Once Upon a Time in Mexico (2003)
Once Upon a Time in Mexico is the third installment in the Mariachi trilogy which began with El Mariachi and continued with Desperado . Antonio Banderas returns as the gun for hire known as the Mariachi, who is recruited by a rogue CIA operative (Johnny Depp ) to eliminate a Mexican general. Robert Rodriguez returned to direct and the film's cast includes Salma Hayek (returning from Desperado ), Eva Mendes , Mickey Rourke , Willem Dafoe , and frequent Rodriguez collaborator Danny Trejo .
The following weapons were used in the movie Once Upon a Time in Mexico :
Beretta 92FS
The Beretta 92FS is used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) during the square shootout. Sands (Johnny Depp ) is seen carrying four Berettas during his final stand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Beretta 92FS - 9x19mm.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi aims his Beretta at El Cucuy.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing During his final stand, Sands (Johnny Depp ) carries two Berettas in a dual shoulder rig and two Berettas in dual hip holsters.
Heckler & Koch USP Compact
Sands (Johnny Depp ) uses the Heckler & Koch USP Compact fitted with a silencer to shoot Belini (Cheech Marin ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing H&K USP Compact .40 S&W
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Production still of Johnny Depp as Sands with his USP Compact.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands reveals his USP under the table.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands holds his USP in his real hand.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
A M1911 fitted with a scope is used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ). One is seen used by El Mariachi in the opening flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1911 Pistol - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo with his M1911 during the Day of the Dead battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi with M1911 during the flashback.
Smith & Wesson Model 28
A Smith & Wesson Model 28 is used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) and Fideo (Marco Leonardi )
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 28 .357 magnum. This essentially the same gun as the Model 27, except for a non-checkered top strap and a less high polish blued finish.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo takes on the rebels with his S&W Model 28 along with his scoped M1911.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot of Lorenzo firing his S&W Model 28.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Fideo (Marco Leonardi ) fires a S&W snub during the Day of the Dead battle.
Smith & Wesson Model 66
A Smith & Wesson Model 66 is carried by El Cucuy (Danny Trejo ) during the square shootout with El Mariachi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Smith & Wesson Model 66 with Hogue Grips - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt Detective Special
Former FBI Special Agent Jorge Ramirez (Rubén Blades ) carries a third generation Colt Detective Special throughout the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Detective Special 3rd Gen - .38 Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ramirez smashes the display case containing his Detective Special
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ramirez checks the cylinder of his revolver only to see it is unloaded
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ramirez considers bluffing with his empty revolver to apprehend Billy Chambers (Mickey Rourke ).
Walther P99
A Walther P99 is seen in the hands of a thug in the opening flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Walther P99 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug at the left holds the P99 on El Mariachi.
Heckler & Koch USP
A Heckler & Koch USP is seen in the hands of a thug in the opening flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Heckler & Koch USP - 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Barillo's men draws a H&K USP.
Ruger SP101
Ajedrez (Eva Mendes ) carries a custom black finished Ruger SP101 with a spurred hammer and fitted with a mock suppressor throughout the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ruger SP101 with spurred hammer - .357 Magnum
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Seecamp LWS-380
Sands pulls an Seecamp LWS-380 out of the groin area in his pants.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Seecamp LWS-380 .380acp.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands fires blindly with his Seecamp LWS-380.
Colt Python
A Colt Python is wielded by both El Mariachi and Marquez during the shootout with each other.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt Python - .357 Magnum, Stainless Steel variant with 6" Barrel.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing In the opening flashback, El Mariachi is seen holding a Colt Python during a "Mexican Standoff."
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Colt 1860 Army
A Mexican woman fires a Colt 1860 Army during the Day of the Dead shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt 1860 Army .44 caliber.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Close up of the SAA in action.
Glock 17
Ajedrez carries what appears to be Glock 17 in her holster.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Generation 2 Glock 17 in 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ajedrez approaches Sands with the Glock holstered.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The holster seems to be made for a revolver.
Rossi Overland Sawed Off Shotgun
As in Desperado , El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) uses a Rossi Overland Sawed Off Double Barreled Shotgun as one of his main weapons in the film. It is found inside the guitar he breaks open in the church scene and is also used by Carolina (Salma Hayek ) in a flashback.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Rossi Overland Shotgun converted by Ellis Mercantile for The Untouchables
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) crosses himself with shotgun in hand before going into battle inside the church.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of the double exposed hammers of the Shotgun used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Note that the wooden fore-grip that covers the release lever for the barrels is also drastically cut down.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A closeup of El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) quickly reloading his double barreled shotgun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing There is smoke coming out of the Shotgun of El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The same shotgun is used by Carolina (Salma Hayek ).
Remington 870
A rubber version of the Remington 870 shotgun is carried by one of Cucuy's thugs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot Shotgun - 12 gauge
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Both the Remington 870 and the AK rifle in this shot are RUBBER guns. Note how the barrel of the shotgun appears to be crooked.
