Blue Bloods is an American police procedural series that stars Tom Selleck as Frank Reagan, the police commissioner of New York, whose has to deal with the problems of having his daughter as an attorney in the city as well as two sons who are officers in the Department. The series, which premiered on CBS in 2010, co-stars Donnie Wahlberg, Will Estes, Nicholas Turturro, and Bridget Moynahan.
The following firearms were used in the series Blue Bloods:
Detective Danny Reagan (Donnie Wahlberg) carries a Smith & Wesson 5946 as his sidearm in Season 1. The 5946 is one of three handguns authorized to be carried by the NYPD.
Glock 17
The Glock 17 is another handgun used by police in the series. It first appears as Det. Danny Reagan's sidearm in the pilot episode. In Season 1's finale "The Blue Templar", Sonny Malevsky (Michael T. Weiss) is seen with the Glock. In Season 2's "Critical Condition" (S2E03), Erin Reagan-Boyle (Bridget Moynahan) is seen firing the Glock at a shooting range.
Glock 19
The Glock 19 is the main handgun carried by NYPD uniformed officers in the series including Officer Jamie Reagan (Will Estes). It's also carried by Danny's partner Jackie Curatola (Jennifer Esposito).
Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) is seen firing a Colt on the range in Season 2's "Critical Condition".
Colt Official Police "Fitz Special"
Police Commissioner Frank Reagan (Tom Selleck) is seen carrying the Colt Official Police "Fitz Special" as his sidearm. The revolver was originally the sidearm of Frank's father Henry (Len Cariou), who said it was given to him as a gift by his policeman father.
Colt M1911A1
A robbery suspect is seen pulling an M1911A1 during a jewelry heist in Season 1's "Officer Down" . He is then seen engaging in a shootout with an NYPD officer on the street.
Colt M4A1 Carbine
The M4A1 carbine is seen used by officers of the NYPD's Emergency Services Unit, notably in Season 1's "Officer Down".
Franchi SPAS-12
Another robbery suspect is seen with a Franchi SPAS-12 shotgun during a jewelry heist in Season 1's "Officer Down" .