Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American television series that aired on The WB from 1997-2001 and then on UPN from 2002-2003. Inspired by the 1992 movie of the same name, the show (which was created by the film's screenwriter Joss Whedon) continues the story. Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is the Slayer, the young woman chosen by Fate to fight the vampires, demons, and other dark forces. Aided by her Watcher, Rupert "Ripper" Giles (Anthony Stewart Head), and a small group of friends dubbed the "Scooby Gang", she fights various evil forces.
Few of the main characters ever used a gun, partially as a result of their foes' lack of vulnerability to such weapons and also due to their being minors for the first 3 seasons. (The main characters are in 10th grade in Season 1). However, numerous antagonists and minor characters use firearms of the shows 7 seasons. The series also produced the spin-off Angel, starring David Boreanaz.
The following weapons were used on the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
The swim team coach pulls a Beretta 92FS on Buffy when she confronts him in "Go Fish", and the coach and Xander later fight over it. Patrice (Spice Williams-Crosby), an assassin from the Order of Taraka, pulls two Berettas on Buffy while dressed as a police officer in "What's My Line, Part 2" (S2E10). Police officers are seen with the weapon in various episodes. In "Band Candy" (S3E6) a Beretta changes hands several times. Initiative commandos carry the weapon in thigh holsters, Riley drawing his in a bar in "Goodbye Iowa" A Watcher's Council spec-ops team carry a suppressed model in "Who Are You"
Smith & Wesson Model 10
What appears to be a Smith & Wesson Model 10 is used as a "ghost revolver" in "I Only Have Eyes for You" (S1E19), by people possessed by a ghost. The revolver appears in their hand and then disappears afterwards.
Beretta 21 Bobcat/Beretta 3032 Tomcat
Patrice, after losing two Beretta 92s, pulls either a Beretta 21 Bobcat or Beretta 3032 Tomcat on Buffy in "What's My Line, Part 2" (S2E10). While it is never seen clearly, its small size and Patrice's fondness for Berettas means it's probably a compact Beretta hand gun.
In "The Initiative" (S4E7), Xander retrieves a H&K P2A1 flare pistol before going on patrol and later hands it off to Buffy. She uses it in her fight with Initiative commandos, delivering a point-blank blast.
Unidentified Revolvers
Toy Thompson Submachine Gun
Xander carries a toy Thompson SMG, resembling the M1A1, in "Halloween" (S2E6) until it transforms into a MGC M16A1.
Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
An Initiative commando uses an MP5K-PDW with the stock removed during the battle in the Initiative base in "Primeval" (S4E21)
12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun
Cain, a werewolf hunter, carries a 12 Gauge Double Barreled Shotgun fitted with a telescopic sight in "Phases" (S2E15). Spike retrieves his own double-barrel in "Fool for Love" (S5E7) when he tries to kill Buffy.
Remington Model 760 Rifle
In "Homecoming" (S3E5) Frawley, AKA "Daniel Boone" carries a Remington Model 760 rifle during "SlayerFest '98". Buffy later takes it, and she and Cordelia use it until it runs out of ammo.
AR-15 Rifle
In "Homecoming" (S3E5), Hans & Fredrick, the German hunters in SlayerFest '98, carry AR-15 rifles with laser sights and flashlights.
MGC M-16
After a magic spell turns everyone into their Halloween costume in "Halloween" (S2E6), Xander's toy Thompson turns into a MGC M16 with A2 handguards and a 30-round magazine. In "Innocence" (S2E14), a soldier confronts Xander and Cordelia while armed with one of these.
Tranquilizer Rifle
Giles pulls a tranquillizer rifle from a box and assembles it in "Phases" (S2E15) while preparing to hunt a werewolf and carries it again while searching for fish monsters in "Go Fish" (S2E20). Willow uses the weapon several times in later episodes. Buffy carries the weapon while searching for a werewolf in "Wild at Heart" (S4E6)
An Initiative commando is seen with an AKU-94 when they mobilize after the escape of Hostile 17.
Ruger Mini-14
Graham Miller, an Initiative commando, carries a Ruger Mini-14 fitted with a large night-vision scope in "The Initiative" (S4E7)
Ruger Mini-14 in Muzzelite MZ14 Bullpup Stock
An Initiative commando is seen with a Mini-14 in a Muzzelite bullpup stock during the mobilization following the escape of Hostile 17 in "The Initiative" (S4E7).
Heckler & Koch SL8-1
Initiative commandos carry Heckler & Koch SL8-1 rifles fitted with flashlights and night-vision scopes while responding to Adam's rampage in "Goodbye Iowa" (S4E14). The weapon was earlier seen in the armory in "The I in Team" (S4E13)
Several Initiative commandos are armed with FAMAS F1 rifles in "New Moon Rising" (S4E19) when the Scoobies launch a liberation raid on the Initiative HQ.
Heckler & Koch G36K
A couple of soldiers are briefly seen with a Heckler & Koch G36K fitted with the export sight/carry handle during the Battle of the Initiative in "Primeval" (S4E21). Rather surprisingly, the soldier fires in short, controlled bursts while aiming, despite the chaos of battle.
Heavy weapons
M136 AT4
In "Innocence", one of the most famous episodes of Buffy ever, Buffy uses a M136 AT4 anti-tank rocket to destroy the Judge, an ancient demon who cannot be harmed by "any weapon forged by man". Realizing a loophole exists in the ancient prophecy, the Scoobies raid the local army base for the weapon, allowing Buffy to destroy the Judge, ending the fight before it can even begin. Amusingly, Xander's "military knowledge" acquired in a previous episode is said to be needed to show Buffy how to use the weapon, despite the AT-4 having instructions printed on it.
DefTech 37mm launcher
Hans & Fredrick, the German brothers participating in "SlayerFest '98" in Homecoming" (S3E5) use a DefTech 37mm as a grenade launcher. It is treated as being able to fire HE missiles rather than the less-lethal rounds it uses in reality, and has a complex control panel in keeping with the German's super high-tech theme.
ADAM minigun/missile launcher
During his fight with Buffy in "Primeval" (S4E21), ADAM reveals his Decepticon heritage and converts one of his arms into a minigun/rocket launcher.
M26 hand grenade
Riley uses an M26 hand grenade to destroy a vampire nest in "Fool for Love" (S7E7) after one of its residents stabbed Buffy.
Initiative weapons
The Initiative, a government paramilitary group appears in the fourth season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hunting demons for research and control purposes, the Initiative issued many weapons, some of them fictional and many fitted with night-vision scopes for ease of use, since most demon contacts were at night. Below are listed some of the fictional weapons issued by the Initiative.
Taser pistol
Initiative commandos carry a double-barrel taser-type pistol to stun enemies.
Lightning rifle
The Initiative issues a electricity-shooting rifle that fires what resemble lightning bolts as a longer-range equivalent of the tazer pistol. Buffy notes that the weapon fires 12,000 volt blasts that take a human 2 hours to recover from being hit. Referred to as a "blaster" and "ray gun" by the Scoobies, its official name is unknown. The weapon is at least partially mocked up off of a Calico M955A submachine gun, with the double pistol grips and general shape resembling the M955A. It's probably just a mockup, since there is no need for the weapon to fire blanks.
Dart Launcher
Initiative commandos carry an unidentified dart rifle, presumably shooting tranquilizer darts, though it seems to act as a regular rifle during the Battle of the Initiative. It is fitted with an M4 stock and night-vision scope.