V: The Series is the 1984 television series that continues the battle for Earth between the Visitors and the Human Resistance that was first seen in V and V: The Final Battle. The series ran for 19 episodes on NBC and would later be released on DVD as V: The Complete Series.
The following weapons were used in the television series V: The Series:
As in the miniseries, the Resistance including Juliet Parish (Faye Grant) are seen with M16A1 rifles.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch HK94 (chopped and converted)
The Heckler & Koch HK94 with its barrel chopped down to resemble the MP5A3 is a frequent weapon used by the Resistance in the series. As the series was filmed in the early 1980's, this show was one of the earliest to feature this firearm.
Mike Donovan is seen using a full size Uzi in several episodes, notably in "The Dissident" (Ep.08) when he and Ham Tyler infiltrate a Visitor mothership to rescue a Visitor scientist, as well as in "The Conversion" (Ep.10).
Ham Tyler (Michael Ironside) is seen using an M72 LAW to take out a Visitor convoy in "The Conversion" (S1E10). In the series finale "The Return" (S1E19), Visitors disguised as humans use the LAW in an assassination attempt.