The Green Wagon (Zelyonyy Furgon) (1959)The Green Wagon (Zelyonyy Furgon) (1959) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesThe Green Wagon (Zelyonyy Furgon) (1959)
The Green Wagon (Zelyonyy Furgon) is a 1959 Soviet adventure movie by Genrikh Gabay and based on the same title novel by Aleksandr Kozachinsky. The story takes place in the city of Odessa in 1920. The young lad Volodya Kozachenko (Vladimir Kolokoltsev) joins the Ugolovny Rozysk (Criminal Police) and finds himself against different criminals - from a horse thief "Krasavchick" to the most dangerous criminal in Odessa, a ruthless killer "Cherven".
Volodya Kozachenko (Vladimir Kolokoltsev) carries an anachronistic Karabiner 98k rifle. Due to a continuity error, in one scene he switches rifles with Grichenko (Yuri Timoshenko). What appear to be 98k rifles are also seen in hands of soldiers of several armies during the events of Russian civil war.
Grichenko's (Yuri Timoshenko) service weapon is an equally anachronistic FEG 35M rifle. Due to a continuity error, in one scene he switches rifles with Volodya Kozachenko (Vladimir Kolokoltsev).
Mosin Nagant M1891/30 rifles, standing for original M1891s, are used by soldiers of several different troops during the events of the Russian civil war in Odessa in 1918-1919 years. Later most militioneers are armed with Mosin Nagant M1981/30 rifles.
Three light machine guns are seen in a scene of the civil war. One of these machine guns appears to be a Maxim with typical spade grips, mounted on a bipod instead of Sokolov wheeled carriage. The spade grips doesn't allow to identify this machine gun as one of such bipod-mounted Maxims as MG08/15, MG08/18 or Maxim-Tokarev.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThree machine guns on bipods are seen on the street. The one at the foreground appears to be based on a Maxim gun.
In a scene of street combat an unknown machine gun stands for a Maxim. It is fitted with Maxim-style water jacket but the barrel is positioned in the center of the jacket, not in the bottom part, so it appears to be a mockup.
In addition to his revolver and rifle, Volodya Kozachenko (Vladimir Kolokoltsev) carries two F-1 hand grenades. He uses a grenade in the climactic scene against Cherven's henchmen.