Sherlock is a 2010 BBC television series based on the classic novel series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The series, which stars Benedict Cumberbatch as the title character, updates the story to a modern day setting, and incorporates modern technology (such as video surveillance and smart phones) into the plot. Three seasons have aired so far, and a fourth is set to commence in January 2016. Each season consists of three 90 minute episodes:
Season 1 - aired July to August 2010
A Study in Pink
The Blind Banker
The Great Game
Season 2 - aired January 2012
A Scandal in Belgravia
The Hound of Baskerville
The Reichenbach Fall
Season 3 - aired January 2014
The Empty Hearse
The Sign of Three
His Last Vow
The following weapons were used in the television series Sherlock:
Dr. Watson (Martin Freeman) owns a SIG-Sauer P226R pistol. The prop is actually a gas-powered airsoft replica manufactured by Tokyo Marui (hence why the finish and markings are mismatched). Given Watson's military background, this is likely meant as a stand-in for the SIG-Sauer L105A2, which was the British Army's standard issue sidearm at the time the first two seasons were filmed (it is currently being phased out in favor of the Glock 17). This same prop also shows up on several occasions in the hands of minor characters.
STI Edge (Cigarette Lighter)
The cabbie (Philip Davis) in S1E1 uses a novelty cigarette lighter disguised as an STI Edge.
A number of 2nd generation Glock 17 pistols are seen in season 2.
Two-Tone Glock 17
Detective Inspector Lestrade (Rupert Graves) uses a 3rd Generation two-tone Glock 17 at the end of S2E2.
Beretta 92FS Inox
Henry Knight (Russell Tovey) uses a Beretta 92FS Inox in S2E2 when he thinks that the gigantic hound is outside his home. Judging from the color and reflectivity of the finish, this is likely the Tokyo Marui airsoft replica of the 92FS Inox. Moriarty also uses a 92FS Inox during the second season finale.
M1911A1 (Unidentified Variant)
A hitman disguised as a repair man in S2E3 has a suppressed M1911A1 pistol stored in his tool box. Judging from the markings and the screws in the slide, this is likely a blank-firing replica.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
Multiple H&K MP5A3 submachine guns, outfitted with Surefire flashlight fore-ends and EoTech sights are seen being used by the CO19 Armed Response Unit throughout the second season finale.
AK Variant
During Dr. Watson's flashback to his tour in Afghanistan, an ANA soldier is seen using a variant of the AK-47.
One of the terrorist at the end of S2E1 is armed with an AK-47 rifle. As with the P226, this is likely an airsoft gun.
A small number of L85A2 rifles are seen throughout the series.
Heckler & Koch G36C
Some of the soldiers at the Baskerville Research Facility are armed with Heckler & Koch G36C assault rifles.