Alone in the Dark (2005) is another special effects laden film based on a video game, helmed by Uwe Boll (regarded by many as one of the world's worst directors). The film is based on the video game Alone in the Dark series of videogames started in 1992. One interesting note is that the film is supposed to mirror the storyline of Alone in the Dark 5 aka Alone in the Dark: Near Death Investigation but Eden games decided at the last minute to completely rework the game, including the plot, which makes the film version appear to deviate completely from the storylines of the games. However it was the game developer who changed the story at the last minute, not the filmmakers.
The Story deals with a freelance hunter of historical relics, Edward Carnby (Christian Slater), who is specifically looking for artifacts from Abkani, an ancient civilization who mysteriously disappeared when they discovered a gateway to another dimension, and sought to close it. Carnby is also a former member of a paramilitary organization called Bureau 713, whose mission is to hunt down and fight paranormal threats to humanity. Carnby's ex-girlfriend is Aline Cedrac (Tara Reid), an assistant curator at a museum where many Abkani relics are stored. Carnby lost his memory when he was ten and in an orphanage, so he is unaware of his role in the conspiracy to take over the planet by the creatures from the 'void'. Carnby also has a mysterious psychic link to the Abkani and the dark forces being marshaled by his nemesis, Professor Lionel Hudgens (Matthew Walker).
The primary weapon of the Bureau 713's commandos is the M4A1 Carbine, outfitted with RIS railed handguards, a vertical foregrip, a flashlight and laser, usually fitted with an Elcan sight on the receiver's flat top, and a "Zeno" tracker on the foreward grip top rail. This Blinking LED "Zeno Tracker" is actually a Zircon Stud Finder!
M16/AR-15 SP1
Mixed in with the M4A1 carbines, are M16/AR-15 SP1 rifles with A2 handguards.
One of the Bureau 713 commandos is seen prepping an M60E3 for the final assault.
GE M134 Minigun
Set up like 'smart guns' from films like Aliens and Congo the M134 miniguns are set to fire at anything moving within 50 feet (since past 50 feet are another barrier and past that are the trip wire mines). Unfortunately, the Zeno creatures phase in and out of our dimension so they're hard to hit.
Browning M2HB
Beretta 92FS Inox
Calico M951A Automatic Carbines
Mixed in with the M4A1 Carbines of the Bureau 713 commandos are a number of Calico M951A full-auto carbines (not the 955A since these carbines have full length barrels). These 951A carbines are outfitted with M900S Full buttstocks (an easy swap out). They have Calico style scope mounts and short optical scopes as well as flashlights and the "Zeno Tracker" as seen on the M4A1 Carbines.
Continuity Break
Agent Cheung's weapon switches from a Calico M951A to an M4A1 carbine.
M230 Chain Gun
Bad Movie - Great CGI effects
For a bad Uwe Boll film, the battle between Bureau 713 commandos and the Zenos is pretty good. The Special effects are nice, though the editing is schizophrenic. Too much speed metal rock music and 'shaky cam' editing, but there are good gore effects and the Zeno monsters are an example of good CGI (in comparison to the cheap CGI seen so often on movies 'made for the Sci Fi Channel').