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Splinter Cell: Conviction
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction is the fifth installment in the Splinter Cell video game series. It was developed by Ubisoft Montreal with the help of Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Vegas team. The game takes place three years after Splinter Cell: Double Agent and tells the story of a renegade Third Echelon agent searching for truth and revenge.
The game was released on 13th April 2010 for the PC, Mac, X360, PS3, iOS and Android operation system.
The following weapons appear in the video game Splinter Cell: Conviction:
Conviction uses a truly unique weapon system, because in this game the pistols are the primary weapons. All other guns are optional, "alternative weapons". The game also uses a highly realistic health system (1-2 shots from a pistol grants a kill), which really makes the other big guns only secondaries, and not necessary ones. In addition to this, ALL pistols have unlimited ammo in any game mode, story mode or co-op.
FN Five-seveN
Sam's main weapon and sidearm like in the previous games is the FN Five-seveN, although this time it has a two tone black and flat dark earth frame, a built-in compensator-style suppressor and is appearing as the new USG model. Called "FIVE-SEVEN" in the game. Can be upgraded with a C-More style reflex sight (making it the only weapon to allow four marks to be targeted for "execution" one-hit kills), a laser aiming module and match grade ammo.
Heckler & Koch Mark 23 Mod 0
The Heckler & Koch Mark 23 appears as "MK.23" in Conviction. It is Sam's personal defense weapon of choice and is his default pistol unless the player equips another handgun from a weapon stash. Can be upgraded to hold 18 rounds from its starting 12. Can also be equipped with a laser sight and hollow point ammo. It is suppressed by default and is the most powerful pistol in the game. The only drawback is that only two enemies can be "executed" with it at the same time.
Anna: Here. Just make sure to aim it at the right people.
Sam: Oh I will...
Heckler & Koch USP45
The Heckler & Koch USP45 appears in Conviction as a usable pistol, it holds 12 rounds. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a laser sight and hollow point ammo. Called "USP.45" in the game.
Izhmech MP-446 Viking
The Izhmech MP-446 Viking appears as "MP-446" and is always suppressed. Holds 17 rounds in the magazine. Can be equipped with a reflex sight, a laser sight and match grade ammo. It has moderate range, stopping power and accuracy.
Walther P99
The Walther P99, with an olive drab frame, can be obtained through the Extras menu. Can be upgraded with extended magazine, laser sight, and match grade ammo. It is probably the .40 version because it holds 12 rounds.
IMI/Magnum Research Desert Eagle Mark I
The second weapon Fisher can pick up in the game is the Desert Eagle Mark I handgun. Many thugs carry it during the Malta level. It holds 7 rounds implying it is chambered for .50 AE, but the Mark I was never offered in that caliber. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, laser sight and match grade ammo. It looks to be the exact same model from Rainbow Six: Vegas.
SIG-Sauer P226R
The SIG-Sauer P226R is the preferred sidearm of the Russian guards in the game. Is used by Black Arrow mercenaries as well as Tom Reed and Grim. Cannot be suppressed but can be upgraded to hold 20 rounds from it's starting 13. Can also be equipped with a laser sight and match grade ammo. Despite being called a "P228" and having a 13-round magazine it is quite visibly a full size SIG-Sauer P226R, which is evident by how the slide protrudes further out from the frame.
SIG-Sauer P228
The inventory icon of the "P228" is a real SIG-Sauer P228. This could indicate that the weapon was planned to be the compact variant, but ended up as the full sized P226. The P228 also appears on the P.E.C. (short for Persistent Elite Creation) Challenge "Advanced Close Combat".
Beretta 92FS
Fisher is seen using a Beretta 92FS during the recapitulation of the events of the previous game. Note that him using a Beretta is a goof, because Fisher was using a Luger P08 in this particular scene in Double Agent.
Glock 17
A Glock 17 can be seen on the Laser Sight upgrade's icon. The developers probably wanted to choose a "neutral" gun for the image of this upgrade, that's why they've selected a unusable pistol.

Machine Pistols
Ingram MAC-11
The Ingram MAC-11 was seen in the hands of enemies in the early gameplay trailers. Has been removed from the final game.

Česká Zbrojovka SA Vz. 361 Skorpion
The modernized 9x19mm version of the SA Vz.61 Skorpion appears in the final game as a machine pistol. It is referred to as the "Skorpion". Can be upgraded with a better stock for improved accuracy, a reflex sight and hollow point ammunition.

