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Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig
Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig is a 26 episode anime series based on the manga of the same name by Masamune Shirow (Appleseed, New Dominion Tank Police) and is a direct sequel to Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex. The series consists of three groups of episodes; "Individual" (IN) episodes which cover the Individual Eleven storyline, "Dividual" (DI) episodes that have independent storylines, and "Dual" (DU) episodes that cover the Cabinet Intelligence Service & Gouda storyline. In 2007, the "Individual" episodes were recut into a single film called Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig - Individual Eleven.
PLEASE NOTE: Although the title is commonly given a colon and Gig represented in uppercase ("2nd GIG"), the correct title of this series is "Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig", without a colon and with only initial capitals. Please correct any links that appear incorrectly.
The following guns were used in the anime series Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig:
Seburo M5
As with Stand Alone Complex, Section 9's standard sidearm is the fictitious Seburo M5, a compact semiautomatic SA/DA concealed-carry handgun that uses a locked-breech operating via a rotating barrel (a system similar to the Beretta Cougar). It is chambered for 5.45x18mm round, and feeds from a double-stack magazine with a total capacity of 19+1 rounds. However, a lawyer in episode 10 claims that the M5 holds 21 5.7mm rounds, conflicting with the official specs on the M5 (of course there's always the possibility that the lawyer was just mistaken the specs with those of the FN Five-seveN.)

Mateba 2008M
Togusa still carries his Mateba 2008M from Stand Alone Complex. The 2008M is a fictional variant of the Mateba Autorevolver series, and features the frame design of a Mateba Model 6 Unica and the barrel assembly of the Mateba 2006M. The Mateba is a semiautomatic revolver with uses the recoil of firing to revolve the cylinder and cock the hammer. Togusa's weapon is chambered in .357 Magnum (Kusanagi refers to it as a 9mm, which is technically correct as the bullet diameter on a .357 is 9 millimeters). In a memorable scene in episode 10, a lawyer is seen presenting another Mateba as evidence. Save for the synthetic grips. the Mateba used in the trial is identical to Togusa's. Togusa can also be seen firing the Mateba during the opening credits sequence.
FN Browning BDA M-7
Batou still carries his M-7 from Stand Alone Complex. The M-7 is a fictional FN Browning BDA variant chambered for .45ACP. The M-7 is intended to be a future BDA variant (similar to Batou's Jericho 942 in the original Ghost in the Shell film). The most notable differences between the M-7 and the BDA is the M-7's shortened slide and barrel and the horned hammer.
Desert Eagle
Gino, the immigrant Helicopter pilot who is the focus of episode 2, periodically carries and dreams about his nickel-plated, .44 caliber Desert Eagle MK VIII, which has been customized with a ported muzzle and enlarged hammer spur. On a side note, both the character Gino as well as the entire episode are a homage to Taxi Driver.
Tokarev TT-33
Several Tokarev TT-33 pistols are seen throughout the series, usually in the hands of criminals.
Glock 17
A 3rd generation Glock 17 can be seen in Gino's gun collection in episode 2. Another Glock 17 is seen in one of Gino's dreams, where it is used by the CEO that Gino fantasizes about killing. A 2nd generation Glock 17 is seen in episode 17 in the hands of the terrorist "Angel's Feathers".
.22 Pocket Pistol
The .22 caliber pocket pistol used by Marshall MacLachlan in Stand Alone Complex makes a return in episode 2 in Gino's gun collection. The design is fictitious, but draws heavily from the Beretta 3032 Tomcat.
Machine-fetishist executive Kazunoto carries a long-barreled, two-barreled O/U derringer-syle pistol in episode 3. It is a fictional design that borrows heavily from the Bond Arms Derringer.
Unidentified Suppressed Pistol
The two Section 1 agents seen in episode 8 carry a pair of unidentified pistol equipped with sound suppressors. The weapons are not shown clearly enough for a positive ID, although their size and shape suggests that they may possibly be members of the M1911 pistol series.
Custom M1911
The murderer in episode 10 uses a Custom M1911 outfitted with a beaver-tail tang, custom grips, ring hammer, a compensator, and a laser pointer.
"First Model" CZ 75
During the flashback to the 2020 Mexican War in episode 14, Saito is seen carrying a "First Model" CZ 75.
Mauser C96 Carbine
A Single refugee on the Dejima Bridge barricade in episode 23 is seen using a Mauser C96 Carbine.
Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight
In episode 24, it is revealed that Aramaki carries a nickel Smith & Wesson Model 37 Airweight in an ankle holster, which he gives to Togusa after his weapon is confiscated.
