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Talk:Call of Duty: Ghosts
Live Action Commercials
"Epic Night Out" Commercial
AAC Honey Badger
Bushmaster ACR
Carl Gustav M3
Colt M1911A1
Dillon Aero M134 Minigun
General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger
Kimber 1911
McMillan TAC-308
Are you sure this isn't an M40A5? The bolt handle looks like a remington 700's and the stock is a Mcmillan a4 stock. there's also the foward nightvision mount
Milkor Mark 14
Mk 14 Mod 0 EBR
Taurus Raging Bull
Unknown Rifle
Yakushev-Borzov Yak-B
MAIN PAGE CONTENT NOTE: Only officially released images will be permitted. Leaked images, even if publicised elsewhere, are not permitted. This rule is not negotiable.
TALK PAGE CONTENT NOTE: Do not post lists of weapons you hope to see in the game. They will be deleted.
Um...Gun images? Screenshots? Evil Tim (talk) 14:44, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
- Sorry bout that...wanted to get the layout finished, and then I added the images. That way, I can get the images into the page faster. - User:1morey May 21, 2013 3:19 PM (EST)
A new CoD? *Yawns and goes back to more relevant business* Spartan198 (talk) 22:48, 23 May 2013 (EDIT)
- Does that REALLY have to be on every single COD page on this site? Gunmaster2011 18.15, 26th June 2013
- At least it's not an anon asking why we even have the page in the first place, like some random person's opinion on a series is the sole determining factor in whether the site as a whole will acknowledge its existence. Really, we've lucked out on this one so far. Kadorhal (talk) 23:30, 28 June 2013 (EDT)
- Do me a favor and search through talk page archives for every CoD game on this site and you'll see this is the only one I've made such a comment on. Spartan198 (talk) 00:55, 29 June 2013 (EDT)
For now, anyway. I know now that someone will probably add that statement to all the pages just to annoy me. And I am aware of the "statement" on Black Ops II's page. Are we allowed to delete topics? Gunmaster2011 14.41, 7th July 2013
- Funnily enough, I never left any such comments on the BlOps II page. Anyhow, you liking CoD is perfectly okay and I have nothing against it, but I'm not going to censor my own views of it because you're annoyed by them. Spartan198 (talk) 17:09, 5 November 2013 (EST)
ARX-160 and developer peek weapons
Looks to have an EGLM under it, there are also previous M4 appearances and the Vector with a AFG. Also saw a Galil/AK looking gun outside the chopper scene. AgentGumby (talk) 17:58, 24 May 2013 (EDT) Dev video here:
- I'm fairly sure in the dev video in the Xbox1 reveal they had either the MW3 or Blops2 MP7, as well, though it might have just been a placeholder. Though MW3 proves placeholder doesn't necessarily mean it won't turn up in the actual game. Evil Tim (talk) 02:28, 23 May 2013 (EDT)
There also appears to be the Ukraine 5.45 X95/MTAR. AgentGumby (talk) 17:58, 24 May 2013 (EDT)
"Unknown Rifle"
My guess is that this is just another Honey Badger. It has a MP5 style sliding stock connected to a rearward extension from the receiver, just like on the Honey Badger. --commando552 (talk) 15:04, 22 May 2013 (EDT)
Unknown shotgun
Though I can't be sure since we don't see it closely enough, the associated dialog makes me wonder if it isn't supposed to be something like a Daisy Model 25 rather than a real weapon. Evil Tim (talk) 22:19, 10 June 2013 (EDT)
Multiplayer Reveal Weapons
My apologies, I would add the ones I know if I were any good at editing pages, but check this out. Ghostdigga (talk) 04:51, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
From what I can see: Second row is GP-25/30 standalone, I think a metal storm series GL beneath it, an MP-443 Grach at the bottom and not an OTS-33, next row over "generic drum mag AR" seems to be an M27 with a C-Mag, the marksman rifle could maybe be a Robinson XCR in DMR config, one beneath seems to be a Daewoo K7, next row second from top is a CBJ-MS PDW, shotgun further down seems to be maybe a Benelli Supernova, Possible G28 beneath it, Gepard GM-6 Lynx on the bottom, and I have no idea what's above the TDI, apart from the fact it seems to be an underwater firearm, really stumped on that one. Feel free to correct, have barely woken up yet so I could be off on a few. Recon42 (talk) 07:17, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
- In the trailer there was a Remington R5 RGP that I think is missing from that diagram. Also, the marksman rifle is definitely a FAL variant fitted with a Magpul PRS FAL stock. I don't know the handguard though, not sure if it is a production gun or a custom hodge-podge (could be a IMBEL IA2). The 417 marksman variant is a G28 in the patrol configuration. --commando552 (talk) 08:02, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
