The 1st Gen "Martian Pistol", heavily modified version of the WE X Series IPSC Airsoft Pistol, itself based on the Springfield Armory XD continues to be used by James Holden (Steven Strait), Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) and Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) after they acquired them in Season 1. Naomi Nagata (Dominique Tipper) briefly carries one in "The Seventh Man" (S2E07), and Camina Drummer (Cara Gee) uses one in "Pyre" (S2E08). Dr. Praxideke Meng (Terry Chen) is given one by Amos in "Here There Be Dragons" (S2E11). It is suggested that by the time of the second season, these pistols are now in the process of being replaced by the MMC.
A 2nd Gen "Martian Pistol", also a modified version of the WE X Series IPSC Airsoft Pistol with a slightly different design, is briefly seen in aboard the MCRN Sirocco in "Safe" (S2E01).
Note: In the context of the show, the weapons are stated to be "designed to fire both self-propelled rounds and traditional cartridge rounds, the rear of the barrel is vented at the back to eliminate recoil for use in zero-g situations".
The "Star Helix Pistol", which is actually a visually modified Glock 26 Advanced Airsoft pistol (a fictional variant of the Glock 26 with an accessory rail, grip extension and compensated extended barrel originally manufactured by Tokyo Marui) continues to serve as the sidearm of many individuals in the series, including members of the United Nations Navy, staff at Tycho Station such as Fred Johnson (Chad L. Coleman) and Camina Drummer (Cara Gee), as well as other members of the OPA such as Diogo Harari (Andrew Rotilio) and Staz (Alden Adair). Star Helix officers on Ganymede in "The Weeping Somnambulist" (S2E09) carry them as standard issue sidearms. Cotyar Ghazi (Nick E. Tarabay) and crew members of the Guanshiyin carry them in "The Monster and the Rocket" (S2E12) and "Caliban's War" (S2E13).
Note: In the context of the show, they are described as a "common gun made from plastic polymers so it can be 3D printed cheaply and reliably. It is designed for reliability and ease of use".
A modified Chiappa Rhino 50DS continues to be carried by Detective Joe Miller (Thomas Jane) as his sidearm, after acquiring it from a UN black ops soldier in the previous season.
Several members of the OPA strike team carry the TDI Vector when sent to breach the spin station in "Doors and Corners" (S2E02). Several members of the OPA on Tycho Station also carry them in "Godspeed" (S2E04). Star Helix security officers on Ganymede also carry them in "Here There Be Dragons" (S2E11). Crew members on the Guanshiyin use biologically encoded versions in "Caliban's War" (S2E13).
The "Star Helix Long Gun", which is actually an Airsoft Umarex SL9 resembling a Heckler & Koch SL8-4 with a G36K length barrel, handguard, and various futuristic modifications is seen carried by multiple members of the OPA team sent to breach the spin station in "Doors and Corners" (S2E02). Members of the OPA guarding the brig on Tycho Station also carry modified variants of the rifle.
The "Martian Long Gun", which is actually a slightly modified APS UAR Airsoft rifle, is seen in the armory of the Rocinante throughout the season. In "Doors and Corners" (S2E02), Staz (Alden Adair) and several other members of the OPA strike team sent to Thoth Station also carry variants of the rifle. Alex Kamal (Cas Anvar) arms himself with one in "The Seventh Man" (S2E07).
The 2nd Gen "Martian Long Gun", which appears to be a heavily modified version of the Beretta Cx4 Storm is seen on a gear table aboard the MCRN Sirocco in "Safe" (S2E01). It appears to be an updated version of the rifle used by the Martian Marines in the first season.
A heavily modified SCAR serves as a Martian auto-shotgun carried by Amos Burton (Wes Chatham) throughout the season. A magwell cover prevents the type from being identified.
Protogen mercenaries continue to carry custom grenade launchers, which appear to be a heavily modified Brügger & Thomet GL-06s with an additional FN40GL grenade launcher inverted and mounted on top of the barrel. One of the launchers is found by Staz (Alden Adair) onboard Thoth Station in "Doors and Corners" (S2E02), but is loaded with non-lethal gel rounds.
The Goliath mechanical powered armour worn by members of the Martian Marine Corps, is equipped with a minigun in the right arm, and what appears to be a small missile launcher in the back. It is used by Gunnery Sergeant Roberta "Bobbie" W. Draper (Frankie Adams), Corporal Sa'id (Dewshane Williams), Private Hillman (Sarah Allen) and Private Richard Travis (Mpho Koaho).