A Time to Kill is the 1996 film adaptation of the John Grisham novel of the same name. The film stars Samuel L. Jackson as a black father who takes revenge on the two white men responsible for his daughter's rape, and subsequently hires a young white attorney (Matthew McConaughey) to defend him. The film's cast also includes Sandra Bullock, Kevin Spacey, Donald Sutherland, and Kiefer Sutherland. The film also was the second John Grisham novel to be adapted by director Joel Schumacher (the first being 1994's The Client).
The following weapons were used in the film A Time to Kill:
Carl Lee Hailey (Samuel L. Jackson) uses an M16A1 rifle to take revenge on the men who raped his daughter. In the book, it was explained that Hailey acquired the M16 from a friend who had served in Vietnam and smuggled the rifle illegally back to America after his tour ended. However, this was not included in the film version. D.A. Rufus Buckley (Kevin Spacey) also is seen holding what is supposed to be the weapon as evidence during his closing arguments.
While the rifle that Hailey uses in the shooting is an M16A1, the rifle shown by Buckley in his closing argument is actually an M16 SP1.
National Guardsmen are seen holding M16A2 rifles as they guard the courthouse.