it as using the 9x18mm Makarov round, probably basing the damage model on the Makarov PM from Insurgency 2.
The [[Walther PPK]] is a German side-arm that is available to the assault, support, communications, engineer and sniper. Like the P38, it erroneously holds 10+1 rounds. Oddly, the theater files define it as using the 9x18mm Makarov round, probably basing the damage model on the Makarov PM from Insurgency 2.
Day of Infamy is the standalone version of the Insurgency 2 Mod Day of Infamy, and is set to be the spiritual successor of Day of Defeat. The game is set in the Western Front of World War II, and objectives involve capturing and defending objectives to increase territory and spawn waves. Aiming for more realism than most first person shooters, many UI elements such as a health bar and crosshair has been omitted. However, compromises with realism has been made for the sake of gameplay, which explains some anachronistic weaponry in the arsenal. Teams are split into various classes, namely:
Officers, who can call in radio support
Riflemen, who have a sway reduction after sprinting
Assaults, who have faster movement speed
Supports, who have resistance to suppression
Engineers, who have a reload speed increase
Communications, who can capture points faster with his radio
Flamethrowers, who have increased weight threshold
Machine gunners, who can carry more ammunition
Snipers, who can hold their breath longer
Players can customize their loadout to select different equipment, such as attachments (eg bayonet for a Kar98K) and binoculars or choose to ignore it. This is done by supply points which players need to purchase equipment, and can be earned by killing opponents and capturing objectives to aid the team.
Allied forces consist of the Commonwealth and the US Army and Axis forces consist of the Wehrmacht. Each team has different equipment that would promote different playstyles. Plans are included to include custom "units" that players can unlock via progression so as to increase the aesthetic variety in each game. To keep this in lieu with realism, maps will only allow for units that have served there. For example, Ortona will allow for Canadian units to be equipped, while Dog Red will disable the selection of US Paratroopers. Early access users have exclusive access to "First Wave" units, namely the 1st Rangers Battalion (US), Gordon Highlanders (Commonwealth) and 1st infanterie-Division (Wehrmacht).
The following weapons appear in the video game Day of Infamy:
The Walther PPK is a German side-arm that is available to the assault, support, communications, engineer and sniper. Like the P38, it erroneously holds 10+1 rounds. Oddly, the theater files define it as using the 9x18mm Makarov round, probably basing the damage model on the Makarov PM from Insurgency 2.
The Mauser C96 is a German sidearm that is available to the officer and flamethrower. It holds 10 rounds and as of Beta, is the only German side-arm with its rightful magazine capacity. Bizarrely, it can be reloaded before its clip is emptied, but the reload is the same as the empty, with all the rounds in the gun vanishing and the bolt being locked back. It also does not have a "first draw" animation. In an early iteration of the test branch of the game a "broomhandle" stock was available but it has since been removed
The Karabiner 98k appears in game as the "Karabiner 98k" and is the standard issue bolt action rifle for the Wehrmacht. It is available for the rifleman, the engineer and the sniper. Only the rifleman can equip rifle grenades.
It holds 5 rounds in its magazine. Like the other bolt action rifles in game, when reloading the round that is ejected from the ejection port is not accounted for. It can be reloaded with both stripper clips and single rounds.
Equipping the "7x scope" will convert the Karabiner 98k to the sniper variant with a ZF39 scope. The 4x scope's magnification has been increased to 7x for gameplay purposes. This attachment is only available to the sniper.
Karabiner 98K with 30mm Schiessbecher grenade launcher
The 30mm Schiessbecher also called as Gewehrgranatgerät is available only to the Wehrmacht rifleman, even the engineer has no access to it. When the game was in alpha, to equip it the character would load in a blank before loading the grenade in. To reload you would chamber another blank prior to loading the next grenade. To de-equip you would remove the blank and remove the grenade launcher. As of beta, this animation has been simplified such that blanks are no longer loaded.
The grenade launcher can be fired and aimed from a standing position.
NOTE: When equipping grenade launchers the player is no longer able to melee bash with them.
Equipping the "4x scope" will attach a ZF4 to the Gewehr 43. As its name implies the scope's magnification has been increased to 4x for gameplay purposes.
The FG 42 is available to the support class and holds 20 rounds in its box magazine. The FG 42 in-game is based on the early pattern and can equip a ZF4, and hence the Wehrmacht support is consequentially the only non-sniper class that can equip a magnified optic of any form. The weapon fires from an open bolt on both fire modes. The weapon's bolt does not lock back after the first round despite being able to in real life.
The weapon can also be deployed with its bipods.
The MP40 appears as the "MP40" and is available to the officer, assault and communications classes. It has 32 rounds and correctly fires from an open bolt.
