Najica Hiiragi is armed with an Stechkin APS as her main sidearm. For mission requiring stealth is changes to a Stetchkin APB with the correct offset suppressor.
Walther P38s are used by Elith aka LLL along with the rest of Athena's troopse in "Mission: 009 - A Brave Lion in the Desert Appears with the Goddess of the Destiny".
Several crew members on Ricardo Kidel's ship carry MP 3008s (a German copy of the Sten Mk II with a vertical magazine) in "Mission: 005 - The Fragile Dream with a Crimson Colored Horizon".
The military personnel who arrive to arrest Ricardo Kidel and his crew carry Heckler & Koch MP5A3s in "Mission: 005 - The Fragile Dream with a Crimson Colored Horizon".
Several Minebea M-9s are used by the team transporting the masterless Humaritt BBB in "Mission: 006 - The Beautiful Eye of the Wild Beast Appears with the Shadow of Loneliness".
A pair of assassins in "Mission 002 - A Pretty Partner with a Gun in Her Hands" are both armed with PGM Hecate IIs. The kidnapper Fanc also uses a PGM Hecate II in "Mission: 007 - The Murderous Bullet Shot with a Wry Smile".
Ai Irie aka III uses a L1A1 SLR when she takes on Najica and Lila in "Mission: 004 - The Fictitious Star with a Sweet Trap-Like Perfume".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingL1A1 SLR - 7.62x51mm NATO. This is the later, typical version of the L1A1 which used black fiberglass furniture.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIII chambering a round into her L1A1. This shot shows the extended magazine release and safety catch of the "inch pattern" L1A1.Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe barrel of III's L1A1 glowing red hot after sustained fire (only a single magazine though which is nowhere near enough to cause this effect). Note the L1A1 flash hider and skeleton front sight protectors.Error creating thumbnail: File missingLook out for those scary shiny glasses.Error creating thumbnail: File missingIII prepares to fire the L1A1 from her hip. Note the "sand cuts" on the bolt which were a feature of the L1A1 variant.
Gewehr 43
The Humaritt Koharu (SSS) uses a Gewehr 43 with a ZF 4 scope in "Mission: 005 - The Fragile Dream with a Crimson Colored Horizon".
Lila uses a custom Barrett M82A1 whilst hunting the masterless Humaritt BBB in "Mission: 006 - The Beautiful Eye of the Wild Beast Appears with the Shadow of Loneliness". It has been modified by removing the sights and sight rail, adding a vertical forward grip, removing the buttstock, shortening the barrel, and fitting a large circular muzzle brake.
Lila uses a late model FG42 with the bayonet and bipod removed when she engages Rasse Pewnt's henchman on a ship in "Mission: 008 - The Sky of the Desire Appears with the Flame by the Battle".
A turret containing what appears to be a pair of Browning .303 Mk II machine guns can be seen on the top of the submarine belonging to Ricardo Kidel in "Mission: 005 - The Fragile Dream with a Crimson Colored Horizon".
Pacific Medical uses a BAe Sea Harrier fitted with a pair of ADEN cannons in under-fuselage pods in "Mission: 006 - The Beautiful Eye of the Wild Beast Appears with the Shadow of Loneliness".
The bow Goalkeeper CIWS of an Invincible-class aircraft carrier can be seen in "Mission: 008 - The Sky of the Desire Appears with the Flame by the Battle".
A Humaritt named XXX was armed with an GE M134 Minigun in the "Mission: 11 - The Sad Parting Mission with Girl's Sincerity."
Error creating thumbnail: File missingAirsoft handheld M134 Minigun with 'Chainsaw grip' to handle the recoil force. This variant was seen in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. This is an airsoft version which retains the half-circle attachment point for the M60 foregrip from Predator; the real T2 minigun did not have this - (fake) 7.62×51mm NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingXXX firing the handheld M134 at Shinba Industrial security forces.
Unidentified Grenade Launcher
Najica and lila use unidentified grenade launchers whilst attempting to subdue BBB in "Mission: 006 - The Beautiful Eye of the Wild Beast Appears with the Shadow of Loneliness". The general shape of the weapon resembles that of an airsoft CAW 40mm Grenade Launcher fitted with a stock, however it is reloaded via a loading gate rather than by the weapon breaking as is the norm for multi-shot grenade launcher, suggesting that this weapon may be entirely fictitious.
Najica is issued with a Kampfpistole firing explosive charges whilst attempting to hunt down BBB in "Mission: 006 - The Beautiful Eye of the Wild Beast Appears with the Shadow of Loneliness". It is used with the grenade launching sight, but lacks the stock that was normally attached when used in this role.
Several of Rasse Pewnt's henchmen use an unidentified model of rocket launcher in "Mission: 008 - The Sky of the Desire Appears with the Flame by the Battle".
An unidentified MANPADS is used by Toi aka WWW in "Mission: 008 - The Sky of Desire with a Swirling Battle Flame". It is possibly a hybrid, and it features a fire control unit similar to that of a Chinese FN-6, but a launch tube with a large cylinder at the front like the British Blowpipe and Javelin systems (a unique arrangement caused by the tail fins being stored at the front of the missile and only moving to the back after firing).
A 4.5 inch Mark 8 naval gun can be seen mounted on the bow of a Type 42 destroyer in "Mission: 008 - The Sky of the Desire Appears with the Flame by the Battle".
Error creating thumbnail: File missingThe Mark 8 is visible in the rounded turret on the bow of the Type 42. Immediately behind it is the destroyer's Sea Dart twin launcher.