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Hot Shots! Part Deux

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Hot Shots! Part Deux (1993)

Hot Shots! Part Deux (French for "Part Two") is the 1993 sequel to Hot Shots! (1991). Charlie Sheen returns as Topper Harley, who is asked to join a rescue team to get back his former commanding officer who was caught behind enemy lines. Also returning from the first film are Valeria Golino and Lloyd Bridges. While the first film was chiefly a parody of Top Gun, the sequel was mostly a parody of the Rambo films (the cast even includes Rambo co-star Richard Crenna).

The following weapons were used in the film Hot Shots! Part Deux:

Machine Guns

M60E3 Short

Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) uses the M60E3 during the mission.

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M60E3 with short barrel - 7.62x51mm NATO
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Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) armed with the M60E3 while in the jungle.
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Like Rambo in Rambo: First Blood Part II, Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) uses the M60E3 as his weapon of choice.
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Topper fires on the Iraqi coast guard boat. Note the blank-firing adapter in the barrel.
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The 7.62 shell casings almost bury him!
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While Harley speaks to Arvid, the M60E3 is seen between them.
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As he speaks to Ramada, Topper holds the M60E3. Note the dummy rounds.
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Topper armed with the M60E3 while infiltrating the prison compound.
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Topper fires the M60E3. Because he is actually firing the machine gun, these are blank rounds.
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Harley holds the M60E3 while he carries Dexter Hayman (Rowan Atkinson) on his shoulder.

Browning AN/M2

Browning AN/M2s are mounted on Iraqi army jeeps.

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Browning AN/M2 - .50 BMG
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The machine gun seen here is a Browning AN/M2.
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The machine gun seen on the left.
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Williams uses the machine gun.
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Iraqi soldier mans the machine gun.

Browning M2HB

Browning M2HB machine guns are dual-mounted on the bow of the Apocalypse Now PBR carrying "Captain Willard" (an uncredited Martin Sheen). Another single M2 is mounted in the stern of the PBR. These are likely just mock-ups.

Dual Browning M2HB in PBR - .50 BMG
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Both: "I loved you in Wall Street!" Browning M2HB machine guns are dual-mounted on the bow of the Apocalypse Now PBR carrying "Captain Willard" (an uncredited Martin Sheen).
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Another single M2 is mounted in the stern of the PBR.

Browning M2 Aircraft Machine Gun

What appear to be twin Browning M2 Aircraft machine guns are mounted on Iraq navy boats such as The Behn Gazaarah.

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Browning M2 Aircraft, Flexible - .50 BMG
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At the top, what appear to be twin Browning M2 Aircraft machine guns are mounted on The Behn Gazaarah.
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The Browning M2 Aircraft machine guns are fired.
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The same configuration on a different Iraqi boat.


M14 Rifle

Williams (Michael Colyar) carries an M14 fitted with a scope and black furniture. This rifle also is seen in the hands of Ramada.

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Hudson M14 with riflescope - 7.62x51mm NATO
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Williams on the right with the rifle.
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Williams (Michael Colyar) carries the M14.
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Williams fires the M14 from the boat.
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This rifle also is seen in the hands of Ramada.

Colt Model 653

One of the SEALs brandishes a Colt Model 653 with an M203 grenade launcher.

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Colt Model 653 - 5.56x45mm
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One of the SEALs brandishes an M203-equipped Colt Model 653.

Colt M16 SP1 with M203 grenade launcher

Rabinowitz (Ryan Stiles) is seen with an M16 SP1 fitted with an (possibly mocked-up) M203 grenade launcher.

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M16/SP1 with M203 grenade launcher - 5.56x45mm/40mm
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Rabinowitz with the rifle. This shot was reversed in the film.

M16 style rifle

In some scenes, the rifle carried by Rabinowitz appears to have a forward assist like on a Colt AR-15A2 Sporter II and the same model of fake M203 used in Predator and Scarface.

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Colt AR-15A2 Sporter II, early model with magazine removed and A1 upper receiver - 5.56x45mm
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World IMFDB Exclusive: Screen used Faux M203 Launcher on M16A1 with quadrant and front ladder sight - 5.56x45mm. This is verified screen used from the film Scarface. Two 30-round magazines have been taped together with black gaffer's tape to emulate the way Tony Montana loaded his weapon in the film. What is interesting is that the tape in the movie does really appear to be motion picture gaffer's tape, which would only be common on... a movie set.
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Rabinowitz (Ryan Stiles) is seen with an M16 fitted with what appears to be a mocked-up M203 grenade launcher.
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Rabinowitz holds the rifle as the squad waits for Topper. The long trigger guard of the fake M203 can be seen clearly.


The AKM is the main rifle carried by Iraqi soldiers and sailors.

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AKM - 7.62x39mm
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At the film's beginning, the AKM is fired upon the SEALs.
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The AKM seen on the left.
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AKM rifles are carried by the Iraqi sailors aboard The Behn Gazaarah.
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An Iraqi soldier fires his AKM that is fitted with a drum magazine.


