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Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
The following weapons appear in the video game Assassin's Creed IV:
Brown Bess Flintlock Musket
Brown Bess Flintlock Muskets, often equipped with bayonets, are sometime seen in weapon caches or the hands of enemies, and are always found in the hands of the snipers posted on the masts of larger enemy warships. Kenway can pick up and use them, though the musket is loud and unwieldy.
Cannons are the primary armament of the warships and fortresses seen throughout the game. The Jackdaw has two types; chase guns that fire chainshot, which does little damage but slows enemy vessels down (a rather unrealistic depiction of the effect of the ammunition, which was designed to smash a ship's masts) and broadside cannons which can fire aimed normal shot or unaimed heavy shot. The number of cannons on the Jackdaw can be upgraded using materials.
The Jackdaw can be upgraded to mount a pair of large brass mortars on her foredeck; while this was actually done in the 17th century, such "bomb vessels" were specialised ships, not ordinary brigs like the Jackdaw, and this was certainly not a standard feature of large warships as is shown on the Men O' War encountered in the game.
Mortars fire a strange airbursting submunition round which causes damage over a wide area; when used by enemy ships or forts, their radius of effect is shown as a yellow circle indicating their projected point of aim and turns red when the round is about to impact. The exception to this is the legendary warship La Dama Negra (The Black Lady), which does not have aiming circles for her mortars. Bizarrely, her mortars are mounted as a large battery amidships resembling a modern VLS array rather than anything that might have existed at the time.
Flintlock pistol
Kenway's default ranged armament is a brace of Flintlock Pistols, and these are also used by most allies and enemies. Upgrades can be crafted allowing the number of pistols carried to be increased up to four, which Kenway can fire using a spinning "combo" animation or use for aimed shots.
Blunderbuss Flintlock Pistol
The "Pirate Blunderbusses" are Blunderbuss flintlock pistols.
Wheellock pistol
Two types of Wheellock Pistol are available for Kenway to use.
Swivel Gun
The Jackdaw is equipped with a pair of muzzle-loading swivel guns on either since of the rear deck, which can be used during boarding actions and to target fire barrels and weak spots on enemy vessels and fortresses if these are revealed by scoring hits with other weapons.
Their rate of fire is ridiculously high for muzzle-loaded guns and there is no reloading animation, the guns able to fire five sequential rounds during boarding and as many as there are targets the rest of the time. This is an odd oversight, since period breech-loading swivel guns with preloaded breech blocks would actually be able to fire almost as quickly as the weapons in the game do.