The Order: 1886 is a video game set in an alternate history London that follows the exploits of a group of legendary protectors of the British realm named 'The Order'. Members of 'The Order' are disciples of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur himself and are tasked with protecting the people of England from a multitude of threats including 'Half-Breeds' which is the name they use to describe werewolves and vampires.
Nearly all of the weapons featured are highly anachronistic, as the game is set before public knowledge of stable smokeless powder, but they are generally given a steampunk makeover to make them look appropriate in the alternate history setting.
The following weapons appear in the video game The Order: 1886:
The first weapon you will find in the game is a Webley .455 Mk II revolver, which is called the "Mk 1 Service Revolver" in-game. This weapon is anachronistic by 8 years. In-game animations portray this revolver as having a cocked hammer after every shot fired, despite this Webley being a double-action revolver that clearly lacks an auto-revolver mechanism, and the player character never physically cocking it.
The Borchardt C-93 is seen as the standard issue for Knights of 'The Order', and is called the 'C-78 Autoloading Pistol'. This weapon is anachronistic by approximately 7 years, and holds 9 rounds in-game, 1 more than its real-life counterpart.
The Colt Dragoon appears in the later half of the game as the 'M4 Dragoon Revolver' and is the strongest handgun in the game, killing most enemies with a single round. The weapon is a fictional top-break (like the Webley revolver) version of the Colt Dragoon 3rd model; as stated in the game, "this revolver was built as an upgrade to the older M3 Dragoons", which implies that the 'M4 Dragoon Revolver' is a further development of the Colt Dragoon 3rd model in the game universe. It is worth noting that although it is technically cartridge converted, the revolver in the game is still modeled on the basis of the original percussion model with a cylinder with cap slots (which would actually make it incompatible with metal cartridges), and with a loading lever. Any cylinder latch is also missing.
A Mauser C96 with an M712-style detachable magazine appears in-game as the 'C-81 Maschinepistole'. It is modeled with the hammer of the early C96 prototype as well as its stepped barrel, and is select-fire despite not having a fire selector. It is anachronistic by about 10 years, though detachable magazine versions appeared even later. The in-game weapon holds 25 rounds in its modelled 20-round magazine.
The 'Duelist Revolver' is a fictional double-barreled revolver with a 10-round cylinder, seemingly based on a Lancaster-made Howdah Pistol. Conceptually, it appears to be inspired by actual double-barreled revolvers such as the Lefaucheux double-barreled revolver or the Henrion, Dassy, and Heuschen revolver. In-game, it fires two shots sequentially in a short burst per trigger pull, rather than two at once as one might reasonably expect, or one shot per trigger pull like the real double-barreled revolvers.
The "M85 Automatisch" appears to be based on the Bergmann MP35/I (a design that wouldn't come around for another 49 years), albeit with a Bergmann MP18's charging handle, and a vertical magazine well that takes drum magazines seemingly based on those used in the German-issued Fl.-S.-K. 15 variant of the Mondragón Modelo 1908.
The 'Three Crown' Coach Gun in-game appears to be based on the Chiappa Triple Threat shotgun, the in-game version fires all 3 barrels at once. It is anachronistic by over 100 years.
The Browning Auto-5 appears as 'RA-5 Repeating Shotgun'. It is anachronistic by about 19 years.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBrowning Auto-5 (pre-WW2) in Sporting/Field configuration - 12 gaugeThe RA-5 as it appears in the game.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe RA-5 on the gound. The in-game model is actually quite accurate to the real firearm, although the earliest Brownings were most commonly straight stocks without a pistol grip, not this semi-pistol grip style.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSir Galahad with the RA-5.Error creating thumbnail: File missingReloading. Possibly for gameplay reasons, the animations are entirely incorrect for this firearm, as the bolt does not lock back on the last shot and it locks back during the animation, and Sir Galahad shoves rounds through the open ejection port/the side of the receiver to reload instead of the proper procedure for an early Auto-5 - namely dropping a round through the locked open ejection port into the chamber or on the lifter, closing the bolt, then flipping the shotgun over and holding down the bolt release button as you load four rounds into the magazine.
"Essex M2 Falchion"
The 'Essex M2 Falchion' is the standard-issue automatic rifle for Knights of 'The Order' and appears to be based on the Molot Vepr with a compressed air "Launcher" attached to the bottom. The magazine seems to be from a Browning Automatic Rifle and the rear sights from a Mauser Gewehr 1898.
The 'M84 Marksman Carbine' is a Lee-Enfield No. 5 Jungle Carbine. It serves as the game's sniper rifle. It appears with both suppressed and unsuppressed versions.
The grenades in the game, both frag and smoke use the same model, are based on the Model 24 Stielhandgranate, with a few cosmetic alterations such as an unusable blade attachment. While the attached ring on the stick resembles the spoon safety from the earlier Model 15, the warhead itself looks like the British No.3 Mk.1 Hales rifle grenade.
The Thermite gun is, rather loosely, based on the Maxim LMG 08/15 "Spandau" with elements of a Lewis Gun and a Vickers K machine gun. It sprays a cloud of thermite that can then be ignited with a flare launcher attached to the underside of the weapon.
The Crossbow in-game is called the 'Repeating Arabalest' and is always scoped, rather than have the bolt loaded one at a time it takes a drum attachment that holds 5 bolt at a time in a similar fashion to the one seen in Van Helsing.