Talk:The X-Files - Season 1Talk:The X-Files - Season 1 - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video GamesTalk:The X-Files - Season 1
Early in the first season, FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) carries a Taurus PT92 as his sidearm. He carries the weapon beginning in "Pilot" (S1E00) until last carrying it in "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04). Mulder fired the Taurus only once during this time, in "Conduit" (S1E03) to chase away a pack of wolves. A Taurus PT92 is also notably seen wielded by a member of the Arctic Ice Core expedition in "Ice" (S1E07), though later it becomes an actual Beretta 92FS. Taurus PT92s are also seen carried by police and government officers throughout the season (primarily in the earlier episodes), as well as soldiers and military personnel as a Beretta M9 stand-in.
After a few episodes in the first season, Mulder switched to a Glock 19. He carries it as his sidearm for the remainder of the season, (from "Shadows" (S1E05) to the season finale "The Erlenmeyer Flask" (S1E23)) with the exception of a single scene in the episode "Ghost in the Machine" (S1E06). A Glock 19 is carried by Claude Peterson (Blu Mankuma), an undercover government agent posing as a building engineer in that scene in "Ghost in the Machine" (Likely Duchovny's Glock, which would explain why he uses a different gun for only that particular sequence). Scully also briefly handles Mulder's Glock in "Ice" (S1E07). Glock 19s are also seen throughout the season wielded by police and government officers and military personnel, notably by several of the elite recovery soldiers in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
Early in the first season, FBI Special Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) carries a Bernardelli Model 60 .32 ACP pocket pistol as her sidearm. She carries the weapon beginning in "Pilot" (S1E00) until "Ghost In The Machine" (S1E06). The pistol is a single action straight blowback weapon with a frame-mounted manual safety. The Model 60 was introduced in 1959, the magazine release is located at the butt of the pistol grip. It features a "VB" logo (Vincenzo Bernardelli) on the left grip. Scully's Model 60 has brown grips.
After a few episodes in the season, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) switched to a Manurhin PPK .32 ACP as her sidearm. The Manurhin PPK is a French clone of the German Walther PPK made under the license of Walther. Scully carries the weapon starting in "Ice" (S1E07) and carries it for the remainder of the season. In "Fallen Angel" (S1E09) the Manurhin PPK had a misfeed, perhaps because Scully didn't rack the slide with enough fervor. Scully's PPK is also taken and briefly used by an FBI Agent (possessed by the reincarnated spirit of a career criminal) in "Lazerus" (S1E14).
Throughout the season (Primarily in later episodes), actual Beretta 92FS pistols are seen used by police officers and government/military personnel, rather than Taurus PT92s. A Beretta 92FS is notably carried and used in "Lazerus" (S1E14) by Special Agent Jack Willis (Christopher Allport) and female career criminal Lula Phillips (Cec Verrell).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingBeretta 92FS - 9x19mmError creating thumbnail: File missingA Beretta 92FS is seen in a bag in "Ice" (S1E07) - It was previously a Taurus PT92. It can be noted as an actual Beretta due to the slide-mounted safety and Beretta logo on the grips.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpecial Agent Jack Willis (Christopher Allport) aims his Beretta 92FS at a bank robber at the beginning of "Lazerus" (S1E14)Error creating thumbnail: File missingSpecial Agent Willis (Christopher Allport) fires his Beretta 92FS at a range in "Lazerus". Note here that he fires the weapon left-handed, when he had previously fired it right-handed (as shown in the previous screencap) - This is a minor plot reference in the episode, as the spirit of the slain bank robber is reincarnated in the agents body, and the robber was left-handed.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLula Phillips (Cec Verrell) holds the Beretta on Scully in "Lazerus" (S1E14).Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Beretta 92FS is picked up in "Lazerus" (S1E14).
For a single scene in "Ghost in the Machine" (S1E06), instead of his regular Glock 19, Mulder carries what best appears to be a early-version blue-steel Smith & Wesson 5904, which he is seen unloading at gunpoint. The pistol features several characteristics of the early 5904s, notably the slightly curved backstrap and squared-off trigger guard.
A Beretta Cheetah is used by Dr. Sally Kendrick/'Eve 6' in "Eve" (S1E10). Another Beretta Cheetah is used by a aeronautical scientist in "Roland" (S1E22).
A standard M1911A1 pistol is seen brandished in "Lazerus" (S1E14). What appears to be a stainless (or possibly nickel) M1911A1 is seen in the hands of an Atlantic City Police SWAT officer in "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04).
A polished stainless (or possibly chrome/nickel) Desert Eagle is seen as the sidearm of U.S. Air Force Colonel Calvin Henderson (Marshall Bell), the elite recovery unit commander in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09). It is only seen in his holster, and never used.
An unknown stainless semiauto is seen carried by 'Deep Throat' (Jerry Hardin) at the end of "E.B.E." (S1E16).
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA stainless semiauto pistol is seen carried (in the right hand) by Deep Throat here in "E.B.E." (S1E16). Sadly there is no better showing of the gun. In his left hand is Mulder's Glock 19.
