From Paris With Love
Theatrical Poster
From Paris with Love is a 2010 action film directed by Pierre Morel (Taken ) and stars John Travolta as an American spy and Jonathan Rhys Meyers as an American Embassy employee who have to work together to stop a terrorist attack on the city of Paris.
The following weapons were used in the film From Paris With Love :
Beretta 92FS
The some of Pakistani terrorists own also a Beretta 92FS pistol.
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Beretta 92FS Inox
Wax (John Travolta ) is seen disarming a Dragon Head thug wielding what appears to be a Beretta 92FS Inox by removing the slide and then stabbing it into his neck. The slide is clearly already coming off which is how this was possible. The gun is only visible for a split second but you can make out what appears to be a slide mounted safety.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS Inox (flip side) - 9x19mm
Beretta 93R
Chinese thug is seen briefly with a Beretta 93R during the shootout at the restaurant and in the terrorists cell.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Cook in a Chinese restaurant was armed with a Beretta 93R .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the Pakistani terrorists in the cell also pulls this weapon.
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Beretta Px4 Storm
James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers ) opens a secret compartment in the trunk of his car, and we catch a glimpse of the Beretta Px4 Storm resting in the top tray.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta Px4 Storm - .45 ACP (particular caliber in film).
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CZ 75B
One of the Chinese thugs uses a CZ 75B during the shootout at the mannequin warehouse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing CZ 75B - 9x19mm; the current stock variant of the CZ 75 series.
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Colt 1911A1
At the terrorist safehouse, Wax is warn not to look at some kids behind him, when he does some of them take out Colt M1911A1 to try to rob them.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Satin Nickel M1911A1 Pistol - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A young thug put at Reese's back a Colt M1911A1 fitted with pearl grips.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A black gunman (right) holds a Micro Uzi.
Desert Eagle Mark XIX
Towards the end of the movie James Reese (Jonathan Rhys Meyers ) shows off to Wax his nickel plated Desert Eagle Mark XIX before a heated game of chess, showing that he has been promoted up to field agent and Wax's permanent partner.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX with brushed chrome finish - .50 AE
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reece's new Desert Eagle next to Wax's SIG
Glock 18
Agents of the Diplomatic Security Service at the US embassy in Paris use a Glock 18 as their sidearm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Glock 18C 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Chief of embassy security (Mike Powers ) aims a gun at Caroline.
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Heckler & Koch MK 23
Charlie Wax (John Travolta ) uses a Heckler & Koch Mark 23 with suppressor, when he takes out a number of Chinese gang members while infiltrating the gang's base of operations.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing H&K Mk 23 - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax fired his suppressed Heckler & Koch Mark 23 at the gangmembers' head.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax holds a Mk 23 pistol in right hand and fired a Heckler & Koch MP5K in left hand.
SIG-Sauer X5 LW
Wax is seen using a SIG Sauer X5 LW as his main weapon throughout the film and calls it his "wife" named "Mrs. Jones". It is also worth mentioning that this pistol has a 19 round mag capacity. It is also seen very clearly in the end, when Wax and Reese play chess.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SIG Sauer X5 LW - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax assembles his X5.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax about to chamber a round into his gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax does a mag change as he fights an assailant.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax fires the gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax holds his gun on Reese.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reese in turn holds his gun on Wax.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax's SIG-Sauer rests next to Reese's new Desert Eagle, while playing chess in the airport.
Steyr M40-A1
The Steyr M40-A1 is seen in the hands of security agents at the meeting at the end of the film, Reese takes one at the end he uses it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Steyr M40-A1 - .40 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reece with the Steyr.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reese holds the Steyr on the 'suspect'.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reese raises the Steyr to shoot.
Taurus PT92
Charlie Wax (John Travolta ) takes a Taurus PT92 from a drug dealer Rashid (Chems Dahmani ) when he goes to take out the Pakistani terrorists at their safe house. This PT92 has gold accents on the take-down lever, hammer, slide stop, safety, and the trigger. When it runs dry, he discards it.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Taurus PT92 AFS stainless steel (current production model with accessory rails) - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax seized Rashid's (Chems Dahmani) gun and holds it on him.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax fires the Taurus in the terrorist apartment.