MTs-255 (Shotgun) GP25/GP30? (Grenade Launcher) SC-2010 (FAL variant) (Rifle) SVU (Sniper Rifle) Remington 700 variant (Sniper Rifle) SKS Bullpup? Vepr Bullpup (Assault Rifle)
FAD (Assault Rifle) Metal Storm MAUL (Shotgun) KAC Chain SAW (LMG) Honey Badger (Assault Rifle) CBJ-MS (SMG) AK-12 (Assault Rifle)
Panzerfaust (Launcher) MTAR-21 (Assault Rifle) LSAT? (LMG) Imbel IA2 (Rifle) SIG P226 (Pistol) MG3 (LMG)
VBR-Belgium PDW (Machine Pistol) MK14 (Rifle) M27 IAR (LMG) Daewoo K7 (SMG) FABARM FP6? (Shotgun) ARX-160 (Assault Rifle)
PP-19 Bizon (SMG) MGL-140 (Grenade Launcher) L115/Arctic Warfare Magnum (Sniper Rifle) Beretta M9A1 (Pistol) HK G28 (HK417 variant) (Sniper Rifle) Underbarrel/pistol MAUL? (Shotgun)
MSBS Radon (Assault Rifle) MP443 (Pistol) Colt Anaconda (.44 Magnum)? (Revolver) CZ-805 (Assault Rifle) GM6 Lynx (Sniper Rifle) Kriss K10 (SMG)
Tell me how I did. (I cheated and looked at the main page for the ones I didn't know.) Of note - the shotgun next to the ARX-160 looks like a FABARM FP6. Vector appears to be the K10 variant. LMG next to the MTAR-21 looks like the LSAT. Phale (talk) 10:32, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
- The Vector probably isn't a K10 because it has the standard Vector side-folding stock, the K10 looks to have a sliding stock. Evil Tim (talk) 10:57, 16 August 2013 (EDT)
Oh and by the way, sniper rifles actually only zoom in the scope now, the outside of the scope is just blurred. That's actually a pretty unique achievement graphically, the only other games that I know of that do this are Red Orchestra, Arma, and Killing Floor. Phale (talk) 12:37, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
Looks to me like your peripheral vision is at 6x/8x but it's hard to tell.AgentGumby (talk) 10:07, 16 August 2013 (EDT)
- No he is right, they do not zoom the peripheral. easiest times to tell is during the transition, such as at the end when the knife Juggernaut is head-shotted. By the way, I'm guessing that this guy is gonna be totally f'ing broken. --commando552 (talk) 16:47, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
I dunno about anyone else, but the barrel jacket on that gun looked a lot more MG3/MG42-ish to me really. The Wierd It (talk) 11:46, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
- The jacket has the perforation pattern of an MG3, but the actual shape of the jacket along with the muzzle and the iron sight suggest it is more based on the 5.56 Ameli. It is probably on oversight on the part of whomever made the texture. --commando552 (talk) 16:47, 15 August 2013 (EDT)
Unknown Pump Action Shotgun
Can anyone identify this shotgun? Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Ghostdigga (talk) 18:48, 21 August 2013 (EDT)
- Not much to go on, but I get a Heckler & Koch FABARM FP6 vibe from it. --commando552 (talk) 19:20, 21 August 2013 (EDT)
Yeah that seems pretty likely, thanks for your help. Ghostdigga (talk) 19:30, 21 August 2013 (EDT)
.44 Magnum Revolver

I think the Revolver is a Taurus Raging Bull instead of Colt Anaconda. - KINKI'boy (talk) 0:12, 23 August 2013 (JST)
- sigh* what is this monstrosity? Did the developers really put a chainsaw grip on a Mk. 46? And a flare launcher? And a suppressor? You can't use your sights, and/or put a optic on it, so do they think gunners just run around like Rambo/Somalians with PKMs? I understand using cool looking weapons, even if they're just terrible prototypes, like the XM8 or the FAD, but this is taking video game stupidity to a whole new level.... Ghostdigga (talk) 13:49, 2 September 2013 (EDT)
You're rather wrong, the KAC ChainSAW is a real kit of the KAC LMG (Stoner 96). Perhaps ridiculous, but don't call them stupid if they didn't create the idea first.AgentGumby (talk) 22:36, 2 September 2013 (EDT)
- Ghostdigga, the picture of the ChainSAW on the page isn't a screenshot from the game, it's a real picture of the actual weapon made by KAC. --SmithandWesson36 (talk) 12:25, 3 September 2013 (EDT)
- To be fair though this thing was just made for fun by KAC, it was never intended as a useful weapon to be put into production. Although the devs didn't create this you can still blame them for taking a gun that was pretty much made as a joke and portraying it as a useful military weapon. Using cable ties I once attached a Glock to the underside of a G36C to the underside of a PSG-1. That was a "real" configuration, it doesn't mean it isn't ridiculous though if somebody sees that picture and puts it in a game as a killstreak reward or whatever. --commando552 (talk) 13:18, 3 September 2013 (EDT)
- Well it appears that I was pretty wrong, I don't know why I thought that was a screenshot and not the real thing. I still don't understand the decision though, but I guess I'll get it when I see everyone sprinting at each other, firing 100 rounds from the hip and then launching flares at each other's faces. Wish they could've just given us a regular Stoner at this point.... Ghostdigga (talk) 10:21, 5 September 2013 (EDT)
