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User:Yo dawg 111
Thank you for visiting my page! I've filled it with some "fun stuff" for all of you guys. I also want to request that you guys tell EVERYONE you know about I also will do my best to reply to anything you guys post on my talk page, but the week is busy and I may not be able to get back to you until the weekend. I also appreciate any information on page setup, as I am still green when it comes to writing about the guns. Thanks for visiting and feel free to check out my gun videos, pictures, and more!--Yo dawg 111 11:41, 2 December 2011 (CST)
About Me
Rank: User
Age: Not telling
Name: Not telling
IQ: Pretty much zero ;)
I love guns (mostly handguns), and I love movies. Otherwise, I wouldn't be on this site.
If I could have one gun, it would be the very first M1911 ever made. The original probably doesn't even exist anymore, but what the heck.
I'm into a bit more than just handguns. I can answer a lot of questions about pistol safety, handling, and I can give instructions on the take down of MANY handguns. Ask me about the take down on SIGs, Berettas, Glocks, Walthers, and more!
If you are interested in concealed carry, I can give you advice on that too.
Besides gun advice, I can suggest some good movies too.
My Top 5 Handguns (handguns are my area of expertise)
5: Beretta 92FS
4: Glock 17
Best CCW Pistols
What I think about CCW is don't live somewhere where you might need to carry, and don't go someplace where you might need a gun. However, if your town goes bad, then you should carry. Anywhere however, you should keep a gun in your nightstand, and in your glove box.
5: Walther PPS slim, light and powerful
4: SIG-Sauer P232 in my mind, the only gun that is truly "snag-free"
3: Ruger LCR it's light, comact and it revolves, what else do you want
2: Glock 19 the basic CC option
1: Whatever you can shoot the best, and conceal the best! For example, if you can't shoot anything more powerful than a .22, then carry a .22. If you're not 100% comfortable with it, then don't shoot it.
Awesome Gun Videos P30 review P30 vs P229 .45 Glock vs 1911A1 Not a gun video but still funny Desert Eagle fun Walther PPS review Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact Review and Field Strip Hickock45's Youtube channel! completly unrelated bu totally epic guitar solo!
Favorite Movies
We aren't just here for the guns, we're here for the movies too! Here is my top 15!!!!!
1: Collateral
2: Die Hard
3: First Blood
13: Bourne Identity, The (2002)
15: Speed
A Little Something I Found On the Internet...
You check under your bed for the bogeyman.
The bogeyman checks under his bed for Chuck Norris.
Chuck Norris checks under his bed for FPSRussia.
FPSRussia checks under his bed for Hicok45.
You know it's true.
Best Action Actors
5: Chuck Norris
4: Matt Damon
1: Bruce Willis
Archangel and Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy
I'm working on the Archangel and Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy. I need a lot of help with screenshots. I don't have any software or whatever it's called for it. I know that Archangel is STREAMING on Netflix so please help me out. Screenshots for the Beretta 92FS, M1911 and AK-47 are in part three. Good screenshots for the Makarov PM are in part 1 and 3. In part two, you can find the unidentified pistol. I am unable to get screenshots from Robert Ludlum's The Bourne Conspiracy because I no longer own the game.
Gun Pictures
Blank Conversion
Often enough, my friends ask "Why can't you fire live bullets in a blank gun, and blanks in a live gun?"
Well, that's because, live guns use the recoil from the bullet leaving the gun to send the slide back. Blanks don't create this backward movement, so you must convert the guns to cycle with blanks.
You don't need to convert revolvers, bolt action rifles, and pump/lever action shotguns, because the gun is fed by the mechanism.
Fan Pages
I wanted to make a page for a youtube movie that I like, but youtube movies are not allowed on IMFDB, so I made an unofficial page.
Left 4 Dead- The Movie (Part 1 and 2)
Despite the name, This follows a separate story than from the video games. A group of survivors attempts to rescue another survivor, and the rescue attempt goes wrong. The only two survivors desperately try to reach a safe haven in the zombie-ridden world.
Josh uses an AK-47 in the opening battle. Presumably it is taken when Tank, Jake, and the other unnamed survivor try to overthrow Josh and JJ. One of the carjackers uses an AK. An unamed survivor also uses one.
FN Minimi
A FN Minimi is used by Tank in the opening sequence.
Beretta 92FS
JJ uses a Beretta 92FS to threaten one of the carjackers in the beginning of part 2. It is captured by another carjacker almost immediately. A different female survivor (who is currently unnamed) uses one in the climax of part 2.
Smith and Wesson Model 629
JJ uses a Smith & Wesson 629 when he is rescued. It is presumably lost during the 2 weeks between part 1 and 2.
Unknown Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
Used by Jake in the opening shootout.
One of the soldiers uses a SCAR-L during the climax of part 2.
A Galil is used by the soldier with glasses during the climax of part 2.
UMP .45
A Heckler & Koch UMP is used by Kate, then later Josh when she is killed.
Heckler and Koch MP7
JJ takes a Heckler & Koch MP7 from Kate's house.
Kimber Desert Warrior
Bill uses a Kimber Warrior with threaded barrel to intimidate Josh during the carjacking sequence.
Unknown M16 Variant
A survivor is seen holding some type of M16.
A M16A4 (Sporter Competition H-Bar) is seen being used by a survivor in the climax of Part 2.
Smith & Wesson 5906
The scout survivor carries a Smith & Wesson 5906.
NEW SIG!!!!!!
SIG-Sauer has created a new competitor in the subcompact range. I'm a big SIG fan and I think that this model has some real potential as a compact SIG-Sauer P229. The newer model P229 mags can be used with the brand new...
Guns Guns Guns
Gun reviews are awesome. They make sure you don't go "Aw crap, this $1,000 gun sucks."
One of my favorites...
.The SIG-Sauer P232 is usually thrown in with the "girl gun" group with guns such as the Stainless Walther PPK, SIG-Sauer P230 (the P232's predessessor), and more. I consider the P232 a gun perfect for both guys and girls that have good experiance with guns. 'the gun is snag free, light weight, and plenty of firepower for a small shootout. The only problem is the slide. It is crazy hard to pull back. Inexperienced women were given P232s that were jammed on purpose and told to clear the jam. Of the few that figured out what to do, they were unable to clear it in "time". Experienced women had an easier time, but veteran shooter,had an easier time. The problem is the tough recoil springpulling the hammer back. To help with this, cock the hammer first, then rack the slide.
To see how the "girl guns" are used by men, check out Burn Notice (season 1), Departed, The, Last Boy Scout, The, and Collateral.
Why are they discontinued?
Crap happens. Sometimes the guns are crap. Othertimes, the company's desision was crap.

More Gun Pages on my Page
This is my second experiment with fan pages.