Ruger Speed Six Snub
What appears best to be a Snub-Nosed Ruger Speed Six is seen twice in the season - First in "Ice" (S1E07) wielded by one of the Arctic Ice Core expedition crew members in a standoff with another crew member armed with a Taurus PT92, and then near the end of "Born Again" (S1E21) by a Buffalo police detective.
What appears to be a Single Action Army or other SAA/'Peacemaker'-type revolver is carried by Indian Reservation Sheriff Charles Tskany (Michael Horse) in "Shapes" (S1E18)
A full-size stainless revolver (Most likely a Taurus Model 66) is wielded by a genetically regenerated and altered convicted killer (previously taken down by Mulder) near the end of "Young at Heart" (S1E15).
Several types of Mossberg 500 shotguns are seen throughout the season - Due to the number of different variants, they will be sub-divided within this section. Note that it is possible some of these might actually be the lower-priced Maverick 88 models, as the show rarely gives good showings of the weapons' receievers (the safety placement being the only readily distinguishable difference between the two) and at least one Maverick 88 is actually seen used in the show as well.
Mossberg 500 'Persuader'
Several standard riot-model Mossberg 500s, known as 'Persuader' models, are seen throughout the season, and indeed are the most common variant seen. They are used by numerous police and government agents, as well as seen in the hands of some military personnel.
Some of the Mossberg shotguns appear to be Mossberg 500AT variants, noted by the wooden foregrip.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingMossberg 500AT Shotgun - 12 Gauge. Note the wood furniture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA New Jersey state trooper wields what appears to be a Mossberg 500AT in a flashback sequence at the opening of "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04). This is an anachronism, as this sequence takes place in 1947, and the Mossberg 500 wasn't introduced until 1961.Error creating thumbnail: File missingSheriff Tskany wields a Mossberg 500AT in "Shapes" (S1E18).
Mossberg 500 Bullpup
A Mossberg 500 Bullpup is seen used by at least one of the elite recovery soldiers in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
Pistol-gripped Mossberg 500 Cruisers are seen used by some police and government agents, notably by agents conducting a raid near the end of "Lazerus" (S1E14).
A 'field' variant of the Mossberg 500, with long, ribbed barrel and wooden furniture is seen carried as a main weapon by Steve Humphreys (Tom O'Rourke), a lumber company security chief, in "Darkness Falls" (S1E19).
During the opening sequence in "E.B.E." (S1E16), a truck driver is seen brandishing a Mossberg-manufactured Maverick Model 88 shotgun. The gun appears to be set-up in a kind-of 'Cruiser' configuration - It appears to have a pistol grip and riot-length barrel, however the barrel is ribbed, and the weapon features a top-folding stock. It is noted as a Maverick and not a Mossberg 500 due to clear showing of the button-safety located on the front tang of the trigger guard (Actual Mossbergs feature a switch safety at the top-rear of the receiver).
What appears to be a customized Remington 870 is seen wielded by career criminal Warren James Dupre (Jason Schombing) to commit a robbery and attempt to kill an FBI agent at the beginning of "Lazerus" (S1E14). The shotgun features a short barrel and forend featuring a Butler Creek tactical synthetic loop pump-grip, along with a pistol grip and heatshield over the barrel.
Several Side-By-Side Double Barrel Shotguns are seen used by police officers and deputized citizens conducting a search party at the beginning of "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04).
An Over & Under 12-Gauge Double Barrel Shotgun is used by a ranch owner to kill a supposed 'wolf monster' (that turns into a regular man) at the beginning at "Shapes" (S1E18).
Numerous episodes in Season 1 feature appearances of Colt "Commando"-type carbines, usually in the hands of military personnel and SWAT officers. There's a great close-up of one of these weapons in "Deep Throat" (S1E01). The weapons feature A1E1 receivers (noted by the A1-sights, brass deflector and full magazine fence), however these are not Model 733s, as these weapons feature what seem to be very short (Roughly 10") barrels, shorter than the M733's 11.5" barrel.
In several episodes, U.S. military personnel are armed with Colt AR-15 SP1 rifles with M16A2-style hand guards, standing in for the M16A2 service rifles that the soldiers should be using in real life. You can tell because the receivers of the guns don't have the "fencing" around the magazine release, plus they lack the A2-style rear sights, shell deflectors, and forward assists. These are not fired on the episode, but they can be full auto conversions since armorers in both Canada and the U.S. picked up many SP1 conversions during the 1970s and 1980s.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingM16 aka SP1 (flat "slab side receiver") with A2 style handguards used to impersonate the M16A2 - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingSoldiers conduct maintenance on their rifles in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09). Note the lack of a forward assist, shell deflector, and "fencing" around the magazine release; all tell-tale signs of an AR15 SP1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingA soldier gets out of a jeep with an AR15 SP1 in hand in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
Diemaco C7-Etc
Due to the series' filming in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, most of M16-type rifles seen throughout the season were Diemaco C7s, or, more likely, the Olympic Arms K4B equivalent, which seems to be favored by the Canadian armorers. These weapons appeared in the hands of U.S. military personnel as an M16A2 stand-in, particularly in the episodes "Deep Throat" (S1E01) and "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
Standard M1 Garand rifles are seen in two instances in the show's first season. One is wielded by a deputized citizen as part of a search party in "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04). Another is seen wielded by a honor guard member at the end of "Space" (S1E08).
