'''''Post Scriptum''''' is a large scale, WWII-set first person tactical shooter developed by UK-based Periscope Games as an offshoot of '''''[[Squad]]''''' and is published by ''Squad'''s developer, Offworld Industries. The project began in March 2016 and officially released on Steam Early Access on August 9th, 2018. It initially released as ''Post Scriptum: The Bloody Seventh'' as first released chapter of the game focused on the engagement of the British 1st Airborne Division against German Wehrmacht and SS units during Operation Market Garden in 1944. It was further expanded to include engagements that involved American airborne units. The second chapter, ''Plan Juane'', was released on January 9th, 2020, which depicts the Manstein Plan (Fall Gelb) battle between the French Army and Wehrmacht in 1940. The the third chapter is ''Day of Days'', which portrays the landings of Allied forces in Normandy during Operation Overlord. It released on April 23, 2020.
'''''Post Scriptum''''' is a large scale, WWII-set first person tactical shooter developed by UK-based Periscope Games as an offshoot of ''[[Squad]]'' and is published by ''Squad'''s developer, Offworld Industries. The project began in March 2016 and officially released on Steam Early Access on August 9th, 2018. It initially released as ''Post Scriptum: The Bloody Seventh'' as first released chapter of the game focused on the engagement of the British 1st Airborne Division against German Wehrmacht and SS units during Operation Market Garden in 1944. It was further expanded to include engagements that involved American airborne units. The second chapter, ''Plan Juane'', was released on January 9th, 2020, which depicts the Manstein Plan (Fall Gelb) battle between the French Army and Wehrmacht in 1940. The the third chapter is ''Day of Days'', which portrays the landings of Allied forces in Normandy during Operation Overlord. It released on April 23, 2020.
As with its parent game, ''Post Scriptum'' is a multiplayer-only game focused on teamwork and cooperation, featuring combined arms gameplay and highly realistic, detailed weaponry. It has numerous factions depending on the setting of a match, and asymmetrical gameplay and classes between the Allied units and Axis forces.
As with its parent game, ''Post Scriptum'' is a multiplayer-only game focused on teamwork and cooperation, featuring combined arms gameplay and highly realistic, detailed weaponry. It has numerous factions depending on the setting of a match, and asymmetrical gameplay and classes between the Allied units and Axis forces.
Post Scriptum is a large scale, WWII-set first person tactical shooter developed by UK-based Periscope Games as an offshoot of Squad and is published by Squad's developer, Offworld Industries. The project began in March 2016 and officially released on Steam Early Access on August 9th, 2018. It initially released as Post Scriptum: The Bloody Seventh as first released chapter of the game focused on the engagement of the British 1st Airborne Division against German Wehrmacht and SS units during Operation Market Garden in 1944. It was further expanded to include engagements that involved American airborne units. The second chapter, Plan Juane, was released on January 9th, 2020, which depicts the Manstein Plan (Fall Gelb) battle between the French Army and Wehrmacht in 1940. The the third chapter is Day of Days, which portrays the landings of Allied forces in Normandy during Operation Overlord. It released on April 23, 2020.
As with its parent game, Post Scriptum is a multiplayer-only game focused on teamwork and cooperation, featuring combined arms gameplay and highly realistic, detailed weaponry. It has numerous factions depending on the setting of a match, and asymmetrical gameplay and classes between the Allied units and Axis forces.
The following weapons appear in the video game Squad 44:
Post Scriptum portrays historical engagements of Allies and German forces across mainland Europe in both 1940 and 1944. The early era of the game's second chapter depicts the French Army's 21 Regiment d'Infanterie engagement of the Wehrmacht during the Fall Gelb operation. The later '44-set levels are from the first and third chapters and portray the Allied Operations of Market Garden and Overlord, respectively. Operation Market Garden features the British 1st Airborne Division, the Polish Brigade, and the American 82nd Airborne infantry forces supported by Britain's XXX Corps armor against a more developed Wehrmacht and 9.SS-Panzer Division. The Normandy battles of Operation Overlord include American 4th Infantry Division, the 101st Airborne, and the 70th Tank Battalion versus the Wehrmacht's 91st Infantry Division and the 6 Fallschirmjägerregiment.
The Squad system from the parent game has been developed for a faction to have three separate sections for its units - the Infantry Section encompasses most of the regular classes. The Logistics Section takes over the FOB/Construction roles from Squad and has regular riflemen, an NCO, medic, and Combat Engineers. The last section is the Armored Section and incorporates tank commanders and tankers into their various fighting vehicles.
The general classes of Post Scriptum are:
Officer - technically its own "Platoon Commander" section, the Officer role assumes the top of the team's chain of command. The class is meant to be paired with the Infantry Section's Radioman to call in air and artillery support. Officers can opt for a standard rifle or SMG; the latter is the sole option for the Germans.