Some Iraqi soldiers and sailors brandish AKMSs.

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AKMS - 7.62x39mm
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An Iraqi soldier in the center carries an AKM during the capture of the SEALs.
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One of Iraqi sailors carries the AKMS while being mowed down by Topper.


Many Iraqi soldiers and officers including Rufshaad (Andreas Katsulas) carry the AKS-47. Col. Denton Walters (Richard Crenna) is seen taking up an AKS-47.

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3rd pattern AKS-47 - 7.62x39mm
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The Iraqi officer Rufshaad (Andreas Katsulas) carries his rifle unloaded.
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The officer charges his AKS.
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Col. Denton Walters (Richard Crenna) commandeers an AKS-47. As a bit of film trivia, the name of Crenna's character in the film is derived from Walter Denton, the name of the character Crenna portrayed in the radio/television sitcom Our Miss Brooks and its 1965 film adaption.
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The colonel with his AKS.

Colt XM177E2

Some of the SEALs at the film's beginning carry what appear to be a Colt XM177E2 fitted with an M203 grenade launcher.

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Colt XM177E2 - 5.56x45mm
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A SEAL carries the Colt XM177E2 fitted with an M203 grenade launcher at the film's beginning.
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A SEAL with the rifle.

Colt XM16E1

One of the sailors aboard the Apocalypse Now PBR appears to carry an XM16E1.

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One of the sailors aboard the Apocalypse Now PBR appears to carry an XM16E1.

Submachine Guns

Heckler & Koch SP89 (Mocked-Up as MP5K)

Ramada (Valeria Golino) is seen carrying what appears to be a Heckler & Koch SP89 converted to resemble the MP5K.

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Heckler & Koch SP89 converted to MP5K - 9x19mm
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While in disguise, Ramada (Valeria Golino) uses a converted Heckler & Koch SP89.
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Ramada dual-wields HKs during the boat attack.
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Ramada armed with her HK during the prison infiltration.
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A view of the HK.
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Ramada uses the HK.

Heckler & Koch SP89

In a continuity error, Ramada (Valeria Golino) carries an unmodified Heckler & Koch SP89 in some scenes instead of one mocked-up to resemble the MP5K.

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Heckler & Koch SP89 - 9x19mm
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Ramada carries the SP89 as the team enters the prison compound. Here the SP89 is not the modified one.
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In a continuity error, Ramada (Valeria Golino) carries an unmodified Heckler & Koch SP89 in some scenes instead of one mocked-up to resemble the MP5K.

Daisy Softair Model 15 MP5K replica

In some scenes, the "MP5K" carried by Ramada (Valeria Golino) is a Daisy Softair Model 15 MP5K replica.

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Daisy Airsoft Model 15 MP5K replica
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In one scene, the "MP5K" carried by Ramada (Valeria Golino) is a Daisy Softair Model 15 MP5K.

Heckler & Koch HK94 (Chopped and Converted, Mocked-Up as MP5A3)

Heckler & Koch HK94s chopped and converted to look like the MP5A3 are seen used by Topper, Commander Arvid Harbinger (Miguel Ferrer), and other team members. These HK94s have the slender foregrips of early MP5s.

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The "Fake MP5", the Heckler & Koch HK94A3 converted to full auto fire, shortened barrel, and added third firing position on trigger pack - 9x19mm. The version seen in the film has a slender foregrip.
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Commander Arvid Harbinger (Miguel Ferrer) checks his converted HK94.
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A SEAL with his converted HK94.
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Commander Arvid Harbinger (Miguel Ferrer) carries his converted HK94 as the SEALs infiltrates Saddam's compound (protected by Brinks!).
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A SEAL under fire while carrying the converted HK94.
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Rabinowitz realizes he's firing the HK94 in the wrong direction.
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Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) is armed with the modified HK94 as he tells the others to jump for it.
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Commander Arvid Harbinger (Miguel Ferrer) with the HK94.


Browning Hi-Power

Iraqi soldiers carry Browning Hi-Powers with Pachmayr grips.

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Browning Hi-Power - 9x19mm
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Iraqi soldiers with holstered Hi-Powers.
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A Browning HP among the weapons on the crate.
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An Iraqi soldier with the Browning HP as he's taken down by Topper.

Colt M1911A1

What appears to be a Colt M1911A1 is seen in the holster of Capt. Benjamin L. Willard (an uncredited Martin Sheen, reprising his role from Apocalypse Now) as he gives a thumbs up to his real-life son Charlie Sheen.

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Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
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What appears to be a Colt M1911A1 is seen in the holster of Capt. Benjamin L. Willard (an uncredited Martin Sheen, reprising his role from Apocalypse Now).

Beretta 92FS

Williams (Michael Colyar) charges his Beretta 92FS while aboard the transport.

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Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm
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Williams (Michael Colyar) charges his Beretta 92FS while aboard the transport.

Beretta 93R (Mocked-Up Beretta 92FS)

Saddam (Jerry Haleva) is seen using what appears to two full-auto pistols that resemble the Beretta 93R. These are Beretta 92FS pistols converted to full-auto and customized with 93R barrels and long mags.