- To be fair though this thing was just made for fun by KAC, it was never intended as a useful weapon to be put into production. Although the devs didn't create this you can still blame them for taking a gun that was pretty much made as a joke and portraying it as a useful military weapon. Using cable ties I once attached a Glock to the underside of a G36C to the underside of a PSG-1. That was a "real" configuration, it doesn't mean it isn't ridiculous though if somebody sees that picture and puts it in a game as a killstreak reward or whatever. --commando552 (talk) 13:18, 3 September 2013 (EDT)
But then why does it have a Create-a-class icon? I was hoping the same thing at first.AgentGumby (talk) 23:46, 6 September 2013 (EDT)
- If it isn't a killstreak weapon it is odd that it seems to have a grenade launcher by default (I assume they will just have it firing HE grenades rather than flares). --commando552 (talk) 06:52, 7 September 2013 (EDT)
- They made many default functions and attachments of firearms unavailable, like laser sights on MW2 FAMAS and Intervention, Javelin's direct attack mode...chainsaw's launcher will be the same.
- Eh, Javelin direct attack isn't as "direct" as you'd think, it just doesn't climb as high as the indirect profile (50m in direct, 150 in top attack). If you IRL'd it up with minimum range you probably wouldn't be able to hit anything on a CoD map anyway since the minimum range in direct attack mode is 65 metres. I suppose they could give you something fun with it like a proper UBGL with 40mm buckshot rounds. Evil Tim (talk) 14:16, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
- Nah, minimum 50m high is for top attack mode, direct mode has 20m or less minimum climb height(even though it has falling angle restriction so in real it can't be landed into horizontally 65m far or less...see this But height is not essentially what I wanna say, it's about lack of functions. However I know it, console FPS should be simple because gamepad could be easily mis-pushed buttons, so seemed minor and complex functions must be deleted. Even variable zoom sights are very great revolution for COD I think(but I can't understand why that function collided with UB weapons...)Fax (talk) 07:34, 1 October 2013 (EDT)
- Omitting functions like attack modes on launchers or burst settings on rifles is kind of a different thing to having another weapon uselessly hanging off of the bottom. The direct attack mode is an integral part of the Javelin and you can't make the launcher without it, as opposed to the chainsaw where it is just a launcher bolted onto a rail and it is up to the devs whether they want to include it or not. --commando552 (talk) 07:50, 1 October 2013 (EDT)
- That link gives me an untrusted connection warning. Evil Tim (talk) 02:19, 3 October 2013 (EDT)
- Nah, minimum 50m high is for top attack mode, direct mode has 20m or less minimum climb height(even though it has falling angle restriction so in real it can't be landed into horizontally 65m far or less...see this But height is not essentially what I wanna say, it's about lack of functions. However I know it, console FPS should be simple because gamepad could be easily mis-pushed buttons, so seemed minor and complex functions must be deleted. Even variable zoom sights are very great revolution for COD I think(but I can't understand why that function collided with UB weapons...)Fax (talk) 07:34, 1 October 2013 (EDT)
- Eh, Javelin direct attack isn't as "direct" as you'd think, it just doesn't climb as high as the indirect profile (50m in direct, 150 in top attack). If you IRL'd it up with minimum range you probably wouldn't be able to hit anything on a CoD map anyway since the minimum range in direct attack mode is 65 metres. I suppose they could give you something fun with it like a proper UBGL with 40mm buckshot rounds. Evil Tim (talk) 14:16, 30 September 2013 (EDT)
- They made many default functions and attachments of firearms unavailable, like laser sights on MW2 FAMAS and Intervention, Javelin's direct attack mode...chainsaw's launcher will be the same.
CZ 805
Picture with caption "A soldier rappels down a skyscraper, armed with a CZ 805 Bren." looks like not with a CZ 805, probably it's IA-2. See full-sized picture, hand guard is very long and has many vents, and magazine shape is straight, and stock is not skeleton type. (This picture is also found in official page, codghosts->feature->singleplayer)
Squads Trailer
I've watched the new trailer a few times, but can't really find anything new, if anyone wants to give it a watch here you go: Ghostdigga (talk) 14:52, 4 October 2013 (EDT)
Thermal Sight Model?
