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During the confrontation in the safe house, Milan Sova ([[Richy Müller]]) pulls a [[Sa. Vz.61 Skorpion]] on Xander when he reveals he's joined forces with Yorgi, though is killed by Yelena before he can use it.
During the confrontation in the safe house, Milan Sova ([[Richy Müller]]) pulls a [[Sa vz. 61 Škorpion]] on Xander when he reveals he's joined forces with Yorgi, though is killed by Yelena before he can use it.
As his primary weapon in the film, a heavily modified version of the Smith & Wesson Model 629 Performance Center is used by Xander Cage (Vin Diesel). In addition to the assortment of non-lethal projectiles it can fire, it is also fitted with a custom muzzle brake, an odd serrated weight under the barrel which seems to be designed more for looks than any conceivable function, Crimson Trace laser sight grips, an unfluted cylinder and a C-More red dot sight.
When Xander and Toby are checking out the high tech gadgets, Toby shows Xander special binoculars which have X-ray capabilities. He uses them to ogle a female Czech police officer (Martina Smuková) on the firing range in her underwear (which must be made of lead, as it remains visible through the X-ray goggles), who is firing a CZ 83 pistol.
During the 'diner' scene, another of the NSA agents posing as a robber threatens Xander with a "cop issue" Beretta 92FS pistol. A 92FS can also be seen in the hands of a Colombian cartel soldier when they capture Xander in Colombia.
When Xander catches Yelena (Asia Argento) photographing a safe belonging to Yorgi (Marton Csokas), she pulls two Vektor CP1 pistols on him, one with a chrome slide. Xander however is able to almost effortlessly render her unable to harm him with them, much to Yelena's frustration. She later uses them to kill Milan Sova (Richy Müller), shooting him through the door as he's threatening Xander. When Xander asks how she was able to do so without hitting him as well, she claims to have been able to tell where the two were positioned in the room by the sound of their voices.
Yorgi carries a Heckler & Koch USP Tactical fitted with a laser sight as his sidearm throughout the movie. He first pulls it while in a brief standoff with Xander, then again when Xander is making his escape from Yorgi's fortress.
A stainless SIG-Sauer P220 pistol is seen several times in the film, first in Xander's shoulder holster on the mountain fitted with finger groove grips.
During the opening scene, Kirill uses a SIG-Sauer P220 Sport fitted with a scope and custom sound suppressor to kill Agent Jim McGrath (Thomas Ian Griffith) in the club and brandishes it several more times throughout the film (without the suppressor), using the weapon like a miniature sniper rifle. Kirill hands the pistol to Yorgi at one point when he's about to kill Xander and Yelena, but is stopped by the arrival of the Czech police as they begin their raid, instead using the pistol in a brief shootout with the protagonists before fleeing to launch Ahab. One can also be seen in the GTO's hidden armoury.
When Xander meets Augustus Gibbons (Samuel L. Jackson) at the 'diner' after disarming the 'robbers', he explains how he was able to figure out that the robbery wasn't real, including firing the shotgun he commandeered in the diner, which causes the 'cook' (F. Valentino Morales) to draw his SIG-Sauer P226, despite Xander's gun being loaded with blanks.
During the end credits sequence, an unknown woman appears brandishing a nickel plated Desert Eagle, using the gun's reflective finish as a mirror while putting on makeup.
During the confrontation in the safe house, Milan Sova (Richy Müller) pulls a Sa vz. 61 Škorpion on Xander when he reveals he's joined forces with Yorgi, though is killed by Yelena before he can use it.
Following Xander's escape from Kirill, he sneaks back into Yorgi's fortress to do some recon work, but is caught and engaged in a firefight with Kolya (Petr Jákl) and Viktor while trying to escape, Kolya being armed with an FN P90.
A Heckler & Koch UMP can be seen in the weapons cache that Yelena reveals, although it is not used. Several others can be seen in the hands of the guards around Yorgi's fortress, fitted with RIS foregrips & muzzle brakes, C-More red dot sights, as well as having two magazines strapped together with dual mag clamps or Beta-C style drum magazines.
Some of Yorgi's henchman use Heckler & Koch MP5A5 submachine guns fitted with quad rails and forgrips, flash-hiders, and loaded with dual clamped and Beta-C magazines.
