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The Split

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Split
Theatrical Release Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing USA
Directed by Gordon Flemyng
Release Date 1968
Studio Spectrum
Distributor MGM
Main Cast
Character Actor
McClain Jim Brown
Ellie Kennedy Diahann Carroll
Gladys Julie Harris
Bert Clinger Ernest Borgnine
Harry Kifka Jack Klugman
Marty Gough Warren Oates
Dave Negli Donald Sutherland
Det. Walter Brill Gene Hackman
Herb Sutro James Whitmore

The Split is a 1968 crime movie directed by Gordon Flemyng and based on the novel The Seventh by Donald E. Westlake (under the pen name Richard Stark). A seasoned criminal McClain (Jim Brown) gathers a gang and successfully robs the Los Angeles Coliseum in the day of a great football game. The loot is hidden in the apartments of McClain's ex-wife Ellie, but when next day McClain returns to take the money and divide them among the gang, he finds Ellie dead and the cash stolen.

The following weapons were used in the film The Split:


Smith & Wesson Military & Police

Smith & Wesson Military & Police revolvers with 3" barrels are carried by security guards in Los Angeles Coliseum.

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Smith & Wesson Model M&P Revolver - .38 Special
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Guards carry revolvers in holsters.
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Negli takes revolvers from guards...
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...discharges them and put back in holsters.

Smith & Wesson Model 27

Dave Negli's (Donald Sutherland) personal firearm is a Smith & Wesson Model 27. During the shootout in Gladys' bathroom McClain (Jim Brown) seases Negli's revolver and uses it in subsequent scenes. There are two different revolvers that has different shape of the front sight. The revolver that is used by Negli during his fist encounter with McClain and the one that is used by McClain in the final scene appears to be a pre-war Registered Magnum while Negli's revolver in the heist scene is a Model 27.

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S&W Model 27-2 - .357 magnum with 3.5" barrel.
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S&W Registered Magnum with 3.5" barrel.
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Negli draws his revolver. This revolver appears to be a Registered Magnum.
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Negli holds a security guard at gunpoint with his Model 27.
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McClain holds the Registered Magnum during the final shootout.
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Another view of the same gun. Note the different shape of the front sight.

Smith & Wesson Model 36

Smith & Wesson Model 36 revolvers are McClain's (Jim Brown) backup weapon and Det. Walter Brill's (Gene Hackman) service sidearm. Bert Clinger (Ernest Borgnine) and Marty Gough (Warren Oates) are seen with snub nose revolvers that also appear to be Model 36.

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Smith & Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special - 5 shot. First pattern with flat latch cylinder release.
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McClain holds his snub nose revolver.
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Clinger fires his revolver in steam-filled bathroom.
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Another view of Clinger's revolver.
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Gough fires his snub nose revolver.
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A close view of Det. Brill's revolver.


Walther P38

Harry Kifka (Jack Klugman) carries a Walther P38 in the scene when McClain checks his driving skills.

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Walther P38 pistol (manufactured at the Mauser Factory) - World War II dated - 9x19mm
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Kifka draws his pistol.

Beretta M1951

In several scenes McClain (Jim Brown) uses a Beretta M1951.

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Beretta M951 - 9x19mm
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McClain fires at pursuing police...
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...until he runs dry.
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McClain threatens Bert Clinger.

Submachine Guns

Madsen M50

All five robbers use Madsen M50 SMGs during the heist. Later a Madsen is used by Herb Sutro (James Whitmore). During the final shootout Clinger (Ernest Borgnine) and Kifka (Jack Klugman) arm themselves with Madsens.

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Madsen M50 - 9x19mm
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Dave Negli (Donald Sutherland) examines the unloaded Madsen during the purchasing of the guns.
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Kifka with Madsen during the heist.
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Clinger with Madsen during the heist.
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McClain (Jim Brown) with Madsen during the heist.
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Marty Gough (Warren Oates) with Madsen during the heist.
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After the heist all five Madsens are stashed in Ellie's apartments.
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Herb Sutro finds the guns and takes one of them.


Winchester Model 1897

During the final shootout Marty Gough (Warren Oates) carries a pump action shotgun. It is seen only partially and in heavy darkness but the general shape of the magazine tube allows to guess that it's a Winchester Model 1897 (or maybe Winchester Model 1912 but this is less credible).

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Winchester Model 1897 Riot Gun - 12 gauge
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Winchester Model 1912 Riot Gun - 12 Gauge
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Gough leaves the car with the shotgun in hands.
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A close view of the shotgun.
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Another view of the shotgun.


Sporterized Arisaka Rifle

One more weapon, used by Dave Negli (Donald Sutherland) during the heist, is a bolt action rifle with sniper scope and sound suppressor. It appears to be a sporterized Arisaka, very similar (maybe the same gun) to the one used by Scorpio Killer (Andrew Robinson) in Dirty Harry.

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Sporterized Arisaka Type 02 Paratrooper Takedown rifle - 7.7x58mm
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Negli carries a disassembled rifle in a suitcase.
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Negli readies the rifle.
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He aims.
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A close view of the bolt and scope.