You're right. This is it. Thanks Bednardos 23:30, 29 August 2012 (EET)
I will be glad for any help Bednardos 22:59, 29 August 2012 (EET)
All of the rifles that you have labeled "Colt Model 727" on the page are actually M4 Carbines with the carry handles left on. Also, this page is extremely incomplete - please add information concerning use of the weapons by the particular characters/actors and in which episodes said weapons were used. -MT2008 15:01, 29 August 2012 (CDT)
I will add the missing information and thanks for M4 Carbines Bednardos 23:15, 29 August 2012 (EET)
Futuristic Rifle
The futuristic rifle is actually a Thunder Maul, an airsoft gun made by JG:[1] --SmithandWesson36 15:45, 29 August 2012 (CDT)
Awesome:) Thanks Bednardos 23:54, 29 August 2012 (EET)
A UMP can be seen on the table just in front of the M4 barrel in this pic, it has it's stock folded.
That exact same gun has also been seen recently in episodes of Sanctuary, Human Target, [V (2009)|V]], and a whole bunch of other TV shows filmed in British Columbia (the reason being that all of those productions had the same armorers - Felcan Enterprises). -MT2008 08:37, 31 August 2012 (CDT)
SIG-Sauer P225
This SIG-Sauer look like P225 model. It has squared trigger guard. Am I right?
It can be seen in "Fast Times" (S01E02). Scene in university Collider.
Looks too big to be P225's. Pretty sure they're P226's. --Crazycrankle 04:19, 31 August 2012 (CDT)
Definitely a P226, there is the step in the frame behind the takedown lever indicating it has a double stack magazine, the P225 is single stack. --commando552 06:13, 31 August 2012 (CDT)