Taken from the hidden weapons cache during the raid on Yorgi's fortress, Yelena uses a Steyr TMP, with a fixed stock added and a top-mounting rail for accessories. Mounted on top of the rail is a C-More sight. Unfortunately the film doesn't show any clear shots of Yelena firing the gun, as she does the classic "Close your eyes, spray and pray" technique which only works well in films.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSteyr TMP with shoulder stock and M68 Aimpoint red dot scope - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Steyr TMP in the hidden weapons armory. Note that the attached stock has no pivot points and is attached to both the receiver and the pistol grip. This shows that it is not a B&T MP9 which has a folding stock that only attaches to the receiver.Yelena aims her Steyr TMP.Error creating thumbnail: File missingYelena firing.
Colt Model RO635 9mm SMG
While chasing the Ahab drone, Yelena pulls up a weapons cache hidden in the back seat of Xander's GTO, which includes among other weapons, a Colt Model RO635 9mm SMG, though the weapon is not used. At least one of the NSA commandos that storms Xander's apartment near the start of the film can also be seen using one of these, fitted with a Surefire M500AB forend weaponlight and C-more red dot sight mounted over the handguard.
Numerous members of the Colombian drug cartel can be seen carrying AKM rifles. Ivan Podrov (Martin Hub) is also seen using an AKM rifle during the assault of the house, his being fitted with a AK-74-style muzzle brake and an RM Equipment M203PI grenade launcher. The AKMs in the film appear to be converted civilian semi-auto only guns made to fire full-auto for the film. The biggest giveaway is how the civilian rifles have only a selector for semi and safe, no middle selector switch for full-auto. These rifles are seen firing full-auto when the selectors are clearly on the semi-auto mode.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAKM - 7.62x39mmError creating thumbnail: File missingThe Gold Tooth Narco (Esteban Cueto) fires his AKM before being killed by Xander. The selector switch is clearly on full-auto, as the sequence on any select-fire AK is from top to bottom, "Safe, Auto, Semi" and the forward part of the selector switch/dust flap's "crescent" shape is in line with the receiver's dimple.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAlso the top of the selector's "elbow" is right at the edge of the top of the receiver under the path-of-travel of the charging handle. This position is full-auto. If the switch were moved down one more, by about 1/8" or half a centimeter, it would release the disconnector from its "free" position, allowing it to re-engage the hammer as the selector bottomed out at the final position.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIvan Podrov fires his AKM fitted with AK-74-style muzzle brake. Note how this AKM is set to semi-auto and is firing full-auto as well.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPodrov with his AKM.Error creating thumbnail: File missingPodrov with his AKM.
Ivan Pedgrag (Radek Tomecka) and most of the Czech police use AKMSU carbines during the assault on Yorgi's fortress.
When looking over the weapons to put in the GTO, two Armalite AR-10 sniper rifles are seen. They clearly have 7.62x51mm-style magazines and receivers to justify this. They are fitted with KAC railed handguards, high-powered scopes, Harris bipods, and aftermarket muzzle-brakes.
Several of Yorgi's henchmen can be seen using M4A1 Carbines during the film, fitted with Beta-C drum magazines, M68 Aimpoint red dot scopes, and RIS foregrips. Viktor (Jan Pavel Filipensky) also uses one, even turning the weapon against one of his comrades while trying to flee an avalanche. Yorgi himself also uses one when fleeing from his fortress (fitted with a Surefire M900 weaponlight foregrip in place of the standard RIS foregrip), killing one of "The Ivans". NSA commandos at the raid on Xander's apartment and in Colombia can also be seen with M4A1's, outfitted similarly to their Colt Model RO635 9mm SMG's.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt M4A1 with M68 Aimpoint red dot scope and RIS foregrip - 5.56x45mmYorgi returning fire while fleeing with a M4A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAn NSA commando stands guard over Xander with an M4A1. On a strange note, the commando is holding the M4A1 right handed, while his pistol attached to his left leg. (It's possible he's right eye dominant, and it is easier to hold a pistol left-handed and aim with your right eye than a rifle.)Error creating thumbnail: File missingViktor fires his M4A1 at one of his own men while fleeing from an avalanche
During the raid on Yorgi's fortress, Xander procures an FN FNC fitted with a folding stock, C-More red dot sight, and Beta-C drum magazine from a hidden weapons cache Yelena reveals. When first using it, he neglectfully forgets to turn the safety off and after Yelena mows down the bad guys, turns it off for him. He later then fires it at Yorgi and fatally wounds him with it. He then hands it off to Shavers when he heads off in pursuit of the Ahab drone.