Franchi SPAS-12
Franchi SPAS-12 shotguns are carried by the Presidential Palace Guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Franchi SPAS-12 with stock folded and butt-hook removed- .12 ga
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Palace Guards are seen carrying SPAS-12 shotguns before they are taken out by the rebels.
Submachine Guns
Iver Johnson Enforcer Pistol
A replica Iver Johnson Enforcer Pistol fitted with a mock suppressor was used by El Mariachi (Antonio Banderas ) in the church shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Iver Johnson Enforcer Pistol .30 Carbine
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi opens fire with the Enforcer Pistol. According to the DVD commentary, the muzzle flash and bullet ejections were added in post production.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing According to director Robert Rodriguez, Antonio Banderas had to stop from making machine gun noises while he pretended to fire the replica gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the hitmen (Thomas Rosales Jr. ) climbs the steps while holding the suppressed Iver Johnson.
An Ingram MAC-11 fitted with a mock suppressor and a Cobray M11/9 cocking handle is used by Sands (Johnny Depp ) in the gun battle at the end of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing RPB Industries M11A1 - .380 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Sands fires his MAC-11 wildly.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Closeup of the MAC-11.
Claridge Hi-TEC LEC9 Carbine
Two of the General's soldiers use the Claridge LEC9 Carbine (identifiable by the synthetic Black stocks, though very similar to the Goncz GA-9 Carbine). The Claridge LEC9s have C-more red-dot sights installed
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Claridge LEC9 - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Two of the Mexican soldiers (to the left) have Claridge LEC9 Carbines with C-More Red Dot sight - 9mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Another shot of the Two soldiers with their Claridge LEC9 Carbines, firing at the balcony where they believe El Mariachi to be - 9mm
Intratec TEC-DC9
An Intratec TEC-DC9 can be seen carried by Barillo's men during the shootout with Sands at the end of the film.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Intratec TEC-9 9x19mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug on the left is carrying the TEC 9.
Skorpion SA
Skorpion SAs are used by Cucuy's thugs
Error creating thumbnail: File missing SA Vz. 61 Skorpion - .32 ACP
Assault Rifles
El Mariachi uses two OA-93s during the square shootout. He grabs one from one of Cucuy's (Danny Trejo ) men and then another after it runs out of ammo. Also seen carried by some of Cucuy's and Barrillo's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing OA-93 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi fires the OA-93 at Cucuy's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The thug on the right is holding an OA-93.
M16 (SP1) with A2 Handguards
Early on in the film, slab side M16 (SP1) with A2 Handguards are seen with 30 round magazines.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16 aka Colt AR15-SP1 (flat "slab side receiver") with A2 style hand-guards used to impersonate the M16-A2 - 5.56x45mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing General Marquez (Gerardo Vigil ) fires his Colt SP1 with A2 hand-guards from the rooftop - 5.56mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of the general's soldiers also fires an M16 (Colt SP1 Slab side) rifle with A2 hand-guards - 5.56mm
M16A2s are used by Mexican Soldiers, AFN agents, and Presidential Palace Guards.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A2 Rifle - 5.56x45mm. Select Fire rifle (Safe/Semi/3 round Burst Only).
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ajedrez (Eva Mendes ) holds the M16A2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ajedrez exits the elevator with the M16A2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Ajedrez holds the M16A2.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M16A2 rifles are held by Palace guards.
Norinco Type 56
The Norinco Type 56 , identified by its folding spike bayonet, is used by Barillo's men.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Norinco Type 56 (fixed stock variant) with under-folding bayonet ("pig sticker") which was standard on PLA-issue Type 56s - 7.62x39mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Norinco with a mock suppressor is seen in the hands of the men in the church shootout.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing One of Cucuy's thugs on the left carries the Norinco as they transport El Mariachi.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Norinco is glimpsed in the background behind Barillo.
Machine Guns
A Mexican army soldier is seen firing an M60 on the steps of the capitol during the Day of the Dead battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M60 machine gun 7.62x51mm NATO
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Mexican army soldier on the top right is seen firing an M60 on the steps of the capitol during the Day of the Dead battle.
M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun
A masked loyalist is seen mounting an M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun on an ice cream cart and firing it at the rebel soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A masked loyalist is seen mounting an M1914 Hotchkiss Machine Gun on an ice cream cart and firing it at the rebel soldiers.
Machine Gun and Grenade Launcher Guitar
During the introduction flashback, El Mariachi(Antonio Banderas ) plays a guitar that turns out to be a machine gun and a pump-action grenade launcher.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi fires his machine gun guitar in the flashback
Error creating thumbnail: File missing El Mariachi uses the pump action on his guitar to launch a grenade in the flashback
Flamethrower Guitar Case
Used by Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) during the Day of the Dead battle.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lorenzo (Enrique Iglesias ) uses the flamethrower guitar case.