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Beretta 92FS rendered with extended barrel and magazine in order to resemble the Beretta 93R - 9x19mm
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Saddam with his Berettas at the film's beginning.
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Saddam is awakened by the alarm and begins firing the Berettas. The star pattern muzzle flash is seen.
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Saddam holds up his twin Berettas.
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Saddam (Jerry Haleva) armed with one of his Berettas during a confrontation with Topper.


Remington 870 Folding Stock

Ramada (Valeria Golino) uses a Remington 870 Folding Stock shotgun. She is seen doing the one-handed pump several times until the shotgun flies off the handle.

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Remington 870 Folding Stock - 12 gauge
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Ramada (Valeria Golino) uses a Remington 870 Folding Stock shotgun.


DefTech 37mm Launcher

Col. Denton Walters (Richard Crenna) takes up a DefTech 37mm Launcher after he escapes from the prison.

DefTech 37mm Launcher - 37mm
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The launcher is seen on the left.
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The launcher is seen on the crate.
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Col. Denton Walters (Richard Crenna) takes up the DefTech 37mm Launcher.

M2 Mortar

Two Iraqi soldiers are seen firing an M2 Mortar that Arvid manages to nudge.

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M2 Mortar - 60mm
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The M2 Mortar is seen.

M203 Grenade Launcher

One of the SEALs is seen carrying a Colt Model 653 fitted with an M203 grenade launcher.

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M203 Grenade Launcher - 40mm
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This launcher seen doesn't appear to be the same mock-up seen on the M16 later.

M203 Grenade Launcher (Mock-Up)

The M16 rifle carried by Rabinowitz (Ryan Stiles) has the M203 mock-up which appears to be the 39mm pyrotechnic device seen also in Predator and Heartbreak Ridge.

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Screen used faux M203 39mm launcher attached to an M16/SP1 rifle - 5.56x45mm/39mm
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Raninowitz with the M16 with fake M203.

Mk 2 Hand Grenade

Topper Harley (Charlie Sheen) tosses an Mk 2 hand grenade into the mouth of the Iraqi boat captain (an uncredited Gregory Sierra).

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Mk 2 hand grenade
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Topper prepares to toss the grenade.
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The grenade in the mouth of the Iraqi boat captain (an uncredited Gregory Sierra).
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Grenades are seen on the crate along with other weapons.

Custom Oerlikon 20mm Cannon

The Iraqi Boat Captain (Gregory Sierra) is seen firing an Oerlikon 20mm Cannon mounted on the Iraqi ship. In order to make the weapon more menacing, two drum magazines attached together to make a saddle drum are mounted on the weapon instead of the usual single magazine. While there are left-handed 20mm Oerlikon drums, these are rarer than right-handed drums, and so the saddle drum is made from two right-handed drums with the one on the left mounted backwards.

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Oerlikon 20mm Cannon - 20x110mm
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The Hot Shots! Oerlikon mounts a saddle drum magazine, seemingly made by simply attaching two regular drums together. The drum to the right is backwards as a result.
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The Boat Captain fires the cannon.

M47 Dragon Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher

An M47 Dragon is seen carried by the team. Rabinowitz is seen taking up the launcher while at the prison compound. This particular launcher is missing the optical sight and bipod: in other words, it is an expended launch tube. An actual M47 would not be used as a plain shoulder fired launcher with no other means of support, and could not be fired at all without a sighting unit attached since the trigger is on the right-hand side of the sight (of course, this can be overlooked given the way the launcher is actually used in the film).

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M47 Dragon - 140mm
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Rabinowitz is seen taking up an M47 Dragon Anti-Tank Guided Missile Launcher. Note the shape of the foam rubber base compared to the image above: this is blown apart when the missile is fired, showing this to be a spent tube.
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Aiming the launcher. The folding sights mounted on the original sight bracket are a nice bit of prop work, and do a very good job of looking like they actually belong on the weapon. They appear to have been inspired by the folding sight of the Hotchkiss-Brandt SARPAC rocket launcher, a rather obscure 70s-era French attempt to produce a rival to the American M72 LAW.

RPG (Mock-Up)

The Iraqi sailor shoots with a fake missile built to look like an RPG-type launcher.

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RPG-7 - 40mm
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An Iraqi sailor prepares to fire the RPG.
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The RPG is fired.


Saddam (Jerry Haleva) tries to shoot down a helicopter with what appears to be an RPG-7. This is likely a mock-up similar to the ones seen in Rambo: First Blood Part II and Red Dawn.

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RPG-7 - 40mm
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Saddam tries to fire the RPG.
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Saddam holds the launcher.

Gag Weapons in Action

Some of the weapons seen actually have humorous applications.

"Hammered" M14

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Ramada's M14 utilizes the "mallet" function.

M16 "Two Finger"

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Rabinowitz with the "two finger" accessory on his M16.

Punch Launcher

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The M47 Dragon launcher fires its punching glove.

Legendary Hen Archery

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Topper decides to launch a hen after he runs out of arrows.