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Jormungand (named for the serpent in Norse mythology that grew so big that it wrapped around the world) is a twelve episode anime series based on the manga series of the same name by Keitarō Takahashi. It follows the exploits of Johnathan "Jonah" Mar, a child soldier recruited by Koko Hekmatyar to work for the black market side of HCLI, an international shipping corporation that secretly deals weapons all over the globe. The television adaptation began airing on April 10, 2012; a second season has already been greenlit and the first season has been licensed by Funimation for a North American release.
The following firearms were seen in the anime television series Jormungand :
Before introducing him to the rest of her crew, Koko hands Jonah a Browning Hi-Power Mark III in "Gun Metal, Calico Road", which he continues to use as his primary sidearm.
Koko gives Jonah a Colt XSE as a decoy weapon before their confrontation with C.K. Kloshkin in "Gun Metal, Calico Road" (S1E01). Mildo and Lu also use XSEs as their sidearms in "Pulsar".
Karen Lo uses dual SIG-Sauer GSRs as her main sidearm, first seen in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1". Karen's GSRs can have combat knife modules attached underneath the barrel via picatinny railing. It's used to execute one of her Taishinhai mercenary subordinates for failing to follow her orders. She later uses them to fight Valmet in close quarters in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 2".
Chiquita is seen holding an FN P90 TAC submachine gun with an EOTech red dot sight in the opening credits. She and other bodyguards working under Kasper use it as their main weapon in "Vein".
R can be seen firing a Steyr AUG A1 out a car window during the opening credits. It serves as his primary weapon. Tojo and Valmet also use the AUG A1 as their main weapon, seen in their South African operation in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1".
A number of Colt CAR-15 rifles appear in throughout the series. Wiley appears to use the CAR-15 as his main assault rifle when he was conducting an escort mission near the southern Russian border. Lehm also uses the CAR-15 as his main weapon when he's not on sniper duty.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Model 723 "M16A2 carbine" - 5.56x45mm.File:J02 161.jpgWiley next his CAR-15 during a firefight. (S1E02)File:J02 162.jpgLehm readies his CAR-15. (S1E02)File:J02 163.jpgLehm racks the bolt on his CAR-15. (S1E02)File:J03 151.jpgLehm with a desert tan CAR-15 escorting Tojo through the streets of Dubai. Note the Aimpoint-type scope mounted on the upper receiver and what appears to be a suppressor on the barrel. (S1E03)File:Jormungand rifle fire.jpgLehm fires his CAR-15 at a retreating Chinatsu. Note the Aimpoint scope mounted on the carry handle. (S1E04)
Colt M4A1
Wiley uses a Colt M4A1 in South Africa in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1".
AK-47 rifles are seen in a gunrack in Jonah's flashback in "Vein". Jonah and Mountain Infantry forces are also armed with the AK-47 in the same episode. Somali pirates are armed with AK-47s in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1". Mokoena uses an AK-47 while acting as a bodyguard to Dr. Amada in a personal trip in South Africa during the same episode.
Taishinhai contractors are armed with the IWI Galil SAR as their main assault rifle throughout the series, first seen in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1".
"Master" uses an IMI Negev LMG to take down the CRV driven by Ugo in Dubai in the episode "Musica Ex. Machina, Part 2". It's also seen in a flashback at the start of the same episode.
A 20 mm modèle F2 gun is seen in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1" mounted on some Denel AH-2 Rooivalks in the DIESA arms fair and on a Mi-24 Super Hind Mark V.
File:Jormungand Rooivalk.jpgA South African Air Force AH-2 Rooivalk with the F2 gun mounted underneath the cockpit. (S1E06)File:Jormungand Superhind.jpgAn Advanced Technologies and Engineering (ATE) Mi-24 SuperHind Mark V arriving in Port Elizabeth. You can see the F2 gun mounted on the chin. (S1E07)File:Jormungand DIESA entrance.jpgYou can see another SAAF Rooivalk on the left side of the picture with a chin-mounted F2. (S1E06}
Denel Land Systems MG4
A South African Army Rooikat on static display in the DIESA Arms Expo is seen with the DLS MG4 machine gun as a secondary weapon in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1". The MG4 is the South African-made version of the Browning M1919.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingA variant of the Browning M1919 developed during World War 2, this model is designated the M37, with the ability to feed from either the left or the right of the weapon - 30-06. The South African version is chambered in 7.62 NATO.File:Jormungand Rooikat.jpgThe DLS MG4 machine gun is seen clearly mounted next to the Denel GT4 76mm 62-calibre rifled gun.
Sniper Rifles
Remington 700PSS
Lehm is seen firing a Remington 700PSS rifle during the opening sequence, usually used as his main sniper rifle. Another 700PSS is seen in "Musica Ex. Machina, Part 1" in the hands of Dubai SWAT snipers.
A Taishinhai contractor takes aim with a IMI Galil Sniper rifle to assassinate Koko and Ugo in Port Elizabeth in the episode "African Golden Butterflies, Part 2".
During the chase scene in the pilot episode, a Voshkod 6 operator tries to take out Koko and Jonah's car with an FGM-148 Javelin. Koko manages to correctly identify the weapon by just the sound the rocket makes when it detonates.
A C4 explosive was used by Wiley to blow up a Somali pirate speedboat in "African Golden Butterflies, Part 1".
File:J06c4.jpgThe C4 explosive Wiley tossed into the Somali pirate speedboat. (S1E06)
"Chinatsu Cannon Special"
In "Musica Ex. Machina, Part 1", Chinatsu uses a fictional weapon referred to as the Chinatsu Cannon Special to take out a Dubai Police Force cruiser responding to the shootout in downtown Dubai. It is a custom-made weapon, having the body of a Colt SAA revolver with a custom-made breech-loaded barrel, which is placed over where the barrel and cylinder of the revolver should be. It is fired similarly to other one-shot grenade launchers like the M79 and the HK69A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missingColt Single Action Army "Artillery" model - .45 Long Colt. This weapon serves as the basis for the grip and trigger mechanism of the "Chinatsu Cannon Special".File:J03 401.jpgChinatsu aims the "Chinatsu Cannon Special" at a DPF cruiser. (S1E03)File:Jormungand breech load.jpgChinatsu reloads the "Chinatsu Cannon Special" with a fresh 40mm HE grenade. (S1E03)File:J03 402.jpgChinatsu drops the "Chinatsu Cannon Special" after using up all of her 40mm HE rounds. (S1E03)File:Jormungand box interior.jpgAn interior of the Chinatsu's gun case containing the "Chinatsu Cannon Special" and several 40mm HE grenades. (S1E03)