NCO - The head class of each Infantry and Logistic squad, and the intermediary between them and the Platoon Commander. NCOs have either the standard rifle or SMG for their faction, and in the case of the 1944 Germans, the Gruppenführer has exclusive use of the StG 44.
Radioman - An Infantry class meant to directly follow the Officer and allow the use of indirect fire support. The latewar kits have the Gewehr 41 for the Funker, and the M1/M1A1 Carbine for Allied units. The early war variants use standard Kar98ks and MAS-36s.
Rifleman - Bog-standard Infantry and Logistics personnel that use each faction's standard service rifle, in addition to frag and smoke grenades. Latewar Allied units have sidearms and the French Fusiliers and Recrues only use their older WWI-era rifles. Infantry also bear sandbags, while the Logistics have repair tools.
Machine Gunner - the specialized automatic rifleman Infantry kit. Depending on the faction and era, some have Light Machine Guns that offer more mobility and unsupported aiming, while the Medium Machine Guns have to be deployed on bipods to be aimed effectively but have increased ammunition counts. Sidearms, frag, and smoke grenades are included.
Marksman - Low-count Infantry kit that is issued a scoped bolt-action rifle, a pistol, grenades, and binoculars.
Medic - Generally given a standard rifle, sidearm, grenades, and a Morphine injector as its main tool to resuscitate fallen allies. Available to both Infantry and Logistics, the latter has the repair tool.
Grenadier - Infantry-exclusive kit equipped with Rifle Grenade Launchers and regular hand grenades. Available to all factions except the French; the German Schiessbecher is not available in that era as a balance measure.
Sapper - Infantry class given SMGs and pistols, and explosives for dealing with enemy vehicles and emplacements.
Anti-Tank - Generally dived into Light (LAT) and Heavy (HAT) variations. All bear rifles; the Germans use the Panzerfaust and the Panzerschreck respectively. The British only have a LAT role equipped with the PIAT; the Americans' Bazooka role is a HAT. The latewar Allies have pistol sidearms. A subvariation is also present in the early 1940 era with Fusilier antichar and Panzerabwehrschütze AT Rifle kits, as these battles predate the widespread use of handheld rocket launchers
Light Mortar - Equipped with a regular rifle, pistol, and a Light Mortar that can be used in the prone position. The class is in all Infantry Sections except the US Forces.
Combat Engineer - The principal kit of Logistics Sections for constructing emplacements. Generally has three variations - HE that uses an explosive similar to Sappers, AT carries antivehicle mines, and AP has antipersonnel mines. Issued with regular rifles, pistols, grenades, sandbags, E-tools, and repair wrenches.
Tank Commander - Head kit of Armored Sections, equipped with both a SMG and sidearm. Both this and its subordinate kit have repair tools.
Tank Crew - Armored vehicle operator, only given a sidearm and grenades, and also has the building tool.
The high degree of weapon functionality is shared from Squad. The game tracks reserve ammunition by individual magazines, fire selectors have an animation where applicable, and many long arms have sights that can be zeroed or dialed in with correspondingly accurate adjustments made to the actual rear sights. For the sake of simplicity and consistency, all weapons zero by meters (British and American systems typically used imperial yards in reality during WWII).
Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873
Most classes for the French 21 Regiment d'Infanterie have the archaic Chamelot-Delvigne Model 1873 revolver as an issued sidearm. It is referred to as the MAS Mle. 1873 in game.
The Enfield No. 2 revolver is the principal sidearm of the British units in Post Scriptum, named Enfield No. 2 Mk. 1. All kits of the faction as well as their tankers get the No. 2 revolver.
SACM M1935A pistols are exclusively available to the Fusilier antichar and Chief ingenieur kits for the 1940 era French Army. It is named PA 1935A in-game.
Most of the specialized German kits have the standard Walther P38 pistol as their sidearm in the 1944-set levels. It is only available to the Sanitäter in the earlywar 1940 era levels.
American Officers and NCOs are equipped with the M1A1 Thompson submachinegun, with the exception of logistics NCOs, who use the Grease Gun listed below.
British Airborne Officers and NCOs, Sappers, and Tank Commanders have the Sten Mk V as a primary weapon. It is the only SMG that can be equipped with a bayonet.
Steyr MP34s are issued instead of MP40s for 1940 Wehrmacht classes on the Dinant and Stonne levels. It is indexed as the MP34(ö); the abbreviation refers to Österreich (Austria's name in German). Despite having a bayonet lug, the functionality is not used in-game, unlike the Sten Mk V above.
Wehrmacht Funker radiomen are equipped with the rare Walther model of the Gewehr 41, the immediate predecessor of the Gewehr 43. As its magazine is fixed, it only loads from clips, but it does have the ability to mount a bayonet.