During the raid on Yorgi's fortress, one of the guards can be briefly seen armed with a Heckler & Koch G36K, fitted with a G36C-type carry handle, Beta-C drum magazine, and C-More red dot sight.
One of Yorgi's henchmen, a former Soviet Army sniper named Kirill (Werner Daehn) can be seen using an PGM Ultima Ratio sniper rifle fitted with a sound suppressor. He first uses it when attempting to kill Xander when he's having lunch with Yelena (Asia Argento), then again when holding Czech police at bay during the raid on Yorgi's fortress.
During the 'diner' scene, one of the NSA agents posing as a robber brandishes a Remington 870 shotgun with a sawed-off barrel and stock. Xander commandeers the weapon, smacking its owner in the face with it. He later fires the weapon at the specials sign to show that it's loaded with blank rounds.
Part of the defenses of Yorgi's fortress includes a machine gun nest furnished with an FN MAG machine gun. This nest is destroyed by Ivan Pedgrag during the raid near the end of the film.
A GE M134 Minigun is also seen in front of Xander's GTO amongst other weapons and equipment he wants built into his car before the final battle against Anarchy 99.
During the raid on the drug cartel stronghold by the Colombian Army, a Bell 212 helicopter can be seen fitted with a M61 Vulcan. The 20mm blanks used for the Vulcan cost about $1 a round according to the director and that by using real blanks it cost about $2000 per minute to fire the gun.
Near the end of the film, a pair of Su-22 Fitter fighters are launched by the Czech Air Force to counter the Ahab drone, the Fitters armed with Nudelman-Rikhter NR-30 cannons as secondary armament, but do not use these weapons as Xander takes out the drone before they attack.
During the raid on Yorgi's fortress, Ivan Pedgrag (Radek Tomecka) uses an early model standalone RM Equipment M203PI grenade launcher to take out a machine gun nest. Another one appears mounted on the AKM of the other Ivan via an "Interbar" (these are adapters manufactured by RM Equipment which allow the M203PI to be mounted on various weapons). Another M203PI can be briefly seen mounted on an MP5 seen in the hidden armory that Yelena reveals during the raid.
When Yorgi's fortress is raided Xander and the Ivans are pinned down by Kirill's sniping, Xander sees they have a heat-seeking rocket launcher, which he refers to a "Bazooka." This is only really a nickname for WW2 / Korean War-era US rocket launchers, but tends to be used informally by those casually familiar with firearms (such as the character Xander) as a catch-all term for any rocket launcher. According to director Rob Cohen the prop was a mock-up based around a camcorder. The side reads "MRL-12HS," presumably meaning something along the lines of "multiple rocket launcher-12 heat seeking."
Error creating thumbnail: File missingOne of the Ivans sets the "MRL-12HS". The camcorder screen, controls and eyepiece are very clearly visible here, standing in for a computerised scope on the prop launcher.Error creating thumbnail: File missingXander with the "bazooka" which reads MRL-12HS on the side.Error creating thumbnail: File missingXander adjusts the camcorder rocket launcher to fire at Kirill. It's fortunate it's not a real rocket launcher, as firing while backed up against a wall like that would probably result in Xander being killed by the backblast.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother angle of the MRL-12HS. Note the screen is clearly not switched on.
Harpoon Gun (mockup)
When Xander is in hot pursuit of Ahab in his Pontiac GTO, he removes a harpoon gun fitted with a C-more red dot sight from a hidden arsenal in the back seat. It appears to be a pistol-gripped Remington 870 shotgun with a heat shield and is heavily dressed up to look like a high tech harpoon grapple gun.
In several scenes, NSA agents can be seen using Beeman Model 2261 "Hurricane" air guns loaded with tranquilizer darts to knock Xander unconscious; first when they raid his apartment, then at the 'diner'. In both instances he's able to pull the dart out just before passing out.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingView of the upper shelf of the secret armory. From up to down, left to right: Steyr TMP, suppressed MP5A5 with M203 and C-mag, MP5A3 with MP5K PDW stock, MP5K.Error creating thumbnail: File missingView of the lower shelf.From up to down, left to right: MP5A5 with foregrip and C-Mag, unknown compact pistol, USP Match, Xander's FNC, two-toned Browning HP(?), Yelena's TMP, UMP-45 with C-More sight.