Short Time is a 1990 action comedy directed by Gregg Champion and starring Dabney Coleman as Seattle PD Detective Burt Simpson who is in several days before retirement. But suddenly he mistakenly believes that he is dying of a rare disease. When Simpson finds out that his insurance for a large sum is valid only if he is killed on duty, he is determined to make it happen.
The following weapons were used in the film Short Time:
A bright chrome Desert Eagle Mark I is used by Carl Stark (Xander Berkeley) as his primary weapon, sometimes with a suppressor. He uses it to threaten a soldier during the robbery at the beginning, and in the climactic scene against Burt Simpson (Dabney Coleman), until he runs out of ammo and discards it.
A Beretta 92FS (standing for US Army service pistol M9) is taken off of a soldier by Stark (Xander Berkeley) when he and his gang rob the gun shipment. To taunt the soldier, he puts the pistol on the hood of the army truck and dares him to grab it.
A compact pistol that appears to be a Colt Mustang is seen in hands of a character in TV soap opera that several police officers watch in the precinct.
One of the firearms stolen from the army shipment is a Mossberg 500 Bullpup shotgun. It is used by Michael Lutz (Kim Kondrashoff), one of Stark's thugs, in a shootout with Simpson and Dills when they come to his apartment to arrest him.
Pump action shotguns are seen in hands of police officers in several scenes. In the opening scene Michael Lutz (Kim Kondrashoff) is armed with a shotgun with pistol grip.
One of the primary guns stolen from the army shipment is a Barrett M82A1, fitted with what is described as a Startron scope. Stark (Xander Berkeley) demonstrates its firepower by shooting a hole through his client Scalese's (Joe Pantoliano) Lincoln Town Car, much to the anger of driver Vito (Tony Pantages).