The 10th Victim (La decima vittima) is a 1965 Italian/French action futuristic espionage comedy directed by Elio Petri based on Robert Sheckley 's 1953 short story "Seventh Victim". In the far off year of 2000, a private Hunt Club is created at the global level whose members, linked by computer, participate in ten hunts - alternating one as a hunter, the next as a victim. The game has a total of 10 hunts and whoever wins all ten hunts, gains immense popularity, a lot of money, a car, various discounts and benefits, etc. For American champion Caroline Meredith (Ursula Andress) the computer selects Italian Marcello Polletti (Marcello Mastroianni) as her tenth victim. The Hunter knows all about his or her victims, but the victim is only told that a hunt has started with him/her as the victim. Marcello is reluctant to kill Meredith because he is not sure whether she is his hunter and for killing non-participating person(s) one is given thirty years in prison. To maximize financial gain, Meredith has to kill her victim in front of the cameras as she has negotiated a major sponsor from the Ming Tea Company. But she falls in love with Marcello and devises a ruse how to outwit all - the Hunt Club agency, Marcello´s ex-wife and Marcello's mistress.
The following weapons were used in the movie The 10th Victim (La decima vittima):