The Postal Dude (Zack Ward) takes a Ruger Redhawk with black plastic grips from Richard's (Chris Coppola) bunker and uses it for the rest of the film. Faith (Jackie Tohn) also holds it during the Trailer Park Shootout as the Dude engages in hand-to-hand combat.
What appears to be a Colt Police Positive is seen in the hands of a member of the local doomsday cult, the Denomination of Organic Monotheism (D.O.O.M.).
A Colt Python is used by the Aggressive Panhandler (Michael Paré) to hold up the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) early in the film. Also a 6" version is used by at least two guys in the trailer park shootout.
A Colt Anaconda is also used by Richard (Chris Coppola) throughout the film, most notably using it in his underground bunker and during the film's climax. In the extended German release, a disgruntled Paradise resident fires an Anaconda from a bicycle before he is knocked off of the bike.
Beretta Cougars are the sidearms of both Officer Greg (Chris Spencer) and Officer John (Ralf Moeller). One is also used by Uwe Boll in a cameo during the Little-Germany shootout.
The Beretta 92FS is seen in the hands of of various characters, especially in the hands of Paradise police officers and the Postal Dude (Zack Ward). Near the end of the film, there is a continuity error where Officer Greg (Chris Spencer) steps out of a trailer with his Beretta Cougar before stepping back inside to take cover from gunfire. The next shot in the trailer shows him holding a 92FS instead. One of Uncle Dave's chicks also carries one in Richard's underground bunker.
A CZ 75B is used by a man in the trailer park shootout. He appears to run empty yet he keeps continues to mime fire the gun during the shootout with the slide locked back.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingCZ 75B .40 S&W (note different hammer design)Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe man holding his CZ during an intermission at the Trailer Park shootout.Error creating thumbnail: File missingOn the front, the same guy is now holding an empty CZ 75B. He continues to mime fire the weapon.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThis woman also seems to carry one. The man above is seen kneeling next to her, and in this shot his weapon is visible on the right. Both of them have their slides locked back. Like the man, she too can be seen mime firing it. CGI muzzle-flashes were used to simulate firing.
Glock 17
Glock 17 pistols are seen in the hands of the security guards during the social security office shootings. Also used by a disgruntled customer, who takes one from a security guard.
A Smith & Wesson 5906 is used by the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) in the both the alley shootout and the trailer park shootout. One is also used by a customer at the social security office. A final one is seen in the hands of one Richard's thugs.
Jericho 941 R pistols are seen in the hands of a number of Paradise residents as they hunt for the Postal Dude (Zack Ward). A chromed version is used by one of the chicks in Dave's mansion during the shootout with the terrorists.
The Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorists also use Heckler & Koch MP7s during the trailer park shootout. At least three are seen throughout; the two pictured below are fitted with ELCAN scopes, and a third one is seen later without any sort of sight and the fore-grip folded.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMosin Nagant M44 Carbine, chambered in 7.62x54R, with attached side-folding bayonet. Note the slightly longer barrel ahead of the front sight to accommodate locking in the bayonet, brass reinforcements around the sling holes and an integral bayonet attached to the barrel.
Mauser Karabiner 98k rifle
At least one Mauser Kar98k rifle can be seen in Richard's (Chris Coppola) secret doomsday bunker.
Heckler & Koch G36K rifles are seen in the hands of Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorists. Some of them have their stocks removed. Most have a vertical grip attached.
Zastava M70AB2 rifles are seen in the hands of Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingZastava M70AB2 folding stock rifle with a replacement wood pistol grip - 7.62x39mm. Yeah, okay. That's how I got the rifle from Mitchell Arms. I'll buy a replacement correct pistol grip and rephotograph the gun. :)
An AKMS type weapon is seen in the hands of a Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorist in Dave's mansion.
A M14 rifle is used by one of the Paradise residents against the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) and Faith (Jackie Tohn) during the trailer park shootout. It's green in color.
When Officer Greg (Chris Spencer) investigates an elderly Chinese woman that wasn't moving her car when the traffic lights changed color, he carries with him a Remington 870 shotgun.
A Mossberg 500A field shotgun is seen in the hands of a Paradise resident during the trailer park shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMossberg 500A Field Gun with 28" Barrel - 12 GaugeError creating thumbnail: File missingThe man in the middle is carrying the Mossberg. Another shotgun is in the back, but the blurriness of this shot makes it very hard to identify.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe same resident, with a different shirt on, firing his shotgun. It's possible that these scenes were filmed out of order, and that the man removed his blue shirt in between shots.
Winchester 1897 shotgun
A Winchester Model 1897 is used by The Postal Dude's irritating neighbor during the trailer park shootout. He only fires it once before the gun jams, much to his dismay (and demise).
A Daewoo K3 is used by the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) for two shootouts. He manages to get out of both of the sizely shootouts unscathed and with one hundred percent casualties on his aggressors. Since Postal was filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada; the Daewoo K3 machine gun seen in this film has been used in many TV shows and movies that were filmed in Vancouver e.g. Stargate: SG1,Stargate: Atlantis, Walking Tall, Underworld: Evolution, Battlestar Galactica etc. In the trailer park scene it clearly fires blanks.
A M60 was in Richard's (Chris Coppola) secret doomsday bunker. Another M60 was used by one of the Paradise residents against the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) and Faith (Jackie Tohn) during the trailer park shootout.
A PKM machine gun is used by one of the Paradise residents against the Postal Dude (Zack Ward) and Faith (Jackie Tohn) during the trailer park shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingRussian PKM Machine Gun - 7.62x54RError creating thumbnail: File missingThe guy on the right is holding a PKM, easily recognizable by it's buttstock. The Postal Dude had just delivered an inspiring speech, which is the reason for the head patting and somber looks. The moment doesn't last, however.
Browning M2
A Browning M2 is used by Richard (Chris Coppola) during the trailer park shootout. The M2 machine gun was mounted on a convertible car.
A RPG-7 is in the hands of a Taliban/al-Qaeda terrorist named Abdul, a mentally handicapped terrorist. He drops it several times, the final time causing it to go off.