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Invasion U.S.A. (1985)

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Invasion U.S.A. (1985) Note that in the movie poster, the micro Uzis appear to have been enlarged by the artist.

Invasion U.S.A. is a 1985 action film starring Chuck Norris as a former CIA operative and the only man who can stop a terrorist invasion of the continental United States. While there was a 1952 film of the same name, the only common elements were an invasion on American soil by Soviet/Communist commandos using conventional weapons and the attempts by brave Americans to fight them off. The Georgia Army National Guard provided a massive amount of assistance to the production, which including several UH-1 gunships, M60 tanks, APC's, and numerous soldiers.

The following weapons were used in the film Invasion U.S.A. (1985):

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Submachine Guns

Micro Uzi

Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) carries dual Micro Uzi's in a custom DeSantis shoulder rig while engaging the terrorists.

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Micro Uzi with 32 rd magazine - 9mm
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Promo image of Chuck Norris with the dual micro Uzi's. Note that the micro Uzi's were enlarged for the movie poster.
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Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) opens fire with dual Micro Uzi's.
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Matt Hunter with his dual Micro Uzi's.
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After Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) runs out of ammo, he lays down the Micro Uzi Pistols and picks up another weapon.


The full size Uzi is also used by terrorists.

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IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm
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Terrorist disguised as Coast Guard opens fire with the Uzi.
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The terrorist in the black shirt and sunglasses holds the Uzi


Another weapon used by terrorists is the suppressed MAC-10.

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Ingram MAC 10 open bolt Submachine gun - .45acp

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A communist terrorist tries to reach for his suppressed MAC-10, with bad results.

Smith & Wesson M76 Submachine Gun

The Smith & Wesson M76 is used by terrorists.

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Smith & Wesson M76 - 9x19mm
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Carl Gustav M/45 submachine gun

Used by terrorists.

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Carl Gustav M/45 Submachine Gun - 9x19mm


M16A1 Rifle Colt Model 603

The M16A1 rifle is used by US Army and National Guard soldiers and terrorists.

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The original M16, the first version, firing in a 20-round magazine, adopted in large numbers by the U.S. Army in Vietnam. It would later be replaced by the upgraded M16A1 - 5.56mm
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US troops with their M16 rifles.
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US troops emerge armed with their rifles. The production received a good deal of cooperation from the Georgia National Guard, who provided equipment and personnel.

MGC Replica M16 rifle

Some of the terrorists in the final battle are seen with MGC M16 Replica rifles.

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The MGC M16 Assault rifle: a non firing metal replica built by the Model Gun Corp of Japan and one of the most used non firing replicas of the M16 in movies and television
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The terrorist with the red beret holds the MGC replica.


Carried by Terrorists

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AK-47 - 7.62x39mm
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The rifle in the background on the right.

Ruger AC556

Another weapon carried by Terrorists is the Ruger AC556.

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Ruger AC556 Carbine - 5.56x45mm
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The Ruger carried by terrorist in front.

Gewehr 98

Interestingly enough, it appears that one terrorist in the mass crowd scene is carrying a bolt action Gewehr 98!

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Mauser Gewehr 1898 Rifle - 7.92x57mm Mauser
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Seen on the right is the rifle.

Valmet M76F/RK62 assault rifle

The Valmet M76F rifle is used by terrorists in the film. Seen in the airboat assault on Matt's home as well as by the terrorists disguised as Coast Guard.

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A Valmet M76F with side folding tubular stock - 5.56x45mm
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Terrorist on an airboat at the bottom with the Valmet. Note how the shooter has the fire selector set to "safe" in this screengrab.


M1911A1 Pistol

In a flashback, Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) holds an M1911A1 on Rostov. The pistol also is seen in holsters of U.S. ARMY and National Guard troops. One with a scope is also seen used by Nikko (Alexander Zale), Rostov's right hand man, disguised as a National Guard soldier. This appears to be the same pistol later used in Popeye Doyle.

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M1911A1 - .45 ACP
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In a flashback, Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) holds an M1911A1 on Rostov.
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One with a scope is also seen used by Nikko (Alexander Zale). This appears to be the same pistol later used in Popeye Doyle.

