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The Red Circle (Le cercle rouge)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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The Red Circle (Le cercle rouge)
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Original French Poster
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing France
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Italy
Directed by Jean-Pierre Melville
Release Date 1970
Language French
Studio Euro International Film
Les Films Corona
Selenia Cinematografica
Main Cast
Character Actor
Corey Alain Delon
Comissioneer Mattei Bourvil
Vogel Gian Maria Volonté
Jansen Yves Montand
Rico André Ekyan
Santi François Périer

The Red Circle (original title Le cercle rouge) is a 1970 French-Italian crime drama directed by Jean-Pierre Melville. Corey (Alain Delon), a criminal who was recently released from prison, meets by chance with Vogel (Gian Maria Volonté), an escaped convict. They plan to commit a theft in jewellery store. Their third partner is Jansen Yves Montand, former police detective turned criminal. Meanwhile Comissioneer Mattei (Bourvil) leads a manhunt for Vogel...

The following weapons were used in the film The Red Circle (Le cercle rouge):
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During the scene in Rico's apartments Corey (Alain Delon) takes an M1911A1 from the safe. Later it is used by Vogel (Gian Maria Volonté). In the scene in the forest Paul (Jean-Pierre Janic), Rico's henchman, is also armed with an M1911. An M1911 is briefly seen in hands of the illegal jewellery trader (Paul Crauchet).

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Pre-War Colt M1911A1 Pistol - Commercial Model known as the "Colt Government Model" - .45 ACP. This has a deep Colt factory blued finish, common for commercial variants before and after the war.
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Corey takes the pistol from the safe...
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...and threatens Rico with the pistol.
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Corey cleans fingerprints from the pistol.
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Vogel aims the pistol.
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Paul holds Corey at gunpoint.
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Vogel with M1911 and Corey with Walther P38 aim at Paul (in the light trenchcoat) with M1911 and his unnamed partner (in dark trenchcoat) with Luger P08.
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The illegal jewellery trader draws a pistol before he meets Corey.

Walther P38

During the scene in billiard hall Paul (Jean-Pierre Janic) draws a Walther P38 but Corey (Alain Delon) disarms him and takes the pistol. Later it is used by both Corey and Vogel (Gian Maria Volonté).

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Walther P38 WWII dated with black grips - 9x19mm
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Corey disarms Paul.
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The pistol on the floor.
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Corey cleans fingerprints from the pistol.
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Corey holds the pistol during the confrontation in the forest.

Luger P08

In the scene in the forest Paul's partner is armed with a Luger P08 until Vogel (Gian Maria Volonté) disarms him and uses his pistol.

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Luger P08 - 9x19mm
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Paul's partner (in the dark trenchcoat) holds a P08.
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A police detective holds a Luger during the investigation.

Unidentified revolver 1

In the opening and the final scenes Comissioneer Mattei (Bourvil) carries a snub nose revolver. It looks similar to Smith & Wesson Model 36 but the shape of the front sight and of the grip differs.

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Smith & Wesson Model 36 - .38 Special
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Mattei holds his revolver while escorting arrested Vogel in the train.
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Another view of the same scene. The front sight of the revolver seems to differ from Model 36.
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The revolver in holster. The grip and the trigger guard can be seen.
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Mattei pursues Vogel during the breakout.
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He fires six times while the revolver appears to be 5-shot.
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Mattei holds the revolver in the final scene.

Unidentified revolver 2

A Colt-style revolver is used in Jansen's apartments as a decoration (according to the plate, it's an award to Jansen for sharpshooting). It resembles Colt Official Police but its grip looks different. In the final scene Jansen is seen with a revolver that is supposed to be the same gun.

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Colt Official Police - 4" Barrel - .38 Special
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The revolver is seen on the wall.
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Another view of the revolver.
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Jansen with revolver in the final scene.
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He drops the gun, being shot.
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The revolver is seen better on a promotion still.

Unidentified revolver 3

A security guard of the jewellery store carries a revolver. Judging by its plain grip with lanyard ring and the general shape, the revolver can be identified as a Smith & Wesson Victory Model or a military service version of Smith & Wesson Military & Police.

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Smith & Wesson Victory Model - .38 S&W
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Smith & Wesson Military And Police - .38 Special
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A guard with the revolver in holster.
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A close view of the grip. It appears to be plain.
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Corey (Alain Delon) hits the guard with the grip.

Various pistols

Gendarmes carry pistols in holsters.

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A grip of the pistol is seen in the holster.

Mattei's collection

Several handguns are seen in Mattei's apartments as a decoration. One of them appears to be a long barreled revolver while two others are some pocket guns.

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The revolver seems to have a brass frame. The gun next to the revolver resembles a derringer while the third one appears to be a pepperbox.

Submachine Guns


During the manhunt for Vogel MAT-49 SMGs are seen in hands of several gendarmes.

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MAT-49 Submachine Gun - 9x19mm
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Several MAT-49s are seen in hands of gendarmes.
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A gendarme with MAT-49 on checkpoint.


Browning 22 Semi-Auto

Jansen (Yves Montand) is seen with several rifles, one of which is a Browning 22 Semi-Auto. This rifle is used by Jansen during the theft.

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Browning 22 Semi-Auto Rifle, Grade I - .22LR
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Jansen carries his three rifles.
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A Browning is seen.
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Three rifles are leaning against a tree.
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Jansen trains with the rifle.
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Disassembled rifle, sniper scope and sound suppressor are seen.
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The rifle is fixed on a tripod.
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Jansen holds the rifle, equipped with sniper scope and suppressor.

Unique X-51

Another Jansen's rifle is a Unique X-51.

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Unique X-51 - .22 LR
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A typical shape of the magazine can be seen.
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Three rifles are leaning against a tree.

Unidentified bolt action rifle

The third Yansen's gun is a bolt action hunting rifle.

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Yansen holds a Unique X-51 and bolt action rifle.
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Three rifles are leaning against a tree.