A Muzzelite MZ14 Bullpup (The bullpup configuration for the Ruger Mini-14) is seen wielded by at least one of the elite recovery soldiers in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09), probably chosen for it's 'futuristic' appearance.
A Steyr AUG bullpup assault rifle is also seen wielded by one of the elite recovery soldiers in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09). Like the aforementioned MZ14 Bullpup, it too was likely chosen due to it's 'futuristic' appearance.
What appears to be a Winchester Model 1894 lever-action rifle (or clone/copy) is seen carried by a Native American wise man, Ish (Jimmy Herman) in "Shapes" (S1E18).
Numerous other bolt-action rifles are seen through the series' first season, some appear to be more regular hunting rifles (as seen used by officers and deputized citizens in "The Jersey Devil" (S1E04)), and some are tactical sniper rifles (as seen used by FBI tactical agents in "Lazerus" (S1E14)).
An unknown sporting/hunting-style rifle is seen wielded by a trucker in "Eve" (S1E10). The rifle does not appear to have a bolt-action (either straight or pull). It also has a considerably large rounded chamber and receiver. It may be some type of revolving rifle, or simply perhaps an air rifle or other prop.
Several Heckler & Koch MP5A3s are seen throughout the season, close inspection shows the vast majority are actually Heckler & Koch HK94A3s 'chopped and coverted' to resemble MP5A3s. Some of the MP5s appear to be non-firing Tokyo Marui spring-powered airsoft guns. They are wielded by police tactical officers and government agents, as well as military personnel, notably by several of the elite recovery soldiers in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
Standard M60 machine guns are seen used by military personnel, primarily mounted on military Jeeps and HMMWVs, one is notably seen mounted on a M151 MUTT in "Fallen Angel" (S1E09).
In "Born Again" (S1E2x), a police photograph is viewed, showing what is apparently the confiscated proceeds of a major bust, including a large number of mixed firearms.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe photograph here shows several police officers standing around a table containing a considerable amount of confiscated cash and firearms, several of which are held by the officers in the photo. The officers on the left are holding up two pump-action shotguns (the second to left looks like a shortened Remington 870), while one in the center holds a Heckler & Koch MP5K (or perhaps a replica). On the table are numerous semiauto pistols, machine pistols and submachine guns. Towards the rear of the table, right in front of the officers, is a WWII-era Browning M1919A4 machine gun.
Original page
The following firearms were used in Season 1 of the televsion series "The X-Files."
Bernardelli Model 60
From the pilot episode until episode 1.06 "Ghost In The Machine" Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) carried a Bernardelli Model 60 .32 ACP pocket pistol. It is a single action straight blowback weapon with a frame-mounted manual safety. The Model 60 was introduced in 1959, the magazine release is located at the butt of the pistol grip. It features a "VB" logo (Vincenzo Bernardelli) on the left grip. Scully's Model 60 has brown grips.
After a few episodes in the first season, Mulder switched to a Glock 19, which he used for the remaining episodes of the season (from episode 1.05 "Shadows" until episode 1.23 "The Erlenmeyer Flask"). It is a second generation Glock 19, identified by the checkering on the front and rear straps of the pistol grip. In episode 1.20 "Tooms" Mulder lost the Glock in a narrow escalator maintenance tunnel. Glock 19s were also carried by some of the elite soldiers in Episode 1.09, "Fallen Angel", though they never fired their weapons (the invisible alien fried them all with its heat weapon before they could).
For a lot of the first season, Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) carried a Manurhin PPK .32 ACP (a French clone made under the license of Walther).
Scully carried the PPK from episode 1.07 "Ice" until episode 1.23 "The Erlenmeyer Flask". In episode 1.09 "Fallen Angel" the Manurhin PPK had a misfeed, perhaps because Scully didn't rack the slide with enough fervor.
At the beginning of the first season (Pilot until episode 1.04 "The Jersey Devil"), FBI Special Agent Fox Mulder (David Duchovny) used a Taurus PT92. Mulder fired the Taurus only once in episode 1.03 "Conduit" to chase away a pack of wolves. PT92s also appeared in several other episodes from the first season.
Several episodes in Season 1 feature appearances of Colt Model 733 "Commandos", usually in the hands of military personnel and SWAT officers. There's a great close-up of this gun in the second episode, "Deep Throat". This is not a Model 733, the barrel is an inch too short. The barrel does not extend much past the front sight.
Because the show was initially filmed in Canada, many of the M16-type rifles in the early season were Diemaco C7s, or, more likely, the Olympic Arms K4B equivalent, which seems to be favored by the Canadian armorers. These weapons appeared in the hands of U.S. military personnel as an M16A2 stand-in, particularly in the Season 1 episodes "Deep Throat" and "Fallen Angel".