TsNIITochMash SR-2M Veresk
The TsNIITochMash SR-2M Veresk appears correctly as "SR-2M" in the game with the fore-grip removed. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a laser sight and a reflex sight.
Heckler & Koch MP7A1
The Heckler & Koch MP7A1 can be unlocked in the Extras menu. Can be equipped with a reflex sight, match grade ammo and an extended magazine, giving it 40 rounds from the original 20. It is the only suppressed machine pistol in Conviction. Also, because the MP7A1 is classified as a machine pistol and not a submachine gun, it can be fired while hanging from pipes and ledges.
Submachine Guns
Heckler & Koch UMP45
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 is carried by Third Echelon agents and members of the Washington Police. Called "UMP-45" but holds 30 rounds like the .40S&W version (UMP40). Can be upgraded with a suppressor, a laser sight and hollow point ammo.
Heckler & Koch MP5N
The Heckler & Koch MP5N appears as "MP5-N" in Conviction. Black Arrow soldiers use it as their primary weapon in the early levels of the game. Can be upgraded with a laser sight, reflex sight and hollow point ammo.
Heckler & Koch MP5SD-N1
The Heckler & Koch MP5SD-N1 appears in Conviction as "MP5-SD3". Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a 2x scope and hollow point ammo. The M68 Aimpoint reflex sight appears to be mounted backwards on this and several other submachine guns and rifles.
Assault Rifles & Battle Rifles
The SC3000 (an improved version of the SC-20K seen in the previous Splinter Cell games) is a heavily modified FN F2000 Tactical. The biggest difference can be seen in the weapon's magazine; instead of the F2000's STANAG mags the SC3000 uses new, horizontal magazines. The round control on the side and magazine design could suggest that the modifications were inspired by the Crye MR-C caseless bullpup assault rifle (a mock-up of a never-produced rifle seen in two other Tom Clancy titles, namely G.R.A.W. and G.R.A.W. 2), which had a similarly extremely high rate of fire, magazine design, and a rotary cocking handle. The high stopping power remains even if it's suppressed. It also lacks any sort of ejection port, including the F2000's patented forward ejection port system, suggesting that this weapon uses caseless ammunition.
The SC3000 is carried by several Third Echelon Splinter Cells. Can be upgraded with a better gun stock, suppressor and hollow point ammo.
Barrett M468
The Barrett M468 is another usable assault rifle in the game. It is correctly referred to as the earlier M468 direct impingement model as noted by the fully shrouded HK style front post and its distinctive ARMS SIR bi-level free floating handguard. Carried by Third Echelon agents and Black Arrow mercenaries. Can be upgraded with a reflex sight, a suppressor and hollow point ammo.
TsNIITochMash SR-3 Vikhr
Referred to as "Vikhr", the SR-3 Vikhr is an assault rifle that can be unlocked in the Extras menu. Also seen in CO-OP in Kobin's hands when he's getting in the cargo plane. The Vikhr can be upgraded with 2X scope, gun stock and match grade ammo. Incorrectly appears as a submachine gun in the game.
Heckler & Koch G36C
The Heckler & Koch G36C is used by Black Arrow mercenaries and also by Kobin in the single player campaign. Can be upgraded with a 2X scope, a laser sight and match grade ammo.

Heckler & Koch G36K
Inventory icon of the G36C is a G36K with Export scope.

The Fabrique Nationale SCAR-H CQC can be obtained through UPlay. It erroneously holds 30 rounds like the "L" variant. Can be upgraded with an ACOG (which appears as "4X scope" in the game), a laser sight and match grade ammo. The trigger unit (pistol grip, trigger guard, and fire selector area) is modeled from an First Generation SCAR-H.
The GIAT FAMAS G2 is another unlockable weapon in the game. It is one of the best assault rifles in the game due to it's high rate of fire and superb accuracy. The only disadvantage is that the FAMAS G2 cannot be suppressed. It can be upgraded with a 2X scope, laser sight and match grade ammo.
Izhmash AKS-74U
The AKS-74U appears in the flashback level and in CO-OP. Carried by several Iraqi insurgents and mercenaries. Can be upgraded with a laser sight, extended mags, and hollow point ammo. It is also incorrectly a submachine gun in the game.
Izhmash AK-47
The AK-47 appears in the flashback level as Vic's primary weapon. Can be upgraded with an extended magazine (55 rounds), a 4X ACOG (which is anachronistic to the Desert Storm period), and match grade ammo. During the flashback level, it has unlimited ammunition. The model itself appears to be the same AK-47 from Rainbow Six: Vegas.
Benelli M3 Super 90
The Benelli M3 Super 90 shotgun appears as "M3" in the game and can be unlocked in the Extras menu for free. Holds 8 shells, is very effective in close quarters but is limited to pump-action fire-mode. Not very common among Black Arrow soldiers, because they prefer the automatic weapons, mainly the M468 and MP5N.
Mossberg 500 Cruiser
The Mossberg 500 Cruiser appears in the game as a usable shotgun. It is the only shotgun available in the standard edition of the game. Holds 8 shells like the Benelli M3 Super 90 even though it only has an 5-round mag-tube. Referred as the "M-500". Can be upgraded with a laser sight, a reflex sight and match grade ammo.
Franchi SPAS-12
The suppressed Franchi SPAS-12 can only be obtained if someone pre-orders the game. Can be upgraded with a gun stock, a 2X scope and match grade ammo. Appears in semi-automatic mode only.
Other Weapons
FN M240D
The FN M240D machine gun makes an appearance in the game as a mounted turret. It is seen equipped with a heat-shield. The M240D is the stationary version of the M240 General Purpose Machine Gun.

M134 Minigun
The wall-mounted automated turrets were originally planned to be Miniguns, however the developers changed it to M240D machine guns during development. However, on the turret's control panel, the Minigun icon can be still seen.
Fisher, Archer and Kestrel can use various equipment in the game to surprise the enemy or escape from a hot situation. The EMP grenade can be used to temporarily disable cameras, lights and the flashlights of the enemy guards. It can also stun the enemies just like a flashbang. The remote and proximity mine can stick to any surface and kill any enemy that comes near. The sticky camera can be used to observe areas and tag enemies, or lure guards into their death using its ability to play loud music. When an enemy hears the music, he will start to investigate and can be blown up when he moves close to the camera.
The firing technique Sam Fisher and the other Third Echelon agents use is called C.A.R. (Center Axis Relock). This system allows the operator to engage and disengage very quickly, while maintaining maneuverability and stability, and negating most of the recoil. The system works well with all kinds of weapons, small arms or longer guns.
The less-lethal takedown seen in the game is also a part of the C.A.R. system.
The C.A.R. technique was invented by Paul Castle, Chief Instructor of Sabre Tactical Training and Research, Inc. Paul Castle (born 1959) passed away on September 14th, 2011 after a long battle with cancer. Rest In Peace, Paul.