Mean Guns is a 1997 cult action/thriller/crime film directed by Albert Pyun and stars Christopher Lambert, Michael Halsey, Deborah Van Valkenbourgh, Kimberly Warren and Tina Cote as crime syndicate members who are forced by a crime boss (Ice-T) to play a deadly assassination game in a new empty high-tech prison. The prize is 3 million dollars and freedom, but all is not so simple as it looks.
The following weapons were used in the film Mean Guns:
The Beretta 92FS is one of the most frequently used guns in the film. Lou (Christopher Lambert) is seen using four different Beretta pistols, including one taken from African-American thug named Blondie (Jahi J.J. Zuri); three of which he tosses in the process of the game. Lou, Bob (Jerry Rector) and Crow (Thom Mathews) are also seen dual-wielding Berettas along with other guns. Cam (Deborah Van Valkenbourgh) receives her Beretta 92FS gun from Marcus (Michael Halsey). Barbie (Tina Cote) also uses a Beretta 92FS (taken from Lenny, the thug she killed with a baseball bat).
There's also various thugs, including Ricky (James Wellington), using the Beretta 92F (most likely even the same props) during the film.
A Desert Eagle Mark VII is the personal sidearm of Marcus (Michael Halsey). It's the only gun not taken by Moon guards, possibly because of Marcus's status in syndicate, or because his nonsense phrase about eggs and bacon that he says to the guard is a special password to save own gun, while in the prison.
A chrome Desert Eagle is the pistol used by D (Kimberly Warren) in the film. D's Desert Eagle was also used by Lou in one scene. When first entering the prison, Hoss (Yuji Okumoto) gives up his own Desert Eagle to the guard, after jokingly aiming it at him, while Crow (Thom Mathews) says "Bang". Crow himself uses a Desert Eagle (dual-wielding it with the Beretta 92FS) in the climatic shootout in the restroom. At one point in the film, Moon (Ice-T) opens up a special case with four chrome Desert Eagles for the "Grand Finale".
During the shootout in the restroom, Barbie (Tina Cote) finds a nickel-plated Colt Model 1908 Vest Pocket lying on the floor. She picks it up and later is seen pulling it on Hoss.
Syndicate boss Vincent Moon (Ice-T) weapon of choice appears to be a nickel Colt Trooper Mk V revolver. He uses the revolver four times throughout the movie, during confrontations with Commissioner Guilbert (Hoke Howell), biker (Moss Mossberg), long-haired, bearded hippie and an unknown long-haired thug. The nickel revolver also appears to be used by Hoss during a shootout in the restroom.
A Ruger Security Six is first seen in the movie as the revolver "D" gives up before she enters the prison. This revolver also appears to be used by Blondie (Jahi J.J. Zuri) when all the thugs starting to click their empty guns to each other and is later used by Cam (Deborah Van Valkenbourgh) in the climatic shootout.
Hoss (Yuji Okumoto) wields a Mossberg 500 Cruiser fitted with a ribbed barrel and a Surefire forend, The shotgun was taken from long-haired thug named Joey and is also seen used by Crow (Thom Mathews). Bob uses a Mariner Cruiser just before beginning of the game and later uses it during a confrontation with Hoss, Crow and Barbie.
Also Moon seen on photos with Mossberg 500 Cruiser.
Lou and Marcus are seen Mossberg 590 Mariner shotguns with high-capacity magazine tube and pistol grip through the film. These shotguns are also used by various thugs in the film.
After his initial speech to the unarmed syndicate mobsters, Vincent Moon (Ice-T) has his henchmen dump buckets of pistols and shotguns down onto the floor so they can start shooting.