A hybrid of the Mauser C96 Carbine and the Mauser M712 Schnellfeuer was introduced on September 29. It appears to be a C96 Carbine with the removable magazine and fully automatic fire of the M712 Schnellfeuer and is referred to in-game as the "C96 M1932", despite being none of them. It is available to the Engineer oddly and holds 20+1 rounds in its magazine. The extended magazine option introduces a 40-round magazine. It is unlikely for such a weapon to be used by the Wehrmacht (the C96 Carbine in particular was never issued and was only for exports) and if anything, the slightly more fathomable situation would be a rich officer owning an M712 with a broomhandle stock, even then he would use a 20 round magazine, not a 40-round one.
The MG34 is available to the Wehrmacht machine gunner class. As the cheaper "lighter" alternative to the MG42, its iron sights are usable even when its bipods are not deployed, however it's not recommended to do so, as it experiences very strong recoil. It can fire on both semi and fully automatic modes from an open bolt. Despite being modeled with a 50-round assault drum, it erroneously contains 75 rounds in its belt.
Note that the MG34 is actually more expensive to manufacture and is heavier than the MG42 when empty.
The MG42 is available to the Wehrmacht machine gunner class. As aforementioned it's a "heavy-class" machine gun as defined in game and can only be aimed when deployed. It has a 250 round belt by default and only fires from an open bolt.
The Flammenwerfer 41 is the flamethrower of choice for the flamethrower class of the Wehrmacht. Attaching it attaches a fuel tank to the back of your character. Shooting this tank would lead to fuel leaking and possibly an explosion of the tank. Like its Allied counterparts it holds 500 "ammo" and can light up the surroundings with its flames. Flamethrowers are the only primary weapons that cannot be used to melee bash.
The little-known Einstossflammenwerfer 46 goes by the name of "Einstoss 46" in Day of Infamy and is available to the support and engineer as an area denial weapon. It holds 15 "ammo" and it leaves a flame behind that effectively holds off enemy advancement. A point to note is that this was not issued to the Wehrmacht Heer, but to the Volkssturm and the Fallschirmjäger in the later part of the war.
The Panzerschreck is available to the Engineer as a 5-point rocket launcher that can be reloaded if the player has the "Heavy Kit" equipped which gives him an additional rocket on top of more ammo. It has a maximum of 2 shots and is the RPzB 54 variant with its blast shield.
The Nebelhandgranate 39 appears in Day of Infamy as simply "Nebelhandgranate" and is the smoke grenade of choice for the Wehrmacht and is available to all classes except the engineer. The markings have been flipped upside down.
The Model 24 Stielhandgranate appears in Day of Infamy as simply "Stielhandgranate" and is available to all classes except the flamethrower, sniper and engineer.
A variant of the Model 24 Stielhandgranate with a fragmentation sleeve appears in Day of Infamy as the "Splitterringgranate" and is available to the rifleman, assault, support and engineer class. It is heavier than the default stielhandgranate and can be thrown only up to a shorter distance but has a larger blast radius. It has custom visual effects.
The Webley Mk IV appears in Day of Infamy simply as the "Webley" and is available to all classes except the sniper. It is chambered in .38 S&W and fires 6 rounds in double action. There is a secret draw animation where the character spins the revolver about his right hand.
The Browning Hi-Power appears in Day of Infamy as the "Hi-Power". It holds 13+1 rounds of 9mm in its magazine and is available to all classes. Previously in the test branch of the game a wooden stock was planned but was later removed, similar to the C96. It shares most of the animations of the M1911A1.
The Welrod Mk II appears in Day of Infamy simply as the "Welrod". It holds 8+1 rounds in its magazine and is available only to the sniper and officer of the Commonwealth as a bolt-action, suppressed pistol. it is worth noting that the Welrod was never made for the Commonwealth forces but only for the British Special Operations Executive (SOE).
The Lee-Enfield No 4 Mk I appears in Day of Infamy as "Lee-Enfield No 4" and is available to the rifleman, communications, engineer and sniper classes. It holds 10 rounds in its magazine. That on top of it having the highest rate of fire among all three rifles makes the Lee-Enfield No 4 Mk I the best rifle in this game, however this advantage means nothing in the face of automatic weapons and semi-automatic weapons.
Equipping the "7x scope" will add a No 32 scope and a cheekpad to the Lee-Enfield No 4 Mk I, essentially converting it to a Lee-Enfield No 4 Mk I (T). This is only available to the sniper. As its name suggests, the 3.5x scope's magnification has been raised to 7x for gameplay purposes.
