Error creating thumbnail: File missingSmith & Wesson Model 36 - Stainless Steel - .38 special. This model is often confused with the similar looking Smith & Wesson Model 60. The stainless Model 36 is distinguished by it's wood gripsError creating thumbnail: File missingSmith & Wesson Model 36 nickel plated Revolver - .38 Special
Mitch Henessey: "Ya want me to stick it in my pants and shoot my damn dick off?"
Daedalus (David Morse) packs a Stainless Series '80 Colt Gold Cup National Match - .45ACP in his waistband Daedalus' handgun has Elliason adjustable sights, a mounting rail on the top of the slide for optics, a skeletonized match trigger and hammer and the beavertail grip safety. (thanks to RedJedRevolver)
Charly Baltimore (Geena Davis) uses a nickel SIG P226 pistol - 9mm. She is shown holding a K-Kote (black) SIG-Sauer P226 on the movie poster but she doesn't use one in the film.
Timothy (Craig Bierko) has a Ruger KP94 in his waist band, which he uses later to try to kill Mitch Hennessy, when he gives him the option of being killed with either a knife or a gun, reason given for giving Mitch a choice on how he is to be killed is because it is Christmas.
A thug falls with a large framed snub revolver that is bright nickel. It is not well seen, but I will hazard an guess that is is a 2" Smith & Wesson Model 29 revolver that is nickel plated. Though seen briefly it is a very large framed revolver and being bright nickel would not be any of the Stainless models.
A SA Vz.61 Skorpion is carried by a henchman and the taken by Charly (Geena Davis) to shoot at a helicopter. Timothy(Craig Bierko) is also seen holding one on Mitch outside the motel.
When Samantha goes through her suitcase at the hotel, she finds a hidden case which contains what appears to be a disassembled Remington 700 takedown rifle. The bolt handle, rear of the receiver are the same as a Remington 700. This rifle is similar to the one used by Dennis Haysbert in Absolute Power.
Bad guys use the Colt 733 Carbine and Charly Baltimore also uses it with a scope at the night battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Model 733 "M16A2 Commando" - 5.56x45mm. Note, the Model 733 does not appear to have a set specification from Colt, and could be found with either an A1, A1E1 or A2 upper receiver, A1 or A2 lower receiver, and a coated aluminum or fiberlite stock. This particular rifle has an A2 lower, an A1E1 upper (forward assist and case deflector with A1 sights as found on Canadian Colts), and a coated aluminum stock.Error creating thumbnail: File missingAssassins chase Hennessy with Colt 733s - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingCharly Baltimore using the Colt 733 carbine - 5.56x45mmError creating thumbnail: File missingCharly Baltimore with her Colt 733 carbine - 5.56x45mm
Ruger Mini 14
Charly Baltimore (Geena Davis) uses a Stainless Ruger Mini-14 with synthetic black stock, heat shield/barrel shroud, Stainless B-Square side-mount scope base & scope, and an aftermarket stainless flash hider.
A very strange combination, Timothy while riding in the helicopter, uses an M16A1 rifle to shoot at Charly Baltimore on the bridge, but rather than standard handguards he has the special handguards designed for the M203 combination.
`Could the movie armourers have used the M203 from this rifle for the Winchester Model 1887 from earlier in the movie??
Heckler & Koch 91
One of Timothy's henchmen uses an Heckler & Koch 91 rifle in the helicopter when they try to corner Charly and Mitch.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingHK91 Rifle with Standard Stock - 7.62 NATOError creating thumbnail: File missingOne of Timothy's henchmen fires an HK91 from the Helicopter door - 7.62x51mm. This HK91 has a brass catcher attached to the side of the receiver (probably a safety precaution while firing from a rotorcraft).
Winchester 1887 Shotgun with M203 Grenade Launcher
A stranger combo cannot be described. One Eyed Jack (Joseph McKenna) tries to kill Charly Baltimore (Geena Davis) with an M203 40mm Grenade launcher attached to a Winchester 1887 Lever action shotgun. However, in the film, flip cocking the shotgun, somehow reloads the grenade launcher. Also when it fires, the projectile looks more like a guided missile than a grenade. The front foregrip of the 1887 has been removed to allow for the attachment of the M203 launcher.
Actually a pot metal training grenade, obviously from the markings. This grenade is thrown at Charly and Mitch, and shows all of traits of Hollywood Fantasy grenades. It has a 20 second delay, and packs the explosive power of twenty pounds of C4 and a 55 drum of gasoline.