Erica Bain (Jodie Foster) purchases a Kahr K9 from a blackmarket gun dealer (Angel Sing) to carry for her own protection, eventually using it to kill several criminals as she gradually becomes a vigilante.
It is noteworthy that Foster never really fires her Kahr K9 throughout the movie. Every time she fires, it is a digital flash. Probably easier due to the restrictive New York City filming locations.
Erica Bain's first action as a vigilante involves her defending herself from a shopkeeper's murderous husband armed with a Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub Nosed Revolver with a 2.5" barrel and aftermarket Black custom grips - .357 magnum.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith & Wesson Model 66 Snub nosed revolver with Pachmayr Grips - .357 magnumError creating thumbnail: File missingSandy Combs (Larry Fessenden) aims his S&W Model 66 Revolver, with 2.5" barrel, at his wife, Ida Combs, before shooting her five times, leaving just one round left in the handgun - .357 magnum. In the film, the police describe the shots as .38 special, which is completely understandable and usable by a .357 magnum revolver.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSandy Combs shoots Ida Combs (An Nguyen) at close range. Like before, the gun flashes are digital CGI special effects and not blanks, however it is probably for safety purposes, considering how close he is to the victim.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSandy Combs notices a noise in the store after killing his wife, while gripping his S&W Model 66 Revolver - .357 magnum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLike yet another untrained individual, Sandy Combs nervously grips his S&W Model 66 Revolver in an unusual manner when looking for the person in the store - .357 magnum.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAnother shot of the Model 66 revolver, here the custom black grips are visible - .357 magnum.
A M1911A1 pistol is seen behind the glass counter at a gun store when Erica (Jodie Foster) attempts to buy a weapon.
A Beretta 92FS pistol is seen behind the glass counter at a gun store when Erica (Jodie Foster) attempts to buy a weapon. Two of them are visible, one with wooden grips, one with black plastic factory grips.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingSeen behind the glass at the gunstore: Left to right - Beretta 92FS with Wooden grips, Beretta 92FS with black grips, Makarov PM.
The black pistol above (from left to right) is a Ruger MKIII678 (Cal. 22 LR), the pistol next to it is a CZ 83 (Calibre 7.65mm Browning; 9mm Browning or 9 mm Makarov)
I think the bottom left revolver is a Smith & Wesson .32 Double Action Second Model Revolver --AdAstra2009 02:19, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
I believe you are correct. The gun above it looks like a Ruger Mk II, and the gun next to it looks like a Cz 83 pistol. The others gun are at too great an angle to ID. - Gunmaster45
Curses. I was afraid of that. You still have some of the best eagle eyes on IMFDB for Identifying hard to see guns.... MoviePropMaster2008 02:58, 17 July 2009 (UTC)
Okay, just for you I turned up the volume on my sight powers ;). The gun next to the S&W is actually the reflection of it in the glass, so that gun's IDed. The gun next to the reflection looks like a Smith & Wesson, likely the 659 since the grips don't wrap all the way around. And the gun laying on the top shelf next to the Cz pistol is very hard to see, but bears some resemblance to a Walther P38. - Gunmaster45
Green Screen shots
Error creating thumbnail: File missingWhat is interesting is how many GREEN screen shots there are of Foster shooting, probably the most expedient way to film scenes of firing weapons in a city (New York City) that is notorious for being difficult to fire live guns with blanks.