Equipping "Rifle Grenades" will add a Projector Mk 5 mount for Energa anti-tank rifle grenades which are highly anachronistic, being developed only in the 1950s. This attachment is only available to the rifleman class. Like the cup grenade launcher for the Karabiner 98k, the player no longer loads blank rounds into the rifle prior to loading the grenade.
The Sten Mk II is the most common submachine gun of choice for the Commonwealth. It holds 32 rounds in its magazine and fires from an open bolt. It is available to the assault and communications classes. It is worth noting that unlike most other shooters, the player holds the Sten Mk II the right way.
The Sten Mk V is available to the officer class and can equip a bayonet. Like the Sten Mk II it holds 32 rounds in its magazine and fires from an open bolt. It is worth noting that Sten Mk Vs were issued mostly to airborne units rather than generic foot soldiers the game seems to portray.
Equipping the "suppressor" attachment converts the Sten Mk V into a Sten Mk VI. However, it retains its foregrip. It also loses its ability to mount a bayonet. This attachment is only available on cooperative modes.
The M1928A1 Thompson appears in Day of Infamy as the "Thompson M1928A1" and has a 20-round magazine by default, firing from an open bolt. It is available to the Commonwealth officer and can equip a 30-round extended magazine. When the game was still in Alpha the Commonwealth support player had access to the 50-round drum, which bizarrely had no weight penalty when equipped. The drum attachment has since been removed.
The M1928A1 also used to be the placeholder submachine gun of choice of the US Army until it was replaced by the more accurate M1 and M1A1 Thompson.
Equipping the "foregrip" attachment for the M1928A1 Thompson converts it into an M1928. However the weapon's bolt still locks back on empty like the M1928A1. They share the same iron sights.
The Bren Mk II appears in Day of Infamy as the "Bren Gun". It holds 30 rounds in its box magazine and fires from an open bolt. It is available to the Commonwealth support class.
The Lewis gun appears in Day of Infamy and is available to the Commonwealth machine gunner. It holds 47 rounds in its pan magazine and fires from an open bolt. Being the "lighter" machine gun option it can be aimed even when undeployed. It is probably the most dated gun in the game.
The Vickers machine gun appears in game as "Vickers" and is available for the Commonwealth machine gunner. It resembles a Mk VI or a Mk IV B with the bipods of a Mk VII and was based on a rare version seen in Malaya. Since both Vickers shared many parts it may be possible to use the bipods on a Mk VI. It is the "heavier" alternative that can only be aimed when deployed. It fires from a 250-round belt and is open-bolt.
A point to note is that the Vickers Mk VI was mainly a machine gun to be mounted on tanks that was replaced early in the war by Browning M2s and Besa machine guns and it would be unlikely to see them carried by troops on the Western Front late into the war.
As of the first Beta iteration only the Commonwealth has access to shotguns.
Ithaca Model 37
The Ithaca Model 37 appears in Day of Infamy simply as "Ithaca" and is available to the Commonwealth engineer and assault. It comes equipped by default with an extended magazine tube that contains 8 rounds instead of the rightful 7. It also comes with a heatshield and a bayonet lug and hence allows for a bayonet to be equipped. However this attachment is only available to the engineer class.
Note that the Ithaca Model 37's "trench gun" layout is normally incompatible with extended tubes.
Day of Infamy is one of the few games where the shotgun is still lethal without you needing to see the whites of the enemy's eyes.
The No 2 Portable Flamethrower appears in Day of Infamy simply as "flamethrower" and is available to the flamethrower class. It holds 500 "ammo" as with its contemporaries. Shooting the fuel tank would lead to leakage of fuel or an explosion.
The PIAT launcher is available to the Commonwealth engineer. It has atrocious range and requires the player to aim extremely high to hit anything past the tenth meter. To compensate it can carry up to 3 rockets, one more than the Bazooka and the Panzerschreck. The PIAT has its monopod removed since the developers decided it was not important nor useful.
The Mills Bomb is available to the officer, rifleman, support, machine gunner and communications classes. It has a 3 second fuse which is considerably shorter than the 5 second fuse on the stielhandgranate and Mk 2 grenade and hence gives enemies less time to throw the grenade back.
The No 77 grenade is available to all classes except the engineer and is an impact grenade like the No 69. It is incorrectly depicted as a smoke grenade when it's actually white phosphorus. Running through them would be a very bad idea. A better alternative would be the No 79 Smoke grenade.
The No 76 grenade is available to the engineer and communications classes and is properly implemented as a white phosphorous impact grenade. Sadly as they share the same models/textures many unsuspecting players tend to burn their allies or themselves when they throw it at their feet.
