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Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gate: Thus the JSDF fought there (July 3, 2015 - Ongoing)
Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There (ゲート 自衛隊 彼の地にて、斯く戦えり Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri ) is an ongoing anime series airing since July 3, 2015.
In the summer of 20XX A.D., a mysterious portal opened in the Ginza district of Toyko, Japan, bringing forth the military of the Empire across it. However, the army is medieval-aged equipped and despite the dragons and monsters brought along, the Japanese Self-Defense Force quickly put them down after their small carnage. Establishing order, the Japanese Government declared the portal to be part of Japanese soil and sends the JSDF to investigate the mysterious land behind the portal. Second Lt. Youji Itami of the JGSDF (Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force) is appointed the commander of Third Recon Team to scout out the mysterious land.
The following weapons were used in the anime series Gate: Thus the JSDF Fought There :
Minebea P9
The JGSDF is equipped with the Minebea P9 , a Japanese licensed copy of the SIG-Sauer P220 , as their sidearms. Kuribayashi notably uses one in the Battle of Italica.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Minebea P9 - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kuribayashi fires her P9 when her Type 64 is busy. (Ep.6)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kuribayashi aiming the P9. (Ep.6)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kuribayashi with her P9 back to back with Rory Mercury. (Ep.6)
Nambu Model 60
A Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) police officer fires his Nambu Model 60 at the Empire's forces during the Ginza Incident.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nambu Model 60 - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A police officer with his Nambu revolver. (Ep.1)
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5
A MPD riot police officer is seen with a Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun while defending the Tokyo Imperial Palace.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler and Koch MP5A5 - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A MPD riot police officer on the right takes aim with his MP5 submachine gun when defending the Imperial Palace. (Ep.1)
Howa Type 64
The JGSDF troops deploying to the Special Region are seen with Howa Type 64s . This is the most prevalent small arm in the series.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Howa Type 64 rifle - 7.62x51mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Itami aims his Type 64. (OP)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A JGSDF soldier aims his Type 64 with his bipod deployed. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A view of the right side of the Type 64 receiver. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A JGSDF soldier chambers his Type 64. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Third Recon Team with their Type 64s. (Ep.2)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Private Tozu of Third Recon Team raises his Type 64. (Ep.2)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Major Kuwabara with his Type 64. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Kuribayashi, Kuwabara, and Itami with their Type 64s. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Some JGSDF soldiers of 4th Combat Team with their Type 64 rifles as they replicate the helicopter scene from Apocalypse Now . (Ep.6)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A JGSDF soldier with his sight picture of the Type 64 on the right. (Ep.6)
Howa Type 89
During the Empire's attack on Tokyo, JGSDF soldiers are seen with Howa Type 89s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Howa Type 89 rifle - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two JGSDF soldiers fight off the Empire's invasion with Type 89s. (Ep.1)
Machine Guns
Sumitomo Minimi
The JGSDF uses the Sumitomo Minimi for infantry forces as their light machine gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing FN Minimi - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A JGSDF soldier fires his Sumitomo Minimi. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A JGSDF soldier open fires with his Minimi in the defense of the Gate. (Ep.2)
Sumitomo M2
The JGSDF uses the domestically produced Sumitomo M2 on their vehicles.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2 Browning - .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 74 tank with a M2 machine gun on top. (OP)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing JGSDF soldiers fire the M2 machine guns from their Type 96 APCs. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 74 tank group, each with a M2 machine gun. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 75 Self-Propelled Howitzer with a M2 machine gun on top. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 73 Armored Personnel Carrier with a M2 on top. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Komatsu LAV with a M2 on top. (Ep.2)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Katsumoto open fire with the LAV's M2. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Katsumoto manning the LAV's M2. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Huey helicopter door gunner on the right with a helicopter-mounted M2. (Ep.6)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Huey door gunner fires the M2. (Ep.6)
Browning M1919A4
A Browning M1919A4 is seen mounted on the hull of a Type 73 APC.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 - .30-06 Springfield.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 73 Armored Personnel Carrier with the M1919A4 on the hull. (Ep.1)
M-197 Vulcan
The tri-barreled M-197 Vulcan is seen in a chin mounting on JGSDF AH-1S Cobras.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M197 Vulcan 20mm chin-mounted on an AH-1Z "Viper", a newer version of the AH-1 Cobra.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close-up on an AH-1S Cobra's M-197 Vulcan. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An AH-1S Cobra firing its M-197 Vulcan. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An AH-1S Cobra with its M-197 Vulcan. (Ep.6)
Oerlikon 35mm twin autocannons
The JGSDF employs a Type 87 SPAAG during the defense of the Gate. The Type 87 35mm KDA autocannons are derivatives of the Oerlikon 35mm autocannons.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Oerlikon 35mm twin anti-aircraft cannon - 35x228mmR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The JGSDF Type 87 firing its autocannons. (Ep.2)
Minebea Gas Gun
MPD riot police officers fire tear gas canisters into the Empire's forces with Minebea gas canister launchers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Riot police officers take aim with the gas gun when defending the Imperial Palace. (Ep.1)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Riot police officers fires tear gas with the gas gun. (Ep.1)
IHI Aerospace 110mm LAM
Sergeant Katsumoto use a 110mm LAM (Light-weight Anti-tank Munition, licensed Panzerfaust 3) against a fire dragon.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Panzerfaust 3 with DM12A1 rocket and standard telescopic sight - 60mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Katsumoto take aim with a Panzerfaust 3. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close up on the trigger and safety of the Panzerfaust. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sergeant Katsumoto launching the LAM. (Ep.3)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The LAM rocket in flight. (Ep.3)
Type 53 Flare Gun
Itami uses a 21.5mm Flare Gun (Type 53 Flare Pistol) during the Battle of Italica to mark his position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 53 Flare Gun. (21.5mm/10 gauge)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Itami with the flare gun inside a vehicle. (Ep.6)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Itami fires the 10 gauge flare. (Ep.6)
M67 Hand Grenade
The JGSDF uses M67 hand grenades as their frag grenade.
M67 fragmentation grenade
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The JSDF soldier on the right prepares to throw a M67 grenade. (Ep.6)