Does anyone know what this sight is (assuming it actually exists)? Ghostdigga (talk) 14:55, 4 October 2013 (EDT) is mounted backwards on the rifle
- Looks a bit like a Trijicon ATWS22 but there are some differences. It appears to be a standlone sight with a larger higher eyepiece, and the body is a mirror image. --commando552 (talk) 15:20, 4 October 2013 (EDT)
Found a new shotgun
I found a UTS-15 on the back of a soldier in the Squad Mode trailer: --Ghostdigga (talk) 05:21, 5 October 2013 (EDT)
"New" pistol in the squads trailer? Or the VBR?
You know that pistol that no one has seen before? It could be the VBR already shown off:
Here's that gun from the trailer:
Here's the menu icon for the VBR:
See the similarities? IRL, the VBR is a machine pistol, and I doubt they'd throw in a machine pistol into the SMG category. See on the iron sights, those two circle poles on the back sights? You can see them clearly on the menu icon and the Trailer pic. Those look almost identical, the model's probably been updated. Furthermore, the stock? It is the same shape. You can't clearly see it in any part of the trailer, but you can see the back. Whaddya know? It's the same shape! Finally, that part just below the glove in the trailer pic? Well, the VBR natively has a large magazine. While the model already shown has a smaller one, it wouldn't be visible so clearly in 1st person if it weren't longer now. So I'm thinking the mag's been upgraded to a 24 round mag (like the real life model uses generally IIRC) and the gun's either been thrown into the pistol category, or left in the SMG category, and that 5th pistol is still eluding us.
Let me know what you guys think. TmarTn thinks it could be the 5th pistol that hasn't been revealed yet, but it could be the VBR still as an SMG. I'm almost positive, as the front foregrip style thing is the same if I'm seeing it right.
- It most certainly is, or at least it's supposed to be, representing the VBR's PDW. --BeloglaviSup (talk) 11:23, 6 October 2013 (EDT)
Ironman Manpack Ammo
In this image, it appears the soldier has an Ironman manpack, possibly for the handheld Minigun that's been in the last few CODs or maybe a 240/MK48. Who knows.
Minimum specs
So NVidia has released some minimum specs for the PC version. They're, um, well...
- OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit
- CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E8200 2.66 GHZ / AMD Phenom X3 8750 2.4 GHZ or better
- HDD: 50 GB HD space
- Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 550 Ti / ATI Radeon HD 5870 or better
- Sound: DirectX Compatible Sound Card
- DirectX: 11
I guess they're ditching scaleability to focus on 4K resolution, either that or this is going to be the worst optimised game in the history of the universe. Evil Tim (talk) 03:23, 17 October 2013 (EDT)
- Not bad actually, anyone with a decent gaming computer should surpass those specs. Only difference between that and Black Ops II's specs are GPU generation plus RAM and HDD requirements. HDD requirement is related to both next gen consoles having Bluray drives, a dual layer Bluray disc is 50GB. And RAM amount is lower than most would recommend for a mid level gaming PC (8GB).--Crazycrankle (talk) 05:12, 18 October 2013 (EDT)
- Additional Info Regarding 4k Gaming + RAM Requirement:
- -Those specs for 4K gaming wouldn't get you anything near playable. My recommendation for 4K is an i7-4770k with Crossfired R9 290X's, SLI'd Titans or SLI'd GTX 780's and 16GB+ of RAM and an SSD.
- -The RAM requirement is a bullshit move on the dev/publishers part. It's a requirement coded (Link) into the game and it actually won't launch of your PC has less that 6GB of RAM installed (Also, it won't read your 6GB as 6GB if it's shared with an onboard GPU). There is a hack/mod/user-made-patch available online to remove this requirement.--Crazycrankle (talk) 18:00, 11 November 2013 (EST)
- Additional Info Regarding 4k Gaming + RAM Requirement:
I has them. Will get started on updating the page after I've had a few hours' rest. Evil Tim (talk) 09:50, 5 November 2013 (EST)
Is it just me, or does this "dynamic map" not actually do anything? Evil Tim (talk) 12:17, 8 November 2013 (EST)
- It really isn't. Most of these "dynamic maps" are pretty damn static actually. --PyramidHead (talk) 09:57, 9 November 2013 (EST)
Just my 2 cents on this page, do we maybe want to organize the guns in the same categories that Multiplayer uses? I.E. Separating out the "Marksmanship Rifles" from the "Sniper Rifles"? Food for thought... --Zackmann08 IMFDB Chief of Operations (talk) 13:14, 9 November 2013 (EST)