The Heineken Kidnapping (original title: De Heineken Ontvoering) is a 2011 Dutch crime movie based on the 1983 kidnapping of the President of the Board of the Heineken beer brewing company Alfred Heineken (portrayed by Rutger Hauer). The kidnapping and subsequent chase of the kidnappers dominated Dutch national news for several months in 1983/1984.
Heineken and his driver are held for 3 weeks until a ransom is paid. The second part of the movie focuses on the cat-and-mouse game between Alfred Heineken and the kidnappers who are being chased by a vengeful Heineken. Some reviews referred to the second part of this movie as ‘Revenge Is Best Served Cold’, a parody of a well-known Heineken beer slogan.
The following weapons were used in the film The Heineken Kidnapping:
The Browning Hi-Power is the gun seen most often in use by the kidnappers. Two versions seem to be used; a ‘regular commercial’ model but also the ‘first version’ with tangent rear sights.
In some scenes, the above model Browning Hi-Power switches to the original model with tangent rear sights of which the rear sight seems to be partially removed. It is not clear if this indicates that the kidnappers had 2 examples or that this is a continuity mistake.
Members of the SWAT team who rescue Heineken and his driver from their make-shift prison in a remote construction shed are seen carrying one of two versions of the M1 Carbine. Even though Dutch SWAT teams did carry this carbine well into the 1970-s (…), by 1983 these would have been replaced by Heckler & Koch MP5’s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingModern version of the M1 Carbine, with standard stock and ‘L’ peep sight, Auto-Ordnance - .30 CarbineError creating thumbnail: File missingNot the most impressive sight for a high-profile rescue; Dutch SWAT team member (right) with WWII era M1 Carbine and tactical flashlight loosely in his hands shining upwards…Error creating thumbnail: File missingDutch SWAT team members making their way into the prison where Heineken is held. Anybody ever having fired the M1 Carbine will recognize this ‘W’ shaped front sight.
Apart from the above ‘regular’ M1 Carbine, a second (and more exotic) version is used that has a paratrooper stock, pistol grip, vertical foregrip and 30-round magazine. Somewhat of an improvement over the regular model it seems.
Another SWAT team member can be seen carrying an AKS-47 (!). An explanation for this totally incorrect choice of weapon might be that the armorer ran out of M1 Carbines with 30-round magazines and picked an AKS-47 instead assuming the general public would not notice.
A final member of the SWAT team carries a Heckler & Koch G3SG/1 sniper rifle. Even though it is partially seen in the dark, the distinguishable stock and front sight can be clearly seen.
French CRS special forces that storm the hotel where two kidnappers have taken refuge are armed with what is most probably Beretta 92FS pistols, standing in for the French service pistol PAMAS G1.
Cor (Gijs Naber) is seen using an Uzi when he and partners kidnap Heineken and his driver on the doorstep of Heineken’s office. The gun is never seen later in the movie so they may have disposed of it at a later stage in the kidnapping.
In the finale of the movie, Heineken and his team locate the two remaining kidnappers on the Caribbean island of Saint Martin. A member of a local militia that comes to their assistance in tracking down the kidnappers carries what appears to be a Winchester Model 1300 with extended tube.