The following weapons appear in the video game Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault :
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (2004)
Colt M1911A1
The M1911A1 is available to the player at several times during the game. It is also seen as one of the two primary weapons of the squad's Corpsman. In-game, the M1911A1 is customized with bright, wooden grips.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1911A1 pistol - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player holding his M1911A1.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M1911A1. Note the bright wooden grips.
Colt M1917 Revolver
Corpsmen carry M1917 revolvers as their sidearm, which is used by the player in some missions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Colt M1917 Revolver (Military issue with lanyard ring) - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player with his M1917 revolver.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M1917 revolver.
Nambu Type 14
Japanese officers and corpsman carry Nambu Type 14s as their sidearm and it's usable to the player periodically.
Nambu Type 14 pistol - 8x22mm Nambu
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player with his Nambu Type 14.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Nambu Type 14.
Submachine Guns
M1928A1 Thompson
In Basic Training, the M1928A1 Thompson appears with a 50 round drum. In the Pearl Harbor mission, the Thompson has a 30 round stick even though 30 round magazines weren't available until 1942 when the M1/M1A1 Thompson came out, and later in the game, it comes with a 50 round drum magazine again.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1928A1 "Tommy Gun" .45 ACP with 50-round drum magazine.
File:MoHPA-M1928A1.jpg M1928A1 Thompson in-game. Note the M1A1 Howitzer in the background.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player fires an M1928A1 Thompson with a drum magazine.
Type 100 submachine gun
The Type 100 submachine gun is first usable halfway through the Makin mission, and usable through the rest of the game. but in small numbers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 100 submachine gun - 8x22mm Nambu
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 100 in-game.
Reising M55
The Reising M55 (which appears in-game with a 20 round magazine) makes its first appearance on Makin, and is available off a dead marine on Tarawa.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reising M55 submachine gun (folding stock variant) - .45 ACP
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reising M55 in-game.
M1 Garand
The M1 Garand is first seen in a shack in Henderson Airfield and it's available for use on Guadalcanal and Tarawa. It is never seen without a bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Garand semiautomatic rifle with leather M1917 sling - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Garand in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the M1 Garand.
M1 Carbine
The M1 Carbine is commonly used by Allied troops.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing World War Two era M1 Carbine , with dark walnut stock, 'L' peep sight and no bayonet lug - correct for most of WW2, shown with khaki sling and magazine pouch for buttstock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1 Carbine in-game.
M1903A3 Springfield
The M1903A3 Springfield is used in Basic Training without a scope, and with a scope. It is the primary weapon of Willy Gaines, the squad's sniper. Available in Tarawa, can be found in one of the LVTs.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1903A3 Springfield - 30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1903A4 Springfield sniper variant .30-06 with M84 scope.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Gaines with his scoped M1903A3 Springfield. Note that his Unertl sniper scope is missing the front part.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M1903A3 Springfield being reloaded during Basic Training.
M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle
Gunnery Sergeant Frank Minoso uses an M1918A2 Browning Automatic Rifle in all of the missions in which he appears with a screw-on compensator. It is also used by the player, and it is noted that Frank has scratched "Minoso" on the buttstock.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Minoso with his BAR.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player with his BAR during the Tarawa landings.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the BAR.
Boys AT rifle
The Boys Antitank Rifle appears in one of the missions near Henderson Airfield.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Boys MKI Anti-Tank Rifle - .55 Boys (13.9x99B)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Boys AT rifle on the ground.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Boys AT rifle in the player's hands.
Type 97 Sniper rifle
The only Japanese rifle without a bayonet, the Type 97 is used in the Lunga River mission to take out snipers hidden in the trees. The Type 97 sniper rifle was basically an Arisaka Type 38 fitted with a side-mounted sniper scope. The difference between the Type 97 and the Type 38 is that the Type 97 has a very sluggish rate of fire, a lighter stock, and a side-mounted telescopic scope. One of the unique features of the Type 97 that also appears in-game is that the 6.5x50mm Arisaka the rifle fires has no muzzle flash due to the small cartridge and the length of the barrel, making it difficult to do counter-sniping activity with a sniper using this weapon.
File:Type97Sniper-MoHPA.jpg The Type 97 sniper rifle being carried by the player.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Type 97.
