Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Detective Is Already Dead (探偵はもう、死んでいる。: Tantei wa Mō, Shinde Iru. ). (July 4, 2021 - September 19, 2021).
The following weapons were used in the anime series The Detective is Already Dead :
Flintlock Pistol
A Flintlock Pistol is seen with Yui Saikawa in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Braddock Pistol - .71 caliber
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yui aims the flintlock in "What I See in That Eye".
A M1911A1 is seen in a flashback with Kimihiko Kimizuka in "I Still Remember, After All This Time". From "What I See in That Eye", Kimihiko is seen with it as his personal sidearm in cases when violence is expected in a case.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Black Colt M1911A1 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kimihiko with the M1911A1 while on an investigation with Siesta in "I Still Remember, After All This Time".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kimihiko aims the M1911A1 at Yui in the dressing room in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1911A1 aimed at Siesta from the back in "With That, We Set out on a Journey Once Again".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In "SPES", the pistol is aimed at Seed.
SIG-Sauer P365 SAS
Yui Saikawa uses what appears to be a SIG-Sauer P365 SAS in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG-Sauer P365 SAS - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Yui Saikawa aims the pistol in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A close up.
Colt Python
A Colt Python is seemingly used with Siesta in "With That, We Set out on a Journey Once Again".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Python with 6" Barrel - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Siesta takes out the revolver from her back near the end of "With That, We Set out on a Journey Once Again". The cylinder appears to have a cover that looks to be taken from a top.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Shot of the revolver's barrel/frame/cylinder/trigger and trigger guard.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Siesta prepares to mercy kill Alicia.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
A Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW is seen with Charlotte Arisaka Anderson aka Char as her preferred weapon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing MP5K-PDW with its extended barrel with 3 lugs & folding stock - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charlotte with the MP5K-PDW while infiltrating a SPES facility in "SPES".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Charlotte opens fire at a SPES agent who is supposedly Chameleon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The MP5K-PDW fired at Chameleon in "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
AK rifle
An armed man in "I Still Remember, After All This Time" is seen armed with an AK -based assault rifle. There's not enough details to make out the specifics.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An armed man seen with the AK-based rifle in "I Still Remember, After All This Time".
Brown Bess Flintlock Musket
A silver Brown Bess Flintlock Musket is used by Siesta, which is made to fire special ammo. She first uses it to engage Albert Coleman aka Bat in "Attention Passengers: Is There A Detective on Board?".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Brown Bess musket left side.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Siesta with the musket slung on her shoulder in the ED sequence, "Kodō".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the silver musket in "Attention Passengers: Is There A Detective on Board?".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note engravings on the receiver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Being all business after pinning Bat down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The musket aimed at Hel in the middle of "That Was Directed at One Year in the Future".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Aiming the musket at Hel in "SPES".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Someone strikes a pose that only Kimihiko knows in "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Come on... you should know who does this kind of theatrics.
Winchester carbine
A Winchester -type carbine is seen inside Yui's mansion in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The engraved carbine on display in "What I See in That Eye".
Sniper Rifles
Barrett M82A1M
A Barrett M82A1M is used by Char to snipe at Chameleon in "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Barrett M82A1M - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Char aims the big ol' weapon at Chameleon in the middle of "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
Machine Guns
Dual Machine Guns
A couple of machine guns mounted on Siesta's mech is seen in "Crimson Devil, Ice Queen".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The machine guns fired at Hel in "Crimson Devil, Ice Queen".
Hand Held M134 Minigun
The Hand Held M134 Minigun is used by Char when she provides fire support for Kimihiko in "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
"Ol' Painless" Handheld M134 Minigun with a M60 handguard - 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Char fires the M134 at Chameleon in "A Light in the Midst of Hope".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing But she runs out of ammo...
A crossbow is seen in "What I See in That Eye" with a hooded assassin in a stadium.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The crossbow aimed at Yui from another floor in the stadium in "What I See in That Eye".
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the loaded bolt.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of trigger/trigger guard.