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A Professional Gun (Il mercenario)

From Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games
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Il mercenario
File:Il mercenario-DVD.jpg
DVD Cover
Country Error creating thumbnail: File missing Italy
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Spain
Directed by Sergio Corbucci
Release Date 1966
Language Italian
Studio Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)
Profilms 21
Distributor United Artists
Main Cast
Character Actor
Sergei Kowalski alias 'Polish' Franco Nero
Paco Roman Tony Musante
Ricciolo alias 'Curly' Jack Palance
Columba Giovanna Ralli
Col. Alfonso Garcia Eduardo Fajardo

A Professional Gun (Il mercenario) is a 1966 Italian Western directed by Sergio Corbucci and stars Franco Nero as a Polish mercenary, arrives in Mexico and (Tony Musante) as a Mexican peon Paco Roman with his band. Their paths crosses.

The following firearms were used in the film Django:

Single Action Army

Mainly characters in movie used a Single Action Armys.

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Colt Single Action Army w/ 7.5" barrel known as the "Cavalry" model.
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Colt Single Action Army w/ 5.5" barrel known as the "Artillery" model - .45 Long Colt
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A jailer (Tito García) has the revolver in the holster on his belt ...
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... Paco Roman (Tony Musante) disarmed him and aims it at the prison director Col. Garcia.
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A Mexican officer pulls his gun at Paco and Kowalski, when arrested.
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Columba (Giovanna Ralli) had a concealed handgun in a her poncho ...
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... and by accurate shot she saved Paco and Kowalski life.

Astra 400

The Mercenary Sergei Kowalski alias 'Polish' (Franco Nero) carries a Astra 400 pistol.

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Astra 400 (9 mm Bergmann-Bayard caliber)
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Unidentified pocekt pistol

The casino owner Ricciolo 'Curly' (Jack Palance) is armed with a unidentifified pocket pistol.

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Sharps Model 4 "Bulldog" Pepperbox

Among the interesting weapons what occur in the film is also a Sharps Model 4 "Bulldog" Pepperbox pistol.

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Sharps Model 4 "Bulldog" Pepperbox - .32 Rimfire
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'Studs' (Franco Ressel) received in casino from 'Curly' a pistol, to killed Kowalski.
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... by the same gun 'Curly' (Jack Palance) shoot owner of a silver mine.

Smith & Wesson New Model No.3

Another weapon that flashes briefly in the film is a Smith & Wesson New Model No.3 revolver.

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Smith & Wesson New Model No.3
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'Studs' (Franco Ressel) tries to kill 'Polish' second time ...
... but 'Curly' (Jack Palance) stopped him from doing, because it has a different plan.
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Winchester 1892

Sergei Kowalski (Franco Nero) fired from a Winchester Model 1892 rifle on the plane.

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Winchester 1892 Saddle Ring Carbine - .32WCF/.38-40/.44-40/.25-20.
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Winchester 1894

Some characters use Winchester Model 1894s.

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Winchester 1894 Saddle Ring Carbine - .30-30.
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Paco Roman (Tony Musante).
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Ricciolo 'Curly' (Jack Palance).
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Columba (Giovanna Ralli).

1916 Spanish Mauser

The film is also abundant to see 1916 Spanish Mausers.

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Spanish M1916 Guardia Civil Short Mauser Rifle - 7x57mm
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Paco Roman (Tony Musante)(middle) and his men armed with Mauser rifles captured Kowalski.
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The Mexican soldiers used Mauser rifles as their service weapon.
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Hotchkiss M1914 Machine Gun

Important role in the film plays a Hotchkiss M1914 Machine Gun. Tried him almost all the main characters.

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Hotchkiss M1914 kulomet se stativem
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Sergei Kowalski (Franco Nero) bought a machine gun at the dealer ...
... and he sell it to Paco Roman.
Columba (Giovanna Ralli) disguises as Wilgefortis in the procession has hidden the machine gun ...
... on the command will mow down the soldiers by fire.
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Paco Roman (Tony Musante)by firing of machine gun cover his fighters retreat.

Vickers MK1 Machine Gun

At the end of the film is seen also modified Vickers MK1 Machine Gun.

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Vickers Mk1 Machine Gun
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A soldier with machine gun guards the condemned men ...
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... Kowalski (Franco Nero) seized his gun and starts to mowed down the soldiers by fire.
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F1 hand grenade

Ricciolo 'Curly' (Jack Palance) used F1 hand grenades.

F1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade with Mle1935 fuse.
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Mexican army deploys to Roman´s bunch of artillery.

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