Beretta 92FS Compact
The agents tasked with detaining the Prime minister near the end of the series all carry Beretta 92FS Compact pistols. In episode 25, Togusa manages to catch two of the agents by surprise and takes one of their weapons.

SIG-Sauer P229
Gouda's CIS agent crony who threatens Ishikawa in episode 26 carries a SIG-Sauer P229.
Submachine Guns
SA Vz.61 Skorpion
Several of the "Individual Eleven" who infiltrate the Chinese embassy in the first episode are armed with SA Vz.61 Skorpions. During the Dejima uprising, several refugees are seen with Vz.61s as well.
Heckler & Koch MP7
Others among the Chinese embassy invaders are armed with MP7s. The Japanese Coast Guardsmen in episode 7 were also seen using MP7s while making a sting aboard a refugee vessel.
Heckler & Koch MP5K
A combat andriod used in a training exercise in episode 4 is seen using a Heckler & Koch MP5K.
Several IMI Uzi submachine guns are seen throughout the series.
In episode 17, Kusanagi is threatened by a Triad member with a MAC-11. She quickly disarms him and takes the weapon for herself, dual-wielding it alongside her Seburo M5.
Cobray M11/9
One of the Dejima refugees seen in episode 23 is armed with what appears to be a Cobray M11/9 with a folding stock.
Police Bullpup Submachine Gun
The fictional submachine gun used by the Metropolitan Police SWAT team in Stand Alone Complex is carried over into 2nd Gig. It bears a striking aesthetic resemblance to the Enfield L85 rifle series, but differs in almost every detail upon closer examination (the MP5 style iron sight, for example). Chambered with 9x19mm rounds.
Assault Rifles
Seburo C26A
As with Stand Alone Complex, the primary weapon for Section 9 operatives is the fictional Seburo C26A assault rifle. The C26A uses a crooked 50 round box magazine that feeds 5.45x45mm rounds in a bullpup pattern, entering the gun at 45 degrees from the bore and slanting to lie parallel to the barrel, locking into the front grip. Fired cartridge cases eject into a permanently mounted brass catcher mounted on top of the gun. Its ergonomics are similar to the FN F2000, with the trigger protected by a large loop that serves as a grip for the off hand. It is occasionally seen with a two-stage silencer attachment. 2nd GIG also grants a look at a previously unseen feature of the C26A; a laser sight built into the body just above the muzzle.
Seburo C30
The Seburo C30, a variant of the C26A designed for overtly offensive missions, makes a return, this time in the hands of the Section 4 operators sent to apprehend the Section 9 members in Dejima. The C30 is built around a C26A receiver and features an added optical sight as well as a jacket with a brass catcher. Unlike the C30s seen in Stand Alone Complex, these lack a grenade launcher or an extended barrel.
The AKS-74U is quite a popular weapon among terrorists in the first episode.
Conglomeration Rifle
The soldiers in the Ground Self Defense Army (GSDA) are seen using this fictional rifle. This weapon draws several features from other weapons, primarily the Howa Type 89 and M16 rifle series.
In episode 19, several Dejima refugees buy several crates of AK-74 rifles, and are seen using the rifles for the rest of the series.
Korean People's Army soldiers seen during the flashback in episode 16 are seen carrying AK-74M rifles.
In episode 23, a single refugee can be seen raising an AKS-74 during the uprising.
Colt Model 933
A few of the Dejima refugees are seen carrying Colt Model 933 carbines during the Dejima Uprising.
Futurized Type 89-F with M203
Members of the JGSDF are shown using a futurized Howa Type 89-F rifles outfitted with underbarrel M203 grenade launchers. The Type 89s all have barrels and handguards that are shorter than current variants, and the number of air vents on the handguard has been reduced to two on each side. In addition to these modifications, each rifle is outfitted with an electronic sight interface designed to connect directly to the soldier's cyberbrain.
Futurized Colt Model 933 with M203
During the 2020 Mexican War flashback in episode 14, all of the American Empire soldiers in Kusanagi's multinational UN peacekeeper squad carry futurized Colt Model 933 rifles (distinguishable by their 11.5 inch barrels). Each rifle is outfitted with a M203 grenade launcher as well as a futuristic stock and handguard. As with the Japanese Type 89-Fs, each rifle is also equipped with a sight system designed to interface with the user's cyberbrain, implying that American Empire troops also undergo cyborg conversions before deployment.