M38 Arisaka
The majority of Japanese troopers use Arisaka Type 38s as their primary weapon. Like the Garand, it is never seen without a bayonet.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 38 Arisaka bolt action rifle - 6.5x50mm Arisaka
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 38 in-game.
Arisaka Type 44 carbine
A few Japanese troops are seen with Type 44 Carbines in a few levels, most notably near the end of the Tarawa level.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Arisaka Type 38 Carbine - 6.5x50mm Arisaka, a similar rifle to the Type 44.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 44 Carbine in the hands of the player.
Remington Model 11
The Remington Model 11 is available to be used by the player on Tarawa, and is a hidden weapon on Makin. (hint: look in the downed pilot's plane)
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A reproduction of the Remington Model 11 "Whipit" gun.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Remington Model 11 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Reloading the Remington Model 11.
Machine Guns
Browning M2HB Watercooled
The Browning M2HB Watercooled is used in a mission to blow up torpedoes approaching a submarine, and later used to shoot down Zero fighters attacking a PBY Catalina. You later get to use the aircraft version in a dual mount during the "Flyboys" mission.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2 .50 watercooled.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2HB Watercooled in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the M2HB Watercooled.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M2 Aircraft .50 BMG
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Dual-mounted Browning M2 Aircrafts mounted on a bomber in the "Flyboys" mission.
Browning M1919A4
The Browning M1919A4 first appears in Basic Training, then in the Bloody Ridge level, and on a hilltop on Guadalcanal.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 - .30-06 on M2 tripod.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Browning M1919A4 mounted on an mg nest during the "Bloody Ridge" level.
M1941 Johnson light machine gun
The M1941 Johnson machine gun is usable only on the last stage of "Bloody Ridge," and only if you have the Director's Edition of the game (the Johnson is special content unique to that version of the game). It appears as a starting loadout in some of the missions.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M1941 Johnson machine gun - .30-06
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1941 Johnson LMG in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The M1941 Johnson LMG on the ground.
Lewis gun
The PT boat you go into during the Pearl Harbor mission has dual-mounted Lewis guns .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lewis gun - .303
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the dual-mounted Lewis Guns mounted on a PT boat during the famous Pearl Harbor attack.
Type 92 Heavy Machine Gun
The machine guns seen mounted on Japanese bunkers throughout the game are Type 92s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Nambu Type 92 HMG - 7.7x58mm
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the Type 92 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Type 92 in-game.
Type 92 LMG (watercooled)
A mobile, watercooled Type 92 (a Japanese version of the Lewis Gun) appears as a mobile machine gun that can be carried around by machine gun crews and the player and placed on a large, even space on the ground.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Lewis gun - .303 British, similar to the Type 92 in-game.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 92 in mounting position.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Manning the Type 92 in "Bloody Ridge."
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The Type 92 being carried by the player.
Type 96 light machine gun
Near the middle of the Tarawa level, you get to use Type 96 light machine guns fitted with bayonets.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 99 light machine gun with Model 30 bayonet 7.7x58mm Arisaka, which is similar to the Type 96.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player firing the Type 96 as Japanese troops in cover.
Type 97 light machine gun
Most of the Japanese tanks have hull-mounted Type 97s .
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Type 97 light machine gun 7.7x58mm Arisaka
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 97 mounted in the hull of the Type 98 "Ke-Ni" light tank.
Mk. II frag grenade
You start with some Mk. II frag grenades , the standard-issued grenades of the U.S. military during World War II, in almost every mission. In the training level, the Mk. II training grenade appears.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 High-Explosive fragmentation hand grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing Mk 2 training grenade.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing The player with a Mk 2 grenade.
M2 Mortar
M2 Mortars make their first appearance in the training level and appear again during the "Bloody Ridge" attack.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing M2 60mm Mortar
Error creating thumbnail: File missing An M2 Mortar behind some sandbags.
Type 99 Mortars
Type 99 Mortars appear as the primary weapon for Japanese mortar teams.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing A Type 99 Mortar next to a dead Japanese mortar user.
M97 frag grenade
Standard grenade of Japanese Soldiers.
Error creating thumbnail: File missing