Heckler & Koch P9S

Rostov is seen taking a Heckler & Koch P9S.

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Heckler & Koch P9S, post 1973 model with hooked trigger guard - 9x19mm

Machine Guns

M60 Machine Gun

The M60 is seen mounted on military vehicles and static post mounts. At one point, a soldier fires the machine gun "free-handed".

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M60 Machine Gun - 7.62x51mm NATO
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On the right, the M60 is seen.
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A US soldier opens fire with a jeep-mounted M60.
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Another soldier fires the M60 freehand!

Browning M2

The Browning M2 is mounted on M60 tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers (provided by the Georgia Army National Guard) as the US military engages the terrorists.

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Browning M2 - .50 BMG
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On the right, a Browning M2 is seen mounted on an APC. Visible in the turrets of the M60 tanks provided by the real National Guard are GE M85 machine guns.
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On the right, the Browning is mounted on an APC.

General Electric M85

The General Electric M85 heavy machine gun is seen mounted on turrets of M60 tanks.

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M85 heavy machine gun .50 BMG
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The General Electric M65 is mounted in the turrets of the M60 tanks. These were authentic weapons from the National Guard.


Ithaca 37 Shotgun

Terrorists disguised as Miami police are armed with Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" shotguns.

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Ithaca 37 "Stakeout" - 12 Gauge

High Standard Model 10B Shotgun

During the final assaults, one of the terrorists is armed with a High Standard Model 10B Shotgun.

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High Standard 10B Shotgun - 12 Gauge
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The shotgun is carried on the right.

Valmet M78 LMG

Another weapon carried by Terrorists is the Valmet M78 LMG.

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Valmet M78 Light machine Gun - 7.62x39mm

12 gauge double barreled Shotgun

A civilian is seen holding a 12 gauge double barreled shotgun (side by side) while protecting a family that is evacuating.

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Baikal hammerless side by side shotgun 12 Gauge
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A civilian is seen holding a 12 gauge double barreled shotgun (side by side) while protecting a family that is evacuating.


Custom Under-Barrel "Grenade" launcher

Mounted under both M16A1s and M16/SP1 slab sided rifles is an unusual custom 'grenade launcher'. Seen used by the terrorist throughout the film. In the final battle one is used by Rostov (Richard Lynch) on a slab sided SP1 rifle with a three prong flash hider. Another is used by Matt Hunter (Chuck Norris) on an M16A1 rifle with a birdcage flash hider. It is a simple tube that is attached to the barrel (via cutting holes in the A1 style handguards) and has a pistol frame grip to hold onto. The pistol grip can clearly be seen in the final scenes to be that of a Walther P-38.

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Rostov (Richard Lynch) carries the M16A1 with the custom launcher during the final assault.
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Sideview of the launcher.
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The underside of the launcher is seen with the pistol grip of a Walther P38 clearly seen.
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Matt with the custom weapon.

Fictional Rocket Launcher Type 1

Mikhail Rostov (Richard Lynch) uses a fictional mocked up launcher designed to slightly resemble an SA-7 Grail (Streyla) or Armbrust missile launcher, except he uses it in a direct fire role and he fires it multiple times without reloading.

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Rostov's henchman Nikko begins to aim but Rostov stops him and takes the launcher for himself.
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Rostov about to be used the launcher.
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The mockup launcher after used by Rostov.
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Rostov holds the launcher.

Fictional Rocket Launcher Type 2

During the attack on the Central Command Center in Atlanta, Rostov picks up and uses a launcher that is very similar to the previous one, but not exactly the same. It has specific design differences. This could be the secondary mockup, since this one does not fire, whereas the slightly different one before is set up to fire pyrotechnical charges.

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Rostov hears something while carrying the faux launcher.
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Rostov with the launcher.

M72 LAW Rocket

The M72 LAW is used throughout the film. In a flashback, Rostov prepares to use the LAW before being thwarted. Also used twice by Hunter during the final battle. Hunter first used one to destroy Rostov's helicopter and then when Hunter took it from a terrorist he killed and uses it against Rostov. Also used by US Army and National Guard troops during the final assault.

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M72 LAW - 66mm
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Hunter prepares to use the LAW to destroy Rostov's helicopter.