Star Trek: Enterprise was the fifth live-action television series set in the Star Trek universe created by Gene Roddenberry. This series was a prequel to the original Star Trek and starred Scott Bakula as Jonathan Archer, captain of the first interstellar vessel to bear the name Enterprise. The show ran on the UPN Network from 2001 to 2005 across 4 Seasons with a total of 98 episodes.
The following weapons were used in the series Star Trek: Enterprise:
In an alternate reality from the one seen in Star Trek: First Contact, human survivor is briefly seen carrying a Calico M950 while partaking in the plundering of the Vulcan vessel in Season 4's "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 1". Given the appearance of a Calico M951 in the aforementioned movie, it makes sense that a similar weapon would be seen again in this time period.
Used by 'gangsters' and partisans against the German Soldiers in Season 4 Episode 1: "Stormfront - Part 1" and Season 4 Episode 2: "Stormfront - Part 2".
A "Winchester Pulse Rifle" is seen in the pilot episode "Broken Bow" (Season 1, Episode 1). Despite the name referring to Winchester rifles, the weapon is in reality a Benelli Nova shotgun mocked up with aluminum add-ons and a light-up red insertable "plasma cartridge".
The descendants of the Terra Nova colonists in "Terra Nova" (Season 1, Episode 5) use Heckler & Koch SP89 mocked up with a "futuristic" muzzle attachment. They are used again in "Shadows Of P'Jem" (Season 1, Episode 14) by rebels.
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD is carried by soldiers of a pre-warp civilization in the Season 2 episode The Communicator. [1] The weapons appear to be equipped with G36 buttstocks. They are also equipped with Beta-C magazines and Hollywood embellishments on the integral suppressors.
An MG42 machine gun is used in the defence of Vosk's compound in "Stormfront - Part 2" by Wehrmacht ground forces. Two more MG42's appear dressed up as alien weapons in the episode "These are the Voyages..." used by intruders that board the Enterprise.