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Walther PPK
Caroline (Kasia Smutniak ) uses a Walther PPK when confronted by Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers ) in the apartment.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther PPK - 9mm Kurz aka 9x17mm (.380 ACP)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The flat magazine floor-plate design along with the trigger spring base detector clearly shows this to be a Walther PPK.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Caroline shoots the Walther PPK.
Smith & Wesson Model 386
James Reece (Jonathan Rhys Meyers ) uses a seven-round Smith & Wesson Model 386 in the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 386 - .357 magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reece pulls his S&W in a promotional image.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax (John Travolta ) holds the Smith & Wesson up for Reece.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reece with the Model 386 and a vase of cocaine in the Chinese factory.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reece holds the gun on a German (David Gasman ).
Smith & Wesson 66 Snub
A kid's thug at Wax takes out a Smith & Wesson Model 66 Snub revolver to try to rob them.
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Submachine guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Used by the cops responding at the shootout at the terrorist safehouse, seen clearly when they open the door and it exploded, one of their MP5's hit the stairs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5A3 - 9x19mm
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Heckler & Koch MP5K
Wax also carries a Heckler & Koch MP5K in addition to the micro-Uzi in the warehouse shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP5K 9x19mm
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Heckler & Koch MP7A1
Seen between the M4, and the SIG-Sauer SG 552 inside Reese's trunk.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch MP7A1 - 4.6x30mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In Between the M4 and the SIG.
Kimel AP-9
One on the Chinese thugs uses a Kimel AP-9 during the shootout at the mannequin warehouse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kimel AP-9 9x19mm
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Jatimatic SMG
One of the Chinese thugs uses a Jatimatic SMG during the warehouseshootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Finnish Jatimatic SMG - 9x19mm
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Micro Uzi
Charlie Wax can be seen with a Micro Uzi with a folding stock in the shootout at the restaurant and at the mannequin warehouse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Micro Uzi with folding stock - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Wax with a Micro Uzi.
Mini Uzi
Mini Uzi submachine gun is used by several Chinese thugs throughout the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mini Uzi SMG with stock folded - 9mm
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Assault Rifles
Several Pakistani Terrorists uses AIMR with the stock partially removed, Charlie Wax, picks one up and he fires it at several terrorists.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AIMR - 7.62x39mm. The original Romanian designation for this rifle is the PM md. 90 cu țeavă scurtă (short barrelled).
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AKS-74U is seen used by some of the Pakistani terrorists during the attack at their safehouse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing AKS-74U - 5.45x39mm
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Colt Model 733
Colt Model 733 carries one of Chinese thugs in the headquarters of Mr. Wong (Yin Bing ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Model 733 "M16A2 Commando" - 5.56x45mm.
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Galil SAR
One of Pakistani terrorists holds a Galil SAR assault rifle during shootouts in their safehouse.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing IMI Galil SAR - 5.56x45mm
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M4A1 Carbine
An M4A1 carbine is seen in the armory behind Reese's car, then is seen under the AT4 in the back seat of the Audi when Wax is going to attempt to use the AT4 to destroy the car where a terrorist is.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note it is fitted with Troy Industries RIS system
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M4A1 5.56x45mm with M68 Aimpoint red dot scope and RIS foregrip
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SIG-Sauer SG 552
Seen above the SIG SG 552 in Reese's trunk fitted with a flashlight, grip and a scope. Used by some Chinese thugs during the shootout at the mannequin warehouse.
File:SIG SG 553-2.jpg SIG SG 552-2, version with permanent scope rail and ACOG scope - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Above the M4
Valmet M62
Valmet M62 is seen in the terrorist safehouse, leaning against the wall.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Valmet M62 (Rk 62) - 7.62x39mm
Remington 870
A young black gunman wields what appears to be a Remington 870 shotgun with a short barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 with shortened barrel and shortened stock - 12 gauge. This is the screen-used firearm seen handled by Heath Ledger and William Fichtner in the film The Dark Knight . Thanks to James Georgopoulos .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Above the M4
M136 AT-4
Wax fires an AT4 at the terrorist car, he can't get a shot while on the car so he stops on a bridge and he shoots.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M146 AT-4 - 84mm.
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Error creating thumbnail: File missing From Paris with Love Teaser Poster. The grip appears to be a hybrid of a Walther P38 with the lanyard ring from a Beretta 92FS. The slide appears to be from a S&W 59 series.) .