The Karabiner 98k is the standard issue service rifle for the German military in Post Scriptum. The Scharfschütze kits use a Zeiss ZF39 equipped Kar98k as their sniper rifle.
French Fusilier and Recrue infantry are issued with old Lebel Mle 1886 rifles. The Tireur d'elite sharpshooter uses the Lebel with the APX 1917 scope as the French never issued MAS-36 with scopes in WWII.
British and Polish Airborne snipers use the Lee-Enfield No. 4 Mk 1 (T) sniper rifle. Unlike the other scoped rifles in-game, the Lee-Enfield sniper can rechamber while maintain ADS through the scope.
The M1A1 Carbine is issued to the US Airborne Radioman, Medic, and Combat Engineer classes. British Airborne radiomen kits also have access to the M1A1 Paratrooper carbine.
The MAS-36 is the standard battle rifle for the French Army, though it is issued to specialized kits - NCOs, Radio Operators, Medics, AT and Chief Engineers, and Light Mortarmen. The general riflemen roles are supplemented with its older WWI predecessors.
German Panzerbüchse kits use the Panzerbüchse 39, exclusively in the 1940 era. For the later set maps, German forces instead have the more effective man portable rocket launchers.
The Mk III variant of the Bren machine gun is the machine gun available for British Airborne, XXX Corps soldiers, and the Polish Brigade. It is a lightened development of the Mk II that was issued in July 1944.
The German Fallschirmjaeger has a distinct "FG-42 Schütze" class equipped with the second pattern FG 42. The combination of the muzzle break and buffered stock results in surprisingly good recoil control even when shooting offhand.
The M1918A2 BAR is one of the two machine guns used by the American forces, offering better mobility and the ability to be aimed offhand compared to its belt-fed brother below.
American forces also have a machine gunner class equipped with the Browning M1919A6 machine gun, offering a more volume-of-fire oriented choice compared to the maneuverable BAR.
German machine gunners are primarily issued with MG 34 machine guns, feeding from 75-round Gurtrommel 34 drums. As a medium machine gun, it is only usable in hipfire until deployed on cover or in prone. The fire-selector functionality allows for the single shot trigger to be used. The MG 34 is used in a stationary emplacement on the Lafette tripod, and is mounted in a few vehicles such as the BMW R75 sidecar and one variant of the Sd.Kfz.251.
The MG 42 is available to German units in the 1944 levels, both as a man-portable MMG feeding from the assault drums, or as a FOB emplacement. It is also mounted in one variation of the Sd.Kfz. 251 halftrack.
ZB-26 machine guns are issued in place of the then non-existent MG 42 for the Wehrmacht in the 1940 maps. It is indexed under its Wehrmacht designation, MG-26(t), in-game.
German Schiessbecher grenadiers use the K98k equipped with the Gewehrgranatengerät device. It only has the Gewehr-Sprenggranate as the available projectile.
The M7 Rifle Grenade Launcher in conjunction with the M1 Garand is issued to American Grenadier kits. It has the most options for projectiles, included Mk. 2 fragmentation warheads for infantry, M9A1 Rifle Grenades for anti-armor/vehicle use, and M16 Smoke Grenades for concealment.
The Panzerschreck launcher is used by the German Schwere Panzerabwehr class in the 1944 era levels, and has two rockets. It goes by its full German moniker of Raketenpanzerbüchse 54 in-game.
The magnetic Hafthohlladung Anti Tank Mine is issued to German Heavy and Light Antitank, and Sapper kits. It has to be manually placed and functions on a timed fuse.
American and British forces have the Mk-II No. 75 Hawkins Grenade/Mine as an explosive used by their Sapper and Bazooka/PIAT classes. It functions identical to the HHL mine.
The German units are equipped with the iconic Model 24 Stielhandgranate for their explosive hand grenade. The Geballte Ladung bundled charge serves as an AT grenade, used by both of the Antitank kits - the Light only gets one bundle, while the Heavy gets two.
British units use the No. 77 Smoke Grenade. Unlike the other harmless smoke grenades, the No. 77 has a lethal detonation of White Phosphorous smoke, although the smoke cloud lingers for a shorter duration than other factions' equivalents.
The French Army uses the APX 47mm antitank gun on the Dinant and Stonne levels. It appears as a towable emplacement and also on the Laffly W15TCC truck, in a rear-facing bed mount.
German armored vehicles and Panzers mount the MG 34 Panzerlauf in numerous installations. It does reuse the heatshield of the regular MG 34 rather than the proper reinforced jacket.
The Reibel Mle. 31, the tank-mounted derivative of the Chatellerault, is mounted in French armored vehicles. It is generally referred to as the "MAC Mle 1931" in the vehicle HUD.