The Master Butcher is a 2019 German television film directed by Uli Edel based on the novel The Master Butchers Singing Club by Louise Erdrich. After returning from World War I, the Swabian master butcher Fidelis Waldvogel no longer has a place in his parent's business. To make a better life for himself and Eva, the pregnant fiancée of his fallen friend, he emigrates and makes it as far as Argus. Delphine, a circus performer from Hamburg who has come to America with her father, the clown Robert, also ends up here.
The following weapons were used in the film The Master Butcher:
During the opening scene, Fidelis Waldvogel (Jonas Nay) and his friend Johannes (Mladen Hren) wield scoped Gewehr 98 rifles. French and German soldiers are armed with standard Gewehrs.
Karabiner 98k
At least, one German soldier is seen with an anachronistic Karabiner 98k.
Star Model B
What appears to be a Star Model B is used by Sheriff Hock (Martin Leutgeb), Clarisse Straub (Claudia Kottal), and a German officer in the film's prologue.