The Colt M1911A1 is available to all classes as the "M1911". It holds 7+1 rounds. It shares the same "first draw" animation as the Browning Hi-Power where the player switches off safety and racks the slide.
The Smith & Wesson M1917 appears in Day of Infamy as the "Model 1917" and is available to all classes except the support and machine gunner. It fires on single action only, with the player manually cocking the hammer after every shot. Half moon clips are an upgrade for one point. In game files it's referred to as "sw1917"
Smith & Wesson M1917 models as well as late Colt models are capable of firing rimless .45 ACP without half moon clips, However the ejector-rod cannot engage them and they hence have to be poked out or shaken out of the cylinder. In the game, when using single rounds, the player shakes them out without engaging the ejector-rod, but uses the ejector-rod to do so with half moon clips equipped.
The M1 Garand is available to the rifleman, communications and sniper (only on coop) class. It fires from an 8-round en-bloc clip and like in Red Orchestra 2: Rising Storm, can be reloaded when the gun is still loaded, however doing so is lengthier than an empty reload and will lead to any rounds in the en-bloc clip being lost.
Equipping the "4x scope" mounts an M82 Telescope and a cheekpad on the M1 Garand, converting it to the M1C Garand. This upgrade is only available to the sniper in coop, as with his M1 Garand.
Equipping the "Rifle Grenades" attachment attaches an M1 grenade launcher to the M1 Garand. The player uses M9A1 anti-tank rifle grenades. This attachment is available to the rifleman class alone. To equip it the player ejects the clip of live rounds and loads a clip of blanks before fitting the rifle grenade on. To fire live rounds the player ejects the blanks and loads live rounds instead. Live rounds are conserved in both processes. The rifle grenade has a time-delay fuse rather than the impact fuses of its counterparts, even though in reality it's impact-fused.
NOTE: The M1 grenade launcher is the grenade launcher of the M1903 Springfield, not the M1 Garand, the latter using M7 launchers instead. This has been established to be a placeholder.
The M1903A3 Springfield appears in Day of Infamy simply as "Springfield 1903" and is available to the rifleman, engineer and sniper classes. It has the C-type pistol grip stock typical of one built by Remington. It holds 5 rounds.
Equipping the "7x scope" attachment removes the iron sights of the M1903 and mounts a Weaver Model 330 scope, essentially converting it to an M1903A4 variant. This attachment is only available to the US sniper.
Equipping the "rifle grenade" attachment mounts a M1 grenade launcher to the M1903A3. Like the M1 Garand it uses M9A1 anti-tank rifle grenades with a mysterious time-delay fuse instead of the rightful impact fuse.
The M1 Carbine is available to the officer and engineer and is depicted as the anachronistic post-war variant, sporting adjustable sights and a bayonet lug. Note that the bayonet lug was introduced late war and would have been somewhat more realistic and historically accurate, but adjustable sights were only retrofitted post-war. However, it has the dark walnut furniture of the WWII variant. It has a magazine capacity of 15+1. The officer gets the option to equip the "L" peep sight that converts it to the late-war variant. Both classes have access to the bayonet for it.
The M1A1 Thompson is available to the officer and assault classes, replacing the M1928A1. It uses 30-round stick magazines and fires from an open bolt as with most automatic weapons in-game.
The M3 Grease Gun is available to the assault and communications classes. It has 30 rounds of .45 ACP and fires at 500RPM, which makes it very controllable, both in recoil and ammo conservation. It was previously the M3A1 variant without the charging handle, and the player would manually open the bolt with his finger.
The M1918A2 BAR appears in Day of Infamy simply as "M1918 BAR". It is exclusive to the support class and holds 20 rounds in its magazine, firing from an open bolt. Its bipods are removed by default but can be equipped for 2 points, and has its slow-fire and fast-fire modes.
The Browning M1919A6 is exclusive to the machine gunner class as simply "M1919 Browning", sporting the conical muzzle booster seen on later models. It holds 250 rounds and fires from an open bolt. It can only be aimed when deployed.
The M1A1 Bazooka appears in Day of Infamy as simply the "Bazooka" and is exclusive to the engineer. The player can hold 2 rockets as with the Panzerschreck. It is capable of firing white phosphorous rockets (dubbed "WP Rockets") for 1 point, and this also speeds up the reload of the Bazooka.
The Mk 2 hand grenade is the only explosive grenade available to the US Army and is available to all classes except the flamethrower and the sniper classes.
The M18 Smoke Grenade appears in Day of Infamy simply as "Smoke" and incorrectly produces white smoke, despite M18s producing coloured smoke such as red and violet. A more historically accurate version would be the M16 but its smoke it also coloured. It is available to all classes except the engineer.