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Talk:007: Agent Under Fire
The Following weapons are used in the video game 007: Agent Under Fire:
Smith & Wesson SW99
Called the "Wolfram P2K" in the Game, the Smith & Wesson SW99 is Bond's standard sidearm throughout the whole game. It comes standard with a 6-round magazine (really unrealistic, as the SW99 can hold more than double that. And even stranger, the multiplayer version holds the correct 16 rounds.) and can be fitted with a silencer. A Special Version called the "Golden Gun", which is a gold plated SW99 that holds 12 round replaces it if the player earns a Gold Medal in the 1st Level, and further upgrades improve the rate of fire, power, and magazine capacity of the gun when unlocked. The gun's a SW99 and not a Walther P99 as previously believed. The gun in game has the same slide, textured grip, and rounded trigger guard as the Smith & Wesson, though it obviously lacks the identifying trademarks.
Colt Anaconda
Called the "Windsor Viper", the Colt Anaconda is seen in the "Night of the Jackal" and "Poseidon" Levels.
Desert Eagle
Called the "IAC Defender", the .44 Magnum version of the Desert Eagle is seen in many of the levels in the game.
Heckler & Koch MP5A1
Called the "Koffler & Stock KS7", the Heckler & Koch MP5A1 is used in the "Trouble in Paradise" and "Cold Reception" Levels. The guards in the "Bad Diplomacy" level use this weapon as well. The version used in the game has a buttcap instead of a stock, making it the elusive MP5A1. The MP5 in the game is shown as being an inaccurate weapon (while the real life one refutes this as it is one of the most accurate submachine guns in the world) and it makes a strange laser sound when firing. Furthermore, the instruction manual lists the MP5 as an inexpensive submachine gun; this is not true. Real life MP5s can cost close to $20,000.
Called the "Ingalls Type 20", the MAC-10 is only seen in one level: "Night of the Jackal". It it relatively weak, and not very accurate, but still packs effectiveness in CQC.
Calico M960
Called the "Calypso P750", the Calico M960 is used in only one level: "Fire and Water". It has a very high magazine capacity of 80 rounds, but real life Calico weapons use 50 to 100 round magazines.
FN P90
Called the "Munitions Belgique PS100", the FN P90 is used in the Last 3 levels in the Game, "Poseidon", "Mediterranean Crisis", and "Evil Summit". It is the best SMG in the Game, having the quickest reload and rate of fire. The PS100 uses 60 round magazines, but the real life P90 uses 50.
AK-47 rifle
Called the "Kazakovich KA-57", this assault rifle is used in two levels: "Cold Reception" and "Night of the Jackal". A scoped version called the "KA-57S" is used in the Rail Shooting Levels.
AR15 Carbine with Underbarrel Grenade Launcher
Called the Windsor FSU-4, this rifle is a customized AR15. It has a short barrel, round handguards, and a long flash hider like the XM177, and a fixed stock like an M16. The plastic furniture is green like a Diemaco C7. The underbarrel grenade launcher may be either an M203 or a Cobray. It is used in two levels: "Night of the Jackal" and "Fire and Water". Carla uses the FSU-4 in Night Of The Jackal. The FSU-4 has an erroneous 40-round magazine, whereas real life M16 weapons use either 20 or 30 round magazines.
Steyr AUG
Called the "Meyer-Westlicher UGW" with an incorrect 40 round magazine (real life AUGs hold 30 to 42 rounds), the Steyr AUG is used in two levels: "Poseidon" and "Mediterranean Crisis". It has a 4x Scope. In single player, the UGW features a rapid rate of fire, but is slower in multiplayer.
Heckler & Koch G11
Called the "Koffler & Stock D17", the Heckler & Koch G11 is used in the Final Level, "Evil Summit". It has a 4x Scope and a quick reload time.
Franchi SPAS-12
Called the "Frinesi Special 12", the Franchi SPAS-12 is used throughout the game. It is pump action only in single player, and can be switched to semi automatic in multiplayer.
SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 Sniper Rifle
Called the "SWZ SSR 4000", the SIG-Sauer SSG 3000 sniper rifle is used throughout the game. It has a 6x zoom scope.
Mk 153 Mod 0 SMAW
Called the "MRL-22", the Mk 153 Mod 0 SMAW rocket launcher appears in certain levels. In multiplayer, it's secondary feature is a homing rocket, despite the real SMAW not having any kind of guidance system.
Armsel Striker
The Armsel Striker, appearing with the stock removed and originally a shotgun, but is modified to fire explosive shells and appears as a Grenade Launcher in multiplayer, where it can launch a "cluster round", which is a single shell that explodes and splits into separate explosives. This could be a reference to the river chase scene from The World Is Not Enough, where the Cigar Girl fires one of these modified weapons at Bond.
Browning M2HB Heavy Machine Gun
The Browning M2HB heavy machine gun can be found in some levels, the first time, it has limited ammo, but later ones have infinite ammo.
GE M134 Minigun
The GE M134 Minigun appears twice in the game, first seen mounted on the tank commandeered by Bond in the "Streets of Bucharest" level, and later are seen in the "Forbidden Depths" level, where Bond has to be careful of Ceiling mounted M134s that open fire on him when he approaches them.
M230 Chain Gun
In some levels, the player will be engaged by an AH-64 Apache helicopter, complete with M230 chain gun as its' secondary armament.
Golden Gun/Gold Desert Eagle
The Golden Gun makes an appearance in the game as it has in all James Bond FPS games as a gold-plated Desert Eagle. In the movies and the other games, it was made from a pen and a Zippo lighter.