Futurized L85A2 with M203
The British troops in Kusanagi's squad in episode 14's flashback to Mexico all carry Enfield L85A2 rifles that have undergone similar transformations to the previously described Type 89-F and Colt Model 933 rifles. Each L85 is given a futuristic handguard and barrel assembly, is outfitted with a M203 grenade launcher, and is equipped with a cyberbrain-interface targeting system, suggesting that all of the British troops have undergone full cyborg conversions.
Sniper Rifles
Blaser R93 LRS2
During the flashback story in episode 14, Saito's rifle during the 2020 Mexico engagement is a Blaser R93 LRS2. It is notable that he alone in this episode uses an "old-fashioned" purely optical sighting system on his rifle.
Walther WA 2000
During the flashback to the 2020 engagement in Mexico, Kusanagi carries a Walther WA 2000 with black polymer furniture and an extended magazine. Kusanagi, in contrast to Saito, has had the optical sight replaced by a purely cybernetic sight that interfaces directly with her cyberbrain via the QRS port on her neck.
Seburo Sniper Rifle
Saito's preferred bolt-action .50-caliber rifle from Stand Alone Complex makes a return for 2nd Gig.
Anti-Armor Sniper Rifle
Saito uses this massive rifle to disable a runaway attack helicopter in episode 4.
Seburo Anti-Tank Rifle
First seen in the second episode of Stand Alone Complex, Saito's 20mm anti-material rifle makes a reappearance in during the flashback to the 2020 Mexican War. This rifle is fictitious, but draws upon several real-world designs, primarily the Mechem NTW-20 and the Lahti L-39. Saito loads it with a single round and uses a remote trigger mechanism to blow up a car and cause a diversion so that he can attack from another angle.
Norinco Type 84S Target Rifle
A Dejima refugee on the Dejima Bridge barricade is seen using a sniper rifle built from a Kalashnikov rifle. Based on the long barrel and the ammunition box behind him labeled "5.56 NATO", it is likely that this rifle is a Norinco Type 84S Target Rifle.
Machine Guns
M61 Vulcan
The Jigabachi attack helicopters are armed with M61 Vulcan cannons. The gun is mounted on a pod at the rear of the aircraft that swings down like a wasps' stinger, hence the name "Jigabachi" (the Japanese name for the Sand Wasp).
Tachikoma's Shortened M134 Minigun
The Tachikoma's extremely short-barreled M134 from Stand Alone Complex makes a brief return during several of the Tachikomatic Days skits that follow every episode when one of the Tachikomas proposes a second version of its "Amphibious Tachikoma" design. The Tachikoma has attached the Minigun to the back of the proposed Tachikoma's head so that it faces the think-tank's pod, and offers up a rather unusual reason why.
Power-Suit Machine Gun
The MSDF Type 303 power suits from Stand Alone Complex return for the sequel, an bring their appropriately-sized machine gun / grenade launcher combination weapons with them.
Futurized M60
A young Batou is shown during the Mexico 2020 flashback using a M60 machine gun. LIke the Type 89-F, Colt Model 933, and L85, this modern weapon has been given a futuristic look to fit with the setting, although this weapon's modifications appear to be limited to the handguard.
General Dynamics GAU-19/A
The JGSDA combat suits in episode 20 are equipped with GAU-19 rotary guns. The forward barrel brace is circular as opposed to the GAU-19's typical triangular brace. An even shorter GAU-19 is seen mounted inside the claws of the HAW-206 tanks used by the JGSDA.
Futurized Type 98 Anti Aircraft Cannon
The fishing trawlers used by the Dejima refugees are often equipped with an anti-aircraft battery consisting of a shield and two Type 98 20mm anti-aircraft cannons with futuristic barrel shrouds.
Other Weapons
Anti-tank Rocket Launcher
The weapon dealers in episode 7 also possess at least one SMAW-D.

Prosthetic Shotguns
The terrorist "Angel's Feathers" has several shotguns built into his arm that all fire simultaneously.
FGM-148 Javelin
Several of the American soldiers seen in the 2020 Mexican War flashback carry FGM-148 Javelin missile launchers. These launchers have been slightly altered from their real-world counterparts, suggesting that they too are intended to be future variants.

FIM-92A Stinger
Dejima Refugees use several FIM-92A Stinger missiles simultaneously to shoot down the JSDF AWACS plane above the island that is jamming communications. The use of several missiles at once overwhelms the anti-missile countermeasures, and the depiction of the explosion is accurate in that the warhead explodes short of the target, destroying it with projected shrapnel from the missile's HE-Frag warhead.
Unidentified Rocket Launchers
A handful of the Dejima refugees are carrying unidentifed anti-tank RPG launchers. The warheads used strongly resemble those of the the Panzerfaust 3 and the rear port resembles that of an RPG-7.