The Thieves (Korean Title: Dodukdeul/Hangul: 도둑들) is a 2012 South Korean heist movie directed by Dong-hoon Choi. A group of Korean and Chinese thieves are brought together by the enigmatic Macao Park (Yun-seok Kim) to steal a $20 million diamond from the notorious fence Wei Hong in Macau. However, the thieves' separate agendas means that little goes to plan when they actually carry out the robbery, leading to a multinational chase as the thieves fight over the diamond.
The following weapons were used in the film The Thieves:
A 3rd-generation Colt Detective Special is used by Andrew (Dal-su Oh) throughout the film. A Detective Special is also stolen from a Macau police officer's holster when Andrew and Popie (Jung-Jae Lee) attempt to escape from police custody.
Beretta 92FS
A Beretta 92FS is used by Chen (Simon Yam) during a robbery at the beginning of the film, and later during the heist at the Macau casino. South Korean police officers, including the chief inspector (Jin-mo Ju) use Berettas during the finale in Busan.
Glock 17
Johnny (Derek Tsang) uses a Glock 17 during the theft of the diamond at the Macau Casino, while Macau Public Service Police Force officers fire Glocks during a gun battle with Chen in the parking garage. One of Wei Hong's henchmen also uses a Glock during the finale, as does Julie (Angelica Lee).
Norinco Type 54/213
Wei Hong (Gook-seo Ki) uses a chrome-finished Norinco Type 54/213 with an engraved slide as his main weapon.
Remington 870
A security guard responding to a jewellery store robbery carried out by Chen, Andrew and Johnny (Derek Tsang) carries a Remington 870 shotgun. Later, Macao Park is seen inspecting a Remington 870 with a folding stock while preparing weapons for the heist.
Submachine Guns
IWI Mini Uzi
Two of Wei Hong's henchmen use Mini Uzi submachine guns during the finale, firing them at an attacking South Korean SWAT team and at Macao Park while he tries to escape.
IWI Micro Uzi
Wei Hong's henchmen also use Micro Uzi submachine guns while pursuing Macao Park.
Heckler & Koch MP5A3
South Korean SWAT officers are mainly armed with Heckler & Koch MP5A3 submachine guns, equipped with both railed handguards and Surefire dedicated weaponlights.
Heckler & Koch MP5A5
A SWAT officer who helps Yennicall (Gianna Jun) is armed with a Heckler & Koch MP5A5.
Remington 700PSS
A SWAT sniper uses a Remington 700PSS to take out one of Wei Hong's henchmen.
Grappling Hook Launcher
Popie uses a gas-powered grappling hook launcher during the robbery of an art gallery in the introduction.
Hand Grenade
A henchman tosses a hand grenade at SWAT officers during the gunbattle in the finale.